Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 576: 576

The next morning.

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As soon as he arrived at the Municipal Bureau, Ma Jingbo called a meeting.

Ma Jingbo waved, "people are almost here, close the door, let's have a meeting."

"We had a summing up meeting before we got off work yesterday, and the team leader made it very clear. The reason why I hold this morning meeting is that there is a new clue in the technology department, and then I will arrange today's task. "

"Let me first talk about the investigation conducted by the technology department. They tested the evidence found at the scene. DNA was extracted from one of the wine bottles, and DNA was also extracted from the other bottle, but it did not belong to the deceased."

"the technical department also identified the shovel on the shovel, and found DNA on the shovel handle, which is identical to the DNA on another bottle. According to the analysis of the case and the scene, it is most likely the DNA of the murderer. "

"This evidence is crucial and provides a solid basis for our next investigation."

Han Bin is also in a good mood. For a case, the evidence of conviction is the most critical, and the new evidence discovered by the technology department can be used as evidence of conviction.

The fact that the two small bottles of wine were buried together with the body of the deceased indicates that the person had been to the scene and had drunk with the deceased. The evidence on the

shovel is also crucial. The shovel should be used to bury the dead and evidence, which is precisely what the killer or his gang did.

As long as it is proved that the murderer has a certain motive, the evidence will be enough to settle the case.

Ma Jingbo scanned the crowd, "do you have any questions?"

Everyone was silent.

Ma Jingbo continued, "then I'll arrange the task."

"Zhu Jiaxu, you take the second group to continue yesterday's investigation and find the suspect's motorcycle as soon as possible. The team leader has great expectations for this clue."

Zhu Jiaxu straightened his waist and said in a loud voice, "yes."

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"Han Bin, please contact Li Dongzhi's family and ask them to come to the police station to take notes as soon as possible."

"As for Wang lifeI's family, I'll take notes myself."


Ma Jingbo closed his notebook and said, "do you have any questions? No problem. Break up. What to look for. "

Han Bin takes people back to the office.

Wang Xiao and Jiang Yang are left behind by Ma Jingbo.

Li Qin is responsible for contacting Li Dongzhi's father and sister.

Han Bin lit a cigarette and checked the news of the city.

Most of the news Han Bin just read a beginning, only with work-related or he is interested in the news will click in.

Li Qin hung up her cell phone and came over, "team leader, I contacted Li Dongzhi's sister. According to her, because of Li Dongzhi's prison break, her father was very sick. He was lying in bed and could not come to the police station for the time being. And because she had to take care of her father, she couldn't get away from it for the time being. She said that she would come back to the police station to take notes when her father was better in a few days. "

Bao Xing yawned, "wait a few days, day lily is cold."

Han Bin pinched his forehead, "ask about the specific address, let's go to the door to make a record."



Qindao City, Chengnan district.

LPG dormitory.

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This is an old community. The community is not big. There is only one building. It used to be the dormitory of LPG company.

Later, after making up a part of the money, I owned the house.

·Most of the houses here are 70 square meters of small two bedroom, up and down five floors, no elevator.

Such as this old-fashioned community, if you can install elevators, more than three floors of house prices will increase a lot.

However, the installation of elevators needs the consent of the whole corridor residents. Generally speaking, the installation of elevators will affect the lighting, so the first floor and the second floor will not agree.

Especially for the residents on the first floor, if they don't get enough compensation, they won't be allowed to have more than one elevator at their door, which is not good for their family.

Who will pay for the compensation on the first and second floors? The developer has long been unable to find it. The liquefied gas company has also gone bankrupt. It can only be made up by the residents upstairs.

This is a very practical problem. Although the price of the house above the elevator will rise, the residents upstairs are still reluctant to pay part of the money to compensate the residents on the lower floor. This kind of thing is basically difficult to negotiate.

A black SUV drove into the community. Han Bin, Li Qin and Bao Xing got out of the car.

Han Bin habitually observed the community, did not see the obvious surveillance camera, there is no guard at the door.

Li Qin said, "Li Dongzhi's father lives in Room 102, unit 2."

Bao Xing pointed to the front unit, "unit 2 is the one in the middle."

When they entered the second unit, there were several old bicycles under the stairs, which were covered with dust. One of the bicycles had lost its chain, so it was not possible to ride it.

"Dong Dong Dong." Li Qin knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" A woman's voice came from the room."I'm Li Qin from the City Criminal Investigation Brigade. I've contacted you before."

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"Creak..." The door opened, and a 30-year-old woman stood at the door, carefully looking at Li Qin, Han Bin and Bao Xing.

Han Bin said, "Hello, is this Ms. Li Dongmei?"

"It's me."

"I'm Han Bin, the leader of the City Criminal Investigation Brigade, and I'm also the person in charge of this case. I want to make a record for you and your father."

Li Dongmei nodded and let her to one side, "you come in."

The living room of the room is not big. It's full and looks a bit messy. There is a strange smell in the room, like mildew and urine.

Li Dongmei said, "my father lives alone in this house. He is old and unwilling to clean up the house. He is reluctant to throw some things away, so the house is in a mess."

"You don't live here?"

"Yes, I live with my husband, my son and my woman, and I have to go to work. I'm just busy."

Han Bin nodded. He had two children and had to take care of the elderly. It was not easy.

"Where does Li Dongzhi live?"

"He lives in Westinghouse, and my father lives in Dongwu, but he is not a diligent person. He didn't clean up the house when he didn't go in before, and he had to come to help me when I had a rest."

"Li Dongzhi has been single all the time?"

"He's never married, he's had a girlfriend, but he hasn't been around for long, and I don't want to ask..."

Just then, a voice rang out in the east room, "who's outside?"

"Dad, it's the comrades from the Criminal Investigation Brigade."

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"Oh, please come in. I also want to talk with them. What's the winter solstice like now?"

Li Dongmei makes a gesture of please and leads Han Bin into the east room.

As soon as you enter the door, you can see a bed on which lies a man in his sixties, sitting up by the bed.

Li Dongmei quickly walked a few steps and helped the man sit up.

See the other side to stand up, Han Bin quickly organized, "uncle, you don't have to get up, just sit and say it."

"It's OK. I can stand up. The police are coming. How can I sit? It's impolite."

Han Bin said politely, "don't mention it, sir. Today we just come to see you and have a chat with you."

You're welcome. The basic inquiry is still necessary. "What's your name, sir?"

"My name is Li Hongshan. I used to be an employee of LPG company."

Han Bin asked, "how are you?"

Li Hongshan sighed, "ah, it's an old problem. If it's too old, it won't be able to die. If it's going to die, it will be a safe life."

Li Qin advised, "don't say that, sir. Now the living conditions are good. There are many people who live a long life. You are still young."

"Dare not think, dare not think, my only wish is to see my son come out." Li Hongshan looks a little lonely. He looks at Han Bin and Li Qin, and his eyes show concern.

"police, what's the winter solstice like now? Do you want to be tight? "

Han Bin said, "he is out of danger and in treatment. You don't have to worry."

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