Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 407: 407

Just now, Han Bin received Wang Huifang's mobile phone, today is new year's Eve, let him go home early for new year's Eve dinner.

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Han Bin fully agreed to come down, as long as there is no important clue to work early, so that the players can safely eat a new year's Eve dinner.

"Ding Ling Ling..." As soon as Han Bin turned off his cell phone, he thought of a burst of ringtones.

Han Bin looked at the phone call from Li Hui and pressed the answer button: "hello."

"Binzi, we've got the driver."

"What's the time of his bump?"

"About eight fifty."

"Does he have time to commit a crime?"

"No, he was with his classmates from four to seven in the afternoon." Li huidao.

"What about the scene of the accident?"

"We are now on our way to the scene of the accident to see if we can find more clues."

"You send the driver's message."

"I see."

Not long after hanging up the phone, Han Bin's wechat rings. Click to open it and see that there is Lu xuepo's personal data in it.

Hanbin is looking at information, Tian Li and Zhao Ming came out.

"Team leader, the technical team has located Pang Shuhai in Yuhua District, near Yingbin district." Tian Li Road.

Han Bin took a puff: "what's the matter with Feng Ruili?"

"After my repeated inquiries, Feng Ruili admitted that she had a boyfriend. However, she said that she didn't stay with her boyfriend on January 22. She answered the phone in person." Tian Li Road.

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Zhao Ming laughed: "tut Tut, I guess it right. She really has a boyfriend."

"Where's her boyfriend?"

"According to her, her boyfriend, Zheng Chao, is a colleague of her company, not a local. On January 21, she went back to her hometown by train."

If Feng Ruili is telling the truth, Zheng Chao has no time to commit the crime, but Han Bin does not fully believe her.

Han Bin turned to look to the side of Zhao Ming: "Ma Gaohai there investigation of how?"

"Ma Gaohai said that he did not leave home on the afternoon of January 22, and his wife can testify."

The credibility of the testimony of immediate family members is not very high.

Han Bin's problem now is that there are not enough people to investigate separately. He can only find the most important clues first.

Han Bin finds Sheriff sun Weixi and asks him to help investigate Zheng Chao's situation to see if there are any records of buying tickets. At the same time, he calls Ma Gaohai's wife to take notes.

As for Han Bin is to take people back to Yuhua District, investigate another suspect Pang Shuhai.

Pang Shuhai and Tan Guyou have a direct conflict, and the suspicion is also the biggest among them.


Yuhua District, Yingbin district.

Pang Shuhai.

Pang Shuhai is in his thirties. There are five people in his family, including an old woman, a son and a daughter.

At this time, all five members of the family are in the living room. Pang Shuhai's daughter is watching TV and his son is playing with his mobile phone.

My mother and wife are making dumplings.

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Pang Shuhai poured a pot of tea and drank it himself.

He is very satisfied with his life now. He has bought a house in the city, and there is an old house in his family, so he can change it.

"Niang, what do you think of our first spring festival in the city?" Pang Shuhai said with a smile.

"It's good. It's safe and warm." The old lady is very thin and her hair is carefully combed.

"Dad, where are we going to shoot this year?" Asked Pang Shuhai's son.

"Save it. No more shooting this year." Pang Shuhai's wife.

"There's a courtyard downstairs. Can't you shoot in the courtyard?" Pang Shuhai's son is dissatisfied.

"There's no shooting in the city. Stop it." Pang Shuhai scolded.

"Dong Dong." Just then, there was a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" Cried Pang Shuhai.

"We're the police. Open the door."

Pang Shuhai was stunned for a moment and said in surprise, "what's the matter with you?"

"Someone reported that your family came from other places. We need to verify the situation."

"We are not from other places. Our hometown is Linyi village. This is our own house. We have never been to other places. We are all local people." Pang Shuhai said.

"We need to check the ID card."

Pang Shuhai hesitated. He opened the door and saw several people standing outside, led by a man wearing a mask and sunglasses.

"Why don't you wear police uniforms?" Pang Shuhai looked puzzled.

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"Are you Pang Shuhai?"

"I am."

"We're from the criminal investigation team. I'd like to know something about you." Han Bin shows his police certificate.

"Criminal investigation team!" Pang Shuhai stepped back and looked Alert: "what can I do for you?""Do you know Tan Guyou?"

"yes, I do."

"What do you have to do with him?"

Pang Shuhai shook his head: "it doesn't matter, it's just a village."

Pang Shuhai's wife and mother also came over: "what's the matter with you coming to my home?"

"Tan Guyou is dead."

Han Bin's voice fell, and the room became quiet. He could only hear the sound of the TV.

After a while, Pang Shuhai showed a look of amazement: "dead, when did he die?"

Pang Shu did not know about Tan Guyou's disappearance, let alone that he was dead.

Han Bin uses micro expression to find that his emotion is not fake.

In other words, he should have just learned about Tan Guyou's death.

His suspicion has also dropped a lot.

"Tan Guyou died on January 22. Between 4:00 and 7:00 p.m., where are you?" Han Bin said.

"You doubt me?"

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"Routine inquiries."

"I..." Pang Shuhai thought for a moment: "that day, we just came to the city from the village."

"Why come to the city all of a sudden?"

"First, because natural gas is not installed, the home is cold. Besides, it's not a game game. There are many relatives in the countryside, so it's not safe to walk around each other. Come to the city and be quiet. "

"Comrades of the police, on January 22nd, our family were all together and had nothing to do with my husband." Pang Shuhai's wife said.

"Yes, uncle policeman, I remember that day very well. After lunch that day, our family began to pack up and go to the city at more than five o'clock. My father has been with us all the time." Pang Shuhai's daughter has been in middle school, and she speaks in a very organized way.

"When was the last time you saw Tan Guyou?" Han Bin asked.

Pang Shuhai hesitated and clenched his teeth: "in the afternoon of January 22."

Han Bin frowned slightly: "where did you meet? Why do we meet? "

Pang Shuhai waved his hand and quickly explained: "police, don't get me wrong. I didn't meet him. Instead, I saw him on the way to the city. We didn't even get off the car, so we drove away without meeting him at all."

"What was he doing? With whom? "

"What are you doing?" Pang Shuhai muttered and recalled for a moment: "but he was riding a motorcycle, and there was a man sitting in the back of the car."

"Who? Do you know him? "

"Familiar It's like... " Pang Shuhai tried his best to recall.

Pang Shuhai's wife came over: "I remember, it's also from our village, the boy of Lao Ma's family."

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