Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 517: 517

Gaocheng Public Security Bureau, interrogation room.

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Han Bin, Li Cunrong and Jiang Yang are sitting at the interrogation table. On the interrogation chair opposite is a man in his sixties, Chen Bofeng, who came to surrender himself.

Ma Jingbo and Lin Xingbin stand in the observation room beside them. They can clearly see and hear the situation here.

Yesterday, Han Bin just met Chen Bofeng. At that time, he thought the old man was not easy. Unexpectedly, he would meet him in the interrogation room today.

However, it's not a place for reminiscence. Han Bin asks routinely, "name, gender, native place..."

"My name is Chen Bofeng, male surname. I'm from Gaocheng City..."

"Chen Bofeng, I heard that you are from the first place?"

"Yes, I'm from the capital."

"What cases have you committed?"

Chen took a deep breath, "I I killed people. "

"Who did you kill?"

"Jiang Han is Jiang Huawen."

"Why did you kill him?"

Chen Baifeng bit his teeth, feeling a little emotional, "he died, he killed my nephew, also indirectly killed my brother, my sister-in-law is now missing, a good family are destroyed by him."

"If the Jiang family wanted to repay their kindness, I wouldn't do it so well. They deserved it. He died 12 years ago. If my nephew hadn't gone down to the river to save him, the Chen family would never be like this."

Li Cunrong can see that Chen Baifeng is really hateful. Considering that he is a little old, if something goes wrong during the trial, no one can afford to bear it. He comforted him, "don't get excited. Speak slowly."

Chen Baifeng asked, "police comrades, you also understand the situation. To be fair, should the ungrateful villain like Jiang family be killed?"

Li Cunrong was stunned for a moment, but he was really asked by the other party. From the heart of his heart, this kind of behavior of the Jiang family must be hateful. If Li Cunrong encountered this kind of thing, he might be more angry than Chen Bofeng.

But he is a policeman. He has to do things according to the law. Now he is recording. Naturally, he can't talk nonsense. He can only lower his head in silence and pretend to be reading the handwriting.

Han Bin replied, "Chen Shaoyan has been dead for so many years. Why do you decide to take revenge now?"

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Chen Baifeng sighed, "I've had the idea of revenge for a long time, but I've been on my own for most of my life. I've never done anything illegal or criminal, and I'm not afraid of your jokes. I haven't had a fight with others since I was a child, so I've put it off until now."

"I'm getting older and I'm not fit anymore. I know I can't delay any longer. Otherwise, I won't even have the strength to kill. So I made up my mind to do it. In fact It's not that hard

Han Bin asked, "how did you find Jiang Huawen?"

Chen Baifeng said faintly, "Jiang Huawen's family lives in the family building of Anding primary school. His parents open a supermarket. I know all about it, and I know where it is. It's not difficult to find him."

"What time did you go to Jiang Huawen's?"

"It's more than three in the afternoon. I can't remember the exact time."

"How did you get there?"

"On foot."

Li Cunrong interjected, "tell me your route."

Chen Baifeng said lightly, "it's along Anding Road."

Li Cunrong stood up, took a map of the high city and a pencil and went over, "you draw the road map at that time."

Although there is no monitoring in the family building of Anding primary school, some shops on both sides of the road will install monitoring. If you walk on the sidewalk, it is likely to be photographed by the monitoring of shops.

Chen Bofeng looked at the map. "I can't see it."

Li Cunrong spread out the map, "there's nothing to be sure about. Gaocheng is just a few streets. You've lived in Gaocheng all your life. How can you be sure about it? I'll introduce it to you, and you'll know it in your heart."

Li Cunrong took a pencil and drew on the map, "this is the family building of Anding primary school, this is Anding Road, this is friendship Street, this is moon river, this is the Public Security Bureau, this is the municipal government, this is your home. Draw your route

Chen Baifeng hesitated for a while, then picked up a pencil to draw a route.

Li Cunrong pointed to the map and asked, "are you sure it's this way?"

Chen Baifeng frowned, "it should be. I was a little nervous at that time, and I can't remember clearly."

Li Cunrong dropped the pencil into his hand. "Don't worry. You can think about it again."

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Chen Baifeng took the pen, hesitated for a while, and finally did not change, "it should be this route."

Li Cunrong put away the map and pencil and sat back at the table.

Han Bin then asked, "how did you kill Jiang Huawen?"

Chen Baifeng lowered his head. "Ah, it's not a glorious thing. If there's anything to say, it's just killing me. Then I let go of the gas. When Jiang Huawen's parents came home, the light exploded."Han Bin asked again, "how did Jiang Huawen die?"

"I killed him."

Han Bin asked, "what I asked is the specific process. Let's talk about it in detail."

