Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 458: 458

Ma Jiajia seems a little excited, "no, Mike is not the third party. It's David who cheated. He offered to break up with me, and then I was with Mike."

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"Did David ever threaten Mike?"

Ma Jiajia recalled, "said that he called Mike a black egg, and also said that if he was in the United States, he would have shot him."

Han Bin opened his notebook and thought of a question, "Mike has a tattoo on his body. Do you know what it means?"

"I asked, and he said he just thought it looked good, so it was tattooed."

"Does Mike have any belongings?"

"Mobile phone, gold chain, gold ring, 2000 RMB."

"What brand of mobile phone?"


"What do gold chains and rings look like?"

"The gold chain is a thicker one, and the gold ring is also a wide one. It cost tens of thousands to buy these two gold ornaments."

Bao Xing couldn't help asking, "why do you take so much gold?"

"Mike likes it. He says it's a black tradition."

Han Bin wrote it down in his notebook and continued to ask, "now that electronic payment is so convenient, many people usually don't bring cash. Even if they are in an emergency, they will bring one or two hundred. Why does he bring so much cash?"

"Mike doesn't like electronic payment. He likes the feeling of spending paper money. He spends most of his time on paper money. If he doesn't have enough cash, he will brush my credit card. He doesn't want to learn to use electronic payment." Ma Jiajia said.

"Besides David, do you have anyone else to doubt?"

"How to say, there are people who have conflicts with Mike, but I don't think she can kill people, and she doesn't have that ability?"

"As long as it's someone who's in conflict with Mike, you can say it directly. As for whether he will kill people and whether he has the ability, the police will naturally judge." Han Bin said.

"OK, her name is Elizabeth. She's a staid old woman. Every time she meets Mike, she looks disdainful and quarrels with him several times."

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"Is she a foreign teacher, too?"

"Yes, she's from the sun never sets empire. He looks down on Mike and even David. She still lives in the glory of the sun never sets empire in the last century. She always thinks that only her English is authentic. What we say is shit. She really hates it."

Han Bin summed up, "the five foreign teachers in Qindao foreign language college are Salman, Zelai, Elizabeth, Mike and David."

Ma Jiajia nodded, "yes, Shalman and Zelai are a couple. They are all from the three countries of South Asia and Afghanistan."

"Mike and David are both American."

"Elizabeth is an old woman of the empire that never sets."

Han Bin wrote it down in his notebook, and the conversation changed, "Miss Ma, where were you between 8:00 and 12:00 last night?"

Ma Jiajia widened her eyes and asked, "what do you mean? Why ask me where I am? Are you doubting me? "

"It's just a routine inquiry."

"I'm at home."

"Don't you English teachers have dinner together?"

"No, we are just some ordinary teachers. The salary can't be compared with that of foreign teachers. My colleagues will be careful and stingy one by one."

"So you didn't have an alibi last night?"

"Are you still doubting me?"

"I said, just a routine inquiry."

Ma Jiajia snorted, "I also said, I'm at home, you can check the monitoring, I didn't go out again after I went home."

"Where do you live?"

"Room 1102, building 8, huisongjiayuan, Binnan district."

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Han Bin closed the notebook, "thank you for your cooperation, you can go back first, we will inform you when there is news."

"When will you catch Mike's killer?"

"We will try our best to solve the case as soon as possible." Han Bin promised.

"Well, I'll wait for your news." Ma Jiajia gets up to leave.

Han Bin got up and handed her a business card. "Miss Ma, this is my business card. If you meet Hal, let me know."

"I have Sister Li's contact information. I'll tell him." Ma Jiajia finished and left a group of offices.

Bao Xing sighed, "this woman is really..."

"What's the matter?" Huang Qianqian asked.

"I don't know how to describe it?" Bao Xing spread his hand, some words can't be said in front of Huang Qianqian.

Ma Jiajia is a black-and-white woman. Her white foreign teacher is her ex boyfriend, and her black foreign teacher is her current boyfriend. She may have been with Chinese people before, which means she's soaking up all three races in the world.

Can this be a normal person?

It's noon after taking notes.

Ma Jingbo and others returned to a group of offices one after another. After discussion, they simply went out to eat.

This period of time every day to eat the canteen, and then the delicious food is also tired.It happens that there are many restaurants near the City Council. Some of them are not big, but the food is very authentic.

The group came to a restaurant called shikeju, which is not far from the City Council. The area of the restaurant is small. The two floors add up to only over 100 square meters.

Han Bin asked for a private room. The waiter put the menu on the table and went out to make tea.

Six people each ordered a dish, sweet and sour tenderloin, maoshijin, hot squid, garlic elbow, nameless beef soup, fried wheat with oil. Some people wanted noodles, some people wanted fried cakes, and some people ate rice.

