Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 594: 594

Han Bin asked, "who was in charge of personnel work in your company before?"

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Manager Cao said, "it's my predecessor. He has left."

"Have you ever changed the person in charge of your company?"

"No, as far as I know."

Han Bin said, "invite the person in charge of your company. I want to talk to him."

Manager Cao hesitated for a moment, he wanted to share for the boss, but he really didn't know the employee, "OK, just a moment."

Manager Cao got up and left the meeting room.

Han Bin took a sip of tea and nodded, "good tea."

Bao Xing sniffed, and then drank, "it's like Longjing."

"Yes, the quality of tea is not bad." This price of tea, Han Bin himself is reluctant to buy, generally from the father there Shun point.

Police are also people, as long as people are emotional, heart to heart, other people respect you, naturally will reciprocate.

Ten minutes later, the door of the conference room opened, and a man about 50 years old came in. He was tall, thin, with a bag in his right hand, and his voice was very loud. "Oh, I'm sorry, I've got something to delay. I've made three police comrades wait for a long time."

Han Bin got up and said, "what do you call it?"

"My name is Shida. I'm the general manager of Shian food company. If you have anything to do, just tell me." The man stretched out his right hand and took the initiative to shake hands with Han Bin, "what do you call it?"

"My name is Han. I'm from the Criminal Investigation Brigade of Qindao city."

"It's officer Han. Please take a seat." Shi Da takes out a box of cigarettes from his pocket and hands one to Han Bin.

Han Bin declined politely, "we have a rule not to smoke during work."

Shi Da laughed and put away the cigarette case, "let's talk about it first, and then smoke it after the chat."

Han Bin said, "Mr. Shi, did your company have an employee named Lin Qiuyun before?"

"Lin Qiuyun." Shi Da nodded and sighed, "I haven't heard the name for a long time. It's been two years now."

"You know her well?"

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"She's been working here for seven or eight years. Can she be unfamiliar? Although her starting point is not high, she has the ability and ambition to become a department manager from a workshop worker. It's not easy for me to look at her step by step. "

"Who knows, people are gone all of a sudden. No one has been able to take over her stall work for a long time

Han Bin asked, "before Lin Qiuyun in which department?"

Shi Da recalled, "the manager of the marketing department, market research, advertising and so on are all in her charge."

Han Bin recorded it and asked, "how is she doing in this position?"

"It's excellent. Under her planning and publicity, the sales volume of our company is gradually increasing, and the market share is also getting higher and higher. Even though she is a woman, she has defeated many marketing departments. " Shi Da waved his hand with a little pride in his tone.

"What are the main products of your company?"

Shida pinched his fingers and said, "ham, sausage, marinated eggs, roast chicken, salted duck, now we are going to add a new variety of roast goose."

"We media is very developed now. People in Xiangjiang and Yangcheng send videos. Many of them have special dishes such as roast goose and roast wax. Many netizens want to try them. We focus on online sales of this product."

Han Bin didn't know much about the industry and was not very interested. He said, "was there anything unusual before Lin Qiuyun died?"

Shida frowned, "ah, how long has it been? I can't remember that."

"If you think about it, it's very important for us to investigate the case." Han Bin said.

Shi Da seemed to think of something and said, "officer Han, I remember that Lin Qiuyun's case has been solved. How can you still investigate her case?"

"In this case, we have found new clues. The murderer who killed Lin Qiuyun in those years probably has an accomplice." Han Bin said.

Shida frowned. "Oh, it's really scary."

Han Bin said, "after so long, it's really difficult to re investigate. Please think about it and provide us with some clues."

Shi Da thought for a while and said, "my contact with Lin Qiuyun is basically in some work situations. I'm a big old man, and I really haven't observed it carefully."

"What's the relationship between Lin Qiuyun and her husband?" Han Bin asked.

Shida waved his hand. "I don't know. Although they are all old colleagues, after all, men and women are different. I'm the boss of the company. I'm not good at asking about people's affairs. "

Han Bin said, "has she ever had conflicts with other colleagues at work?"

"I don't know about the small friction, and no one will tell me about it. There should be no big contradictions, otherwise, I will know for sure. But... " Shida showed an expression of desire to talk and stop.

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"Han Bin advised," what's the matter, just say it. ""The competition in the food industry is very fierce. Many companies in the same period have closed down. In order to survive, it's normal to fight a price war and a propaganda war. Some people have used some improper means." Shi Da sighed and rolled up his sleeve,

"my arm was cut off. As for telephone threats and threatening letters, they used to be common things. Recently, the company has been on the right track, and there are fewer messy things."

Han Bin guessed, "do you suspect that Lin Qiuyun was probably killed by a competitor of your company?"

"No, no, I don't think so. If people really want to do it, the first goal must be me." Shida shook his head and explained, "I only know about her work, and I can only think of that. As for whether she has any feuds with other people, I don't know."

Han Bin subconsciously said, "does the death of Lin Qiuyun have a great impact on your company?"

Shi Da sighed, "the influence is not small. She is responsible for the marketing department. She is dead. I couldn't find someone to take over for a while, so I was almost caught off guard by other companies. "

Bao Xing interjected, "the most important thing for a company is its core technology. Is marketing so important? Just follow the rules and find a suitable successor. "

Shida laughed. "We are not a technology company, we have some core technology. Frankly speaking, our products are almost the same, and the machines are all produced by those factories, that is, the ingredients are different. But the taste is not too bad. "

"Take ham as an example. The ingredients are all the same and the taste is similar. Why are some of them expensive and some cheap?" Shi Da said to himself, "in fact, the main differences are publicity, popularity and sales volume."

