Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 419: 419

Yuhua Branch.

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After returning to the sub Bureau, Han Bin first returned to the office and poured two glasses of water, and then went to the conference room to report the situation.

When they arrived at the meeting room, they saw Ma Jingbo taking Tian Li out.

"Where are you going, caravan?"

"There's news from the bank. There are two remittances in Zhao Xiaoshan's account every month, one of which costs about 2000 yuan. There's another remittance, ranging from 30000 to 50000 yuan per month. The identity of the remitter has been found." Ma Jingbo gave a brief introduction and rearranged it:

"since you two are back, please follow me again; Tian Li is still in the branch."


Zhao Ming showed a wry smile. As soon as he got back to the sub Bureau, he didn't even make a stool. He had to go out again.

A group of three people get on the car, Ma Jingbo says the destination, Zhao Ming is responsible for driving.

Han Bin reports to Ma Jingbo.

After hearing the report, Ma Jingbo thought for a moment: "ran cuie said that Zhao Xiaoshan is a teacher of Qindao University."


"It's kind of interesting."

"I think Zhao Xiaoshan should be lying. At present, we can't confirm his real work. Of course, it's possible that she's lying. " Han Bin said.

"Through the news from the bank, we can basically confirm Zhao Xiaoshan's real work." Ma Jingbo smiles.

"What kind of work?"

"You'll know when you get there." Ma Jingbo sold a pass, said: "once you get the BMW procedures, you pass it to Tian Li, let her contact the BMW manufacturer for positioning."

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Twenty minutes later, Zhao Ming drove into Sihai street.

"Captain Ma, cangxin road is ahead."

"No traffic lights." Ma Jingbo looked out of the car window and pointed to the east door: "park the car at the door of Boli club."

According to Ma Jingbo's instructions, Zhao Ming stops the car at the gate of the club, and the three of them get out of the car.

Han Bin looked up and looked around the club: "is Zhao Xiaoshan working here?"

"I don't know if I work here. Anyway, the club has been paying him wages."

As soon as they got to the door, a woman came out, wearing a pink mask, a khaki windbreaker and long leather boots.

"Excuse me, are you comrades of the municipal criminal investigation team?" Asked the woman.

Ma Jingbo showed his police certificate: "you are Chen Ximei, the person in charge of this club."

"It's me. What do you call it?"

"This is our team leader," Zhao Ming said

Chen Ximei made a gesture of invitation: "good team leader, three please come in."

Club decoration is very elegant, a door is the front desk reception, go inside is a spacious hall, there is a tea table on the right side.

Chen Ximei asked three people to sit at the tea table and start ironing the tea set with hot water.

Ma Jingbo waved his hand: "special period, you're welcome."

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Chen Ximei said apologetically: "because of Fei Yan, the club has not officially opened, and no snacks have been prepared. Please forgive me for the poor reception."

"We are here to investigate the case. As long as you cooperate with the investigation, nothing else is important."

Chen Ximei sat up straight: "you ask, I will work well with the police."

"Do you know Zhao Xiaoshan?"

Chen Ximei recalled: "Oh, yes, he works here."

"What does he do?"


"What's your monthly income?"

"This uncertainty mainly depends on the individual's ability to get the Commission of the product." Chen Ximei said.

"What do your beauticians do?"

"Skin care, wrinkle removal, massage, detoxification, moisturizing, our club's many projects, very professional." Chen Ximei is a family treasure.

"To make money as a beautician, I should change my career." Zhao Ming said with a smile.

"Police comrades, I know what you mean, but our club is really formal, our beauticians are very professional, they in addition to do projects for customers, is to chat with customers, the relationship is very good, but that's all, at least in our club, there will be no unprofessional behavior." Chen Ximei pointed to the roof of the hall:

"you see, the hall and corridor of our clubhouse are monitored. If it's really a dirty place, it's impossible to install so many monitors, and customers dare not come, don't you think?"

Ma Jingbo is here to investigate the case, but he has no intention of further investigation: "when was the last time you saw Zhao Xiaoshan?"

