Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 493: 493

Five minutes

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Ten minutes

Twenty minutes

Haruk was silent for half an hour.

"Well." Then he said in a hoarse voice, "if I cooperate with the police investigation, can I guarantee that I will not be sentenced to death?"

"It's the judge's business to decide how to sentence, but whether to cooperate with the investigation and whether to comply with the commutation policy is the police's consideration." Han Bin said, "only by actively pleading guilty now can you get a commutation of sentence and avoid death penalty."

"Can I believe you?" Haruk asked.

Han Bin smiles, "as far as I know, I'm the only one in the city criminal investigation team who can speak English. Who do you want to believe?"

"I've been waiting for you for half an hour. If you don't want to say it, I'll go first. I have a lot of patience. Let's spend it slowly. "

Haruke sighed, "officer Han, how much money can you make a month?"

Han Bin Leng for a moment, did not expect that haruke would ask, although this is his personal privacy, but haruke has the sign of relenting, must strike while the iron is hot.

Han Bin transferred to the city criminal investigation team, and is the leader, salary also increased some, replied, "the average down about 7000."

"How much do you earn in Qindao?" haruke said curiously


"It's already a high income in the three Arab countries. I earn 40000 rupees a month, which is equivalent to 4000 RMB. It's not bad in the three Arab countries. I always thought that only Mordor can compare with the big cities of the three Arab countries. But when I came to Qindao, I found that it's better than I thought. In terms of infrastructure, it's even better than Mumbai I believe that Zelai is lying to me. "

"Qindao city has brought me a lot of shock. They are very friendly to foreigners and their salary is very good. Do you know how much Salman earns a month?"

Before Han Bin could answer, haruke stretched out four fingers, widened his eyes and cried, "forty thousand RMB! Ten times my income

"Plus Zelai's income, two people can earn 80000 RMB a month, nearly one million RMB a year, which is equivalent to my income in the three Arab countries for 20 years. How many 20 years in one's life, I really can't imagine."

"I admit that I'm jealous. I'm very jealous. I also want to earn so much money. I also want to stay in Qindao Foreign Language College as a foreign teacher. I went to university in three Arab countries, and Salman just graduated from high school. I'm more qualified to be a foreign teacher than him."

"I found zeyla and asked him to help me find out if there is still a shortage of foreign teachers in the college. Zeyla told me that there are only five foreign teachers in the school, so there are no foreign teachers for the time being."

"I was very disappointed at that time. Even shaman, who had never been to university, could be a foreign teacher. Why can't I, such a noble shatiri, be a foreign teacher? There is something wrong with the system of this college. Shaman should not be employed at all."

"I'm not reconciled. I also want to find a job with a monthly salary of 40000 yuan. At this time, the opportunity came. I heard from Zelai that the black Mike wanted to go back to the United States and resigned from Chen Haijing."

"I was so happy at that time that I thought my chance had come. I could be a foreign teacher in Qindao foreign language college. Unfortunately, after a few days of happiness, Mike didn't go back to America."

"I know that he is also reluctant to give up this job. He is a little gangster in the United States. He has money and status in Qindao, and I would be reluctant to leave."

"But the feeling of giving you hope and suddenly taking it away is really hard. I feel more and more unbalanced in my heart. I want to revenge. He shouldn't occupy the things that don't belong to him, so I decided to get a job as a foreign teacher by my own way."

Han Bin asked, "what is your own way?"

"Kill Mike, as long as he dies, the college will free a foreign teacher quota, and I can stay in Qindao Foreign Language College as a foreign teacher. If I work in Qindao foreign language college for one year, I can earn ten years' salary, and work for three years, which is more than the income of the rest of my life. I need this job, and I believe I can do it well, which is really suitable for me."

Han Bin is a bit speechless. These foreigners are lazy one by one. What is this job suitable for me? To put it bluntly, the threshold for foreign teachers is too low. As long as you are a foreigner and can speak English, you can earn money by chatting with students. Who is not willing.

"How did you kill Mike?"

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"Gee, I really don't want to think about it again. It's not my intention or a good memory." Haruk patted himself on the forehead.

Han Bin lit a cigarette and handed it to him, "to make it clear is also a relief for you."

