Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 457: 457

"Aren't you and Mike colleagues? Why didn't you go to the party? "

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Ma Jiajia explained, "it's different. I'm an ordinary English teacher. I can't compare with Michael. Mike is a foreign teacher. They have their own circle. Last night, it was a dinner party for foreign teachers in several of their schools. "

"How many foreign teachers do you have in Qindao foreign language college?"


Han Bin wrote in his notebook, "how many people had dinner that night?"

"I don't know how many people I went to. I only know that there are zeyla and Salman. They are also foreign teachers. I have a good relationship with zeyla. She is a beautiful woman from three Arab countries."

"If I want to know about Mike at school, who should I go to?" Han Bin said.

"You can find Chen Haijing, who is the deputy director of the Department of foreign languages and is also responsible for the work of foreign teachers. Mike will come to her if he has something to do or asks for leave."

"Did she go to dinner last night?"

"I think she should take part in it. It's usually her who organizes it."

"What do you think of Mike's murder?"

"I'm certainly sad that I can have any opinion. A good man like Mike shouldn't have suffered such a thing."

"Was there anything unusual about Mike before he died?"

"I I don't know how to say that his brother died. He was very sad, but it was a special time. He couldn't go back to America immediately. He missed his brother's funeral. His family blamed him, and his friends didn't understand. Mike was under a lot of pressure. "

"Where did his brother die, and what was his name?"

"His brother's name is Tony. He just graduated from a famous American University. He is a promising young man. Tony went out to play with his friends at night and was shot and killed by mistake. Their brothers are all good people. They shouldn't have suffered this kind of thing. They shouldn't have. "

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"What is being shot and killed by mistake?" Han Bin asked.

"I'm not sure. Mike is very sad. He cries when he mentions his brother, so I didn't ask him in detail."

"What did Mike do in America before?"

"He used to work in finance. Although he had a high income, he didn't think it was meaningful. He just dealt with money and numbers all day. He didn't like those Wall Street tycoons. He wanted to do something meaningful, so he came to Qindao and became a foreign teacher in our school. He wanted to teach his students what he knew and what he learned. He felt that only in this way could he realize his life "It's worth it."

"Which financial company does he work for?" Han Bin asked.

"Well I don't know which one. He doesn't want to say more about the past. In his words, Wall Street has too much darkness, which is not suitable for him. "

"He's got knife wounds and snatches, you should know."

"Yes, I know." Ma Jiajia nodded, showing a look of admiration,

"when he was in the United States, he was eating in a restaurant in Bangzi country, and met two robbers. Mike was very brave. He didn't look on coldly. He went to fight with those people. The wounds on his body were left by the robbers. He was a hero, and the scars on his body were his medal."

Han Bin wrote it down in his notebook, "is this what Mike told you?"

"I buy it." Ma Jiajia speaks Chinese in an American style,

"you are doubting Michael. I know he is a black man. You may have prejudice against him, but he is different from other black people. Just like our country, there are good people as well as bad people. Otherwise, the people in prison can be distinguished by their skin."

"You overreacted?"

"You can doubt me, but you can't doubt Mike. His friends say the same thing. He's a good man and a man of responsibility."

"What friend?"

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"After his brother died, some friends came to him from America. When I talked with him, he also adored Mike. I can feel that he even regarded Mike as an idol."

"What's the name of the friend you're talking about?"


"Why did Hal come from America to find Mike?"

"He wants Mike to come home and get justice for Tony who died."

"What kind of justice?"

Ma Jiajia shook her head. "I'm not very clear about the specific situation. Mike doesn't want me to worry. He says it's all small things. He'll take care of them."

"Has Mike ever thought of going back to China?"

"When Hal first came here, he said what happened to Tony. Mike was very angry. He thought about going back to China and discussed it with me. I asked him to take me to the United States. He said he couldn't take me away for the time being, and once he returned to the United States, he didn't know whether he would come back

"I don't want to be separated from him, so I advised him not to go back for the time being. Mike finally agreed to me. He was reluctant to leave me and decided not to go back for the time being. We discussed that we would go to America to worship Tony in the summer vacation

"Is Hal back in America?""Not yet."

"Where is he?"

"He lives in our house, but he didn't go back last night, and I don't know where he is?"

"He didn't go back only yesterday, or he often didn't go home at night?"

Ma Jiajia said, "Oh, he's a drunkard. He often goes out to drink. He's different from Mike. He often doesn't go home at night."

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"Why doesn't Hal come back?"

"I don't know. I asked Mike and he said he would handle it."

"Does Hal have a cell phone?"

"Yes, I lent him a cell phone number that my mother didn't use."

"What's your cell phone number?"


"besides this, is there anything unusual about Mike recently?"


"Do you have any suspects for his murder?"

Ma Jiajia hesitated, "I I don't know how to say... "

"Tell the truth."

"Some time ago, Mike had a fight with a man for me."

"What man, what does it have to do with you?"

"His name is David. He's my ex boyfriend."

"Foreigners, too."

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"Yes, he is also a foreign teacher in the school."

"What's the conflict about?"

"Last November, Mike was still living in the foreign teachers' dormitory. I went to the dormitory to find him. He was still giving lessons to his classmates, so I took a rest in his dormitory. David also lives in the foreign teachers' dormitory. He saw me and wanted to get back together with me, but I refused. David began to do something to me, and was just seen by Mike. Mike was very angry, just like an angry bull, and taught him a lesson. "

"Mike is very strong. He hurt David, and the matter went to the school. Chen Haijing, the deputy director, came forward to solve the problem. We compensated David for some medical expenses, and then moved out of the foreign teachers' dormitory."

"What country is David from?"

"Also American, but he is a white man. He always looks down on Mike, as if he was born noble. In fact, compared with Mike, he is nothing at all. He is a scum man."

Han Bin wrote it down in his notebook, "so David and Mike have been in conflict."

"Yes, because of this love affair, they haven't seen each other for more than two months. Yesterday was the first day. David should have attended the party last night. Yes, he must have." Speaking of this, Ma Jiajia began to cry,

"if you If David did it, he must have done it because of me. I hurt Mike NO……”

Bao Xing patted his forehead. This kind of Chinese added a few English words, which made him sound very painful.

"Why did you and David split up?"

"I don't want to talk about that scum anymore." Ma Jiajia choked.

Han Bin frowned, "we are not asking about your emotional history, but want to know if David has a motive."

"He definitely had a motive. He was always jealous of Mike. I can see that he regretted it."

Han Bin pinched his forehead. "What I want to ask is, did you break up with David because of Mike?"

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