Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 408: 408

Zhao Ming widened his eyes: "what's his name?"

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Pang Shuhai's wife shook her head: "I don't know. I've seen it all the way, but I haven't spoken."

"It reminds me that the boy's name is the same as mine. They all have the word" Hai ". It's called Ma Gaohai

"Are you sure Ma Gaohai and Tan Guyou are together?" Han Bin confirmed.

Pang Shuhai hesitated: "people can't be wrong, but it's not the name. I can't guarantee it."

Han Bin takes out his mobile phone and finds out Ma Gaohai's photo: "is it him?"

"Yes, that's the boy. He was sitting in the back of the motorcycle with a woven bag in his hand. He didn't know what was in it." Pang Shuhai's tone is firm.

"Comrade police, what my husband said is true, and I can be sure."

Han Bin took a look at the Pang family. After a moment of silence, he asked, "is there a dash cam installed on the car?"


"Now that you see it, there should be video records on your dash cam, too." Han Bin said.

"Yes, it's the police comrades who are very powerful. They found the evidence all at once." Pang Shuhai slapped: "comrade, I'll take you to the car to check."

Then, they got out of the garage and checked Pang Shuhai's dash cam.

Pang Shuhai didn't drive in these two days, so the video on January 22 was not covered.

Han Bin looked back and found that a motorcycle appeared in the surveillance video at 5:00 p.m. on January 22.

Pang Shuhai pointed to the dash cam screen: "this is the motorcycle, the car is tan Guyou, and Ma Gaohai is sitting behind him."

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Han Bin looked at it carefully, and it was really these two people.

Zhao Ming spat: "sister, Ma Gaohai is a liar. Brother bin, let's arrest people directly."

Han Bin out of the car, to the sheriff sun Weixi made a phone call: "Hello, Sheriff sun."

"Team leader Han, how are you doing? Have you found Pang Shuhai? "

"Found, Pang Shuhai's suspicion can be ruled out temporarily, but Ma Gaohai should have lied."

"Why did the boy lie?"

"On the afternoon of January 22, Ma Gaohai met Tan Guyou and they went out on a motorcycle together." Han Bin said.

"My younger sister, the grandson lied a lot and even called his wife to testify. The couple insisted that they had never been out of the house on January 22."

Han Bin looked at his watch: "Sergeant sun, you have detained these two people first. We won't go there today. We'll go there tomorrow and bring up people. "

"No problem. It's new year's Eve, and it's very disturbing."

"Thank you very much."

"Yes, it's all about serving the people."

The two communicated a few more words and then ended the call.

Han Bin and others asked for the memory card of the dash cam, thanks Pang Shuhai for assisting the police investigation, and then left with someone.

In the car, sitting in the cab, Zhao Ming asked, "brother bin, where are we going to investigate now?"

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"This year's new year's Eve, go back to each home and find each mother."

"Really?" Zhao Ming showed a touch of joy. He thought he had to work overtime on New Year's Eve.

"Of course, it's true. I don't want to be called Han Pipi secretly in the future." Han Bin said with a smile.

Zhao Ming and Tian Li show a touch of joy, who does not want to go home for a safe new year's Eve dinner.

Han Bin called Li Hui again and asked them to leave work early today.

There will be a meeting in the branch office at ten tomorrow morning.

When Han Bin got home, it was more than five o'clock. He had a bowl of instant noodles at noon, and he had been hungry for a long time.

Just opened the door, I smelled a fragrance.

Wang Huifang and Wang Qingsheng are busy in the kitchen while Han tingqian is sitting in the living room watching the news.

See Han Bin back, Han tingqian showed a touch of joy: "bin son back."

"What are you watching, grandfather?"

"Looking at the news, Fei Yan in the south is getting worse and worse." Han tingqian sighed.

Wang Qingsheng came out of the kitchen and said with a smile, "the state has attached great importance to it. I believe it will soon be under control."

Han tingqian nodded: "hope."

Han Bin took off his coat and washed: "uncle, what's good to do?"

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"It's all your favorite." Wang Qingsheng said with a smile.

"The son is back." Wang Huifang also came out of the kitchen, wearing a blue apron, and looked Han Bin up and down carefully.

"Have you heard from my father?"

"Yes, there was a video at noon. I don't think he was very busy. He was still drinking tea in the office." Wang Huifang joked.

"Will he be back today?"

Wang Huifang shook her head: "if you can't come back, you'll have to wait at least half a month to listen to him.""Mom, don't worry. My father is just in charge and may not have direct contact with those who come back from other places." Han Bin comforted.

"I know. Go and have a rest. We'll have dinner later." Wang Huifang answered and returned to the kitchen.

Han Bin can see that his mother should still be worried.

In the evening, a family of four had a meal that was not a league member.

Although Han Weidong didn't come back, he still had a video with Han Bin and others for a while. They cooked and ate their own dumplings at the police station, and the food was pretty good.

As for the Spring Festival Gala, Han Bin thinks that the opening crosstalk is good, and the following programs are not interesting.

Of course, it may be that he has something on his mind and doesn't appreciate it seriously.

In short, this year's new year's Eve is not very satisfactory.

The next morning, Han Bin ate two plates of hot dumplings, a plate of three fresh stuffing, a plate of cabbage meat stuffing, and drank a bowl of dumpling soup, all warm to go to work.

After arriving at the sub Bureau, Han Bin went to Zeng Ping's office to report his work.

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Then, he returned to the office of the second group and held a summary meeting.

Han Bin looked around and said: "this year is the first day of the lunar new year. I'll give you a new year's greetings first."

"Brother bin, what you said is that we should pay you New Year's greetings." Zhao Ming said with a smile.

"Good new year, team leader." Others also follow the New Year greetings.

Han Bin said with emotion: "listen to your new year's greetings, I feel even more aggrieved. On the first day of the lunar new year, I still let you investigate cases. It's hard."

"Binzi, we all understand. Don't say that. Let's investigate the case quickly. Just get off work early." Li Hui squeezed his eyes.

Han Bin nodded: "New Year's day, as long as there is no major case, we will be on time, or even early off work."

After listening to Han Bin's words, people's enthusiasm is higher.

Han Bin pointed to Li Hui: "tell me about your investigation yesterday."

Li Hui opened his notebook: "yesterday, we caught Lu xuepo, the suspect of the accident. According to his confession, we found the place of the accident, which is located near Qingbin road and Beian village. We searched nearby and found no objects of the victim."

"Because the victim has died, there is not much blood left at the scene. Under the guidance of Lu xuepo, we found the victim's coat and sent it to the technical team for identification."

Lu xuepo only hit the dead, and two days after the crime, he found few clues.

Han Bin understood the general situation, began to arrange the task.

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