Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 568: 568

Ding Xifeng nodded and said, "your idea is right. As far as I know, after Feng bureau took over the prison break case, people checked the monitoring of Zhu Weichao's visit. A total of five people visited Zhu Weichao."

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"Zhu Weichao's parents, wife, daughter and brother."

"Among them, Zhu Weichao's parents only visited him in the first year, and they haven't visited Zhu Weichao for nearly a year. Their suspicion can be basically eliminated."

"Zhu Weichao's wife and brother often go to see him. Feng Bureau has sent people to contact him, but they all say they don't know about Zhu Weichao's escape. They should still be under surveillance."

Han Bin took over the conversation and said, "even if these two people don't have time to commit the crime, they may have helped pass the word before. Maybe they know the identity of the murderer. I suggest that they take notes again."

Ding Xifeng took a book, opened it and said, "Zhu Weichao's wife lives in laiping City, a little far away. But Zhu Weichao's younger brother lives in the city. You can contact him to take notes. Moreover, Zhu Weichao's younger brother is also the last one to visit the prison. "

"I see." Han Bin responded.

Ding Xifeng took a look at his watch. "In this way, it's late. You'd better contact Zhu Weichao's younger brother first. You'd better make his notes today to see if he knows the identity of the murderer."

"Good." Han Bin gets Zhu Weichao's younger brother's contact information and address from Ding Xifeng, and then takes people away.

Ding Xifeng and Ma Jingbo are both here, and it's not his turn to take charge of the situation. Besides, the second group will arrive soon, and there will be no shortage of manpower.

On a black SUV, Bao Xing is still driving, Jiang Yang is in the passenger compartment, and Han Bin is in the back row.

Bao Xing turned his head and asked, "chief, where are we going?"

"Go to Xinhua first, I'll ask for the specific address."

"All right." Bao Xing answered and started the car.

Ding Xifeng sent a message to Han Bin, which contains the details of Zhu Weichao's younger brother, working place and address in Xinhua District.

Han Bin took a look at his watch. It was more than six in the afternoon.

Han Bin takes out his mobile phone and dials Zhu Weichao's younger brother.

"Hello, is this Mr. Zhu Wei'an?"

"It's me. Who are you?"

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"I'm Han Bin from the City Criminal Investigation Brigade. I'd like to know something about it."

"I've known about it before. How can I know about it again? Why don't you check the information of the public security bureau?"

"I've read the information. I know someone has made a record with you, but now the situation is a little different. I need to verify some new information with you."

Zhu declined politely, "I don't have time to go to the police station now."

"It doesn't matter. Say something. We'll come to you."

"Oh, yes..." Zhu Wei'an hesitated for a moment, "I don't want to go to the police station, and it's inconvenient to ask you to go home, or you can say a place."

"Where are you, and we'll pick you up in the car?"

"I'm on Anxiang Road, Xibin building."

"OK, as soon as we meet, we are driving a black SUV with the license plate number of 78."

after hanging up the mobile phone, Han Bin said, "go to Anxiang road and Xibin building, and Zhu Weian will wait there."

Jiang Yang asked, "team leader, do you think Zhu Wei'an might be the murderer here? He visited Zhu Weichao, was also in Qindao City, and Zhu Weichao should also trust him, which is completely in line with the characteristics of the suspect."

Bao Xing said, "no, these two people are brothers at least. They should not do anything so absolutely."

"It's not possible. Feng bureau should always send people to watch him. He can't have time to commit a crime. Of course, we can't rule out that he knows the identity of the murderer. What we have to do now is to get some valuable clues out of his mouth. "

Han Bin takes another look at his watch, and then sends a wechat to Wang Ting, telling her that he may be late for work.


In half an hour.

Near Xibin building, Anxiang Road, Xinhua District.

A man stood by the side of the road, looking around from time to time, as if searching for something.

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A black SUV drove over, the back of the car glass down, a young man showed his head, "Zhu Wei'an."

The man on the side of the road replied, "yes, it's me."

"Get in the car."

Zhu Wei'an hesitated for a moment, looked at the license plate number, opened the door and sat up, looking at the man in the back of the car, "are you officer Han?"

"Yes, I called just now." Han Bin looked at each other, medium, some thin, with Zhu Weichao's appearance is somewhat similar.

"Comrades of the police, I have said all that should be said. What else can I do for you?"

"You don't have to be nervous. I just want to know something about you. It can also be regarded as a routine inquiry."

