Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 494: 494

"Officer Han, how is director Chen now?" Zelai is concerned.

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Zelai and Chen Haijing have a good relationship. Their boyfriends are dead, which makes them feel like they are in the same boat.

"She's in good shape, and she's also cooperating with the police, actively fighting for commutation." Han Bin said.

"Can I go and see her?"

"It's not very convenient at this stage. You can apply later."

Zelai sighed, "will director Chen be sentenced to death?"

"No, she's in a relatively special situation and is likely to be sentenced to murder."

Zelai hesitated. "What about haruk?"

Han Bin shook his head, "I'm not sure about that. It needs to be decided by the judge."

Zelai was stunned for a moment. Although Han Bin didn't give a clear answer, she could hear some of it.

"I won't disturb you." Zelai gets up, greets Wang Ting, and goes to another table.

Wang Ting looked at Zelai, "why don't you invite her to dinner?"

Han Bin wrinkled, "I don't like to eat with strange women."

"What about me? We've only seen it three or four times

"You're special."

Wang Ting laughed and changed the topic. "Your English is good. You can communicate with foreigners normally."

"If you want to learn, I can teach you."

"Do you charge tuition?"

"Just take care of the food."

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"Our restaurant should always study new dishes, but it is necessary to invite someone to try them. When the time comes, I will invite you in the name of having dinner. You can help me try the dishes and teach me English. It's quite cost-effective, don't you mind?" Wang Ting joked.

"Do you still need to invest in this store? Think about me if you need to. "

"So much for me?"

Han Bin said with a smile, "if you are so good at accounting, the restaurant will not lose money."

Wang Ting snorted, "satirize me?"

"It's appreciation. I'm very satisfied with your proposal. It's a deal." Han Bin said with a smile.

Wang Ting chuckled, "then I can take up the stool."

Han Bin smiles but says nothing.

"By the way, what happened to the case of Qindao foreign language college?"

"The case has been closed, dead dead, catch catch catch, that day to your shop to eat people, the regiment destroyed more than half."

"No wonder this Zelai looks sad."

"Her boyfriend just got killed."

"Ah Wang Ting surprised way, "how to die?"


"Did you catch the murderer?"

Han Bin said, "of course, I caught it."

"It's so powerful. Zelai should be very grateful to you." Wang tingdao.

Han Bin showed a wry smile, "this I'm not sure

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"It was her brother who poisoned it."

Wang Ting "..."

Just then, a waitress came up and put a plate on the table. "Sir, this is your seaweed chicken roll. Please enjoy yourself."

When the waitress left, she couldn't help looking at Han Bin more. She seemed curious about the relationship between him and Wang Ting.

Wang Ting pushed the plate to Han Bin, looking forward to it. "Try it. I'm also involved in the research and development of this dish."

"Then I'm welcome." Han Bin picked up chopsticks, first put a piece into Wang Ting's plate, and then put another piece into his plate.

Chicken roll is fried, with a layer of seaweed outside. Han Bin takes a bite, which tastes good.

Wang Ting showed an expectant look, "how does it taste?"

Han Bin commented, "it's charred outside and tender inside. It's crisp and q-shaped. It's very suitable for the taste of Chinese people. It should be more popular."

"Listening to you say that makes me more confident, but you can't just choose the good ones and talk about the shortcomings, so as to make better improvements."


"It must be said."

"Not angry?"

"Of course, I'm very serious and professional in Japanese materials."

Han Bin organized the language for a while. "Generally speaking, it's not bad, but there are still some small defects, such as the meat quality and some firewood. I suggest using cassava starch. Moreover, the chicken is not pickled with ginger juice, and it has some fishy smell. What's more, you use Japanese soy sauce. I suggest you try domestic soy sauce. Maybe it's more suitable for the taste of Chinese people. "

Wang Ting was a little surprised, "you can, the comments are very professional."

Han Bin continued, "this dish goes well with beer, and a set meal can be launched at that time."

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Wang Ting smiles, "I also have this idea."

Then he served three dishes in succession. Han Bin tasted them carefully and commented on them one by one. Wang Ting listened to them very carefully and they had a good conversation.Han Bin has a professional and unique view on Japanese materials, which makes Wang Ting very surprised and surprised.

It was a windfall for her.

After dinner, Han Bin will send Wang Ting home.

Although Wang Ting is the boss, she doesn't stay in the store all day. Girls of her age don't have the consciousness of sacrificing the quality of life for money.

Han Bin will Wang Ting to the downstairs, did not get the chance to go upstairs to drink coffee.

But it's a good start.


The next day.

Han Bin had a rest, and the family gathered together to buy a car.

In addition to the three members of Hanbin's family, there is Hanbin's Uncle Wang Qingsheng. Hanbin's grandfather didn't bother him when he was old.

Han Weidong has been a policeman for so many years, but he also has many acquaintances. Before he bought a car, he found an acquaintance. First, he could pick up the car directly, and then he could get a discount on the price.

After all, no one's money is coming from the wind.

After arriving at the Volvo 4S store, there were salesmen standing on both sides of the door, with professional smiles on their faces. A female saleswoman asked, "Hello, is this your first time to see a car?"

Han Weidong said, "my name is Han. I have contacted your 4S store before."

"Hello, Mr. Han. This way, please." The waitress led the four to a small round table. "Please sit down and have a rest. I'll invite our manager."

Before long, the saleswoman led a man about 40 years old to come over. The man was tall, with a small flat head, and said enthusiastically, "Hello, director Han, I'm sun Huanyi, the manager of this store."

"Good morning, manager Sun." Han Weidong shook hands with him.

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"Two days ago, Mr. Duan called me and said that you might come to buy a car. I've been guarding the store these days for fear of missing you."

"Manager Sun is very polite."

Sun Huanyi's eyes looked at Han Bin and others, "how do you address these people?"

Han Weidong gave a brief introduction.

After everyone said hello, sun Huanyi personally took Han Weidong and others to see the car.

Before, Han Weidong and Han Bin had already looked at it on the Internet, but after all, it was different from seeing the real object. Han Bin sat in and felt really comfortable, the interior was beautiful, and the car also added a lot of new functions. Overall, he still felt good.

Wang Huifang and Wang Qingsheng also took part in some opinions. Han Weidong tried the test run himself, and the operation felt good. Finally, he chose a car with the color of yaomusha.

Mr. Sun accompanied him throughout the whole journey and gave him a favorable price. He also gave him some practical small items, such as dash cam, foot pad and handlebar cover. Han Weidong had known about the price of the car before, and it was really more favorable, so he didn't bargain any more.

When signing the contract, it's Han Bin's turn to play. The car owner wrote his name, which is also his big role.

Han Weidong already has a Passat under his name. Although Han Bin is driving it now, he is too lazy to transfer ownership. At that time, he thought that there was no need to work so hard, and he had to spend hundreds of yuan more.

Han Weidong has been buying a car for the past two days. He has been working in the system all his life, but he still has some consciousness. He already has a car in his name, and it's not good to get another one. It's hard to avoid gossiping.

The solution, of course, is to put a car under Han Bin's name. Father and son have a car for each other, and they really have this need. No one can pick out anything wrong.

Han Bin drives a Passat, and is actually the owner of Volvo's new car.

He didn't come in vain today.

Near noon, the license plate was ready, and Han Weidong drove his new car out of the 4S shop.

Driving a new car that cost three or four hundred thousand yuan, Han Weidong should be happy, but he always felt that he was not happy.

Empty chatter.

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