Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 577: 577

Li Hongshan was relieved and sighed, "why is he so stupid? Why should he do such a thing? Is he worthy of the country? It's worthy of my dead wife. "

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"I told him a long time ago that he should be a good man and do some serious work, but he just didn't listen to me. In the end, he would harm others and himself..."

Speaking of this, Li Hongshan was a little excited and coughed, "cough..."

Li Dongmei quickly patted Li Hongshan's back, "Dad, why are you worried again? I said that later, you don't care about my brother's affairs."

Li Hongshan took a deep breath, "I'm ok, I'm ok..."

"How much do you know about the case of Li Dongzhi?"

Li Hongshan is the last person to visit Li Dongzhi. If he wants to send news to the outside world, his suspicion is the biggest.

It's better to make notes for the two people separately, but Li Hongshan is old and in poor health. Han Bin is somewhat worried. When he really wants to ask, no one can afford to wait for the old man's accident.

Therefore, Li Dongmei was not asked to leave.

Li Hongshan showed a look of helplessness, "they all blame me. Since I was a child, that boy was spoiled and didn't study hard at school, so I knew to fight with my classmates. Later, I dropped out of school early. He's a young man. He's living with those people in the society. He didn't learn well. He learned a lot about sneaking around. "

"Later, I thought about it, but I couldn't manage it. More and more rebellious, the more I manage, the more he makes trouble. "

"In the past, they were all petty thieves. I still had some illusions. I hope he can change his temper after he gets married and find a daughter-in-law to live a good life."

"Who knows, in a burglary, he stabbed the owner of a house and turned him into a burglary. He was sentenced to 20 years' imprisonment. There are several 20 years for a man. When he comes out, his life will be over..."

"Do you know Zhu Weichao?"


Han Bin repeated, "Zhu Weichao?"

Li Hongshan shook his head.

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Li Dongmei interrupted, "I know. It's the escaped prisoner who broke out this time. I heard that My brother wanted to escape with him. This is the first time I heard his name

Han Bin continued to ask, "did you notice anything unusual about Li Dongzhi's prison break in advance?"

Li Dongmei shook her head and said, "no, the prison is so tight. Who would have thought that he would run out."

Li Hongshan shook his head and sighed again.

"June 7, between 10 p.m. and 2 a.m., where are you?"

Li Dongmei said, "I'm at my house."

"Can anyone prove it?"

"My husband and children can testify. What's the matter? What's the problem? "

"Routine inquiries." Han Bin perfunctorily, and looked at Li Hongshan, "Uncle Li, where were you that night?"

Li Hongshan subconsciously said, "at home, where can I go."

"Can anyone prove it?"

"No, I'm alone."

Han Bin inquired, did not get any valuable clues, collected Li Hongshan's DNA, three people left.

Li Hongshan wants to send three people away, but he is not in good health. He has some difficulty walking, so Han Bin quickly stops him.

Li Dongmei sent the three to the door.

Li Qin hesitated and took out 200 yuan from her pocket and put it into Li Dongmei's hand.

"What do you mean, officer Li?" Li Dongmei was surprised.

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Li Qin said, "it's a little bit of my heart, and it can't help much."

"It's so funny."

"Take it. I don't have much money. I'll buy some supplements for the old man." Li Qin can see that the family is not rich, or even poor.

Li Dongmei pursed her lips. "Thank you. You are a good man."

"Go back." Li Qin waved her hand and left with Han Bin.

Li Dongmei sent out the unit door. She didn't return home until the black SUV left the community


A black SUV.

Bao Xing asked, "group leader, do you think the father and daughter have any problems?"

Han Bin shook his head, "I can't see it."

If you ask a person if he has had breakfast, no matter how the other person answers, it's hard to see whether it's true or false.

The reason is very simple. It's not important at all. It doesn't care and has no influence. Naturally, it won't put in any feelings.

Li Hongshan is now such a situation, Han Bin found in his eyes there is a sense of indifference, as if to all things have not care.

The more you care about something, the easier it is to be nervous and make mistakes.

If a person doesn't care, he doesn't know what tension is, and there won't be any changes in his mind and physiology.

In this case, it is difficult to judge a person's true emotions.From the analysis of Li Hongshan's own situation, he should be more doting on his son, and even think that Li Dongzhi is heavier than himself. Li Dongzhi himself is a felon, and now he has attempted to escape from prison, and his sentence will continue to increase.

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To tell the truth, with Li Hongshan's current physical condition, it's hard to see the day when Li Dongzhi walked out of prison.

Even if you want to kill him now, the old man may take it as a relief. He has nothing to be afraid of.

To put it bluntly, the old man has lost his thought, so how can he get emotional fluctuation.

In the face of such people, Han Bin's Micro expression analysis is difficult to play a role.

Unless, it's about Li Dongzhi, but Li Dongzhi's current situation is that he can only get through the bottom of the prison.

Even if the sentence is to be commuted, Li Dongzhi will explain himself. The old man can't work hard.

Han Bin lit a cigarette and took a puff. "Sister Li, go back and check their communication records to see if there are any suspicious people."

"Good." Li Qin responded.

Han Bin flicked the ash, "is this not far from Chengnan prison?"

"Yes, go further and get on Huixin road. It's only ten minutes' drive."

Han Bin thought about it and said, "go to Nancheng prison."

"Team leader, it's been several waves of police. Is it still useful for us to go?" Bao Xing said.

Han Bin said, "it's hard to say if it's useful. If it's not, it's definitely useless."


Twenty minutes later, the three arrived at Chengnan prison, a remote place with a yellow wheat field behind.

Han Bin and others were received by Chu Haijian, the vice governor of the prison. He was in his forties, with sparse hair and some weight.

"Warden Chu, please." Han Bin said politely.

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"Leader Han, you're welcome. Our prison hopes to solve this case as soon as possible." Chu Haijian sighed.

Prison escape has a great influence on Chengnan prison. The prison has been punished from top to bottom. It is self-evident that the prison attaches great importance to this matter. Otherwise, it would not have sent a deputy warden to receive it in person.

"Team leader Han, do you want me to show you the place where they broke out?"

Han Bin is not interested in the process of their escape. He studies how they escape from the prison and how to prevent it. It's a matter of prison. What Han Bin wants to catch is the murderer who killed Zhu Weichao.

"Warden Chu, don't bother. Just show me the belongings of the two escaped prisoners and the monitoring of their visits."

"Yes, you can come with me."

Chu Haijian said, "Li Dongzhi and Zhu Weichao didn't live in the same cell. There were eight people in each cell. They didn't have much personal space and belongings. After they tried to escape, their personal belongings were checked and no valuable clues were found."

Han Bin suggested, "let's check the monitoring of the visit first."

"OK, the monitoring room is right ahead."

"By the way, how long can you keep the visiting surveillance video in your prison?"

Zhu Haijian thought about it and said, "it's probably more than a month, less than two months."

"This time is too short!" Han Bin frowned. Generally speaking, the prison surveillance videos are kept for months and years.

Zhu Haijian said helplessly, "we also want to keep it for a long time, but the key equipment is aging and can't meet that requirement at all, so we are powerless."

Han Bin did not say that if the prison had no problem, Zhu Weichao would not have escaped.

As for whether it's the problem of people or the problem of equipment, that's the problem that the superior leaders should consider. It doesn't matter with him.

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