Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 600: 600

Han Bin put aside his confused thoughts and continued to ask,

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"how did he leave on the 8th?"

"Walk away."

Han Bin waved his hand, the other side didn't understand his meaning, "it's not close to Yuhua District from here. He can't walk. He definitely needs to take transportation."

Jin Cuixia said, "he said to take a taxi on the provincial road. The child has been independent since childhood, so we didn't send him."

Han Bin wrote down that the traffic flow on the provincial road is very large. If it's a taxi, it's OK. If it's a black car, it's not easy to find it.

However, this is a very important clue. Once you know his whereabouts, you will have a chance to find the person behind the scenes.

Jiang Yang came over and said, "team leader, I found the car wash shop on the Internet and contacted the owner of the car wash shop. According to him, Niu Xin resigned at the end of May. He doesn't work in the car wash for a long time, and he doesn't know where he is now. "

Han Bin thought for a moment and asked, "does the car wash manage accommodation?"

Without waiting for Jiang Yang to speak, Jin Cuixia said, "manage accommodation, manage food and manage housing."

In other words, if he doesn't work in the car wash, he can't continue to live in the car wash. Jiang Yang, please call the owner of the car wash shop again and ask if Niu Xin has moved away and when. "


Han Bin pointed to Jin Cuixia, "how much do you know about Niu Xin's work and life in the city?"

"He was quite obedient when he was a child. The bigger he was, the more rebellious he was. Now when he comes home, he just plays mobile phones and games. He can't say a few words a day about the king and the chicken." Jin Cuixia wiped her tears,

"I also asked him about his work. He didn't like to talk about it, or he said something I didn't understand, such as buying skin and being king, where can I understand it."

"Later, I didn't ask."

Well, although Jin Cuixia said vaguely, Han Bin understood, "what about his interpersonal circle? Do you have more friends in the city

Jin Cuixia replied, "yes, he has so many friends that I know just a few of them."

Han Bin touched his nose. It's easier to investigate if he has fewer friends, but it's more difficult to investigate if he has more friends.

"Chief, I've made it clear this time." Jiang Yang came over quickly and began to report his work. "Before, when Niu Xin worked in a car washing shop, he really lived in the dormitory of the car washing shop. Later, he quit and moved away."

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Jin Cuixia can't wait to ask, "where have you moved? Can you find it? "

Jiang Yang said, "the owner of the car wash shop doesn't know where he has moved. After all, if you don't work there, the boss won't bother to ask. However, the boss also provided a clue that Niu Xin brought a companion on the day of moving

"My companion is a man in his twenties. He is very strong and fat, with a small flat head and dark skin."

"The accent should be in this area as well."

Han Bin turned to look at Jin Cuixia, "do you have any impression?"

"Little flat headed, fat black." Jin Cuixia murmured and yelled, "I remember. Maybe it's Niu Tianrui from our village. We are all a big family. They are the same generation. They used to play together when they were young. They have a good relationship."

Han Bin asked, "where is Niu Tianrui now?"

"I don't know."

"What about his family?"

"It's at the east entrance of the village."

"Take us there. "

" then hurry up. " Jin Cuixia said, and she went out in a hurry.

A village is not big in all. It's only two minutes' drive away.

"Right here, stop. "Jin Cuixia yelled, couldn't wait to get out of the car, pointed to the front of the alley," the second house of this alley is Niu Tianrui's house. "

Han Bin winked at Bao Xing, Jiang Yang and others, checked the gun, and said to Jin Cuixia, "go in and see if Niu Tianrui is at home."

Jincuixia Leng for a while, eyes staring at Hanbin on the arms of the gun, the heart can not help but feel a burst of fear.

Han Bin urged, "go."

"Well Jin Cuixia returns to her senses and goes to Niu Tianrui's house. As soon as she gets to the door, she shouts in a loud voice, "Tianrui, is Niu Tianrui at home?"

"Woof, woof..." There was no response, but there was a barking of dogs.

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"Stop yelling." There was a yell in the yard, "who, who's looking for me?"

"Tianrui, I'm your aunt Cuixia. I want to ask you something."

"Creak..." A glottal sound, the green door opened, and a fat man in his twenties came out, "Auntie, why are you here?"