"New Year's 27, the last day of our holiday, when many employees were present." Chen Ximei said and asked, "what's the problem with Zhao Xiaoshan? What can I do for you? "

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"Zhao Xiaoshan is missing.""Missing." Chen Ximei looked surprised: "when did it happen?"

"January 31."

"That's too bad. He's a good employee. Many customers like to chat with him. In fact, customers come to us for nursing care. On the one hand, they want to maintain their health, and on the other hand, they want to find someone to chat with. I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen."

"Before your company's holiday, was Zhao Xiaoshan abnormal?"

Chen Ximei hesitated for a moment: "yes, when we were going to have a holiday, he had an accident, and was beaten, and it was not light. Since then, his mood has been a little low, and he is not as talkative as before, and his chat with customers is not as enthusiastic as before. And after the year-end bonus, he told me he wanted to resign. "

"Why does he want to quit?"

"I asked, and he wouldn't say. I asked him to think about it again. After all, our club's salary is good. If he works outside, it may not be as good as our club. "

"Why was he beaten? Do you know who hit him? "

"I didn't ask. After all, it's an employee's business."

Han Bin and others asked a few more, but Chen Ximei did not give any valuable clues.

After finishing the record, Han Bin asked for a list of Zhao Xiaoshan's customers.

Then, Chen Ximei personally sent Han Bin and the three to the car, watched the car leave, and then returned to the club.

"It's no wonder people can be the boss and be considerate." Zhao Ming said with a smile.

Ma Jingbo snorted: "you can't keep your hand."

"Is it really so profitable to be a beautician?" Zhao Ming can't help asking whether the source of income is normal or not will have a great impact on the investigation of the case.

Ma Jingbo has never been in touch with this industry and shakes his head: "who can say for sure? Maybe people with money and leisure will be willing to spend the unjust money."

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Han Bin said with a smile, "Zhao Ming, if you were a beautician in a club, would you tell your family and girlfriend?"

Zhao Ming thought about it, and his tone was firm: "no, I won't even kill you. It's easy to say that it's hard to hear how to make money from middle-aged women."

"So it's reasonable for Zhao Xiaoshan to conceal his work, which can be explained." Han Bin said.

"It's not nice to be a beautician, but it won't be killed." Zhao Mingdao.

Ma Jingbo took over the words: "in the club is a beautician, two people out of private contact, who can say what is the relationship."

Zhao Ming showed a bad smile: "that's true."

"It seems that the last time Zhao Xiaoshan was beaten was not accidental. It was probably related to his work as a beautician." Han Bin guessed.

"Brother bin, according to what you say, isn't Ma Mingren also suspected? His wife gave Zhao Xiaoshan a BMW of his family. If Ma Mingren knew, he would spare each other."

"It's not just Ma Mingren, but the husbands and boyfriends of all the guests on the customer list have motives to attack Zhao Xiaoshan." In Han Bin's view, let a male beautician do care for his wife, there are some taboos.

It means that you have already put a hat on your head, and the hat will change color one day.

"Zhao Xiaoshan is not a good guy either. He has done something that can't see the light, and he has pushed it to his friends. Bah." Zhao Ming spat.

Han Bin laughed, and then his face became serious: "I have been thinking about whether Zhao Xiaoshan was beaten last time is related to this disappearance."

"Zhao Xiaoshan went out after receiving a phone call, and then he disappeared, which is not normal in itself. If it's really a call from a stranger, why should Zhao Xiaoshan obediently follow the instructions of the other party? Moreover, it's still an extraordinary period. Many people can not go out and try not to go out. "

"Zhao Xiaoshan should have contacted the caller before, but the way they contacted was not through the suspicious mobile phone number. As long as we find their previous contact information, we can find the suspect

Ma Jingbo nodded: "your analysis is good. There are a lot of preparations in advance for such serial cases. We should reorganize Zhao Xiaoshan's contacts."

"The last time Zhao Xiaoshan was beaten, even if it was not directly related to this disappearance, it may play a catalytic role. Finding out the reason why Zhao Xiaoshan was beaten will help to sort out the case. "

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