Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 516: 516

This news is to let Han Bin some accident, cousin and pro elder sister or there is no small gap.

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"Ms. Hong, have you felt anything unusual around you recently?"

"Abnormal?" Hong Xin frowned, "what do you mean?"

"For example, do you feel like you're being watched by strangers?"

Hong Xin looked surprised. "Do you mean someone is following me?"

Han Bin comforted, "you don't have to be nervous. I'm just making an analogy."

Hong Xin swallowed saliva, "Li Yuan died, Jiang Han also died, does it mean that I and another child may also be killed?"

"The situation of you is obviously different from that of Li Yuan and Jiang Han. I just want to remind you just in case."

"Well So what should I do, what should I do? "

"Recently, don't go to places with few people, don't go to unfamiliar places, don't go home too late, and try not to give suspects the chance to commit crimes." Han Bin said.

Hong Xin wiped the sweat on her forehead. "Officer Han, I'm even worse at hearing what you said."

"That way, if you need to, we can send police to protect you secretly." Han Bin said.

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"How can you protect me and follow me all the time?"

"You don't have to worry about it. Just live normally as before."

Hong Xin took a deep breath, "can I know who is protecting me? If there is any accident, how can I contact you?"

Han Bin turns and forgets Li Qin.

Li Qin understood and said, "Ms. Hong, this is my business card. If you have any information in the future, you can contact me directly."

"Well, I'll be more confident in this way." Hong Xin took the business card and put it in the Yellow backpack.

"Ms. Hong, you can go back to work first. My people will contact you before work."

"Is there no danger in the daytime?"

"Remember what I just said. It won't be a problem." Han Bin said.

Judging from the suspect's modus operandi, he didn't kill people in public. As long as he followed Han Bin's instructions and didn't go to a place with few people, Hong Xin would not be in any danger.

After Hong Xin left, Han Bin held a small meeting with Li Qin and Bao Xing, leaving them in the urban area to protect Hong Xin's safety, verify Hong Xin's alibi, and seek the assistance of the local police station when necessary.

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After arranging the task, Han Bin went to the captain's office again and reported his work to Ding Xifeng.

At 11:30 in the morning, Han Bin ate a pot rice nearby, and drove from the water conservancy bureau to Gaocheng at 12:00.

There are many cars at noon. Not only the traffic lights are slow, but also the speed can't be raised. At about 11:53, he arrived at the family building of Anding primary school. It took Han Bin 53 minutes on the way. Assuming that the return journey also took the same time, he wanted to rush back to the Water Conservancy Bureau before two o'clock, and the crime took less than a quarter of an hour.

Hong Xin wants to open the door in a quarter of an hour, corona the dead, drag the dead to the bedroom, bind them, open the gas valve, and then calmly leave the community.

In Han Bin's experience, it's almost impossible.

Thinking and doing are totally different things. When we really commit a crime, we will definitely encounter some unimaginable things.

A few minutes later, Han Bin drove to Gaocheng Public Security Bureau.

I saw Ma Jingbo and others in the criminal investigation conference room.

Ma Jingbo, with two dark circles under his eyes and a teacup in his hand, looks haggard.

The Han family first reported the situation of the city to Ma Jingbo.

Then, Ma Jingbo briefly described the situation of Gaocheng.

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After Hanbin leaves, Gaocheng pursues Chen shaohuan and Cai Jing overnight.

The police first contacted Chen shaohuan and learned that the other party was not in Gaocheng now. Instead, they followed her husband back to her mother-in-law's home. Gaocheng police had already verbally summoned her. She promised to come to the police station as soon as possible to make a record, but she didn't show up in the morning. Gaocheng criminal investigation team is still contacting the other party.

As for Cai Jing, the police didn't find her whereabouts, she didn't have a mobile phone, neither Chen shaohuan nor Chen Bofeng knew where she was, and the relatives in her family hadn't contacted her for a long time, so the investigation was more difficult.

The DNA identification results of the technical team have come out. The DNA similarity between the dead and Jiang Kunshan is as high as 99.98%. Jiang Kunshan only has one son, so he can be sure that the dead is Jiang Huawen.

"Creak..." A, Li Cunrong stormy into the office.

"Captain Ma, brother Han is back."

"Look at your strength, if you have found a new clue." Han Bin said with a smile.

"Good guess." Li Cunrong laughed, pulled a chair and sat down. "I just got a message that the residents of Anding primary school's family building provided a clue."

"The person who provided the clue is Zhang Boyong, who lives on the upper floor of Jiang Huawen's house. According to his account, when he went downstairs at about 3 pm yesterday, he saw a strange man in the corridor on the first floor. He didn't pay much attention at that time. Now I think that man is suspicious."Ma Jingbo asked, "what does that man look like?"

"Zhang Bo used to say that the man was wearing a cap and a mask. It's not unusual for him to wear a mask these days. He didn't care. He couldn't tell what the man looked like. He probably had the impression that he was a middle-sized man with a black bag on his back."

Wang Xiao took out a cigarette from the cigarette box, "according to our previous judgment, the suspect is likely to be a female surname, is it a gang crime?"

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Jiang Yangdao said, "the key is that there are too few clues. I'm afraid it's not easy to find this suspected man by the two points of cap and black backpack."

Ma Jingbo knocked on the table, "the old way, check monitoring."

Li Cunrong nodded, "I'll arrange it now."

Later, Li Cunrong left the conference room.

Ma Jingbo handed Han Bin a cigarette, "what do you think of this clue?"

Han Bin pinched his cigarette and knocked on the table. "From the current clues, several suspects are all female surnames, but I don't think we can rule out the possibility of male surnames."

"The body of the deceased was found in the bedroom. If it was an acquaintance, it makes sense. If it's a stranger, it's probably the victim who was corona at the moment of opening the door. In this case, the victim should fall at the door, not in the bedroom. "

"The deceased is an adult male surname, weighing about 160 Jin. It's not easy for a female suspect to drag her. From this point of view, the male surname is more likely to commit a crime." Han Bin analysis.

"Creak..." The door of the conference room opened again, and Li Cunrong strode in.

Seeing that the other party was in a hurry, Ma Jingbo frowned and said, "what's the matter?"

"Chen Baifeng surrendered himself to the police station and admitted that he was the murderer who killed Jiang Huawen."

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