Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 535: 535

"Cough..." Xiao Wu coughed and took a deep breath. He was really under a lot of pressure.

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The police officers of the City Criminal Investigation Brigade are all elites, and Han Bin is the leader of the City Criminal Investigation Brigade. His experience in criminal investigation is absolutely better than that of him.

Xiao Wu always has the feeling of being a teacher.

It's like a chef who cooks for his own chef. Can he not feel uneasy?

After a while, Xiao Wu sorted out his thoughts and then asked, "team leader Han, are you just here to visit the resort?"

Han Bin said truthfully, "yes, I am on vacation, and I have two companions, one is my girlfriend Wang Ting, and her cousin Huang Qianqian. Huang Qianqian is also a police officer of the municipal criminal investigation team. She is my subordinate. "

"How did you get here? Do you know the owner? "

"I don't know. We listened to the driver of the ferry bus. This place is called golden platform, which can watch the sunset. It's the characteristic of this resort. We want to come and have a look."

"Did you find anything unusual at that time?"

"Our purpose here is to watch the sunset. Basically, we all look southwest. Ma Fangfang's table is to the north of us. Basically, I didn't look there, and I didn't find anything unusual.

"Have you ever been near their table at that time?"


"Did you talk to them?"


"Do you see any suspicious people?" Asked Xiao Wu.

"I've been watching as a guest, and I haven't noticed anything suspicious yet." Han Bin said.

"Did you come first, or did Ma Fangfang and them come first?"

Han Bin recalled, "we should have come first."

Xiao Wu closed the Notepad, "leader Han, I've got the basic information. Please give it a little while, and I'll report it to the police chief."


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With that, Xiao Wu and Xiao Zhang left their seats.

Wang Ting also finished the record, came over, curious way, "they also do the record for you?"


"I thought you cops didn't have to take notes?" Wang Ting said.

"There's no need to be that special." Han Bin pulls back his chair and signals Wang Ting to sit down.

Wang Ting sat down and looked at Han Bin's watch. "When can we go?"

"Soon, say hello to sergeant Huang, you should be able to leave. What would you like to eat in the evening?"

"Didn't Ma Fangfang say that you should have a buffet in the evening? Then eat it. "

Han Bin said with a smile, "so good, save me money."

"Moved? What are you going to give me? "

"What gift do you want?" Han Bin is a little embarrassed. He saves money for a meal and gives a gift. How can he see that he is losing money.

Wang Ting holding a snow-white chin, "well, I haven't thought about it yet."

Han Bin gave her a kiss on the face, "I'll give you a kiss."

Wang tingjiao angrily said, "I hate so many people..."

Huang Qianqian just came over, saw this scene, very exaggerated cover eyes, "Oh, shame, what do you do, will teach bad children."

"Cough..." Han Bin cleared his throat and asked, "are you children?"

Huang Qianqian flattened her mouth and said, "uncle and aunt, I'm hungry. Can you take me to dinner?"

Han Bin stood up and stretched, "since we've all finished the notes, let's go."

Then, three people out of the golden platform hall, a walk to the door, Sergeant Huang quickly welcomed up, "Han group leader, I'm sorry to let you wait for a long time."

"Sergeant Huang, you're welcome. It's important to investigate." Han Bin shook hands with the other party.

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"Xiao Wu has told me all about you. Thank you for your help. If you hadn't taken the lead in helping me, I don't know when I would have been in trouble." Yellow police long passenger airway.

They exchanged business cards, and Sergeant Huang went into the hall. Before the case was found out, he didn't care about the relationship with Han binla.

Song Nannan, the leader of the resort, gave Han Bin three buffet tickets, and then they went to the restaurant to eat in a ferry.

Cafeteria food is very rich, there are small hot pot, barbecue, dumplings, a variety of dishes, cakes, and roast duck.

Han Bin got some roast duck and barbecue ingredients, Wang Ting got some drinks, and Huang Qianqian got some special dishes. There were many kinds of dishes for the three people, but they didn't take more of each, so that they wouldn't eat them all.

Looking at a table full of dishes, Huang Qianqian swallowed her saliva, "ah, I knew earlier that we would come to the buffet at noon. Will we get fat at night?"

Wang Ting wrapped a roast duck and planted it in her mouth. "Don't be so sentimental when you eat a buffet. It's not bad for this meal. Let's lose weight tomorrow."

"Cousin, listen to you say so, the sense of guilt in my heart is reduced by more than half." Huang Qianqian chewed the roast duck and said, "it's so fragrant!"Han Bin put the roast beef on Wang Ting's plate. "I just tasted it. It's real beef."

Wang Ting took a bite and nodded, "the meat is not bad!"

Huang Qianqian said, "that's not true. 200 yuan per person is enough for the three of us to find a cafeteria in the city."

