Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 534: 534

Huang Qianqian showed a look of appreciation, "this waitress is good, has controlled the situation."

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Han Bin said with a smile, "if you don't have some skills, you can't be the leader of the resort."

Huang Qianqian asked, "team leader, do you think that Ma Fangfang's diamond ring was accidentally lost or stolen?"

Han Bin corrects a way, "call brother-in-law."

"Yes, sister I'm not sure Huang Qianqian deliberately lengthened the tone

Wang Ting said curiously, "Han Bin, how do you usually handle cases?"

Huang Qianqian broke her fingers and said, "investigate the scene, look for evidence, make notes for the parties, and lock the identity of the suspect as soon as possible."

"If it's a case, how can we find out?" Wang tingdao.

Han Bin said, "there are some differences between the investigation methods of the police station and the criminal investigation team. It's more appropriate to give this case to the police station."

"Why?" Wang Ting turns into a curious baby.

Han Bin organized a language to explain, "the criminal investigation team is responsible for the case, the nature is relatively bad, the impact is relatively large, the term of imprisonment will be relatively long, and may even be sentenced to death, there is no practical evidence, the suspect will rarely take the initiative to admit."

"Most of the cases in the charge of the police station are trivial and petty cases, and the charges in these cases are not serious. Education, a fine, closed for ten days and a half months to come out. As long as it can be explained with reason and moved with emotion, the suspect is likely to take the initiative to confess. Sometimes we can mediate with both sides, or even make a settlement directly. "

"Take this case as an example, big or small. Not to mention the price of the diamond ring. Ma Fangfang himself can't tell whether the diamond ring is lost or stolen, and there is no monitoring in the hall. Even if the police station comes, he won't insist that it's a theft. "

"If the suspect is smart, while others don't pay attention, he will throw the diamond ring to a corner. As long as he finds the diamond ring, the victim will not be investigated, and the police station will not look for trouble. It's a lost case. "

"If it's a criminal case of murder or robbery, even if the victim or the victim's family doesn't investigate, our criminal investigation team will find out. It's useless for the victim to tell the truth."

In other words, the criminal investigation team pays more attention to evidence, and the police station is more flexible

"That's about it." Han Bin nodded. The police in the police station should deal with the common people. They should handle things in a gentle way and take care of the common people's emotions.

The criminal investigation team is even colder. It deals with suspects and felons. If you are polite to him, he will not be polite to you.

For this kind of scene, Han Bin did not take it for granted. He asked for a bottle of beer and continued to enjoy the afterglow of sunset.

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To him, it's nothing.

Half an hour later, several people in police uniforms came to the golden platform.

The head of a man in his thirties, face serious, there is a scar on his face, adding a bit of dignity.

"Pa pa..." Song Nannan clapped her hands and attracted people's attention. "I'll introduce to you that this is Sheriff Huang of Laishan town police station. He is responsible for the diamond theft case."

"Hello, Sergeant Huang. My name is Ma Fangfang. I lost my diamond ring."

"Did you report it?"

"Yes, I called the police."

Police chief Ma glanced at other people in the hall. "Were all these people present when the diamond was lost?"

"Yes, I didn't leave the hall. It was here that the diamond ring was stolen. They were all present." Ma Fangfang replied.

"Well, how do you talk? What's stolen?" The man wearing blue glasses questioned.

Another woman with short hair said, "didn't you say you lost it? Now that you've been stolen, you're calling the mulberry tree a curse. "

A woman in her thirties shook her wrist. "There are several houses in my family. Isn't my gold bracelet fragrant? Who likes your broken diamond ring? How much is it worth

"All right, all right, stop yelling. We're here to find out. I hope everyone can cooperate with us. We can find out the case as soon as possible and leave as soon as possible." Huang said.

"Comrade police, the key thing has nothing to do with us. We are all here on holiday. Who will steal her diamond ring?" Said the man with blue glasses.

Ma Fangfang pointed to the man wearing blue glasses and said, "this man has long wanted to run away. Maybe he stole it and hid it on himself. You can search his body."

"Ah, I said you're a woman with a face on her nose. When the police didn't come, you pretended to be poor. When the police came, you turned your face. Why do you search me? What evidence do you have that I stole it?" The man with blue glasses said, then he turned to the other guests and said,

"don't watch the excitement. She asked the police to search me, and she also asked the police to search you. This woman just has no good intentions."

Li Lan yelled, "what does it mean to have no good intentions? It's a citizen's duty to cooperate with the police in investigating cases. If you don't feel guilty, what are you afraid of?"

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"If the police want to search, they can search me first!" Li Lan stood up and set an example."You can search me, too." Zheng Rong echoed.

Ma Fangfang looked grateful.

With these two friends as examples, the conflict of body search is much smaller.

