Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 464: 464

In the afternoon, Han Bin rearranged his task.

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Wang Xiao and Bao Xing are responsible for monitoring, while Han Bin takes Li Qin and Jiang Yang out of the field.

Li Qin asks for David's mobile phone number from Chen Haijing. After calling, she prompts to turn off the phone.

It can't be located outside the service area, but it can also be located when the mobile phone is turned off.

Li Qin went directly to the technology department to apply for locating David's mobile phone. The location showed that David was in the kilton hotel.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Han Bin and his wife drove to the kilton Hotel, went to the front desk and showed their police ID card. They soon found David's room 1108.

accompanied by a waitress, Han Bin and his wife arrived at the door of the room.

"Dong Dong..." The waitress knocked.

"Creak..." At a glottal sound, a white man opened the door, wearing a mask on his face, and said in very poor Chinese, "what's the matter?"

"Sir, your friend came to see you?"

David spread out his hand. "Friend, what friend."

Han Bin went to the door. "Hello, Mr. David."

David looked at Han Bin and asked in English, "who are you? Are you looking for me? "

Han Bin showed his police certificate, "we are from the city criminal investigation team. We want to know something about you."

David shrugged. "Policeman, what can I do for you?"

"Do you know Mike?"

David laughed. "If you're talking about the black egg, yes, I know it."

"If it's convenient, I'd like to go in and talk to you."

"No, it's not convenient." David shook his head.

Han Bin showed a warrant, "do you know this certificate?"

"No, I don't know Chinese."

"This document will take you to the police station for questioning."

"No, you can't do that. I'm a foreigner and I haven't done anything illegal. If you want to take me to the police station, I'll find a lawyer to sue you."

Han Bin smiles.

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Foreigner this scare grass-roots police may be useful, but now it comes to criminal cases, Han Bin does not bird him, "you are free."

"Handcuff it and take it away."

Jiang Yang came over. He had a baby face, a little fat, and looked simple and honest. He made a gesture of "please, Mr. David, please come with us."

"Listen, I warn you, if you touch me, I'll sue you for bankruptcy."

Jiang Yang took out the handcuffs, "I don't understand what you say."

David stretched out his right hand and pointed to Jiang Yang, "smart, I'm a foreigner, you Qindao police can't..."

Jiang Yang grabs David's hand and twists it. David is like a cat with its tail trampled on. He screams, "Oh It's killing me. Let me go

"I hate people pointing at my face." Jiang Yang has a good sense of propriety. Although he pinches like this, he won't cause any trauma. He puts handcuffs on David directly.

Although David is tall and big, he is half a head taller than Jiang Yang. However, the sharp pain from his right hand makes him unable to use any strength, just like a puppet.

"Fuck, let me go. You're not American police. Why do you dare to do this to me?" Cried David.

Han Bin snorted, "all what age, still think oneself is a treasure, take away."

"No, you can't. I'm a teacher. I'm a teacher at Qindao foreign language college." Cried David.

Han Bin said with a smile, "Yeah, you are a teacher, I am a policeman, you teach, I catch people, no problem."

"Sorry, I know I'm wrong, Mr. policeman. I respect you. Please don't take me to the police station. Let's just say something in the hotel room, OK?"

"It's too small for me to hear." Han Bin said.

"Sir Please, don't go to the police station, OK

Han Bin turned his head and said to the waiter, "it's hard for you. We'll talk to him alone."

"Do as you please." The waitress nodded and left the room.

Jiang Yang escorts David into the room. Han Bin and Li Qin search the room. There is no one else in the room, so Jiang Yang unties his handcuffs.

David touched his wrist. "Mr. policeman, I'm a good man. You've got the wrong person, really."

"We didn't want to arrest you. We just wanted to know something about you, but after we showed you the warrant, you refused to cooperate. We have the right to arrest you and return to the police station for questioning." Han Bin said.

"I'm willing to cooperate, you ask."

Han Bin sat on the opposite sofa, "take off the mask."

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David hesitated and took off his mask. There was a bruise on the right side of his cheek.

Han Bin observed and joked, "it's beautiful. Is this your new tattoo?"

David was so angry that he bowed his head."Let me guess." Han Bin stood up and walked around the tea table. "Mike hit you."

David was a little excited. "No, it's not Mike. I know what you're thinking, but Mike's death has nothing to do with me."