Chen Baifeng lowered his head.

Han Bin knocked on the table, "raise your head, why don't you talk?"

Chen Bofeng a pair of indifferent attitude, "nothing to say, two injuries and one death, a family was carried by me, I also can be regarded as revenge. Anyway, it's all a death penalty. What's the point of saying it or not? "

Li Cunrong sighed, "when is the time to repay the injustice? You killed Jiang Huawen. Never thought Jiang Huawen's parents would take revenge on your relatives? "

Chen Bofeng was stunned for a moment, nodded, "you are right, blame me, do but thoroughly."

Li Cunrong "..."

Qnm that's not what I mean.

"Cough..." Han Bin coughed lightly, changed a way of thinking, and asked, "does Jiang Huawen know you?"

"I should know."

"Since I know you, why do I open the door to you?"

"I said I was a courier, so I cheated the door open."

Han Bin said in a curious tone, "how can you, an old man in his sixties, subdue a young man in his twenties?"

"Today's young people don't exercise. They watch mobile phones and play games all day long. Although they are young, they don't have to be as strong as me. Moreover, I have a knife in my hand. The boy counsels when he sees the knife. He is so scared that his legs are weak that he is subdued by me."

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"What do you mean by uniform?"

"I tied him up."

"And then?"

"I'll kill him."


"How else can I kill him? He deserves to be burned. His body is burnt."

Han Bin wrote it down in his notebook, but the other side still didn't answer the specific killing process positively,

"what time did you leave Jiang Huawen's house?"

"More than four in the afternoon."

"Specific time."

"It was too tight for me to remember."

Han Bin put down his pen, leaned back on his chair and said, "when you ask a specific question, you can't either say it clearly or remember it clearly. That's not going to work

Chen Baifeng snorted and put on the appearance that a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water, "love is OK, anyway, it's all a death, I don't care."

Li Cunrong patted the table, "Chen Bofeng, what's your attitude? You should surrender yourself. As long as you are honest and cooperate with the police investigation, you can give certain commutation policy. Do you understand?"

Chen Bofeng glanced at him, "I'm sixty-two this year. How many years can you reduce me and let me get out of prison alive?"

Li Cunrong "..."

From his experience, no matter how active the old man was, he would not be able to get out of prison alive for his crimes.

Chen Baifeng sighed, "well, as soon as I see you like this, I understand. It's estimated that I have no chance to get out of prison alive. What's the meaning if I don't say it? Don't bother to ask, how do you like it?"

Han Bin asked, "Chen Bofeng, if you don't want to cooperate with the police investigation, why do you have to turn yourself in to the police station?"

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Chen Baifeng twisted his hands together. "I've been on guard all my life, and I've never done anything illegal or criminal. I've done this. Although I know that it's right to do so, it's illegal after all. I don't want to cause trouble to the country. A hero should be a hero. "

Then, Han Bin and Li Cunrong asked several questions in turn, but Chen Baifeng still didn't cooperate and provided no useful evidence, so they had to suspend the trial temporarily.

When Han Bin and others came out of the interrogation room, Ma Jingbo, Lin Xingbin and Wang Xiao also came out of the observation room.

The party returned to the conference room. Ma Jingbo sat on the main seat of the conference room and said, "what do you think of Chen Baifeng's confession?"

There was some silence.

This question is somewhat sensitive.

do you want to eat the meat?

Really want to eat, can you upset stomach?

No one can guarantee it.

Ma Jingbo looked to the side of Lin Xingbin, "Captain Lin, what do you think?"

Lin Xingbin touched his chin. "Judging from the current situation, Chen Baifeng does have a motive for committing the crime, but he is not willing to elaborate on the process of committing the crime. It feels like he is deliberately concealing some information."

Ma Jingbo glanced at other people, "others also talk about it?"

Still, no one spoke.

Ma Jingbo laughed, "it's a good thing that some people turn themselves in to the police. How can you all face up? Han Bin, tell me what you think."

"Cough..." Han Bin cleared his throat, "then I'll throw a brick to attract jade. Let's talk about it first."

"In my opinion, there should be two situations. The first is that Chen Bofeng is indeed the murderer. The reason why he refuses to tell the details of the crime is that he can't face the murder and can't cross the psychological barrier. After all, it's not a good memory. What's more, he knows that he's getting older and that commutation doesn't matter much to him, so he's indifferent. ""In the second case, Chen is lying. He is not the real murderer. The reason why he surrendered himself is to protect someone. It's not that he doesn't want to tell the details of the crime, but that he doesn't know it himself. If he says too much, it's easy to show his true feelings. "

Ma Jingbo nodded, he is more inclined to Han Bin said the second situation.

It's not hard to guess who Chen Bofeng wants to protect.

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