Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 378: 378

"Judging by the time, Xue Mengjiao should have been controlled by the murderer and not killed by the murderer when she sent this wechat. Could she have sent it under the threat of the murderer?" Said duchy.

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Han Bin pondered for a moment: "I don't think it's possible. If it's really under the threat of the murderer, she can say that she won't go home tonight and will stay with her classmates or friends for one night. If she doesn't know the situation of Xue Mengjiao's family, the murderer may not doubt that Xue Mengjiao is under duress. Why should she lie so perfectly that Lin Yuejiao doesn't have the slightest feelings Doubt. "

"If it's really an acquaintance, I think Xia Binhai's suspicion has further increased." Tian Li Road.

"In this way, I'll arrange the task ahead of time." Han Bin organized the language for a while and continued:

"once Xue Mengjiao's DNA comparison and identification are successful, Duqi is applying to investigate her correspondence records."

"Tian Li, you are responsible for finding Xia Binhai's whereabouts."

"I took people to visit Shimian community to see if there were any witnesses."


Although all the clues point to Xue Mengjiao as the dead, the appearance of the dead is damaged. To apply for some investigation procedures, we still need to use the DNA identification certificate as the basis.

It's eight o'clock in the evening when Han Bin returns home. His mother has left dinner for him.

After dinner, I sat in the massage chair and chatted with my grandfather for a while, then went back to sleep upstairs.

Generally, when there are important cases on hand, Han Bin will ensure his sleep. In case of finding important clues, let alone sleeping, he can't even care about eating.


The next morning.

Yuhua Branch, technical team.

After work, Han Bin did not return to the office, went directly to the technical team there.

The technical team is on the fourth floor. There is a smell of potion in the corridor.

Next to the stairs is the office of the technical team. As for the laboratory, Han Bin can't get in.

There is only one policewoman on duty in the technical team. After asking about Han Bin's intention, she asks Han Bin to wait in the office. She goes to the laboratory to ask.

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Han Bin was not in a hurry, so he sat on the chair and waited.

He didn't come to the technical team many times. To be honest, he didn't enter the laboratory once. He was also curious about what it would look like.

A few minutes later, the door of the office opened and Lu Wen came into the office: "rare guest, leader Han is still here for the first time."

"Three or four times, but you're not here." Han Bin shrugged his shoulders.

"Team leader Han, you are very interested in this case."

"If you don't care, it's a serial homicide. After the first victim was killed, even the city criminal investigation team didn't catch the murderer. I'm under a lot of pressure. Can I do it if I don't hurry up? " Han Bin showed a touch of bitterness.

"That's true. The suspect in this case is also a tough character." Lu Wendao.

"How about the identification of the dead?"

Lu Wen handed over a document: "without this, I dare not see you."

Han Bin smiles and takes the certificate.

Lu Wen gave a brief introduction: "the result of DNA comparison between Lin Yuejiao and the deceased is indeed a mother daughter relationship."

"Well, with this, I feel at ease." Han Bin said.

If we say one thousand and ten thousand, inference is inference after all.

"By the way, did you compare the fingerprints on the Dodge suit?"

"It's also in the database."

"Hard work." Han Bin reaches out and pats Lu Wen on the shoulder.

No matter how strong Han Bin's criminal investigation ability is, if he wants to solve the case, he can't do without the support of the technical team.

Han Bin is anxious to investigate the case, but he doesn't stay in the technical team. He says hello to Lu Wen and leaves.

With this identification certificate, it can be determined that Xue Mengjiao is the dead, and the speculation about the case also has a basis.

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According to Han Bin yesterday's task arrangement, two groups of people began to investigate separately.


Shimian district is an old district.

Shimian district is divided into three phases: the first Shimian District, the second Shimian district and the third Shimian district.

These three communities are connected together, so it is difficult for outsiders to distinguish them apart from the old residents.

Han Bin, Li Hui and Zhao Ming drove to Shimian community.

At the beginning, the three people were ready to drive around the community. As a result, the car stopped halfway. Because the community road was narrow, the phenomenon of random parking was serious, especially when meeting cars, it was very troublesome. They had to stop close to the side first and let the opposite car drive by before they could drive forward.

Later, the three simply got off the car and walked around the community. One was to check the environment of the community, and the other was to check the location of the camera.

After turning around the community, Han Bin found that the community has monitoring, but most of them can't be used.

On a cold day, there is no one to rest outside. Han Bin and others want to inquire, but they can't find anyone.

Later, Han Bin three people simply went to the neighborhood committee nearby, generally this kind of old community, is responsible by the neighborhood committee.After arriving at the neighborhood committee, Han Bin and others were received by a woman in her fifties. Although she was not young, she was very fashionable. She had short black hair and an apple mobile phone in her hand. She was quite capable.

