Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 379: 379

In a running SUV.

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Han Bin sat in the co pilot's seat and looked at Du Qifa's information.

Name: mobile phone

: Yao:

ID number: 37021XXXX

: Address: the 201 room of unit 3, building 5, asbestos area,

, Zhao Ming, who sits in the driver's cab, glimpses the information of Yao Chuang: "bin brother, this Yao Chuang is the last contact of Xue Mengjiao, and lives in asbestos area. Is he the killer?"

Han Bin did not lift his head: "look at the road."

Li Hui drank a mouthful of mineral water and moistened his throat: "I don't think it's possible. Because Yao Chuang lives here, he is unlikely to kill here. Otherwise, it's easy for the police to suspect him."

"There is an old saying that the most dangerous place is exactly the safest place. The suspect has certain anti reconnaissance ability, and maybe he will do the opposite." Zhao Ming retorts.

"Don't talk about it. Just investigate." Hanbin interrupted two people's words, aunt Lin is also in the car, Hanbin does not want to reveal too much of the case.

Of course, about Yao Chuang, Han Bin did not deliberately hide. After all, they are not familiar with Shimian community, and they need aunt Lin's help to lead the way.


Room 201, unit 3, building 5, Shimian community phase I.

A woman in her forties, wearing an apron, was cooking in the kitchen.

"Dong Dong..." There was a knock at the door.

The woman yelled: "Xiao Chuang, open the door and see who it is?"

There was no response in the room. The woman sighed, turned off the fire and walked out of the kitchen: "who is it?"

"The neighborhood committee."

The woman took a picture from the cat's eye, and then opened the door of the house: "Yo, auntie, why are you here?"

"Come to your house and find out." Said Aunt Lin.

Aunt Lin has been working in the neighborhood committee for so many years. Some people may not be able to name her, but as long as she is an old resident, she can be familiar.

"Ma'am, please come in and say something." The woman stepped aside.

"Good." Aunt Lin answered and went straight into the house.

She was followed by two other people, including Han Bin and Zhao Ming.

"What are these two, ma'am?"

"We're the police. Let's get some information." Han Bin looked at the woman: "what do you call it?"

"I'm Feng Chunyan. What can I do for you?"

"Is Yao Chuang here?"

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"Yes, he's in the bedroom." Feng Chunyan answered and wondered, "what can I do for you?"

"Call him out."

Feng Chunyan went to the bedroom door: "Xiao Chuang, you come out, some police comrades want to know something about you."

After a while, the door of the room opened, and a young man in his early twenties came out. His hair was in a mess, and he looked a little listless.

"Why, what can I do for you?"

"Your name is Yao Chuang?"


"I'm a policeman. Do you know why I came to you?" Han Bin asked.

Yao Chuang takes a look at Han Bin, then Li Hui, and shakes his head.

"Do you know Xue Mengjiao?"

Yao Chuang's face changed slightly: "I know."

"Now you know why we came to you." Han Bin tried.

Yao Chuang hesitated for a moment: "can you give me a hint?"

"White Audi."

Yao Chuang sighed: "yes, I did it."

So quickly recognized, but let Hanbin some accident: "say about the crime process."

Yao Chuang rubbed his nose: "in the process of committing a crime, I changed the license plate."

"Why change the license plate?" Han Bin asked

"I..." Yao Chuang took a look at his mother, and he was ready to talk.

Han Bin saw the other party's anomaly: "aunt Lin, please and Ms. Feng to avoid, we want to talk to Yao Chuang alone."

Aunt Lin pulls Feng Yanchun into the room. Feng Yanchun is a little worried: "what's the matter with you looking for my son?"

"It is not convenient to disclose the details of the case." Han Bin perfunctory a, wait until two people went to bedroom, just continue to ask Yao Chuang: "say it."

"I drove that Audi and I was afraid of speeding, so I changed the license plate." Yao Chuang replied.

"You drive a lot?"

Yao Chuang pursed his lips: "just once."

"When did you go to drag racing?"

"It's been a few days."

"Then why hasn't the license plate been changed back?"

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"Forget it."

"In order to drive a car, you always use fake license plates. Do you think the police are easy to fool?" Han Bin said coldly.

Yao Chuang hesitated for a moment and scratched his hair: "I It's because I've raced a few times and I'm afraid I'll deduct the woman's points, so I changed a fake license plate. ""Which woman, make it clear?" Han Bin asked.

"Dong Dong." Just then, there was a knock on the door.

Li Hui went to open the door.

Zhao Ming came in from the outside: "I'm freezing to death."

In order to avoid Yao Chuang escape, Han Bin let Zhao Ming stay downstairs.

Han Bin ignored him, facing Yao Chuangyang Yang chin: "continue to say."

Yao Chuang raised his head and shook his head: "Xue Mengjiao."

"Do you often drive Xue Mengjiao's car?"


"Why drive her car?"

Yao Chuang showed a touch of self mockery: "the family is poor, can't afford to buy."

"Whose license plate is it?"