And search is absolutely the most direct and convenient way of investigation.

Sergeant Huang reconfirmed, "Ma Fangfang, are you sure you lost the diamond ring in the hall?"

"Yes, I haven't been out since I came in. Moreover, I thought about it carefully. I should have put it back in my bag. The diamond ring should have been stolen." Ma Fangfang's tone became more determined.

Wang Ting frowned. Before, she thought Ma Fangfang was a little pitiful. Now, Ma Fangfang's way of doing things makes people feel sorry for her. It gives people a feeling of pretending to be powerful.

Sergeant Huang glanced at the crowd and said, "it should be clear that Ma Fangfang's diamond ring has been stolen. The stolen place is in this hall. I hope you can cooperate with the police investigation. "

"How to investigate? Do you have to search yourself? I think it's a bit unfair to us. " Said the woman with short hair.

Ma Fangfang replied, "elder sister, you are also a woman. You should understand the meaning of that ring to me. I hope you can cooperate with me."

"Oh, yes." Some women with short hair are speechless.

Han Bin waved, "is it possible to leave after searching?"

"After searching the body, make a simple record, and you can move freely." Huang said.

"I'm a little hungry. Search me first." Although Han Bin did not identify himself, he supported the police in another way.

"I agree to a body search, too." Huang Qianqian said.

"Me too." Wang tingdao.

With the support of Han Bin, the voice against body search is much smaller.

As you can see, the police have come. Who doesn't want to be searched is most likely to be taken care of as a suspect.

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Sergeant Huang nodded to Han Bin, "thank you for your cooperation."

"It should be." Han Bin extended his hand, indicating that the police can search.

An auxiliary police came over and searched Han Bin.

Later, a policewoman came to search Wang Ting and Huang Qianqian.

After searching, Sergeant Huang asked Han Bin, "what's your name?"

"My name is Han."

"Xiao Wu, Xiao Zhang, take Mr. Han to the next table to take notes."

"Yes." A police officer and an auxiliary police officer spoke in unison.

Han Bin was the first to set an example, and other people no longer resisted, and began to cooperate with the police search.

Everyone has a herd mentality. One person takes the lead in making trouble, and others are not willing to cooperate with the search.

If one person takes the initiative to cooperate with the search, he can leave here as soon as possible, and other people will have no resistance. He also hopes that he can leave as soon as possible, for fear that he will fall behind.

Two policemen called Han Bin to one side, and the policeman named Xiao Wu made a gesture of "please, Mr. Han, sit down."

"Thank you." Han Bin sat at the table, looking at the two opposite police.

They are not very old. Xiao Wu should be the same age as Han Bin. Another Xiao Zhang is in his early twenties and should have just worked for a short time.

"Mr. Han, you don't have to be nervous. We are just making routine inquiries. If you find anything unusual at that time, you can take the initiative to tell the police."

"Good." Han Bin nodded.

He asks people every day, but it's the first time he's been asked. Let alone, it's a bit novel.

Police Xiao Wu opened the notepad and asked, "name, age, native place, occupation..."

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"Han Bin, 26, is a native of Qindao. I'm also a policeman..."

"Are you a policeman, too?" Police Xiao Wu had some accidents.


One side of the small Zhang also some wonder, "then why didn't you say before?"

"Han Bin said with a smile," I have to say, how to take the lead and set an example. "

Police Xiao Wu scratched his head, "really, if you do not take the lead, want to search these people, I'm afraid it will take some time."

Auxiliary police Xiao Zhang asked, "do you have your police officer card?"

Han Bin spread his hand, "no, I'm on vacation now. It's because I don't have my ID, so I haven't indicated my identity."

Police Xiao Wu asked, "brother, which department are you from?"

"I'm the leader of the second squadron and the first group of the municipal Criminal Investigation Brigade."

Xiao Wu showed a look of surprise. He didn't expect that Han Bin, who was the same age as him, was actually the leader of the city criminal investigation team. When he was about to get up to salute, he was stopped by Han Bin.

"Sit down, sit down. As soon as you salute, other people will know that we are one." Han Bin said with a smile.

"Sit down and I'll report to the sheriff." Said Xiao Wu.

Han Bin said, "don't rush to report, first give me the record, there is plenty of time to report."

Xiao Wu hesitated for a moment, "leader Han, you are the leader of the Municipal Bureau. I'll make a record for you. It's not suitable.""There's nothing inappropriate. I was in the hall at that time and had time to commit crimes. Since I was a policeman, I should set an example and cooperate with my work." Han Bin is right.

He still has this awareness.

"Yes, I'll take your advice." Xiao Wu answered with a smile that was uglier than crying. His brain was empty.

He did not have a thousand records, but he did not know what to ask this time

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