Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 442: 442

"Wuwu..." A police car arrived at the gate of the factory.

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Two men in police uniforms came down from the car. They didn't come here to arrest the suspect, but to stabilize the people.

After hearing the gunfire, the people were too scared to go out.

As soon as the police car rang, everyone was relieved. Bold people chased the police car out to watch.

Although some villagers don't like the control of the police, and even some don't think so, when something happens, they still trust the police from the bottom of their heart.

Before long, many villagers had been surrounded at the gate of the factory.

"Let's go. Who told you to come here? Don't get together. Let's go." Village head Fang began to rush people.

However, the factory is located outside Nanjie Village, and people from other villages come to watch the scene. Village head Fang's words don't work for people from other villages.

However, fortunately, there are police guarding, and the villagers dare not get too close to the factory.

At this time, the atmosphere in the factory was a little depressed.

The man fell into a pool of blood and committed suicide.

Zeng Ping checked the pistol, the clip can only hold seven bullets, the suspect will leave the last one to himself, the bullet is from the mouth into the direct head.

The red and the white were scattered all over the ground.

"Sob..." Sun Xiaopeng vomited after only one look.

Durge's face was very ugly, and he turned away.

Only Zeng Ping and Wang Xiao can keep calm at the scene.

"Captain Zeng, what should we do now?"

"Search the factory to make sure there are no other suspects."

"Xiaopeng, go out first. Wang Xiao and Du Qi search with me. "


Sun Xiaopeng wiped his mouth, put on a mask, "team Zeng, I also participate in the search."

"You don't have a gun. Guard in the yard."

Sun Xiaopeng nodded. Although he was tall, he was not brave enough. His legs were already a little weak.

Zeng Ping and his three men searched the factory first and searched the place in the yard where they could find Tibetans. The dog kept barking.

These two dogs may have eaten human flesh and smelled blood. No one dares to approach them easily.

After searching the yard, there was only one big factory building left. The factory building had only one door, which was closed and unlocked.

Wang Xiao and Du Qi climbed to the window first, looked inside, and found no one.

Zeng Ping called a few words, but did not respond.

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Then Wang Xiao jumped down from the windowsill and joined Zeng Ping.

Ducky broke the window.

The drone entered the building through the window.

On the left side of the empty factory building is a separated workshop, and on the right side is a room.

The UAV went around the factory, and no one was seen in the workshop or in the house.

Later, Zeng Ping and Wang xiaotui opened the door. After the gunfight just now, they were careful this time.

They went to the room first. The decoration in the room was very simple, and there was not much furniture. There were only some basic daily necessities, and there was no place for Tibetans at all.

After searching the house, Durge joined the two men and three of them went to search the workshop.

There was no door in the workshop. There was a transparent curtain hanging on it. After peeping inside, no one was found.

Three people holding guns into the workshop, there was no one inside, but the things inside attracted three people's eyes.

Three big freezers were found on the left side of the wall. On the right side, there was a big bed with pink mosquito nets and some love Qu products.

Inside is a picture. A skeleton is wearing a red cape. The skeleton is holding a scepter and carving a snake head.

Zeng Ping went over and opened the first freezer. There was a woven bag in it, with an arm on the top.

Wang Xiao opened the second freezer, which was empty.

Ducky opened the third freezer, startled, and stepped back.

"Team Zeng, found a head."

Zeng Ping also came over and looked at him askew, "Zhao Xiaoshan."


It's more than seven in the evening.

Yuhua sub Bureau interrogation room.

Yang Zhichao sat on the interrogation chair, looking at the front quietly.


There was a glottal sound and the door of the interrogation room opened.

Ma Jingbo, Han Bin and Li Hui came in.

Ma Jingbo sits in the middle of the interrogation chair, while Han Bin and Li Hui sit on both sides.

After the three had prepared the materials, Han Bin routinely asked, "name, gender, age, native place..."

"My name is Yang Zhichao. You can call me Chaochao. My birthday is March 3, 1995. I'm a native of Qindao..."

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Han Bin looked at each other, "Yang Zhichao, do you know why I arrested you?"

Yang Zhichao shook his head and flattened his mouth. "Comrade police, did you catch the wrong person?""When we get here, don't be so lucky. We won't take over the net easily without enough evidence for similar Gang cases. Your accomplice in Nanjie Village has been arrested. If you don't explain, he will say the same thing." Han Bin advised.

Yang Zhichao lowered his head and sighed.

Han Bin took advantage of the heat to hit the railway, "frankly lenient, you actively cooperate with the police investigation, it is good for you."

Yang Zhichao looked up and said sincerely, "Comrade police, I have no accomplices. I really don't know what you mean? I'm such a good person to follow the rules. "

Han Bin stood up, took three photos and went over, put the first photo on the interrogation chair, "do you know this person?"