Finish saying, Niu Tianrui glanced at Han Bin and others, some accidents, "what do you do?"

Jin Cuixia said anxiously, "Tianrui, have you seen Niu Xin? Do you know where he is? "

"He came back the other day.""Now, do you know where he is? "

Niu Tianrui shook his head," I don't know. What's the matter? "

Jin Cuixia a little flustered, "this can how to do, even you don't know where he is?"

Han Bin stepped forward and showed his police certificate. "I'm Han Bin from the City Criminal Investigation Brigade. I want to know something about Niu Xin with you."

"From the public security bureau!" Niu Tianrui showed a look of surprise, "what do you want to know from me?"

"When was the last time you saw Niu Xin?"

"On the sixth, we went to the Internet bar in the town for a while."

"Has he been contacted since?"

"No Niu Tianrui answered and asked, "police comrade, what's wrong with Niu Xin? What's the matter?"

"Niu Xin may be in danger now. We'd like to ask you to help us find him," Han said

"What's the danger? What's wrong with him?"

Han Bin waved his hand, "time is urgent. I'll explain to you later. Do you have any way to contact Niu Xin now? "

"It's not easy to call."

"Then try to contact him by phone." Han Bin said.

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Niu Tianrui takes out his mobile phone and dials Niu Xin's mobile phone number, which is still a prompt tone that can't be connected for the time being.

"Wo Cao, this boy won't really have an accident. I thought it was unreliable a few days ago."

Han Bin asked, "how unreliable."

Niu Tianrui touched his chin and said, "some time ago, Niu Xin contacted me and asked me to help him move. Only then did I know that he quit his job in the car wash shop and rented a house outside. It's not cheap."

"At that time, I advised him that it was not easy for us to go out to work. If we could save money, you would spend so much money on renting a house and earn that little wage."

"What's the point of working out? It's better to stay at home and spend more time with our parents."

"I've been talking for a long time, but the boy doesn't listen. He also says that he has a shallow vision and can earn money if he can spend it. A master can't even afford to rent a house. He's much worse off. "

"Well, I can't persuade you. Help him move, and I'll go. "

"Where did he move?" Han Bin asked

"It's not a good place for him to move. It's an old community, and the people in it are very mixed. I think it's better to live in a dormitory."

"What's the name of that community? Please tell me the address."

"It's called Jiayuan community. That community is very big. It's on the other side of Jiaxin road."

"Do you still recognize that place?"


"Get in the car and take me."

Niu Tianrui is a little reluctant, "I'll have something else to do later. Go by yourself. I'll tell you the address."

Jin Cuixia prayed, "Tianrui, just run. You and Niu Xin are good brothers. You certainly don't want to see him have an accident."

The two families are from the same village, and they are close to each other. Niu Tianrui can't save face. "OK, I'll show you the way."

Han Bin and Zhu Jiaxu made a phone call, and then went straight to Yuhua District, Jiayuan district.

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Han Bin is familiar with Yuhua District, and with Niu Tianrui leading the way, he soon finds a place for Niu Xin to rent a house.

This is an open old community. There are many buildings in this area. Every building belongs to Jiayuan community, from No.1 to No.30. If it is an outsider, it is very difficult to find.

Fortunately, Niu Tianrui came here and asked about the local residents, and soon found Niu Xin's rental house.

Room 303, unit 2, building 27, Jiayuan community.

Han Bin stood on the left side of the door and said in a soft voice, "Niu Tianrui, you go to the door."

Niu Tianrui pointed to his nose, "ah, why me?"

"As far as you know, he lives here for a reasonable reason, not who you are."

Niu Tianrui hesitated, walked to the door carefully and knocked on the door.

"Dong Dong."

After a while, there was no movement in the room, and Niu Tianrui knocked several times.

"Dong Dong..."

There was still no response in the room.

Jiang Yang suggested, "team leader, let's break in directly."

Han Bin frowned, now the situation is more complicated.

No one knows if Niu Xin is at home?

It is not clear whether Niu Xin is still alive.

Han Bin came with the mentality of saving people.

But there is a premise that Niu Xin has been in danger.

If Niu Xin is not in danger, he will be ungrateful. On the contrary, he will think that the police are here to arrest him and even point the gun at the police

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