Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 441: 441

Yamada medical center.

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At five o'clock in the afternoon, the physical examination center is off duty.

Yang Zhichao came out of the physical examination center in neat clothes, with a mask, Brown Sunglasses and a khaki bag on his back.

When we got to the gate, a black car stopped, the glass of the front passenger's cab opened, and a 30-year-old woman looked up, "Chaochao, you didn't drive today."

"Well." Yang Zhichao nodded. He was a colleague of the physical examination center.

"Chaochao, get on the bus. I'll give you a ride."

"No, sister. I'll just go back myself."

"Hey, I'm so polite to you. There's no taxi at this time."

"It's OK. It's very convenient for me to take the bus. The next stop is my community."

"Well, I'll go first."

Yang Zhichao waved, "goodbye."

After seeing the black car leave, the smile on Yang Zhichao's face disappeared. He didn't want to have too much contact with his colleagues except during working hours.

Yang Zhichao carried the bag over his shoulder, walked along the sidewalk to the stop sign, took out a pair of earphones, put them on, and quietly waited for the bus.

After a while, before the bus came, Yang Zhichao looked down at his watch and stamped his foot. It was very annoying.

Another five minutes later, a bus came. Yang Zhichao took out a coin from his bag, got on the bus, put in the coin and went to the middle of the bus.

Take out a tissue from the bag and wipe the seat.

There are only four or five people sitting in the empty car. If we get on the bus at the usual point, let alone the seats, it would be nice to get on the bus.

There are seven stops from the physical examination center to Yang Zhichao's home. Yang Zhichao only needs to count the stop signs to get on and off the bus.

"Ding Dong..." There was a sound and the car stopped at the stop sign.

Three men got on the bus. Two of them put in their coins and went straight to the back row. Another man stood in front of the bus, seemingly chatting with the driver.

Yang Zhichao doesn't care. He often takes this bus. Familiar things will give him a sense of security.

As the bus drove on, Yang Zhichao leaned against the glass, half squinting and dozing off.

I don't know how long ago, Yang Zhichao felt something was wrong. It seemed that the bus had never stopped.

Yang Zhichao raised his head and looked out. Where is this? It's not the bus route.

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Did the bus change line? He read the news some time ago, because of Fei Yan, some bus routes have been adjusted.

Yang Zhichao got up and asked, "master driver, why is this line different from before?"

"The line has changed."

"When did it change?"

"I just received the notice today."

"There's no hint. Please stop. I'll get off."

"Wait a minute. When you get to the stop sign, you can't stop at half way." Driver's road.

"Well, how long before we get to the stop?"

"Soon, just a moment."

Yang Zhichao sighed and glanced at the bus. He was a bit embarrassed. He didn't like change, especially the change that was no longer planned, which made him feel insecure.

Yang Zhichao holds Khaki's bag in both hands, looks at other passengers with vigilance, and looks out of the window from time to time.

He saw a stop sign in front of him and cried, "master, please stop in front. I want to get off."

"Good." The driver answered.

Yang Zhichao stood up and went to the door to wait. When the car stopped, he was relieved to wait for the door to open and get off.

At this time, there are also two men came, it seems to get off, a left and a right will he sandwiched in the middle.

Yang Zhichao was a little wary. Looking back at his left side, he saw a young man wearing a mask. He couldn't see clearly, but there was a heroic spirit between his eyebrows and eyes. He was tall and straight, and had a good temperament.

Just as he looked back to the other side, he heard a shout, "police, don't move!"

The two men behind Yang Zhichao moved at the same time, one on the left and the other on the right, and pressed him on the door directly.

"You let me go, why do you arrest me?"

"Name?" Li Hui asked.

"Yang Zhichao."

Han Bin took out the handcuffs and directly handcuffed Yang Zhichao, "it's you who are caught. Come with us."

Ma Jingbo appeases the other passengers and escorts Yang Zhichao to Yuhua Branch.

It turned out that Ma Jingbo and Zeng Ping thought about it carefully after talking.

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There are more than a dozen villagers in Wu duogui's family. If they are controlled for a long time, they will attract other people's attention.

In order to avoid a long night's dream, he decided to take the net in advance and arrest it.


Almost at the same time, Zeng Ping received the news.

Nanjie Village.

Zeng Ping with a group of people, has been surrounded by a factory.Previously, the factory was producing wooden doors. Later, because of the heavy pollution, it was shut down.

That's why Wu duogui rented out the factory.

Wu duogui is the owner of the factory. He knows the factory better than anyone else. In order to make contributions and atone for sins, he actively assisted the police and took out a plan of the factory.

There are two front and back doors in the factory. The front door is locked from the outside and the back door is closed from the inside. Zeng Ping studied it and prepared to make a breakthrough from the front.