"Sit down, comrades. What can I do for you in this cold weather?" She asked.

"Auntie, what's your name?"

"My name is Lin."

Han Bin took out the police certificate and let aunt Lin have a look: "we are from the criminal investigation team of Yuhua Branch. We are investigating a case. A suspected vehicle involved in the case has been to Shimian community. We want to know the situation."

"Shimian district is divided into three phases, one phase, two phases, or three phases?"

"I can't tell. We came to see you just to check the monitoring."

"There is monitoring, but it's not in us, it's in the property company."

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"Which property company?"

"Wangcai property company."

"Aunt, did I hear right? Is the property company called Wangcai?" Zhao Ming was surprised.

Aunt Lin laughed: "I know what you are thinking, but this property company is called Wangcai, it can't be fake."

"Where is this property company? Can you give us a contact information or address?" Han Bin asked.

"I can't remember where it is. Let me check your mobile number." With that, aunt Lin took out a small book and began to search for it. After a while, she said, "remember, 134254xxx"

Han Bin was about to make a phone call, but she stopped him: "I'd better call. People in the property company recognize me and it's convenient to communicate."

"Thank you." To save time for investigation, Han Bin is naturally relaxed.

Aunt Lin went to one side and contacted Wangcai property company. Then she said to Han Bin, "well, I'll take you there. It's hard to find that land."

"Yes, please." Han Bin smiles. This aunt is warm-hearted and suitable for working in the neighborhood committee.

The four of them got on the bus and went down to Wangcai property company under the guidance of aunt Lin. it was not far away. It was only ten minutes' drive.

Wangcai property company is in an alley. There is an old sign hanging at the door. There is only one front room with several computers. There are several people sitting and chatting in the room.

The person in charge of Wangcai property company is a manager surnamed Chen, a man about 40 years old. He was very enthusiastic after meeting aunt Lin.

After Han Bin and others explained their intention, manager Chen showed a look of embarrassment: "police comrade, if you want to see the surveillance, it must be no problem, but..."

"What's the matter?"

"Most of the monitoring has been unable to use, now only five monitoring can be used, Shimian community phase I, phase II each has two monitoring, phase III has one monitoring." Manager Chen said.

Li Hui questioned: "your property company is also too irresponsible. We went to Shimian residential area for a tour. There are not many monitoring systems, and most of them can't be used. Can this ensure the safety of residents?"

"Comrades of the police, we can't do anything about it. The key is that we are short of funds and can't do anything about it." Manager Chen said helplessly.

"There are property fees. Where are the property fees?"

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Manager Chen sighed: "I'm not afraid of your jokes. I can't collect tens of thousands of property fees this year. I'm also responsible for cleaning garbage for Shimian community, collecting water and electricity fees. If the pipeline is broken, we need to repair it. We can't make two dollars a year. If it's not for Aunt Lin's face, we don't want to do it."

"How much is your property fee?" Zhao Ming asked.

"We charge by household. There are three types of houses in Shimian community, one for 100, two for 150 and three for 200."

"A month?"

Manager Chen shook his head: "one year."

Zhao Ming calculated: "there are two or three thousand households in this Shimian community. It is reasonable to say that they can charge hundreds of thousands of property fees."

"Comrade, I'll give you the bottom line. It's good to have one tenth of the people pay the property fee. I really can't collect it." Manager Chen complained.

"There are several monitors, count them. Manager Chen, please copy it for us Han Bin doesn't want to worry about it any more.

"Ding Ling Ling..." At this time, Han Bin's mobile phone rings. He takes out his mobile phone and has a look. What is displayed on the screen is the number of duchy.

Han Bin out of the property company, press the answer button: "hello."

"Team leader, Xiaopeng and I are in the communication company. We have checked Xue Mengjiao's communication records and printed out a list of recent contacts." Durge's voice came out of the cell phone.

"Any suspicious contacts?"

"Around 4 p.m. the day before yesterday, Xue Mengjiao contacted a man named Yao Chuang, who was also Xue Mengjiao's last contact. I checked his registration information and lived in Shimian community." Du Qi said this and added:

"Yao Chuang and Xue Mengjiao talk frequently. They should be very familiar with each other. I think Xue Mengjiao probably came to see Yao Chuang when she came to Shimian community.""We are now near Shimian community. You can send the detailed information of Yao Chuang to us, and we'll investigate."


After copying the video, Yao Chuang's materials were also sent.

Han Bin and others immediately returned to Shimian community.

Yao Chuang is the last person who has contacted Xue Mengjiao and lives in Shimian community. He is likely to be involved in the case

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