Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 465: 465

In half an hour.

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Han Bin left the hotel.

While driving, Jiang Yang asked, "team leader, what did you say to that foreigner?"

Han Bin will record the content of roughly said again.

Li Qin asked, "the foreigner won't say why he was beaten. Do you think there will be any problem?"

"I also think that David has something to hide, but it may not necessarily have something to do with David's death. In my opinion, David belongs to a kind of selfish and intelligent person. People like him don't kill easily." Han Bin added,

"of course, it's just my guess. It's still based on the evidence. Maybe David's performance just now is just a fake."

"Since David said he left as a taxi, I think we can check this line to confirm the reliability of the testimony." Li Qin proposed.

"Yes, the surveillance of Siji restaurant may be able to take some clues." Han Bin said.

Li Qin reminds, "what about Elizabeth?"

"If you don't tell me, I forgot. Please contact us and let's go to Qindao foreign language college directly."

“OK。” Li Qin answered, then showed a wry smile, these two days often deal with foreigners, unconsciously speaking English.

Li Qin dials Chen Haijing's mobile phone.

After chatting for a few minutes, Li Qin hung up her cell phone and sighed, "chief, I think we're going to turn around."

Han Bin is in the back row, closing his eyes, "what's the matter."

"Chen Haijing said that before, we had an appointment with Elizabeth at 2 p.m., but we didn't come here as agreed. Elizabeth still had a class at 4 p.m. in Elizabeth's original words, she didn't want to affect her work because of other people's work, which was unfair to her students, so she changed to take notes tomorrow morning."

"You can get in touch again and apologize to Elizabeth, admitting that we didn't make it on time. Then tell her we'd like to wait and take notes after class. "

"I told Chen Haijing, but Chen Haijing said that Elizabeth is a very stubborn person. We broke our appointment once today, and she won't see us again today. It's ten o'clock tomorrow morning. "

"Do you have Elizabeth's cell phone number? I'll talk to her directly." Han Bin said.

"Yes." Li Qin answered and found out Elizabeth's mobile phone number.

Han Bin looks at his watch. It's 3:52 p.m., less than 4 o'clock. Then he dials Elizabeth's mobile phone.


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Han Bin sighed, "well, we can only wait for tomorrow."

David and Elizabeth's situation is not the same, David has motive, suspected of committing a crime, can apply for a warrant, with a certain degree of mandatory.

But Elizabeth's case only applies to summoning, not compulsory.


After returning to the Municipal Bureau, Han Bin went to the squadron leader's office and reported the situation to Ma Jingbo.

Ma Jingbo learned about the progress of the case, encouraged a few words, let Han Bin leave.

Back to a group of office, Han Bin has not had time to drink, Bao Xing came up.

"Team leader, Wang Xiao and I have found a new clue."

"What clue?" Han Bin made a cup of green tea and walked over.

Wang Xiao pointed to the computer screen, "this is the monitoring at the gate of Siji restaurant. The location of Siji restaurant is good. There is a dotted line in front. You can walk in the East-West lane and north-south direction."

"Siji restaurant is on the east side of the street. It's reasonable to say that Mike can go back to his rental house as long as he goes north along the East Lane. In the middle, he just passes the crime scene of Yufeng street, but Mike doesn't take this road."

Wang Xiao continues to play the surveillance video. He can clearly see a black Buick car, crossing the dotted line to the West Lane, and it looks like it's going straight south.

"It shows that Mike went to other places before he went to the scene of the crime. Siji cuisine is not the last place he went before he died."

Han Bin patted Wang Xiao on the shoulder, "well done, check Skynet monitoring, I want to know where Mike went?"



Yuhua District.

At 7:30 p.m., laowei roast chicken rack.

This shop has been for many years, the area is not big, there are seven or eight tables at the door, already full of people, very lively.

On the west side, there are two tables together. There are six people sitting around, Zeng Ping, Li Hui, Zhao Ming, Tian Li, sun Xiaopeng and Du Qi.

There is a bucket of draft beer on the table. I just ordered, but I haven't finished it yet.

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Zhao Ming took a glass and poured it for everyone. There was a layer of foam floating on it. He looked very greedy.

"Huige, what did Bingge say? Will you come later?"

"He would have come if he had nothing to do." Li Hui made a perfunctory remark.At 5 p.m., Li Hui called Han Bin again. At that time, Han Bin said that there was no problem. As long as there was no emergency, he should be able to attend the dinner party.

Li Hui is also a policeman. He is very clear that this kind of thing is really uncertain. As long as there is a new clue to the case, Han binba's achievements will not come.

So, he didn't die.

"At the last party, brother bin was still a member of our Yuhua Branch. This time, he became a member of the city criminal investigation team." Zhao Ming said with emotion.

Zeng Ping took a sip of beer. "It's good for Han Bin. The development space of the Municipal Bureau is bigger."