Haruke took a few puffs of cigarettes and calmed down a little. "I learned from Sharman that these foreign teachers were going to have dinner together, so I was ready to take this opportunity to kill Mike. I knew the place of the dinner in advance, drove around and saw a drunk man."

"I thought that killing people was not a trivial matter. The best way was to find a ghost to help the police solve the case and I would be safe. I got to Mike's way home ahead of time, threw the drunk into the green belt, and then waited for Mike's car. Mike came later than I expected, but I did"I pretended to be drunk and forced his car to stop. Then I lay down in front of his car. Mike came to help me. When I got up, I stabbed him with a knife. Blood sprayed from him and splashed on my clothes."

"I thought about this before. I put on the drunk's coat ahead of time and prepared to plant it on him after killing him. It went well. I killed Mike and helped him to the back of the car. I was surprised when I opened the door. There was a man sitting in the back of the car - Hal."

"Hal's appearance wasn't in my plan. I was a little flustered and wanted to kill him, too. When I was about to start, I found that Hal was drunk, lying in the back of the car motionless. I hate people who drink most. I never drink. It's a bad habit

"I put Mike in the back of the car, I put the dagger in Hal's hand, and then I took off my coat and threw it on the drunk in the green belt. I found myself two death substitutes. I thought you would not find me."

Han Bin wrote in the book, "does David's death have anything to do with you?"

"No, it has nothing to do with me." Haruk shrugged his shoulders.

"Do you regret that if you are late, you can become a foreign teacher in Qindao foreign language college even if you don't have to kill people." Han Bin said.

Haruknu said, "Yeah, I really regret it, because even if Mike and David are dead, I still can't be a foreign teacher in Qindao foreign language college."


"After Mike died, I asked Zelai to go to Chen Haijing and told her that I wanted to stay in Qindao Foreign Language College as a foreign teacher, but Chen Haijing refused. I was upset and angry, but I didn't know why, and Zelai didn't tell me carefully

"Later, when David died, I personally found Chen Haijing and told her that I wanted to be a foreign teacher. Chen Haijing refused again. The reason for his refusal made me think it was bullshit."


"She said that Qindao foreign language college has a total of five foreign English teachers. It's impossible to find three Arab countries to be foreign teachers. The college needs white foreign teachers like Elizabeth, and students like humorous black foreign teachers like Mike. Two Arab countries' foreign teachers are already the limit. There can't be a third one."

"When I heard this, I was angry and shocked. They chose foreign teachers not by their ability, but by their skin color and nationality. It was ridiculous. I felt disgusted and hypocritical by the director of this college."

"That's why you want to get rid of Shalman. When he dies, you can become a foreign teacher in the three Arab countries if there is a vacancy for him." Han Bin said.

"Yeah, that's a reason." Harman nodded. Now that he had pleaded guilty, there was nothing to hide. He continued, "what's more, I know that the police are tracking down the white Hyundai Car recently. Many police are wandering around Jiacheng community. I'm afraid that once you find the car, you will find shaman, so shaman has only two ends, or leave Qindao to return Three Arab countries. Or death. "

"At the beginning, I also wanted to let Salman return to the three Arab countries. I stayed in Qindao as a foreign teacher, which was killing two birds with one stone. However, I'm afraid that Shalman will be unwilling to see me as a foreign teacher in Qindao Foreign Language Institute after he returns to the third country. At that time, he may betray me and I will kill him for once and for all. "

·Haruke looked forward to it. "If, I mean, if you don't find out about me, I may be a foreign teacher in Qindao foreign language college now, with a monthly salary of 400000 rupees and a year of nearly 5 million rubles, how happy I would be."

Han Bin is silent. At this time, he doesn't know what to say.

Lao Ma once said: with 50% profit, he will take risks; for 100% profit, he will dare to trample on all human laws; with 300% profit, he will dare to commit any crime or even risk hanging.

Haruke is faced with ten times the salary and 1000% profit. It's not hard to understand that haruke can make such a move.


Half an hour later, in the conference room of the city criminal investigation team.

Deputy director Feng Baoguo sits on the main seat, Ding Xifeng and Ma jingbofen sit on both sides, and the other team members line up in turn.

Han Bin narrated the process of the trial.