Yao Chuang's eyes turned: "I found one blindly."

Li Hui pointed out with a pen: "young man, think clearly again, the police uncle is not so easy to cheat."

Yao Chuang lowered his head, slowly said: "I remember, like Liu Jianhao."

"What's your relationship with Liu Jianhao?"

Han Bin once checked Liu Jianhao, but almost caught the wrong person. In order to apologize, Han Bin promised to find out the matter and give Liu Jianhao an explanation.

"He's my cousin."

"Cousin on which side."

"My aunt's cousin."

"Why use Liu Jianhao's license plate?"

"Both cars are white Audi, and Liu Jianhao is not bad for money, so he probably doesn't care." Yao Chuang touched his nose habitually.

"Ha ha, you know him well." Han Bin smiles.

"They have plenty of money, not bad." Yao Chuang said sour.

"It's someone else's business to have money. It's not your reason to apply the license plate." Li Hui reprimanded.

"He deserves it. He likes to show off when he has two bad money. He looks down on our family. I just can't get used to him." Yao Chuang had a straight face and red eyes.

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"This guy, I don't know, thought you were the victim." Li Hui was a little bit embarrassed.

"I just don't like him. It's great to have a white Audi. I've driven it, too." Yao Chuang didn't agree.

Han Bin is no longer entangled in this matter, the front of the conversation changed: "what is the relationship between you and Xue Mengjiao?"

Yao Chuang said without thinking: "it doesn't matter."

"It doesn't matter. Why do they let you drive? Did you take her car? "

"I didn't. She made me drive it herself."

"Why did she let you drive her car?"

"Look how handsome I am." Yao Chuang snorted.

Li Hui curled his lips: "according to you, I have already driven Rolls Royce."

Han Bin can't listen any more. Since he has a girlfriend, this product is just like the upstart. It's already expanding.

"I'll ask you again, what's the relationship between you and Xue Mengjiao? If you think about it clearly, don't make trouble for yourself."

Yao Chuang snorted, "she's my ex girlfriend."

"Why did you break up?"

Yao Chuang bit his finger: "they dumped me."

"Are you angry?" Li Hui asked.


"How angry are you?"

Yao Chuang glances at Li Hui as if to say that it's none of your business.

Of course, he didn't dare to say it after all.

Ignoring each other's eyes, Li Hui continued to ask, "do you hate to kill her?"

Yao Chuang Leng for a while, this just came back: "what are you looking for me to do?"

"What have you done yourself, you don't know?"

"Didn't you come to check on my fake car?" Yao Chuang asked.

"We are criminal police, not traffic police."

Yao Chuang frowned: "then why? Is it What happened to Mengjiao? "

Han Bin stares at Yao Chuang's expression: "Xue Mengjiao is dead."

Yao Chuang looked surprised: "dead! It's impossible. It's impossible. How could she die? "

Yao Chuang's expression is not fake, which shows that he did not know Xue Mengjiao was dead in advance.

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Han Bin to his suspicion reduced, did not try again: "why do you break up?"

Yao Chuang grabs Li Hui's shoulder and shakes it hard: "do you cheat me again? How can Meng Jiao die?"

Li Hui pushed his opponent's hand away and felt dizzy.

"Creak..." Feng Yanchun and aunt Lin went out of the bedroom when the door rang.

Feng Yanchun heard his son's cry, where can he still sit: "Xiao Chuang, what's the matter? What happened?"

"Mom, they lied to me that Mengjiao was dead!"

"It's not that it was fine two days ago. How could it be gone?" Feng Yanchun was also surprised.

"I don't believe it. I don't believe it."

"Mr. Yao, I beg your pardon." Han Bin comforted."Wuwu..." Yao Chuang began to cry.

Feng Yanchun sighed: "Xiaochuang, she has broken up with you. Don't be too sad."

After a while, Yao Chuang calmed down: "Comrade police, how did Mengjiao die?"

"Don't worry. I'll tell you later. Answer my question first. When did you two split up?"

"On the afternoon of January 17th."

"What time?"

Yao Chuang closed his eyes and recalled: "about six o'clock. What's the matter? Is it related to her death?"

Li Hui stepped back: "according to our speculation, Xue Mengjiao had been kidnapped and controlled by the murderer at that time."

Yao Chuang grew up: "you What do you mean

Zhao Ming sighed: "it may not be Xue Mengjiao's intention to break up with you. She may have been intimidated by the murderer."

"Why I Why am I so stupid... "

"Why didn't I stick to it any more."

"Damn me!"

"Pa pa..."

Yao Chuang slapped himself hard.

"Son, don't fight. It's not your fault. You don't want to..." Feng Yanchun grabs Yao Chuang's arm in a hurry, afraid that he will hurt himself again.

Yao Chuang shakes off his mother, takes two steps forward, grabs Li Hui's arm and asks: "where was Meng Jiao kidnapped?"

"According to our conjecture, it should be in Shimian community."

When Yao Chuang heard this, he was stunned.

Xue Mengjiao is looking for him.

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