"Well, I know it's a good thing. It's just that some of us are reluctant to leave. We've been together for such a long time. It's too sudden to say that we'll be transferred." Zhao Ming sighed.

Tian Li laughed, "as for it, it's not that we don't see each other. Maybe one day there will be a case, and we will investigate it together."

Li Hui took out a box of cigarettes and gave it to the public. "It's true. Before, we had no less joint investigation with the Municipal Bureau. Later, with Han Bin's relationship, there were more opportunities for cooperation."

Du Qi took the cigarette and said with a smile, "if you want me to say that the last time we set up the 131 joint task force, the team leader of the horse team may have come to inspect team leader Han. Otherwise, it's so coincidental that he was directly transferred to the second middle team of the Municipal Bureau."

Zeng Ping took a cigarette and shook his head. "It's not so easy to be a horse captain alone. Han Bin is one of the key training objects of our Branch Bureau. If it's not for the high-level of the Municipal Bureau, the leaders of the Branch Bureau won't release people easily."

Sun Xiaopeng took a sip of his drink and said, "tut Tut, team leader Han is good enough. Even the leaders of the Municipal Bureau call names."

"That is, brother bin and our team have solved many big cases, which is no worse than their city criminal investigation team." Zhao Ming snorted.

Li Hui touched his chin, "don't be sour, you guys. It's not easy to get into the city criminal investigation team."

Zeng Ping held up his wine glass and said, "gold will shine everywhere. Come on, let's go."

At this time, a taxi stopped nearby, and Han Bin got out of the car.

In the afternoon, after Han Bin had arranged his work, we investigated the case separately. He studied Mike's tattoo.

But until 7 p.m., there was no new clue to the case, so Han Bin let everyone off work.

"Well, it seems that I arrived at the right time." Han Bin said with a smile.


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"Leader Han."


They got up and said.

"Team Zeng." Han Bin first greets Zeng Ping, an old leader.

Then say hello to other colleagues.

A few days no see, Han Bin also feel particularly close.

Zhao Ming poured a glass of draft beer and handed it over, "brother bin."

Han Bin took the beer and raised his glass to indicate, "it's like three autumn after a day's absence. I also miss you strangely. I'd like to propose a glass of wine to you first."

Han Bin had a good amount of wine, and he was a little thirsty, so he had a draft beer.

Zeng Ping and others also took a drink from the cup.

As soon as the wine was drunk, the atmosphere became active, and the estrangement of the brief separation disappeared.

Although we no longer work together, we still have to get together. For such a small group gathering, we can invite Han Bin to show that we still regard him as our own person.

People talked a few words, said some of the recent situation, not a while on the end of the chicken grill.

That's the main character today.

A large spicy grilled chicken rack, a plate of peanuts, a plate of shredded potatoes, dried tofu, vermicelli, and preserved eggs are all good dishes for wine.

Not long after Han Bin arrived at the Municipal Bureau, he was still used to being with these old colleagues.


Han Bin's promotion hasn't been treated yet. He wants to invite everyone to have a good meal after solving the case in hand.

After dinner, it's more than nine o'clock in the evening. Han Bin takes a taxi home, washes and has a good sleep.

Drinking wine is the surest way to sleep.

Of course, the premise is not to drink too much.

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If you drink too much, you have to have a lot of hard work experience.


The next morning, after getting up, Han Bin felt energetic and relaxed.

Occasionally get together with friends, appropriate to drink a little wine, can also reduce stress.

To the sub Bureau, Han Bin immediately held a short morning meeting.

At ten o'clock in the morning, he had to make a note for Elizabeth. He had to leave the City Council before nine twenty.

Han Bin doesn't want to be late again.

Punctuality and trustworthiness are the most basic principles.

Han Bin, Li Qin and Bao Xing are still going to Qindao foreign language college this time.

On the way, Han Bin's mobile phone suddenly rings.

Han Bin took out his mobile phone and saw that Huang Qianqian's name was on the screen, "hello."

"Chief, I found Mike's black friend Hal." Huang Qianqian said.

"Where's Hal?""I don't know where he is now, but he bought a ticket at 1:30 noon today."

"Where is he going?"

"Transfer from Yangcheng to niuyue."

Han Bin glanced at his watch. It's 9:25 now. "Sister Li, Hal bought a ticket back to the United States. I'm going to the airport to summon him back to the police station. You can take Bao Xing and take notes for Elizabeth."

Hal suddenly left the country, let Han Bin have a sense of vigilance, no matter whether the boy is a murderer or not, he must not let him run back to the United States before taking notes.

Li Qin showed a touch of bitterness, "team leader, Bao Xing and I can't speak English, just the two of us are afraid..."

Han Bin lit a cigarette and took a deep puff. He didn't want to break his appointment, let alone let Hal run away.

Otherwise, the case is likely to become a pending case

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