Before the operation, Zeng Ping also borrowed a UAV from village head Fang. The UAV has a camera to check the situation in the factory.

There is a dog in the front and back door, Akita in the front and Labrador in the back. The breed is good.

A white Toyota car was also parked in the open space of the factory.

The drone scouted for a while, but no one was seen.

In front is a black iron gate with a lock hanging outside. Zeng Ping first found a pair of tongs and cut the lock of the front door. However, because of the angle, he couldn't see whether the lock was damaged inside the factory.

Wu duogui went to the factory gate, took a deep breath, turned to the right side of the wall, and Zeng Ping gave him a positive gesture.

"Bang Bang..." Wu duogui knocked on the door of the factory

"Woof, woof, woof..." There was a barking of dogs in the factory.

Seeing no response, Wu duogui knocked again, "bang bang, is boss Yang in?"

After a while, a man's voice came from the factory and said, "stop shouting."

The Akita dog withered at once.

Wu duogui did not dare to knock.

A tall man in his thirties, wearing a coat and no mask, said, "what do you do?"

"I'm Wu duogui, the owner of this factory. We met once before when we visited the factory."

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"Is boss Yang in?"

"No, let's talk about something." The man lit a cigarette and took a puff.

"Well, the village has issued a notice that it is not allowed to start work for the time being, and it is not allowed to use foreign workers. Let me tell you something."

"I see. Anything else?"

"There are several people living in the factory now. When do you plan to start work? You have to tell me. I have to report it to you."

"I'm the only one. I won't start work in a short time. I won't cause you any trouble. Anything else? "

Wu duogui squeezed out a smile, "it's gone."

The man did not speak, just smoking, a pair of slender eyes staring at Wu duogui.

"Then I'll go first." Wu duogui was staring at some hair, for fear that the other party would be violent, turned and left the factory.

Seeing that Wu duogui had gone far away, the man was relieved and turned to walk into the factory.

At this time, Zeng Ping, Wang Xiao, Du Qi and others with guns, crept to the factory gate.

The man was walking with his back to the gate, only a few meters away.

Zeng Ping took down the lock, then gently pushed open the factory door, more or less made a slight noise.

"Woof, woof, woof..." A dog barked.

Zeng Ping pushed the door open and rushed into the factory with the gun in his hand.

The man seemed to hear the movement and ran straight in without looking back.

"Police, don't move."

"Run again and we'll shoot!"

The man ignored them, rolled on the ground, touched his back, took out a pistol and fired three shots at Zeng Ping and others.

"Bang bang!"

Then the man hid behind a lathe.

The sound of the gun broke the peace of the village. The dogs in the village were startled and the barks of the dogs rang out.

At the moment when the other side took out their guns to fight back, Zeng Ping and his three men quickly dodged, one side, one bent over and rolled, the other lying on the ground, looking for shelter.

To tell the truth, the experience of the three men's gunfight is not too rich. Although they have been on guard, no one thought that the man came to open the door with a gun.

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"Bang bang." Zeng Ping also shot back.

Neither side hit the other.

Zeng Ping looked out, "you have been surrounded by the police, surrender immediately."

The man laughed and yelled, "come out, I'll give you the gun!"

"You throw the gun out first, raise your hands over your head, and come out from behind the lathe." Cried Zeng Ping.

The man spat, "bah, no guts."

"Don't hold the heart of resistance, you have been surrounded by the police, and resistance can only be a dead end!" Cried Wang Xiao.

The man did not respond.

"I tell you, the special police are coming here. Once they arrive, they will probably kill you directly." Cried Zeng Ping.

After a while, the man some helpless way, "I surrender, you do not shoot."

"You throw the gun out first.""OK, I'll throw it." The man's voice fell, a thing was thrown out of the back of the lathe and fell to the ground in the distance.

At this time, it was evening, and the sky was dim. Zeng Ping looked carefully. It was not a rush at all, but an iron knot. It was probably a part of the lathe.

A figure appeared behind the lathe and ran to the workshop.

Zeng Ping didn't know about the situation in the factory. He was worried that the other party would escape from the back door. The suspect had a gun in his hand. Once he escaped from the factory, it would pose a huge threat to the people.

Zeng Ping didn't think much about it. He immediately said, "shoot."

"Bang Bang..." There was a burst of gunfire.

Wang Xiao and Du Qi are not soft handed.

"Ah The man screamed and fell to the ground with a blood hole in his thigh.

"I'll fight with you." The man turned and fired three shots at Zeng Ping.

After hitting the suspect in the leg, he was not afraid that he would run out and hurt the common people. Zeng Ping and his three men were not worried, so they hid behind the bunker and let him shoot.

After a while, there was another shot, "bang!"

This time, the gunfire was a little dull. Zeng Ping hit the ground with his right hand, "asshole!"

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