Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 593: 593

Han Bin asked, "what's the name of that restaurant?"

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"Little Shepherd's restaurant."

Han Bin asked, "what's the name of the person in charge?"

Cheng Jiwen said, "the boss's name is Guo Xiaoshan. He's in his forties. He's very tall, very rich and has a small flat head."

"Has he ever had a confrontation with Lin Qiuyun?"

"Yes, this man came to us more than once, hoping that my wife would give up and stop organizing those guests to sue him. He also said that he was willing to give us more compensation in private, but we didn't agree."

"Why not? What was your original purpose?"

"I don't know much about this. I mainly listen to my wife. In my wife's words, what Guo Xiaoshan is afraid of is not his family, but a group of guests. Once we accept the settlement in private, it will harm the interests of other injured customers. "

"Moreover, private mediation is irregular. If the compensation is too much, it is likely to be regarded as blackmail. In this way, the initiative will fall into Guo Xiaoshan's hands, and he may threaten us in turn. "

"My wife sued the restaurant not only for money, but also for justice."

"It's a big deal, even in the local news media. The reputation of the little shepherd's restaurant is bad, and the stores are closed one by one. Later, Guo Xiaoshan closed several restaurants."

Han Bin continued to ask, "do you think it is possible for Guo Xiaoshan to kill Lin Qiuyun?"

"Yes." Cheng Jiwen tone firmly, "because this matter Guo Xiaoshan also threatened us, let us be careful in the future, don't go out and be killed by a car."

Han Bin focused on Guo Xiaoshan, and continued, "Lin Qiuyun, in addition to his work and the little shepherd boy chain restaurant, is there anyone else who has sinned?"

Cheng Jiwen thought about it, shook his head and said, "I don't know."

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Han Bin turned a pen, "you guess, if someone wants to hire someone to kill your wife, who will that person be?"

Cheng Jiwen bit his lip. "I think Guo Xiaoshan is a big suspect. He threatened us more than once in those years. "

" do you know Guo Xiaoshan's current address or contact information? "

Cheng Jiwen said, "I don't know."

"Have you met Zhu Weichao before?" Han Bin asked.


"Does Lin Qiuyun and Zhu Weichao have an intersection?"

"As far as I know, it is not. It should not be in life. I don't know if it is in work."

Han Bin has been observing Cheng Jiwen, and found no sign of lying.

Han Bin did not want to ask any questions for the time being. He said, "today's record should be done first. Thank you for your help."

"Hoo..." Cheng Jiwen breathed a sigh of relief, "can this case be solved? Can you find the person behind the scenes? "

Han Bin said, "don't worry, we will try our best to find the murderer who killed your wife."

Cheng Jiwen showed a worried look, "will that murderer pose a threat to me or my daughter?"

"We haven't found this possibility yet. Of course, just in case, you should pay more attention recently. If you have any information, you can contact me at any time." Han Bin said.

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"Yes, I see." Cheng Jiwen stood up and said, "officer Han, when the case has progressed, you must contact me."

"I will." Han Bin should a, seeing Cheng Jiwen leave the office.

Later, Han Bin convened a temporary meeting.

Han Bin first looked at Li Qin and asked, "have you contacted Lin Qiuyun's parents?"

Li Qin replied, "I got in touch with them, but they are older and live a little cheaper. It will take some time to get to the Municipal Bureau."

"Keep in touch."


Han Bin continued to arrange, "Jiang Yang, you go to check Guo Xiaoshan's situation and summon him to the police station as soon as possible to make a record."

"This man has enough motive to kill. He must be careful."

"I see."

"Bao Xing, please go with me to the company where Lin Qiuyun lived to find out the situation."



Forty minutes later.

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World food company.

Although Guo Xiaoshan is more suspected, Guo Xiaoshan is bankrupt, and the police don't know his latest contact information.

Han Bin can only step back and ask for the second, first investigate the company where Lin Qiuyun lived.

The headquarters of Shian food company is located in Jingrong building, Qindao city.

The food company's factory is located between laiping city and Yuhua District.

When Lin Qiuyun died, he was also the management of the company. It was unlikely that he would be in the factory, so Han Bin went directly to the headquarters.

Before, there was no mobile phone of the person in charge of the company in the file, only one landline of the company. However, the landline has been shut down.

Han Bin took Bao Xing and Li Qin to the door of the company and explained the situation to the female staff at the front desk.Before long, a woman in her forties came over and said, "excuse me, are these three comrades from the municipal Criminal Investigation Brigade?"

"Yes." Han Bin showed his police certificate, "are you the person in charge of the company? We want to find out something about you."

"I'm the manager of the personnel department of the company. I'm familiar with the personnel situation of the company. You can tell me anything."

"What do you call it?"

"My surname is Cao. Just call me manager Cao."

Han Bin nodded, "we want to know about one of your employees."

Seeing that many eyes were attracted around, manager Cao made a gesture to ask, "three comrades, it's not convenient to talk here. Please follow me."

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Manager Cao took the three people to the meeting room. A female employee poured tea and left.

Cao manager looked at Hanbin, know he is the master, "this comrade, how do you call?"

"My name is Han." Han Bin should be a, the front of the words a turn to ask a way, "manager Cao, do you understand the personnel of Shi'an food company?"

"If you say ordinary employees, I can't remember. But I know all the people in the management, and I know their situation. After all, I eat this bowl of rice. " Manager Cao answered the question and asked, "officer Han, what's the matter with you coming to our company?"

Han Bin asked, "as far as I know, a management of your company was killed before. Do you have any impression of manager Cao? "

" what's the name of the person you're talking about? "

"Lin Qiuyun."

"Lin Qiuyun." Manager Cao murmured, thought about it, and said, "are you sure she is the management of our company?"

Han Bin frowns slightly. Is it wrong that Lin Qiuyun doesn't work in this company?

Manager Cao continued, "when was she killed?"

Han Bin replied, "2017."

Manager Cao said with a smile, "ah, I don't remember. I came to the company in the spring of 2018. When she was killed, I didn't know about the food company

Han Bin "..."

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