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After hearing this, Feng Baoguo concluded, "three foreign teachers have been killed in succession. If the case can not be solved, it will certainly affect the reputation of Qindao Public Security Bureau and make people doubt the public security situation of Qindao. Therefore, the municipal Party committee and the Municipal Bureau are very concerned about this case. Now that the case is successfully solved, it can be regarded as a satisfactory answer."

"Everyone has worked hard during this period of time. I'll see it in my eyes and remember it in my heart. I'll ask the superior leaders for credit."

Although it's easy to say but hard to hear, the superior leaders do pay more attention to foreign-related cases. If they can't solve them, the impact will be great. Once they solve them, the rewards will be very generous.

Ding Xifeng took over the conversation, "Feng Ju, let me make a digression. This Qindao foreign language college has to be renovated. Otherwise, sooner or later, something will happen, and we'll still be in trouble.""It's really shameful. I've read all the information about those foreigners. I'll report it to the director of the Bureau and ask him to report it to the municipal Party committee. The city Z government allocates tens of millions to Qindao foreign language college every year, but it can't be wasted." Feng Baoguo snorted.

Originally, Feng Baoguo couldn't get in touch with Qindao foreign language college, but now it's different. Feng Baoguo is in charge of criminal investigation. There have been murders in Qindao foreign language college. As the actual person in charge of the Criminal Investigation Department of Qindao City, he must be in charge of it.

With Feng Baoguo's words, no one is talking about this issue. That level is not something they can discuss.

Ma Jingbo said with a smile, "these foreigners are wonderful, especially the foreigner named Hal. He is just a bad luck guy. The case of Mike and Salman almost made him bear the blame."

Feng Baoguo was in a good mood and said with a smile, "where is the foreigner now?"

Ding Xifeng also couldn't help laughing, "it's still on the side of the anti drug brigade. We're here. The anti drug brigade treats him as a treasure, and can't get out for a while."

"Ha ha..." There was a burst of laughter.

After the meeting, Feng Baoguo left Han Bin alone. He spoke highly of his performance in the three foreign-related cases. At the same time, he told him not to be proud and continue to work hard. He also said that if he had difficulties, he could go to him directly.

Han Bin naturally agreed.

"Congratulations to police officer 577533 for successfully solving three foreign-related cases." Han Bin heard a familiar voice in his head.

Oral English: proficiency + 7

micro expression analysis: proficiency + 3

observation skill: proficiency + 3

footprint identification: proficiency + 3

merit reward: 35 points.

"Police officer 577533 came to the fore in the city criminal investigation team, which was unanimously recognized by the leaders and subordinates, and received an extra gift package."

Life skills: culinary skills

category: Japanese materials

grade: Advanced

Han Bin was a bit surprised. He hasn't acquired life skills for a long time.

If it's other life skills, Han Bin may not care too much, but Japanese materials are very practical, and can have more common topics with Wang Ting.

In the next few days, he was busy closing the case and sorting out the files, which was different from the previous shopkeeper. Because other people were not proficient in English, many files had to be handled by Han Bin himself. He was still very busy, but at least he could get off work on time.

Recently, Han Bin has been in touch with Wang Ting, just these two days is not busy, about a time to eat at Four Seasons restaurant.

This time, Han Bin did not have a live light bulb. He went to the restaurant alone.

Wang Ting at the back of the counter, see Hanbin into the store, smile to welcome over, leading Hanbin to a window position, Hanbin took a look, this position is good, all around has been full of people, should be in advance for himself.

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Wang Ting blinked her big eyes. "Officer Han, what would you like to eat today?"

"Boss Wang, I'm here for dinner. It's not suitable to call a police officer. Just call me by my name."

"You don't think officer Han is suitable, so boss Wang is?" Wang Ting snorted and sat opposite Han Bin. "I'm a girl in my early twenties. You're a boss. You call me old."

Han Bin smiles, "then we'll call it by name in the future."


"I'll try first." Han Bin cleared his throat and said solemnly, "Wang Ting, what's new in the store, please recommend it to me."

"Puff..." Wang tingjiao said with a smile, "my name is so ugly, my voice is so serious."

Han Bin felt his chin and pretended to think of the cableway. "How about another name, Tingting?"

