Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 569: 569

"My family's condition is average. I have two children at school and I'm short of money. Every time I visit him in prison, he asks me for money. To tell you the truth, I'm a little weak, and I dare not let my wife know. "

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"Once he asked for money, I told him I didn't have any money. At that time, I was not rich. He was very unhappy. He also complained to me about how difficult it was to stay in it. He was almost suffocating, how bad the food was. He had been off smoking for half a month, and he was so irritable. "

"I'm not happy to hear him say that. What did you do? If you didn't commit a crime, you would be locked up here."

"He told me carefully that he had money outside, but he couldn't spend it now. He would give me some money later. He also said that he would give me one now and ten later. "

"Later I think about it. After all, I'm a brother. I don't want him to suffer too much in it, so I paid him some money. "

Han Bin asked, "where did he get the money?"

Zhu Wei'an shook his head. "I don't know. He didn't tell me. It's not convenient to ask in that case."

"Did he say where the money was? What's the amount? "

"He said it was a lot of money. I don't know where it is. He told me to leave it alone and give it to me sooner or later. Let me take good care of the elderly and children in my family. " Zhu Weian sighed, "who knows, people are gone."

Han Bin wrote it down in the book. From Zhu Wei'an's words, we can hear that the source of the money is suspicious.

"Before, what did Zhu Weichao do?"

"He didn't have any serious work. He fished for three days and dried his net for two days. He planted a few acres of land and worked as a casual worker with the people in the village

"How much money can he make in a year?" Han Bin asked.

Zhu Wei'an calculated silently, "although the daily salary of Zhixiang is quite a lot, it doesn't work every day. When it's less, it's twenty or thirty thousand, and when it's more, it's forty or fifty thousand."

"How much does his wife make a year?"

"My sister-in-law is more down-to-earth. Although she doesn't earn much, she is relatively stable. Thirty or forty thousand a year. Although they don't earn much, they spend enough on us. "

"Is your sister-in-law still living in laiping?"

"Yes, it's not easy for her to have a child by herself. Now my brother is gone, maybe It's a relief for her, too. "

Han Bin's words changed, "Zhu Wei'an, how is your relationship with your brother?"

"Very good. What's the matter?"

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"Do you want to catch his killer?"

"Yes, of course I do. I need to ask."

Han Bin said, "next, what do I ask you? I hope you can answer honestly, and don't hide anything."

"I've been answering your questions all the time. I'm telling the truth."

Han Bin nodded, staring at Zhu Wei'an's expression, and asked, "did you help Zhu Weichao deliver news when you were in prison?"

"If you think about it, don't lie. It may have something to do with your brother's death."

Zhu Wei'an shook his head. "No, this is really not."

Han Bin said, "prison escape is not a small matter. You should be very clear about how strong the police are. After escaping from prison, your brother can hide for so long because someone is waiting for him outside and has prepared a hiding place for him in advance. "

"It shows that your brother had already contacted people outside before he escaped from prison, and he must have contacted more than once from planning to implementing it."

"If you didn't help him deliver the message, what means do you think he used to get in touch with people outside?"

Zhu Weian said sincerely, "I don't know. He never mentioned it to me. I'm an honest peasant worker. My wife and children are hot on the Kang, and I'm timid. I can't do it. "

"Besides, we are the only brothers in the house. He has already gone in. If I'm arrested for committing another crime, what about this big family? "

"I'm different from him. I'm just a man of my duty. I can't do such a mess. Even if he asked me to send a message, I didn't have the guts

Han Bin has been staring at each other, and did not see any sign of lying, "for Zhu Weichao crime in prison this matter, how do you think?"

Zhu Wei'an snorted, "what else can I see? Shame. Or I wouldn't be working in the city. It's hard for my parents. It's spread all over the village in two days. They don't even go out now. They're afraid that people will mention my brother and get stabbed in the back. "

"Do you have any suspects who killed your brother or helped him escape from prison?"

Zhu Wei'an said, "I really don't understand and can't tell."

Han Bin changed a way to ask, "who did your brother get closer to before he went to prison and have more contacts with?"

Zhu Weian blurted out, "Lao Hou, they often drink together."

"Specific name?""Hou Jiansheng is also a member of our village. He is one year older than me and one year younger than my brother. He is also a member of the same group. He plays better with my brother. When I go to my brother's house, I often see them drinking together. "

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"Do you have his contact information?"


"is he still in your village now?"

"I don't know. After my brother goes in, I have nothing to do with him."

Han Bin looked at his watch, "Mr. Zhu, are you busy tonight?"