"Do you have anything to do with Ma Jiajia?" Han Bin asked.

This foreigner is a remember to eat not remember to hit goods, actually showed a smile, "Yeah, that girl like me."

Han Bin said, "so Mike got in trouble with you. You killed Mike."

"No, I didn't kill Mike. His death has nothing to do with me. I'm innocent."

"How did you get that wound on your face?"

David hesitated for a moment. "Listen, Mr. policeman, I respect you, but this is my private matter. I hope you can respect my privacy. I can assure you that the injury on my face has nothing to do with Mike."

"Since it doesn't matter, why don't you say it?"

David said, "I am a foreigner, we are very concerned about their privacy, if it is in the United States, I may have been looking for a lawyer."

"If you want a lawyer so much, I can introduce one for you." Han Bin doesn't like it.

David shrugged. "Come on, I've been in China for a while. The lawyers here are not the kind I want."

"Since you are familiar with China, you should honestly cooperate with the police investigation, don't make trouble for yourself, OK."

"Yeah, I respect you, yes."

"Respect is mutual. If you cooperate with the police investigation, we will treat you as an international friend and give you some convenience within the scope of the policy."

"OK, you ask."

"What time did you leave Siji the night before yesterday?"

"Around ten."

"Where did you go after you left the restaurant?"

"I I went back to my dorm. " David said.

"How did you get back?"

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"Take a taxi."

"What time did you arrive at school?"

David shrugged. "About half past ten."

"Can anyone prove it?"

"No, it's so late. There's no one else."

"What time did Mike leave the restaurant?"

"It's more than nine. It seems that I don't care too much."

"Yes? How can I hear that you two seem to have quarreled? "

"Oh, how to say, I'm white, he's black, everyone looks at each other, this is very normal in America, this is not my reason to kill people."

"Have you ever been to four seasons before?"

David shrugged. "Ah, it doesn't seem to be."

Han Bin wrote in his notebook, "Mike has a black SUV, do you know?"

"Yeah, Buick."

"Have you ever been in his car?"



"Of course."

Han Bin sat up straight, eyes sharp stare at each other, "David, you said you would cooperate with the police investigation, I choose to respect you, did not take you to the police station for questioning, but just do the record, you still lied."

"I..." David lowered his head, hesitated and said, "sorry, I've been to that restaurant before."

"Why are you hiding it?"

"I went with Ma Jiajia. I know that you suspect me because of her, so I don't want to make trouble for myself." David shrugged.

"What's your relationship with Ma Jiajia?"

"I said that girl likes me. Black eggs are not her food. She asked for me. Once we were dating in Mike's dormitory, and Mike found out. He beat me up. After that, I didn't get in touch with Ma Jiajia

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"Why date in Mike's dorm? Not in your dorm. "

"Exciting, yes, Ma Jiajia and I both like the feeling of stealing."

Han Bin some speechless, this quality can be a teacher?

"Do you know the police are looking for you?"

"I know."

"So you went to the hotel on purpose?"

"Listen, I'm not here to avoid the police. I'm in some other little trouble."

"What's the trouble?"

David showed a wry smile, "some emotional disputes."

"Of course, it's nothing to do with Ma Jiajia. I'm just playing with her. A lot of women like me, yeah, so You know

Han Bin snorted and warned, "don't leave Qindao for a while."

"Of course, I have classes in two days. I won't leave my students. I love them. I want to heal my wounds and go back to teach them as soon as possible. They like my classes very much."

Han Bin just ready to get up and leave, suddenly remembered something, "do you know Mike?"David nodded, "OK, I don't like him, but we are all from America."

"Do you know that Michael's brother was killed?"

David laughed and looked scornful. "Yes, I heard that. I'm not surprised at all. It's normal for people like them to fight and kill. Mike is a scum and has no qualification to be a teacher."

"What kind of person is Mike?"

"Gangster, he should be a gangster in America, you know, big gold chain, big gold ring, those hip-hop singers, many of them have Gang background."

"It only shows that he likes hip-hop culture, not that he is astringent." Han Bin said.

"I'm not sure at first, but when we were fighting, I broke his clothes and found a tattoo on his shoulder. I know It's definitely a gang tattoo. I haven't contacted Ma Jiajia since then. " David looks like you know.

"Since you are afraid of him, you still quarreled with him that night?"

David said with a smile, "that's different. I know his bottom line."

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