"Let me tell you this. We all know that we are brothers. My brother managed to get out of here. If he has a little brain, he can't come to me. That's not a trap." Speaking of this, Zhu Wei'an showed a complicated look, "I'm not afraid of your jokes. Since my brother escaped from prison, the police issued the wanted warrant again. Many people stare at me and wait for my brother to come to me. They want to earn a reward.""When did you know your brother broke out?"

"When the police came to me, I knew that I was just a little common people, who always paid attention to this kind of thing. Besides, I didn't expect my brother to escape from prison."

Han Bin asked subconsciously, "has he ever revealed the idea of escaping from prison before?"


"When was the last time you saw him?"

Zhu Wei'an thought, "in the middle of May, I gave him some money and food, just to make him comfortable in it. If I knew that he would escape, I didn't have to do anything more."

"What did you two talk about that time?"

Zhu Wei'an replied, "it's just the same old story. How are my parents, how are my sister-in-law and nephew doing, some family matters, other things we don't have much in common."

"Did your brother tell you about some special friends?"

"What friend?"

"Like helping him escape."

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Zhu Wei'an shook his head. "How can he tell me that it's not harmful to others and oneself?"

"Even if he doesn't say it directly, it may be inadvertently revealed in his speech. You can think about it." Han Bin asked.

Zhu Wei'an said, "I can't think of it. You police can't catch him. How can I find him?"

To say the least, even if Zhu Weian really knew something, he couldn't tell the police that it was his brother who took the notes.

No matter what crime you have committed, blood is thicker than water. If you sell him to the police, you can't be stabbed in the back.

He won't do it.

Han Bin stares at each other, "we have found Zhu Weichao."

"What, you didn't find him!" Zhu Wei'an was surprised. "Why do you ask me, just ask him!"

Han Bin said, "Zhu Wei'an is dead!"

Zhu Wei'an's face showed a look of shock. Han Bin can be sure that his expression is definitely not pretended. He should not have known about it in advance.

After a while, the look on Zhu Wei'an's face eased a little, "police comrade, you don't have to cheat me, I really don't know anything."

"I didn't lie to you. Zhu Wei'an is dead indeed!" Han Bin's tone is firm.

"He just broke out of prison. How could he die?" Zhu Weian's secret way.

Han Bin takes out his mobile phone, finds out a photo and hands it to Zhu Wei'an. You can have a look for yourself.

Zhu Wei'an took a look, his face changed again and again, "this How can this happen? It's not that he absconded and was killed. "

"We are here to find out the truth of Zhu Weichao's murder. You are not the family of the suspect, but the family of the victim. We are seeking justice for Zhu Weichao. Only when you cooperate with the police investigation can we catch the murderer and avenge your brother."

For a time, Zhu Wei'an's mentality was hard to change, and he was shocked and speechless.

For him, this period of time was like a roller coaster. First, the police came to the door and said that his brother had escaped from prison. Then they asked him to cooperate with the police investigation.

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Later, he often followed a group of people who wanted to find Zhu Weichao through him to get a reward. Today, the police came to him again. He thought he was helping him find his brother Zhu Weichao.

But unexpectedly learned the news of his brother's death.

"When was my brother killed?"

"Between ten o'clock and two o'clock in the morning last night." After Han Bin answered, he asked, "during this period of time, where are you?"

"I'm at home, so late, where can I go?"

"Who can prove it?"

"My wife and my daughter can prove it." Zhu Wei'an said, just reflected, "you can't doubt me, how can I kill my brother."

Han Bin comforted, "don't be nervous, just routine inquiry."

Zhu Wei'an held his forehead and sighed, "it's better to stay in prison, or at least have a thought..."

Speaking of this, Zhu Weian raised his head, "officer Han, do you know who killed my brother?"

Han Bin glanced at him, secretly, it seems to tell him that Zhu Weichao's death is still correct, one is to temporarily investigate the suspect of his murder.

Moreover, we all know that we should take the initiative to inquire about the case. The change of attitude is enormous.

At the beginning, even if Zhu Weian knew some important clues about Zhu Weichao, he could not easily reveal them. It was his brother. Even if the police were just, he would have a quagmire in his heart to help the police catch his relatives.

But now the situation is different, Zhu Weichao was killed, the purpose of the police is no longer to catch him, but to find out his killer, Zhu Weian has become the suspect's family, naturally will not hide Zhu Weichao's situation.

Han Bin replied, "it's not clear yet. I want you to provide some clues."

Zhu Wei'an thought for a while and said, "I do know something, but I can't guarantee whether it's related to my brother's death."Han Bin said in an encouraging tone, "you just need to describe it truthfully. The police will make their own judgment."

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