Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 536: 536

Yesterday, I climbed mountains in the morning and took a hot spring in the afternoon. I had a good sleep.

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Hanbin wake up, it is more than 8 o'clock in the morning, after washing, went to the living room, Wangting sister has not been out of the room.

Han Bin spent half an hour on the sofa brushing her mobile phone, while Wang Ting and Huang Qianqian came out of the bedroom.

Han Bin yawned and said, "good morning, two beauties."

Good morning Wang Ting yawned.

Huang Qianqian rubbed her stomach and looked at the watch on the wall. "Let's go to dinner. I'm hungry. What should I do if I don't have breakfast for a while?"

Wang Ting said, "you deserve it. You didn't have a good meal last night."

Huang Qianqian sighed, "I ate too much at the buffet the night before yesterday. I thought I'd eat less last night, or I'd get fat after a few days' rest. How can I face the folks in the police station?"

Han Bin looked out of the window, "go downstairs, the ferry is coming."

Han Bin and Wang Ting go out hand in hand.

Huang Qianqian has been used to it these two days. She runs to the front of the two people, and it's clear if she can't see.

Three people went to the restaurant by ferry, but saw a few familiar guests, including Ma Fangfang who lost his diamond ring.

Breakfast is also a buffet, but it is different from the dishes in the evening. Most of them are breakfast food, and the variety is also very rich.

There are bread, bacon, sausage, fried eggs, fried rice, fried noodles, fried dough sticks, soybean milk, noodles, fruits, steamed stuffed buns and so on. Drinks are also very rich, such as milk, coffee, yogurt, chicken soup, soybean milk and so on.

Han Bin made some bacon, sausage, ham, fried potatoes, fried eggs, fried rice, a cup of milk and a cup of coffee.

Wang Ting also came over with a plate and gave Han Bin a steamed bun, "eat more, or we can't eat it back."

Huang Qianqian bared her teeth, "brother-in-law, it's all up to you!"

Han Bin patted the chest, "package on me, this is not a matter."

Three people originally came out to play, and they were not in a hurry to eat. They were very busy talking and laughing.

Wang Ting took a fork and inserted a potato from Han Bin's plate. "I saw Ma Fangfang just now. Do you think she found her diamond ring?"

Han Bin drank a mouthful of coffee, Shun Shun, "should not."

Huang Qianqian asked, "brother-in-law, did that Sergeant Huang contact you?"


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"How do you know?"

Han Bin said quietly, "look, she's holding a spoon, and she's poking the plate there all the time. You know, the diamond ring is probably not found."

Huang Qianqian looked into the distance, "it's really ah, it seems not very happy."

Wang Ting wiped the corner of her mouth with a napkin, "can you find her diamond ring?"

Han Bin said with a smile, "I don't care if I can find her diamond ring. But if you like diamond rings, I can buy them for you. "

Wang Ting looked at her white hand, "I have money myself. Why do you want to buy it?"

Huang Qianqian nodded and echoed, "that's right. I'm a woman in the new era. I can live well without men."

Han Bin asked, "can the meaning be the same? An old girl who can't get married will buy her own diamond ring. "


Han Bin felt two cold eyes looking at him, and suddenly, he felt a chill on his back.

Han Bin grabs Wang Ting's little hand and hastens to remedy, "Tingting, your hand is so beautiful. I've been worrying about what kind of ring to buy."

Wang Ting took back her little hand and hummed, "eat your meal quickly."

Huang Qianqian still looked at the two people with cold eyes and muttered, "if I knew this, I would not come with you. I knew XiuXiu. I hate it."

Huang Qianqian, as a speaker, poked the bowl of chicken soup with a spoon, as if expressing her dissatisfaction.

Han Bin sees Huang Qianqian's caution, but he doesn't care. Wang Ting is happy. As for Huang Qianqian See if you dare to be a light bulb next time!

"Ding Ling Ling..."

At this time, a mobile phone ring, Han Bin took out a mobile phone to see, the screen shows the name of Li Hui.


"Binzi, what are you doing?"

"What about dinner? Why do you think of calling me at this point? "

"I miss you."

Han Bin sighed, "meat numb not meat numb, can good play?"

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"As a good brother, I haven't seen you for such a long time. The real idea."

Han Bin smile, "Weina see your true face, throw you away."

Li Hui yelled in his own loud voice, "bah, bah, bah, can you hope me to be better? We are all getting married soon. We are very well."

"Come on, don't show your love in front of me. If you have something to say, I'm having dinner."Li Hui said in a curious tone, "why don't you have to go to work today

"I'm off today."

"Oh, that's just right. Let's have lunch together at noon."

Han Bin said with a smile, "OK, come here. I'll treat you to dinner."

"Really, I'm not alone." Li Hui laughs.

Han Bin joked, "I knew you were not alone. It's not a matter."