Wang Ting big eyes a turn, put the menu in front of Han Bin, "order your dish, the meat is numb to death."

Han Bin opened the menu, "have you eaten yet? Would you like to have some together

Wang Ting hesitated for a moment, "it's OK to eat together, but we have to say first, do you invite me, or do I invite you?"

"It's my treat, of course." Han Bin said.

Wang Ting smile, "this can have."

Han Bin handed over the menu, "ladies first, what would you like to eat?"

"Grilled salmon roll, Japanese perfect bean skin sushi, seaweed chicken roll, tuna sushi." Speaking of this, Wang Ting showed a touch of cunning, "these are new dishes in the store, do you mind trying them for me?"

"I have a mouth in my mouth. If it's not delicious, don't blame me for being ruthless."

Wang Ting does not agree with a way, "what I want is this."

"You sit down for a while. These are all new dishes. They're not on the menu yet. I'll go to the kitchen and give you an order." With that, Wang Ting left with a gust of fragrance.

Han Bin touched his nose. It sounds good. He has a VIP feeling.

Han Bin sat for a while, and then a waiter came over. Just like last time, it was still a plate of beans, ice water and wet towel.Han Bin wiped his hands and ate a green bean. As he was preparing to mix with the ice water, he glanced at the ice in the glass and put it down again.

For a short time, he didn't want to drink anything on ice.

"Officer Han!" At this time, there was a burst of English.

Han Bin looks around and finds an acquaintance, Zelai.

Hanbin some accident, get up a way, "Zelai, how did you come?"

Zelai came over and forced out a smile. "I didn't disturb your dinner."

"It's OK. You're here for dinner, too?" Han Bin asked.

"Yes, I've asked for leave. I've been recalling every bit of being with Salman these days. I've been to many places we've been to before. This is the last place where Salman and I have dinner outside. I want to have a look again." Zelai's voice was quiet.

Han Bin can hear a kind of sadness from her words.

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"I'm sorry about haruke, and I hope you understand."

"No, you don't have to say sorry, haruke If he did something wrong, he should be punished by the law. If it wasn't for his greed, Salman wouldn't have... " Zelai's eyes were red and he wiped them with his hand.

Not far away, Wang Ting from the kitchen into the restaurant, just saw this scene, can't help but wonder what?

As soon as she left for a while, there was only one more woman beside Han Bin's seat. She was still a beautiful foreign woman.

Wang Ting can't tell exactly what she thinks. Anyway, she feels a little uncomfortable. She is young and beautiful. She is also a very confident person. She doesn't think too much about it. In the trend of curiosity, she directly walks by.

"Han Bin, is this beauty your friend?"

"Oh, this is Zelai, the teacher of Qindao foreign language college."

"Oh, I'm a little familiar. She seems to have been to the store before."

Han Bin introduced Wang Ting to Zelai in English.

Zelai said in English, "Hello, boss Wang, nice to meet you."

Simple English, Wang Ting can still understand, organized the language, said in English, "Hello, I'm glad to meet you, too."

With that, they were stunned, and the atmosphere was a little awkward.

Zelai doesn't know the relationship between Han Bin and Wang Ting, and doesn't know what to say.

Wang Ting, on the other hand, has a common spoken language and doesn't know what to say for a moment.

Han Bin asked both of them to sit down and said to Wang Ting in Chinese, "do you mind if I have a chat with her?"

"Do you want me to avoid it?" Wang tingdao.

"No, you're sitting fine." Han Bin smiles. Anyway, you don't understand.

"Zelai, in the future, do you plan to return to the three kingdoms or stay in Qindao?"

"I'm not going back. There's something wrong with haruke, and the family probably don't want to see me." Zelai showed a touch of bitterness.

"Will you stay in Qindao foreign language college?"

"Yes." Zelai nodded, "I like Qindao. I like China. Here, female surnames can get real respect."

Han Bin said with a smile, "you are a smart woman."

"Officer Han, is this Miss Wang your girlfriend?"

"Of course."

"She's beautiful." Zelaizan said.

"Thank you."

Wang Ting blushed.

Miss Ben has also seen American TV series. Her English is not so bad. Do you really think I can't understand?

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