Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 420: 420

Yuhua Branch.

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Office of the second group of the third criminal investigation team.

After all, the meeting room is public, and the joint project team can't occupy it all the time. After two days of cooperation, Ma Jingbo became familiar with the people in group 2 and simply moved to the office of group 2.

Han Bin and others each occupied a table, drinking water, drinking tea, drinking coffee.

Zhao Ming is brushing the screen with a mobile phone and sighs from time to time.

Ma Jingbo yawned: "Zhao Ming, you are young, why do you always sigh?"

"Looking at the rise of the number of sick people, I always feel that I have no bottom, and I'm not afraid of your jokes. My family basically doesn't go out. Now I live in a house by myself, and I'm afraid that it will be passed on to the elderly at home, which can be regarded as self isolation." Zhao Ming said with a bitter smile.

Han Bin smiles, and there is another person who sympathizes with each other.

At this time, Zeng Ping's voice came from the door of the office: "you boy, there are so many houses in your family that we are in a panic. We usually want to leave, but we have no place to go."

Zeng Ping and Li Hui also returned to the second group office.

After everyone called, they all found a place to sit down.

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Ma Jingbo looked around at the crowd: "although we are far apart, it does not hinder the meeting. Let's sum up the case."

"Let me start with what we're investigating today."

Later, Ma Jingbo described the situation briefly.

After hearing this, Li Hui couldn't help asking, "what does this beautician do, making money like this? Do you want to brush the edge? "

Zeng Ping knew his faults, and he had a heart of gossip that never died out: "in this period of time, don't try to open this club in a short time, don't worry about it. Just find out the source of Zhao Xiaoshan's economy. "

"With that, I'd like to introduce our investigation today."

"Today, we went to the monitoring center, and we started to investigate from three aspects. The first aspect is to track and investigate the trace of white BMW from the residential area where Zhao Xiaoshan lives."

"The second is to take Cheng'an village and Jiabai village as the starting point, the urban area as the ending point, and the call time of the last suspicious mobile phone number as the benchmark. It is speculated that the suspect may roughly check the time at the intersection."

"Third, we checked the monitoring records of Skynet years ago and found that the white BMW would go to the neighborhood of Boli club every day. We can make sure that he did work there."

"Did you find any trace of the suspect?"

"I haven't found out yet. I think either the suspect is hiding well. Or the phone call is not the same person as the suspect in charge of the kidnapping. " Zeng Ping said, went to the projector, put two photos:

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"however, in the process of checking the monitoring, there are still some gains. First of all, when the car drove to the east side of Tianshan shopping mall, it stayed for a period of time, then drove away again, and the driver had changed. I guess Zhao Xiaoshan was probably controlled here, and the kidnapping place should be in the car. ”

MA Jingbo carefully observed the comparison of the two driver photos and said:

"if the suspect gets on the car near Tianshan shopping mall, can he track down the suspect's trace with the Tianshan shopping mall as the center?"

Zeng Ping pointed to the picture on the projector and said, "we also thought about this. We will take a screenshot of the photos of the monitored intersection and process them in high definition. However, the suspect can't see his face clearly with his hat and mask. We will search according to the suspect's posture and clothes. However, there are many bus stop signs near Tianshan shopping mall, which extend in all directions. It's very difficult to find out. At present, there are many bus stop signs near Tianshan shopping mall We haven't found any trace of the suspect before he got on the bus. "

Han Bin thought for a moment and turned his pen: "if I were a suspect, I would change into clothes and drive after I get on the bus. At this time, everyone is wearing masks and hats. It's not very difficult to track down the suspects before they get on the bus. "

Zeng Ping sat back in his chair and continued: "Han Bin is right, because he can't find the trace of the suspect. We continue to track the tracks of the white BMW. The white BMW drives all the way south and finally goes out of Qindao City, enters Shun'an road and disappears near Cheng'an village. "

"Cheng'an village, this name sounds familiar." Zhao Ming muttered.

Zeng Ping said with a smile: "it's familiar to you, but it's still fresh in our team's memory. The location of the last call made by the suspicious mobile phone number is in the north of Cheng'an village and the south of Jiabai village. We went there to check in person, and the two clues are mutual evidence. Captain Ma, I think it's necessary to apply for a search warrant immediately."

Ma Jingbo hesitated for a moment: "how many suspected factories are there nearby?"

"on the way back, I checked the information of the previous investigation. There are five suspects located outside the village."

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"Five." Ma Jingbo some hesitation: "once checked up, the scale is not small."

"But now the evidence is very clear, the suspect vehicle, even the suspect and the victim may be in the five factories." Zeng's plane color is dignified. He feels that this clue is very heavy. If he doesn't check it, he is uneasy.

However, he is only the deputy leader of the ad hoc group and needs Ma Jingbo's consent before he can apply for a search warrant.Ma Jingbo is also aware of the importance of this set of clues, but searching five factories at once may cause panic among local villagers. At this time, everyone's spirit is very tense. In the final analysis, the most important and basic work of the police is to maintain stability.

"Tian Li, do you have any news from BMW?"

"I haven't answered the letter yet. I'll hurry again." Tian Li got up and left the office.

Ma Jingbo said: "in addition to monitoring, do you have any other clues?"

"Cough..." Han Bin coughed softly:

"before Zhao Xiaoshan disappeared, he must have contacted the suspect, otherwise he would not have been able to go out to meet the other party after receiving a phone call. It's an extraordinary time. No one will go out easily. I suggest reorganizing Zhao Xiaoshan's contacts, making all the mobile phone numbers contacted with Zhao Xiaoshan in recent years real name system, and comparing them with those involved in the case and Zhao Xiaoshan's customer list to see if they can find suspicious people. "

"That's a good proposal. I'll inform the technical team of the Municipal Bureau later and let them contact the communication company. This time, the task is a bit heavy. The Provincial Communication Company is working hard." Ma Jingbo said with a smile.

Han Bin is happy and relaxed. The name of the Municipal Bureau is certainly better than that of the Yuhua Branch.

Zhao Ming pinched his neck: "I always think Ma Mingren and ran cuie are suspicious. No matter how rich they are, they will not give others a BMW for nothing. Assuming that Ma Mingren has known the relationship between Zhao Xiaoshan and ran cuie for a long time, he must be angry. He absolutely has the motive to attack Zhao Xiaoshan. "

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Han Bin recalled the scene when he took notes for Ma Mingren and ran cuie, and found no obvious signs of lying. However, it has to be said that Zhao Ming's hypothesis is still valid in theory.

Ma Jingbo nodded: "after a while, you can compare Ma Mingren's mobile phone number with Zhao Xiaoshan's communication contact. If these two people have been in contact before, then Ma Mingren's suspicion will rise further."

Han Bin added: "this is likely to be a series of cases. We should not only compare Zhao Xiaoshan's communication contacts, but also make a cross comparison between the mobile phone contacts of Cao DA and Ren Jianhua, the first two victims, so that the scope of investigation is larger and more accurate."

Ma Jingbo wrote in the book: "Han Bin, this task is up to you."


"Creak..." A, Tian Li pushed the door to come in: "BMW car factory has news, has located the location of the missing BMW."

"Where is it?"

"Near the north of Cheng'an village, it looks like a factory building from the satellite image, and the location has been sent to my mobile phone."

"OK, you can apply for a search warrant." Ma Jingbo showed a touch of joy, with accurate positioning, not only to reduce the difficulty of the search, more importantly, it will not cause too much impact and panic.

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