Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 537: 537

Han Bin took three people to walk past, introduced each other.

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"This is my girlfriend Wang Ting and my lovely little cousin Huang Qianqian."

"This is Li Hui, my college classmate. He is now the leader of the Criminal Investigation Brigade, the third squadron and the second group of Yuhua Branch."

"This is Tian Li, the second group's combat power, who took the second place in Quanzhou City Women's Sanda."

"And Zhao Ming, my little brother."

Wang Ting stood up and said, "although it's the first time we met, we used to hear Han Bin mention you. You're welcome. Just sit down."

Zhao Ming's mouth is very sweet, immediately cried, "good sister-in-law."

Tian Li also followed, "good sister-in-law."

Li Hui said with a smile, "sister-in-law, you look so beautiful. I thought I saw a big star when I came in."

After they got to know each other, they began to take their own food.

Han Bin, Li Hui and others are all big eaters and big eaters. They put the table full.

Tian Li says, "Han group leader, let you spend."

"You're welcome with me. Eat more." Han Bin said with a smile.

To tell you the truth, it's also a great feeling to invite a friend to a buffet and see that a friend can eat more than himself.

What I'm most afraid of is that if a friend asks himself to treat himself to self-help food, but the other party doesn't eat much, it makes people feel aggrieved.

The people chatted with each other while eating.

Huang Qianqian couldn't help looking at Tian Li more and asked, "elder martial sister Tian, are you also in the field?"

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"Yes." Tian Li asked, "are you a policeman, too?"

"A formal introduction." Huang Qianqian cleared her throat. "My name is Huang Qianqian. I'm the internal service of the City Criminal Investigation Brigade, the second squadron and the first group."

Li Hui responded and asked, "you and Han Bin are in the same group now. Did you introduce them?"

Huang Qianqian shrugged her shoulders. "It's not true. They've known each other for a long time."

Li Hui glanced at Han Bin, "OK, it's hidden deep enough. Such a beautiful girlfriend has been hiding it from her. If we hadn't just met today, you don't know how long to hide it. "

Han Bin said with a smile, "just your mouth, I want to tell you, the whole Yuhua Branch knows."

"Go." Li Hui straightened his chest and said, "team leader Han, I'm different now. Don't look at me with old eyes."

Han Bin just don't believe his nonsense, the front of the story a turn, "the case investigate how?"

"How to say that." Li Hui said with a smile, "in fact, we are here to ask you for help this time."

Han Bin drank a mouthful of almond dew, "a burglary, is not a big case, don't tell me, you don't have the confidence to solve the case."

"Broken, certainly can be broken, but it will take some time, but it's a little help for you." Li Hui said, turned out his mobile phone and put it in front of Han Bin.

"This is a photo of the footprints found at the scene of the crime. It's just that the footprints are a little shallow and it's very difficult to distinguish them. If you ask the provincial footprint experts to identify, it will take three or five days just to go through the procedure. It will take at least a week to get the identification results, and then the day lily will be cold. "

Han Bin opened a photo, footprints are not complete, it is not easy to distinguish.

Li Hui showed an apologetic look and said to Wang Ting, "I'm so sorry, sister-in-law. I don't want to interfere with your vacation, but in the aspect of footprint identification, the whole Qindao city can't find a second person except Han Bin."

Wang Ting with the literal meaning to understand, "footprint identification, is based on the footprints to catch the suspect?"

Li Hui said, "yes, Han Bin is an expert in this field. With the skill of footprint identification, he has caught many suspects, which is one of the best in Luzhou province."

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Wang Ting is dubious, turning to look at Han Bin, "you are so powerful!"

Han Bin smile, eyebrow a pick, a pair of you just know appearance.

Han Bin did not directly answer whether he was involved in the case. After all, he accompanied Wang Ting to travel. If he helped Li Hui investigate the case, it would be inappropriate.

Seems to see Hanbin's dilemma, Wang Ting very generous said, "this afternoon, Qianqian and I want to do beauty, you follow is not appropriate, just can help investigate."

Hearing this, Han Bin feels very comfortable. It's not that he wants to investigate the case. He's just glad to have such a sensible girlfriend.

After dinner, Wang Ting and Huang Qianqian went for beauty care.

