Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 373: 373

Two men came down the stairs, Shanzi and Laoka, the suspects of car theft. They had just finished surfing the Internet and were preparing to leave.

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Internet cafes are very coquettish, they did not hear the boss just now.

Seeing Han Bin and the owner of the Internet bar standing in the way of the stairs, the tall man's voice was a little impatient: "Hey, let's get out of the way, they're all standing here..."

In the middle of the story, Shanzi was stunned. In the corner of his eye, he saw Tian Junhai beside the stairway. To be exact, it was his police uniform.

Stalemate for about a second, Han Bin let to one side, seems to give way to Shanzi and old card.

Shanzi pushed his glasses. Seeing that the man in police uniform didn't move, he winked at the short old card beside him. They hesitated for a moment and continued to walk downstairs.

They did a lot of work last night. Although they didn't get much money, they still had spare money in their hands. In addition, they also got money from ill gotten gains, so they spent it quickly.

Both of them are night owls. They sleep during the day and play at night. Together, they simply pay for the night in the Internet bar. The money is enough to spend a few days.

As for the new year's money, think of other ways.

Two people play some tired, also some hungry, want to leave the Internet bar, get some food, sleep, in the evening out activities.

As a result, this is what happened.

At this moment, both of them were beating drums in their hearts, especially when they saw the police uniform. They were scared to shiver.

They don't know whether the police came to arrest them or whether they recognized them.

But now they have no choice but to gamble.

At this moment, Shanzi made up his mind to leave Qindao as soon as he could muddle through this time.

No face, no face, shame, shame, for such a small case, the police will not go all the way to his hometown.

All these bad ideas appeared in his mind in a flash.

After thinking about the pros and cons, Shanzi took a deep breath and walked downstairs calmly.

He went down the stairs, his heart racing, his head bowed, trying not to attract the attention of the men in uniform.

One step, two steps, three steps

He successfully crossed with the men in police uniform.

Shanzi's face showed an irrepressible smile, secretly scolded, silly x, wearing police uniform ox x, it's not that he didn't recognize Laozi.

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When Shanzi was about to leave the Internet bar, he suddenly felt that his wrists were blocked and he fell forward.

Fortunately, the mountain was more flexible. He supported the ground with both hands and didn't fall into a mess.

Just when he was ready to get up, he felt that he was resisted behind his back, and a strong force came up.

"Bang!" With a loud sound, Shanzi's face still touched the ground.

"Police, don't move!"

It turned out that Shanzi escaped Tian Junhai in his police uniform, but not Li Hui and Zhao Ming behind him. He was directly subdued by them.

The old card in the back was scared directly. Before he could react, he was held down by Han Bin.

Tian Junhai took Lao Ka's arm and handcuffed him.

"Ah, pain, comrade police, did you catch the wrong person?" The mountain cried.

Han Bin opened Lao Ka's backpack and poured out the contents. There were half cigarettes, watches and bracelets, all of which were lost by Toyota owners.

"Sister, it's really something you two bastards stole." Tian Junhai is also an old policeman. He grabs old card's hair, lifts him up and points to the things on the ground:

"where did this come from?"

"Uncle policeman, we picked it up." Old card was in tears.

"Tough talk, right?" Tian Junhai smiles and says to Han Bin: "team leader Han, take them back to the Institute. I'll keep them clear."

Han Bin is happy and relaxed.

Ten minutes later, the crowd returned to the police station.

As soon as they entered the gate of the police station, Shanzi and Lao Ka were thoroughly counselled.

"Comrade police, we really picked up these things. Please let me go." Cried Shanzi with a cry.

"Pa!" It's a crisp sound.

Tian Junhai a brain scoop pulled past: "don't open mouth to come, you when the police is a fool, good fool!"

In order to avoid collusion, Han Bin proposed: "Sheriff Tian, let's try the two boys separately. The accomplice and the principal always get a clear score."

"Leader Han is right." Tian Junhai should be a, he and the police station is responsible for the interrogation of old card.

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Han Bin, Li Hui and Zhao Ming are responsible for the interrogation of Shanzi.

"Binzi, you have a rest. Let me have a trial with Zhao Ming." Li huidao.

Han Bin nodded, took a cigarette, leaned against the table and smoked it.

Li Hui turned on the law enforcement recorder and routinely asked: "name, age..."

"Cao Shan, 23 years old..."

"Do you know where this is?""Police station."

"The police won't arrest people for no reason. You should be very clear about what you have committed. I'll ask you and think about it. Cheating the police is also an illegal act. It will make you more guilty. Do you understand?"


"Last night, two white cars were stolen in Xinxin town. One was Toyota and the other was Audi A4. Did you steal them?"

Cao Shan had a complicated look on his face. He opened his mouth, but he didn't speak.

Li Hui touched his nose: "we have found out that there are two people who committed the crime. If you don't say it, it doesn't mean that your accomplice doesn't say it. Maybe he has already explained it now. If he becomes a tainted witness, you will be miserable."

Cao Shan has lost his mind.

Because there was no camera at the scene of the theft, he was not willing to admit it because he was lucky.

however, he was worried about whether the police could really grasp the evidence if they could catch them so quickly.