"If the publicity is done well, the popularity will increase, the sales volume will increase, and the money will be earned."

"Then there's another round of publicity, which is to open up publicity, increase sales and make money."

"It's a virtuous circle to start again and again."

"it's like roast duck. The first thing that comes to mind is Quanjude. Is it delicious? In fact, that's what it is, but it can't stand people's fame. If it's ten times more expensive, people will still eat it. "

"When it comes to grilled chicken, many people will think of Dezhou grilled chicken. In fact, it is not an independent brand, but the name of a traditional Shandong dish. You can see how many people sell grilled chicken under the Dezhou brand."

"Why? It's famous. People are willing to pay for it when they hear about it. "

"Generally speaking, the marketing department is really important. If other companies make malicious hype, the marketing department has to make the right public relations measures at the first time. If you have a problem with your response, maybe the company's signboard will be broken. "

"A lot of people admire me and think I'm beautiful, but only they know what's going on. There is a lot of competition in the food industry. In order to improve production and technology, you have to buy new machines and pay workers more. It's all money. "

"Once the company's business is bad and there is no profit for a period of time, the capital chain is likely to break. I'm broke. I'm nothing. "

Han Bin ignored each other's complaints and automatically filtered valuable clues, saying, "during the period of Lin Qiuyun's death, which company did you compete with fiercely?"

Shida felt his chin and thought about it. He laughed. "It's all over. What's the point of saying that?"

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Han Bin said, "it may not be meaningful to you, but it is very important to Lin Qiuyun."

Shi Da sighed, "don't get me wrong. I didn't mean that, but the company has gone bankrupt."

"Even if that company goes bankrupt, it can't be ruled out." Han Bin said.

"You're right. I think it's narrow." Shida recalled for a moment and said, "I remember it should be Anrong food company, which is the most competitive company with our company."

"With so many food companies, why are you two the most competitive?"

Shi Da explained, "there are many reasons. First of all, the names are almost the same. They all have the word" an ". In my opinion, there is a suspicion that the brand will touch porcelain. Taking a similar name will bring the distance between the two companies closer

"Just like selling gold and diamond rings, the name is either Zhou or Sheng, which gives people the illusion of similar brand grade."

"It's the same with this Anrong company. Its output and popularity are not as good as ours. I think it just wants to catch up with our company's popularity and occupy our company's market."

Bao Xing thought it was funny, "because there is a word" an "in the name? You don't like each other? "

"Of course not. We are businessmen, not children." Shida continued, "this Anrong food company is similar to our company's products. We sell ham, and he also sells ham. We sell sausages and he sells sausages. There are also roast chicken and so on. He has all the goods we have. "

"There are so many potential customers that it's easy to form malicious competition. If you lower the price, I'll lower it, and I don't want profit. ""One more, and the most important. This Anrong food company is also in Qindao, which is not far away from our company. Not to mention that the sales channels and customers overlap with our company, even the purchase channels are the same. "

"Once, we ordered the goods first, but their company shipped them first."

"Of course, this is not the most exasperating thing. The most exasperating thing is that the two companies have become a seller's market through competition, the prices of raw materials have also increased, and the profits have been further compressed. Are you angry?"

"That is to say, there is competition between your company and Anrong food company in all aspects," Han Bin concluded

"Yes, there's no way. If the profits are further reduced, neither company can make money. We have to fight first, price war, propaganda station, psychological war, digging war. In a word, one company beats another. We can get more resources and markets. " Shi Da said that, showing a look of pride,

"our company has gone through a lot, even to the brink of bankruptcy, but still survived in the end."

Shi Da's words made Han Bin aware of the fierce competition in the food industry.

No one can guarantee whether the company will jump over the wall in the face of bankruptcy when it threatens its own interests.

"Do you remember who is in charge of Anrong?" Han Bin asked.

"Remember, I will never forget, his name is Yang Jian'an, not tall, big eyes, facing very fierce, before we often met at the exhibition." Shida said.

"Do you know his contact information again?"

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"There is no way."

"Do you know where he is?"

Shida laughed. "I heard that the old boy has gone to Southeast Asia."

Han Bin frowned, "tourism?"

Shida shook his head. "I'm running away."

"A few years ago, I remember the old man said a classic saying: the company earned money and went to North America to provide for the aged. When the company went bankrupt, it went to Southeast Asia to be smart. It had long thought of a way out. However, his creditors are suffering. "

Han Bin wrote down an Rong company and Yang Jian'an, although the other side has run away, but the check or to check.

Han Bin went on to the next question, "when Lin Qiuyun was in the company, who had a better relationship with?"

Shida replied, "I don't know. I haven't paid much attention to it."

Han Bin asked a few more questions, but didn't find any valuable clues. He left Shi Da a business card and left Shi an food company.

Before leaving, Shi Da also took some of the company's products to Hanbin three, but Hanbin politely declined.

He won't trouble himself for a small profit.

After arriving at the car, Han Bin took out his mobile phone and checked the company. There were some posts about the company on the Internet, but not many.

However, Han Bin still got some valuable clues. First, the founder of the company was really Yang Jian'an. Second, the company really went bankrupt.

"Ding Ling Ling..." At this time, Han Bin's mobile phone rings. Han Bin takes out his mobile phone and has a look. It's Ma Jingbo.

Han Bin pressed the answer button, "Hello, horse team."

"Where are you?"

"Just passed away, Ann food company made a record, and now they are going to the Municipal Bureau. What's the matter?"

"Zhu Jiaxu found the clue of the motorcycle. I have something to do now. You can bring someone to support him."

This is a key piece of evidence. Motorcycles are likely to be the killer's means of transportation. If you find motorcycles, you may find the suspect

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