Zhu Wei'an showed vigilant look, "what happened again?"

Han Bin comfort way, "you don't nervous, just want to ask you to go with us to recognize the body."

"What, it's not nervous. It's dark now. It's frightening to recognize a corpse at night." Speaking of this, Zhu Wei'an said, "my brother How he died. "


Zhu Wei'an half knew half understood, "can you make it clear?"

"In this way, recognize the body first, and then I'll tell you in detail." Han Bin worried now said, the other party even the police station door did not dare to enter.

Zhu Weian quickly waved his hand, "forget it, I'd better go to the day tomorrow. I'm timid. It's too scary to go to that place at night."

Han Bin asked for a business card of Bao Xing and handed it to Zhu Wei'an on the opposite side, "if you think of any new clues or go to the police station to identify the body, just call this number."

"Good." Zhu Wei put it in his pocket. "If there's nothing else, I'll go first."

"Shall we give you a ride?"

"No, I can go back by myself. It's very convenient. Don't bother." Zhu Weian quickly declined. He would rather walk home than go back as a policeman's car.

Since Zhu Weichao escaped from prison, Zhu Weian has a sense of inexplicable uneasiness. He always feels that people around him are staring at him, hoping to get Zhu Weichao's situation from him, and then to get that expensive bonus.

As for the police, he can hide as far as he can.

This Han police officer is OK. The last time he took notes, the police question was more tricky. It seems that he has been identified as related to Zhu Weichao's prison break.

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At the thought of this, Zhu Wei'an felt that something was wrong with him and that he was being watched by the police.

After seeing Zhu Weian leave, Han Bin dials Zhu Weichao's wife's mobile phone.

Han Bin has seen Zhu Weichao's file and knows something about her wife.

His wife's name is Mao Yamei. She is 38 years old. She is also from laiping city.

A moment later, the phone was connected, and a woman's voice came, "Hello, who's calling?"

"Hello, is that Ms. Mao Yamei?"

"It's me. Where are you from? What can I do for you

"I'm Han Bin from the City Criminal Investigation Brigade. I'd like to know something about it."

After a moment's silence, Mao Yamei said, "haven't you been here already? There's nothing else

"There's new progress in your husband's business, so I'd like to talk to you again."

"I don't have time now. I can't go to the police station. I'll talk about it another day."

"You say a place, we can find you."

"I can't do it today. I have to cook, bathe and check my homework for my children. Another day."

Han Bin retreated and asked for the second, "let's make it tomorrow morning."

"All right."

"If it's tomorrow morning, I hope you can come to Qindao Public Security Bureau."

"I'm in laiping. Didn't you say you came to see me?"

"That's because it's not convenient for you tonight. I'd like you to come to the police station tomorrow. "

"All right, I see." Mao Yamei finished and hung up his cell phone.

If it's just taking notes, it's OK for Han Bin to take a trip, but it's more convenient for her to come directly to the Municipal Bureau.

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Han Bin opens his notebook and looks at the key points of Zhu Weian's notes. In addition to Mao Yamei, there is another Hou Jiansheng, who has been in close contact with Zhu Weichao.

"Bao Xing, Hou Jiansheng will contact you."

Bao Xing asked, "let him come to take notes tomorrow morning?"

"All right." Han Bin nodded.

In addition to Hou Jiansheng, the money mentioned by Zhu Weichao is also a direction of investigation.

"Jiang Yang, go to the bank tomorrow morning to check the bank accounts of Zhu Weichao and his wife."


After arranging the task, Han Bin took a look at his watch. It was already seven o'clock in the evening.

He made another phone call with Ma Jingbo and reported the situation.

Ma Jingbo did not arrange new tasks.

Then the three went off work and went home.

Han Bin is still going to the Four Seasons restaurant.

To the restaurant, it is more than seven in the evening, Wang Ting directly with Han Bin on the second floor of the private room.

"You've been working late today, and you've been busy all day. Let's not go back to cooking, we can eat in the shop."Han Bin stretched, "OK, today is really tired."

Wang Ting made a pot of Oolong tea, poured a cup for Han Bin, and asked, "what's the matter, didn't you say that the case has been closed? What's the matter again. "

Han Bin subconsciously said, "the bath murder case is over, now our team began to investigate the case of Zhu Weichao."

Wang Ting curiously said, "have you found the trace of Zhu Weichao? Are you sure you'll catch him? "

Han Bin thought about it and said with a smile, "this case is complicated. I can't explain it clearly. I'm hungry. Let's have dinner first."

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