At the same time, he is also afraid that old card can't bear it. He will explain himself first, and then he will be trapped.

After thinking about it for a while, holding the idea that a dead Taoist friend will never die a poor one, Cao Shan said: "Comrade police, we stole those two cars last night."

"Who is the mastermind?"

"Old card."

"Full name?"

"Zhu tingye, this boy likes Naruto very much, so he takes a nickname called Laoka."

"What did he tell you?"

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Cao Shan hesitated for a moment and replied, "it's almost new year's day, Lao Ka No, Zhu tingye has no money in his hand, and he loves face. It's like getting some money and going home. "

"How did you two steal it? Tell me about the crime. "

"Lao Ka stole the white Toyota first. He broke the glass and climbed in through the window. He didn't get anything of value, so he focused on the white Audi. As a result, the car didn't lock at all, so he opened the door and went in. Later, he found that there was blood in the back of the Audi, which scared us both away. " Speaking of this, Cao Shan added:

"police comrades, I didn't want to steal. I just stood by and watched. It was all done by Lao Ka."

Cao Shan is still used to calling each other by nickname.

"How did the blood come from the Audi?" Li Hui said tentatively.

"Comrade police, it's none of our business. When Lao Ka and I opened the car door, the blood on the back seat was dry. It really has nothing to do with us." Cao Shan quickly denied it.

It's not a joke. Stealing can't last long, but if it's related to homicide, it's a serious crime.

"What did you two steal in the white Audi?" Han Bin interjected.

Cao Shan lowered his head, eyes flashing: "old card found 500 yuan in a wallet, the rest seems to be gone."

"What else?" Han Bin asked.

"No, at that time, old card found blood in the back seat, so we scared away. We didn't search carefully at all."

"Where's the dash cam of the Audi you stole?" Han Bin is anxious to catch the thief, the most important thing is to find the whereabouts of the dash cam.

Cao Shan shook his head: "we haven't touched the dash cam at all. We don't have a car. It's useless to ask for that."

"Don't lie. Just because you don't say it doesn't mean your partner doesn't say it."

"Comrades of the police, believe me, no one really takes the tachograph."

"Did you see the dash cam when you went to steal from the car?"

"Brother, I can't remember clearly. It was the first time I did this kind of thing. I was so nervous at that time that I didn't care about it. What's more, when we saw blood in the back seat, we were both scared away. We didn't care about the rest. " Cao Shandao.

Hanbin asked again, did not ask no other clues.

Then, Han Bin let the police take Cao Shan to the detention room.

Zhao Ming touched his nose and snorted: "this boy is also a slippery one. He has put the blame on his accomplice."

"Car theft is still dominated by Sergeant Tian. Let him worry about it." Li Hui has been familiar with this kind of dog biting.

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"Bingo, what's the matter with that dash cam you're talking about?" Zhao Ming asked.

"Lewin found that the car's dash cam was missing. I looked at it and found that the base of the dash cam was facing inward. I couldn't get a picture of the front of the car at all, but of the inside of the car. "

Li Hui also took out a cigarette: "that is to say, the suspect's crime process is likely to be photographed by the dash cam."

"Yes, now that the dash cam is gone, it is either taken away by the murderer or stolen by the thief. Now it seems that the murderer is more likely to take it away." Han Bin said.

"I day, this also too changed too, unexpectedly also will own commit a crime process to photograph, this is not nothing to look for trouble." Zhao Mingdao.

Li Hui said, "I'll tell you that people who can do this kind of thing are becoming too much. Now the society is so open, and I'm afraid I can't make a girlfriend with snacks. The killer is not a normal person. ""Huige, if it had been decades earlier, you would have been a traitor. You've only been off for a few days, and your ass is moving too fast. " Zhao Ming made a face.

"I didn't know before, but now, hehe..." Li Hui looks like you know.

"Come on, stop the bullshit." Han Bin waved his hand and arranged a task for them: "Li Hui, copy the video of Cao Shan's interrogation to Beixin police station."


"Zhao Ming, make a copy of all the surveillance near the scene of the car theft and take it back to the branch."

"Bingo, haven't the suspects in the car theft been caught? What are we going to monitor for? " Zhao Ming asked.

Han Bin glared at him: "you boy dizzy, our goal has never been a thief."

Li Hui responded: "binzi, you can catch the thief through the footprints, can you also catch the murderer through the footprints?"

Han Bin shook his head, but said: "the murderer left when it was still snowing, shoe prints were covered with snow, plus the next day there are signs of melting, the murderer's footprints have been destroyed."

Even so, the surrounding monitoring is still valuable.

The murderer put the car in Xinxin town in the early morning of yesterday. Few people went out during that period. As long as the people who appeared near the scene during this period were suspected.

The murderer is cruel, cunning, and can't speculate with ordinary people's thinking. Han Bin must find all possible clues.

"Ding Ling Ling..."

Han Bin's mobile phone rings, and Tian Li's name is displayed on it. He presses "hello."

"Team leader, I found out the details of Xue Mengjiao."

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