Yang Zhichao took a look, "I don't know, but I look a little familiar."

Han Bin took out the second photo and put it in front of Yang Zhichao, "this man."

"It looks familiar."

Han Bin showed him a third photo.

Yang Zhichao took the photo and looked at it carefully. "I've seen this man before. It seems that By the way, he came here for a physical examination. "

Han Bin smiles, "OK, it's quite similar."

"I'm not pretending. I'm telling the truth." Yang Zhichao stares at Han Bin.

"These three people are Ren Jianhua, Cao DA and Zhao Xiaoshan. They have all had physical examination in Shantian physical examination center."

"Oh, no wonder I feel familiar, but what does that have to do with me?"

"All three of them were killed."

"It's a pity that they are still so young." Yang Zhichao said with regret.

Han Bin said coldly, "if you really think so, they won't die."

"Don't be kidding. I have nothing to do with them. How can I kill them?"

Han Bin put the three photos away, "the three of them don't know each other, and the only connection is that they all had a physical examination in Shantian physical examination center."

Yang Zhichao retorted, "it can't prove that I am the murderer."

"Where are you on January 11, 2020?"

"Oh, it's Saturday. I'm off and at home."

"Who can prove it?"

Yang Zhichao asked, "how can I find someone to prove that I live alone?"

"Where were you on January 18th?"

"I didn't tell you. I'm off Saturday."

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"Is there a witness?"

"where were you on January 31?"

"I'm at home alone."

"It's a coincidence that you didn't have an alibi when the three victims disappeared." Han Bin said.

"There are more coincidences in this world, and there are more people without alibi in these three days. Why should I be the murderer? It's hard to be successful, because I've met three of them, which is ridiculous." Yang Zhichao snorted.

"In June 2019, did you rent a factory in Nanjie Village?"

"It seems so."

"Yes, no, no?"


"What's that factory for?" Han Bin asked.

Yang Zhichao's forehead was covered with sweat and bit his lip. "Oh, a friend and I wanted to open a dog farm together. I felt that the land was good, so we rented it. It's not against the law."

"How many dogs do you have?"

"Originally, the plan was to raise more. Later, because of the lack of funds, I decided to raise two first and have a try. When my hands are loose, I will invest more."

"What's your friend's name?"

"Song Baijiang."

"Cell phone number?"

Yang Zhichao recalled, "155738xxxxxx"

"I remember very clearly."

"Yes, I have a good memory."

"Is this song Baijiang's mobile phone number?"


"Bang!" Ma Jingbo slapped, "nonsense, this is clearly your mobile phone number, what I want is not his mobile phone number, but his own mobile phone number."

Ma Jingbo has already known about another suspect's suicide, but he has not yet made clear the identity of the other suspect.

Yang Zhichao lowered his head and stopped talking.

"Yang Zhichao, your accomplice has been arrested. It's not good for you to cover him up." Han Bin said coldly.

"I don't know much about him. You might as well ask him."

Ma Jingbo pointed at him, "don't be unkind. We ask you, it's to create conditions for you to do meritorious service."

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"But I really don't know about him." Yang Zhichao shrugged his shoulders.

"How did you two meet?"

"We both like dogs. One day I went to buy a dog and met him in the dog market. They had a good chat and became friends."

"Dong Dong."There was a knock on the door outside the interrogation room. Then Tian Li opened the door and stood at the door.

Ma Jingbo and Han Bin go out.

Li Hui stayed to watch the suspect Yang Zhichao.

Yang Zhichao licked his tongue and his voice was hoarse. "Comrade police, can I have a cigarette?"

Seeing his partner's appearance, Li Hui couldn't help thinking of the photos in his house and shivered, "in special times, you can't even take off your mask. What else do you smoke?"

"Creak..." The door of the interrogation room opens. Ma Jingbo and Han Bin come in. Ma Jingbo still has a piece of information in his hand.

"Yang Zhichao."


Ma Jingbo leaned on the table, "do you have a white Toyota?"

Yang Zhichao said, "yes."

"Where's the car?"

"I can't remember."

"Then I'll help you think about it." Ma Jingbo took out a picture from the information, "is this your car?"

Yang Zhichao looked up, his face turned ugly, "yes."

"Do you remember where I put it now?"

Yang Zhichao hesitated, "it seems that he lent it to song Baijiang."

"What else?"

"No more."

"Have Ren Jianhua, Cao DA and Zhao Xiaoshan ever been in this car?"


Ma Jingbo sneered, "this car has been brought back to the branch, after testing, this car has three dead DNA!"

Hearing this, Yang Zhichao's face suddenly changed.

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