Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 466: 466

Before long, Han Bin called ma Jingbo to report.

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To say it's a report is to catch the strong men.

If Han Bin is unable to go to the airport, he is not at ease to send ordinary team members to control him.

The best way is to invite Ma Jingbo.

Ma Jingbo didn't refuse after he learned about the situation. Only Han Bin was proficient in English, so he went to Qindao foreign language college instead of taking notes for Elizabeth.

As for asking someone to translate this kind of thing, it is not impossible.

But where can I find it for a while?

Chen Haijing knows English, but she knows several people involved in the case, so she can't use it.

She is not the only one who can't use it.

It's a little embarrassing.

It's not easy to find a translator temporarily, but Han Bin is convenient to use and doesn't spend money.

Ma Jingbo's account is clear.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Han Bin arrived at Qindao Foreign Language College as scheduled.

Many young students are walking in the school.

There are men and women, and there are men and women together.

There is a pair of men and women in a small tree behind the Bo, the small tree is also thick arm, two students are hiding their ears.

Li Qin smiles, "now students are so open."

"Not all schools are like this. It's still related to the atmosphere of the school. Last time I went to Qindao university to investigate, the trees there were thicker than those here." Han Bin joked.

"Ha ha..." Bao Xing laughed, "at least can cover the face."

Li Qin shakes her head. In her impression, school is a place to learn. It's a bit too much in public.

Bao Xing's eyes turned and he looked at the pair of classmates who were forgetting themselves. He had a bad feeling in his heart. If you are in love, you can't be in broad daylight.

Do you want a bachelor to live?

Not only hurt my eyes, but also hurt my heart.

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"Team leader, you go first, I'll do something." Bao Xing put down a word and walked to the pair of students with a straight face, hands on his back and pace,

"well, what are you two doing in broad daylight, which class?"


The boys and girls were startled and quickly separated.

The male classmate looked at Bao Xing and asked, "who are you?"

"You don't know who I am. Are you a student of this school? Are you a social worker going to our school to have a fight? And this girl, which class are you in? "

The girl lowered her head, like a child who had done something wrong, hiding behind her male classmates.

"Teacher, I'm all from the Foreign Language Institute. The school didn't say that we should not fall in love. There are so many students in our class. Besides, we are all adults." Male classmate pushed glasses, excuse way.

"You still have reason. When did I say not to fall in love? It's OK to fall in love, but you can't boo on the roadside. Not breaking the law doesn't mean you're doing the right thing. You should pay attention to the influence in public places."

"Teacher, it's the first time for us too. We won't have another fight in the future." Female students whispered.

"I didn't say that I won't let you fight. It's your freedom, but I can't do it in front of other students. After all, school is a place to learn. If you want to make friends every day, you can learn well. " Bao Xing reprimanded.

"Teacher, we didn't affect our study. Since we talked about love, we have been encouraging each other, learning from each other's strong points and making progress together, and our grades have been better." Male students are still a little unconvinced.

"You are good at your studies. What about the other students? Those students who don't have an object to see you two making friends at school, can they have the heart to study? The school is not your home, it's a place for everyone to study. There must be a good learning atmosphere. " Bao Xing is serious.

There are a few onlookers around.

A man with a book and a cap said: "this teacher is very good. I hate these people who make friends in school. You can find a corner. You can pick up places where there are many people even if you are not shy."

"The school should be in charge long ago. If you look at other people's Petroleum University, what kind of learning atmosphere it is. You can read books around the school. Our school is good. It's all about love. It can be good."

Another student holding a basketball said with a smile, "who said no, last time I went to the library to read a book, there were two people at the door of the library. As a result, I sat in the library for two hours, but I didn't turn a page."

The students around burst into laughter.

"Cough..." Bao Xing coughed lightly and said to the students around him, "don't watch the excitement. Hurry to class."

Several students scattered in a crowd.

"Teacher, we know that we are wrong. If we dare not, you will let us go." The girl student pleaded.

"You can't just talk about it, you have to take action." Bao Xing pointed to the male students, "what's your name?"

"Liu Yangyang."

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"Go get a plastic bag and clean up all the rubbish in this area. Clean it up. I'll come to check later.""I see."

"I can't hear you."

"I remember," the male student exclaimed

Bao Xing pointed to the female classmate again, "what's your name?"

"Chen Xiaofan."

"Write a 2000 word review. I'll check it tomorrow."

Female students show embarrassed look, "teacher, two thousand words is too much, one day can't write."

"Have you ever read an online novel?"