"Bingo, and me."

"Team leader Han, and me..."

Han Bin was stunned. These two voices are too familiar. Zhao Ming and Tian Li

Han Bin immediately realized that there was something wrong with the problem, "where are you?"

"Laishan hot spring resort."

Li Hui, with a smile, looks like he has succeeded in his treacherous scheme. "In other words, you can enjoy it very much. The environment of this resort is beautiful. I've never been to a hot spring since I grew up."

"There's a new case at the resort?"

"Burglary, we are investigating. I won't tell you. I'll see you at lunch." With that, Li hung up his cell phone.

Han Bin can't laugh or cry, "this boy I don't know how to do it

"What's the matter?" Wang Ting is curious.

"My former colleagues in Yuhua Branch Bureau came to the resort to investigate. They probably heard my news from sergeant Huang and asked me to treat them at noon." Han Bin said.

Wang Ting doubts a way, "isn't say the theft belongs to the police station to manage?"

"Listen to him, there is another burglary, which is quite serious in nature. Generally, the criminal investigation team is responsible for it."

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"Brother in law, are they all your colleagues in Yuhua Branch?"

Han Bin replied, "yes, we are all in the same group. We are also a group of eaters."

Wang Ting laughs, "it's easy to talk about food, so invite them to a buffet."

Han Bin nods. He and Li Hui have a good relationship, and they are old hands who have worked with him. It's not painful to invite them to dinner.


Near noon, Li Hui, Zhao Ming and Tian Li were sitting on a ferry bus.

Li Hui's eyes looked around, but it wasn't enough. "Oh, the scenery here is so beautiful. Is it a hot spring over there?"

"Beautiful is beautiful, this place should not be cheap." Tian Li said.

Zhao Mingxian said gallantly, "sister Tian, if you like it, I'll take you to play another day."

Li Hui turns his mouth. Bah, you are greedy for her body.

After thinking about it, Li Hui did not dare to say it.

As the leader of the second group, Li Hui is not afraid of other people in the group, but he is afraid of Tian Li.

Maybe, I was used to being beaten before.

There is a dog and a lion in the zoo. The dog is an adult and the lion is very small.

The little lion is very naughty. He often harasses the sleeping dog and is beaten by the dog.

The lion cub grows very fast. In only one year, he is taller and stronger than the dog.

But they will still be chased and bitten by dogs.

The breeder thinks that maybe the lion is still young and doesn't know how to compete. When he comes of age, he will show the power of the lion king. Maybe he will bully the dog in turn.

A few years later, the lion had grown up. He was tall and strong. He was a head taller than the dog. It was frightening to make a big mouth and yawn.

However, the lion is still very docile in front of the dog and is often chased and bitten by the dog as before.

Seeing this scene, the tourists were shocked.

The dog is so fierce that even lions dare to bite it!

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Are dogs better than lions?

It's definitely not possible.

Are lions really afraid of dogs?

Not necessarily.

They have their own way of getting along with each other. They are already familiar with each other and don't want to change. That's enough.

The ferry car stops near the restaurant, and Han Bin has been waiting for them at the door of the restaurant.

When they met, they exchanged greetings again.

Are old acquaintances, and not so much polite, Han Bin led the three into the restaurant.

"It's my treat today. It's open."

"Tut Tut, brother bin, this cafeteria is of good quality. You can spend money this time." Zhao Ming praised.

Han Bin patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile, "please have dinner. Can you go to a bad place?"

"That is, we what relation, I didn't attend to eat in the morning, today is really right." Li Hui rubbed his hands and his eyes were wandering around.

"binzi, you should not be alone."

Han Bin has no good way, "go, you kid all pit me once, got cheap still sell good."

Li Hui laughed and said, "it's you who have so much to blame. That's what I mean literally. Who makes you think

Han Bin lazy to pay attention to him, pointed to the direction of Wang Ting and Huang Qianqian, "I with my girlfriend and sister-in-law together."Li Hui touched his chin and said, "yes, how long have we been apart? You will take off the order. Is it true that there have been signs for a long time and we have not been told. "

Han Bin pretended to think of cableway, "don't say, I haven't thought about it before. I left Yuhua Branch and met Wang Ting on the first day when I went to the Municipal Bureau. I've been single for so long, maybe it's you and me. "

Li Hui glanced at Wang Ting. Although she was separated by a certain distance, she could still see that Wang Ting was a beautiful woman. She snorted, "what's the matter with you, Fang? That's to let you meet better people. Looking for such a beautiful girl friend, you still complain, booser. "

Tian Li complained feebly, "two leaders, I know you two have a good relationship. Don't show your love. I'm starving."

"Puff..." Zhao Ming couldn't help laughing, subconsciously away from the two.

Han Bin "..."

Li Hui "..."

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