After the waiter came in, he put the tea on the table and left with the written menu.

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There were only my own people left in the room, and naturally they discussed the case.

"Han Bin, what's the situation of the dead man like?" Ma Jingbo asked.

"The basic situation has been found out, but personally, I don't think that Ma Jiajia's words can be fully believed." Han Bin said.

Later, Han Bin narrated the contents of the notes to Ma Jingbo, Wang Xiao and Jiang Yang.

As soon as he finished, there was a knock on the door. Then the waiter came in with a wooden plate in his hand and two porcelain plates in it. They put them on the round table, one with garlic elbow and one with fried wheat.

There are outsiders present, it is not good to continue the discussion, Ma Jingbo waved, "have a taste, today I treat."

"Horse team, I'd better come today. Yesterday, everyone gave me a reception. Today, I invite you to dinner." Han Bin said with a smile.

Han Bin sandwiched a piece of elbow, fat but not greasy, taste good.

Fried wheat oil is light, not suitable for rice, but it's very clear, with these hard dishes, it's very greasy.

After everyone had a taste, Ma Jingbo picked up his tea cup and said, "let's take tea instead of wine."

Ma Jingbo is also a drinker. He is only on business and can only talk about it.

Of course, everyone didn't spoil his interest. They all raised their glasses and took a drink.

Other dishes have been served.

The waiter ticked on the menu, "your dishes are finished. When will the staple food be served?"

"For a while." Han Bin said.

The waiter closed the door of the private room and went out.

Ma Jingbo went on with the previous discussion and asked, "Han Bin, what do you mean when you say Ma Jiajia's words can't be completely believed? She lied

Han Bin took a sip of tea and said, "I don't see any sign of her lying. However, from her description, I feel that Mike should have something to hide from her. Many confessions don't match."

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"I also have this feeling. Ma Jiajia describes Mike as a person with a great sense of responsibility, but I always feel a little fake and unreal." Bao Xing echoed.

Li Qin analysis, "can it be preconceived, before we speculated that Mike may be an American, but Ma Jiajia said he was a hero, let Mike's image had some contrast, will think her words some false."

"Some time ago, Mike's younger brother Tony was shot in the United States. Hal came to China to ask Mike to return home and ask him to get justice for Tony. As a result, Mike was also killed. If there is no relationship between the two, it would be a coincidence." Bao Xing shrugged his shoulders.

"Can you contact the U.S. police to find out how Tony died, as well as Mike's specific identity information, to see if the two cases are related." Jiang Yang proposed.

Ma Jingbo puts down his chopsticks. Jiang Yang's proposal is good, but it's not easy to implement. Even if we can contact the American police, the efficiency of this matter will not be too fast, and we can't count on it in a short time.

Speaking of this, Han Bin looked to Li Qin, "by the way, how about the mobile phone number used by Mike?"

"It's no longer in the service area. I can't locate my mobile phone. I've contacted the technology department. They will communicate with the communication company and ask the communication company to print a recent call list." Li Qindao.

Han Bin thought for a moment, "when it comes to mobile phones, I have a conjecture. Is it possible that we think it's complicated? It's just a simple murder caused by touching porcelain."

Han Bin's proposal is very novel, which immediately aroused people's curiosity.

"The location of the victim's injury was in front of the car, and the car showed signs of braking. The situation of this porcelain is very similar."

Li Qin frowned and said, "it's possible to touch porcelain. Yi Qing has just passed. During this period, most people have no jobs, and there are not a few people who are short of money. But I've seen a lot of people who touch porcelain. It's totally different from killing people. "

Han Bin recalled for a moment and continued, "according to Ma Jiajia's written testimony, Mike was wearing a thick gold chain and gold ring. The two alone add up to tens of thousands."

"Suppose that Mike bent over to look at the injured and wanted to help him up, and the first thing the injured saw was the glittering gold chain. If the injured grabbed Mike's gold chain, they would fight."

Jiang Yang poured a cup of tea, "I think what leader Han said is reasonable. This speculation is quite consistent with the traces of the scene, and there is another advantage of touching porcelain at night. If you can meet a drunk driver, you can definitely make a windfall."Ma Jingbo ate a mouthful of squid, chewing creaking, Han Bin's analysis is no problem, but lack of evidence to support.

Han Bin drank a mouthful of beef miscellaneous soup, which put mustard, drink a mouthful of very transparent, "horse team, how about the suspect's line?"

Ma Jingbo shook his head, helpless way, "we checked the T-junction monitoring, time line from 8 o'clock last night to 2 o'clock this morning, found a few people who passed in this period, but ruled out the suspect."

Han Bin thinks of the crooked shoe print on the green belt and suggests, "team, I think we can expand the investigation time and push the timeline back."

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