Female students face muddled force, "seen."

Bao Xing snorted, "those network writers, which day don't write five or six thousand words, more than two thousand words? Not much at all. "

They both drooped their heads and looked like frosted eggplants.

"OK, pay more attention in the future. If you really want to find a remote place, don't influence other people." Bao Xing put down a word and walked towards the teacher's office building.

The couple made a big red face.

Han Bin and Chen Haijing exchanged greetings in the teacher's office building, and Bao Xing caught up with them.

Li Qin glanced at him, "what are you doing?"

"Hey, hey." Bao Xing, with a smile, "helped granny across the road."

Li Qin doesn't care about him.

Four people on the teacher's office building, Chen Haijing first three people will be arranged to the meeting room, and then to find Elizabeth.

Bao Xing sighed and sat in a daze, as if he wanted to enter the state of humanoid video recorder.

Before long, Chen Haijing came in with a white woman in her fifties.

Elizabeth's hair was a little gray, but she took care of it meticulously. She was holding a few thick books, wearing a pair of black framed glasses, with no smile on her face. She walked slowly and gracefully.

Chen Haijing gave a brief introduction and left the meeting room.

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Han Bin nodded and said in standard English, "Hello, Ms. Elizabeth."

"Hello, Mr. policeman."

"Sorry, I didn't make it on time yesterday."

"It doesn't matter. You're right. I don't know much about it. I'm not familiar with Mike." Elizabeth shrugged her shoulders.

"Thank you all the same for your help."

"OK, if you have anything, just ask. I have other plans in the afternoon."

"Did you have dinner with Mike on the evening of April 10th?"

"Yes, what's the problem?"

"What time did you leave the restaurant that night?"

"About eight fifty."

"Why did you leave early?"

"I'm used to going to bed before ten o'clock, and I have to wash when I get back to the dormitory. If it's too late, it will affect my normal work and rest."

"I don't quite agree with you, Ms. Elizabeth. It's normal for colleagues to have dinner together. It's impolite to leave early." Han Bin said.

Elizabeth laughed. "You should have met my colleagues."

"Of course."

"Then I think your question is redundant. You can see that I can't talk with them at all. They don't have the basic qualities to be a teacher." Elizabeth looked at Han Bin for a while,

"Comrade police, I think your English is more standard and more suitable to be an oral English teacher than they are."

"Thank you." Han Bin can't laugh or cry,

"Ms. Elizabeth, how did you get back to the dormitory?"

"I took a taxi back to my dormitory. I got home at about 9:30. After washing, I went to bed on time at 10 o'clock."

Han Bin is not interested in the details of an aunt's sleeping, so he says, "what do you think of Mike?"

"The first time I saw him, I knew that he was a lazy guy. If it wasn't for his nationality, he couldn't be a teacher at all."

"And David?"

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"David is an irresponsible person. As long as he is a woman, he will tease him. I don't like him either."

"Do you know Ma Jiajia?"

Elizabeth spread her hand. "Oh, MAIGA, don't tell me about that woman. She's my nightmare."

"Is there any contradiction between you and her?"

"This woman was with David first, and then with Mike, and I hear it every night..."

Elizabeth looked embarrassed and swallowed. "It wasn't until she and Mike moved out of the dorm that the world became clean. If they don't move, I think I'll go out and rent a house, too. "

"Sorry, it reminds you of bad memories." Han Bin said.

Elizabeth shrugged. "OK, I don't care at all."

"So the sound insulation of the dormitory building is average?"

"Yeah, the sound insulation is very poor. I sleep very light. I am often woken up by all kinds of noises."

"On the night of October 15th, what time did David get back to the dormitory?"Elizabeth thought about it and recalled, "I didn't hear much that day. In fact, David didn't live in the dormitory very often."

"And where does he live?"

"I don't know. I don't care. I just hope to teach students well." Elizabeth said sincerely.

After a few more words, Han Bin lets Elizabeth leave without asking for more clues.

Han Bin found Chen Haijing and said, "director Chen, I want to check the monitoring of foreign teachers' dormitory building."

Chen Haijing showed a embarrassed look, "officer Han, you should know that these foreigners are very private, they may not agree."

Han Bin said, "Mike is a foreign teacher in the College of foreign languages. Now that he is dead, the college has the obligation to assist the police in the investigation. This is not a discussion, but a request."

"Sister Li, you stay."

"All right."

Han Bin finished, strode out of the meeting room.

Bao Xing trotted behind, "team leader, where are we going now?"


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