"A cent, a cent goods, taste salmon how to taste." Han Bin put a piece of roast salmon on Wang Ting's plate.

Wang Ting cut the grilled salmon, left a small piece, and put another piece into Han Bin's mouth, "you eat it, I'll bake it."

Han Bin eating grilled salmon, a face of satisfaction, "so considerate."

Wang Ting took the clip in Han Bin's hand, "I can't eat so much, the main force is you, like us who have a small appetite, it's also a kind of enjoyment to watch others eat."

Huang Qianqian curled her lips and complained, "you know how to scatter dog food!"

After dinner, the three returned to their rooms and washed up.

Then, the three people sat in the mosquito net on the terrace and played cards. The searchlight was on outside. Even at night, they could see the surrounding scenery. The air was very fresh and the breeze was very comfortable.

The three played cards for more than an hour and went back to bed at ten o'clock in the evening

The next morning, Han Bin fell asleep until dawn and got out of bed to stretch. He was satisfied with other places, but the bed was too soft.

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The bathroom also washes.

Han Bin washes out of the room and finds that Wang Ting and Huang Qianqian have got up and are applying sunscreen and mosquito repellent there.

The three went to the restaurant for breakfast, and the day's play began again

In the morning, three people went to climb the mountain. The nearby Laishan mountain is not high, but the scenery is very beautiful.

While climbing the mountain, the three enjoyed the beautiful scenery and climbed to the top of the mountain near noon.

There was nothing delicious at the top of the mountain, just instant noodles and bread, and the price was very expensive. The three people didn't eat at the top of the mountain.

After half an hour's rest, the three began to go down the mountain again. When they got back to the resort, it was more than two o'clock in the afternoon. They were all very tired.

In order to relieve fatigue, the three went to the hot spring.

The resort is very considerate. You can take a hot spring and eat at the same time.

Han Bin three people ordered a meal, soak in the hot spring to eat, is also a rare enjoyment.

The day went by like this, that Sergeant Huang didn't contact three people again, and Han Bin didn't know what happened to the diamond ring theft.

There are so many cases in the world that no matter how big Han Bin is, he can't manage them.


The next morning, Sergeant Huang stood at the gate of the resort, accompanied by two people in police uniforms and two hotel staff.

Sergeant Huang glanced at the distance, frowning into a mountain.

After a while, two cars came and several people came down from the car.

Sergeant Huang went up and said with a smile, "is it leader Li of the criminal investigation team of Yuhua Branch?"

"It's me." The leading man showed his police certificate, "you are the police chief Huang of Laishan town police station."

"It's me." Sergeant Huang pointed to the middle-aged man beside him. "This is manager Hao of Laishan hot spring resort."

"Good morning, leader Li." Manager Hao came forward to shake hands.

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Group leader Li nodded, "Sheriff Huang, what's going on here?"

"There were two cases of theft in the resort. The first one was in the evening of May 29 when a lady named Ma Fangfang's diamond ring was stolen in a hall of the resort."

"Last night, that is, the night of May 30, there was another burglary. A guest's room had been stolen, and some items and cash were lost. Our police station reported to the branch. "

In many people's impression, the police station is responsible for the theft. In fact, this is not the case.

Ordinary petty thieves are indeed in the charge of the police station. Just like Ma Fangfang's diamond ring stolen, Sheriff Huang can put it on file for investigation.

But last night's case was different. It was a burglary.

Whether it's theft or robbery, as long as the word "entry" is added in front of it, the nature will be serious.

Burglary belongs to criminal cases, which are generally investigated by the county-level criminal investigation team.

Group leader Li frowned and thought for a moment, "is there any connection between the two cases?"

"Ma Fangfang's case has been recorded, and I know more about it. I didn't know much about the burglary last night. " Huang said.

"Let's talk about Ma Fangfang's case."

"Ma Fangfang and two friends came on holiday. The day before yesterday afternoon, they went to huangjintai to watch the sunset. But before she finished watching the sunset, she found that her diamond ring had been stolen. Then she called the police and I took people to the scene at the first time."

"There were more than a dozen people present in the hall. We searched the other guests, but we didn't find Ma Fangfang's diamond ring at that time. They also took notes of other guests, leaving their names and contact information. " Speaking of this, Sergeant Huang seems to think of something,"By the way, among the guests, there were two members of the City Criminal Investigation Brigade."

Group leader Li asked, "City Criminal Investigation Brigade? What are they doing here? "

"One of the people who came on holiday was Han, the head of the criminal investigation team," said Huang

"Han?" Group leader Li murmured and guessed, "is that boy Han Bin?"

Sergeant Huang was surprised. "Do you know him?"

Li group leader touched chin to smile, "too know!"

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