Han Bin followed Li Hui to investigate the case.

Before that, Li Hui also reported to the sub Bureau, and Han Bin participated in the case in the name of guiding the investigation.

For the Yuhua Branch, Han Bin is not an outsider, so the branch leaders will not object. While Han Bin is on vacation now, the Municipal Bureau will not oppose him.

In order to facilitate the police investigation, the resort has prepared a temporary office for the police.

After dinner, Han Bin four people ride the ferry to the temporary office.On the way, Li Hui couldn't help asking, "binzi, what about the footprint study? Can you get a general picture of the suspect? "

"It's not easy to say now. I have to go to the scene to investigate." Han Bin said.

One side of Zhao Ming can not help but ask, "brother bin, you are going to chase the sister-in-law, so soon off the single."

Han Bin laughed, this question is really hard to answer, hesitated for some time, said, "feelings of this kind of thing, pay attention to fate, in short, is to see the right eye."

Zhao Ming is stunned for a moment and takes a look at Tian Li beside him. He and Tian Li have known each other for such a long time. They have seen each other for many times. Their relationship has never been further. Is it because they have no fate?

A moment later, Han Bin and others get off the ferry bus. Next to them is a three story building, which is not like living, but more like a reception desk.

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The police office provided by the resort is on the second floor of the building.

Han Bin and others went to the reception hall, they heard a dispute.

Walk in and have a look, three women are surrounded by Sheriff Huang and others.

These three women Han Bin know, it is the diamond ring owner Ma Fangfang and her friends Li Lan and Zheng Rong are also present.

Li Hui walked over and asked, "Sheriff Huang, what happened?"

"Team leader Li, you are just in time. This is Ms. Ma, the owner of the diamond ring. He came to inquire about the progress of the investigation." Huang said.

Ma Fangfang glanced at Li Hui, "you are the leader of the criminal investigation team of Yuhua Branch."

"It's me."

"I heard that my case is now under your investigation?"

"In addition to your case, there is another burglary in the resort. We suspect that the two cases may be committed by the same person, and the case is taken over by our criminal investigation team." Li huidao.

"Did you find the thief who stole my diamond ring?" Ma Fangfang asked.

"We just took over the case in the morning and are still under investigation. We will let you know as soon as we have information." Li Hui said.

Ma Fangfang showed an anxious look. "That's what we called the police station yesterday. Today, you still say that. I've lost my diamond ring for two days. If I drag on, I'll be gone long ago. Can you check my case first?"

Li Lan asked, "that's right. According to the original plan, we are going to leave tomorrow. If the police can't find out the result tomorrow, shall we go or stay?"

Zheng Rong held her hands in front of her chest and said, "if you want me to say, it's not difficult. There are only 11 people on the scene, and one of them must be a thief."

Han Bin touched his nose, according to the meaning of Zheng Rong, he is also a suspect of theft.

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Sergeant Huang has a face, and the more he listens, the bigger his head is. "OK, you three go back first. I promise I will inform you as soon as I get the news."

"When is the first time? You'd better give me a definite letter, so that I can have a bottom in my heart." Ma Fangfang asked.

Sergeant Huang is also speechless. He has no bottom in his heart. How can he give it to others?

Sergeant Huang turned to look at Li Hui.

Li Hui frowned. In the morning, they only focused on investigating the burglary. As for the diamond theft, he didn't know much about it.

Li Hui looked at Han Bin.

Han Bin said, "since you don't want to leave, you can stay and make another record for the three of them."

Li Lan was a little dissatisfied, "haven't we already made a record? Why take notes? "

Han Bin asked, "is it you or I?"

Li Lan choked and looked a little ugly.

"You..." Ma Fangfang looked at Han Bin and thought he was a little familiar. "I really want to meet you. By the way, when I lost my diamond ring, you were in the hall."

"I'm also a policeman, but during my vacation, I didn't wear a police uniform or a police officer's license, so I couldn't enforce the law openly. However, just because I was present at that time, I knew about the case and was invited to participate in the investigation of the case. " With that, Han Bin glanced at his watch and said,

"let the resort vacate an interrogation room and make a new record for the three of them!"

Han Bin's momentum is sufficient, directly took over the scene.

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