Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 601: 601


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A burst of rapid footsteps sounded, Han Bin involuntarily frowned.

The sound came from below the corridor.

Before entering the corridor, Han Bin has ordered the police to stare at the entrance of the corridor. If an outsider enters, the other party will give a warning.

Bao Xing took a look from the crack of the stairs, "it's team leader Zhu who brought people here."

It's not hard to understand that Zhu Jiaxu was originally investigating the vehicle line, but Han Bin was the first to find Niu Xin.

Zhu Jiaxu will inevitably feel uncomfortable.

Where there are people, there will be competition, which may come from outside or inside the organization.

Competition will keep the vitality of an organization, which is also a good thing to some extent.

Of course, the premise is controllable healthy competition.

Zhu Jiaxu ran to the front, panting and asked, "Han Bin, what's the matter? Have you found the trace of Niu Xin?"

Han Bin smiles, "don't worry, let's get rid of the asthma first."

Zhu Jiaxu waved his hand, pointed to the iron gate and said in a soft voice, "it's OK. Is this where Niu Xin rents?"


"Are people at home?"

"Han Bin said," called, no one responded

"Go straight to the lock company." Zhu Jiaxu proposed.

"I've got people in touch." Han Bin replied that at present, this is indeed the safest choice.

Before long, the person of unlock company arrived, Han Bin showed ID, ask unlock master to help open the door.

Jiayuan community is an old-fashioned community, the door lock is also relatively old, lock master easily opened the door, and then quickly back to one side.

Seeing the situation of the police, he was also afraid that in case there was a vicious gangster in the door, he would come out and shoot himself, where would he go to reason?

If the Public Security Bureau doesn't lose money, the wife and daughter will live a hard life.

If the Public Security Bureau loses money, the wife and children's money will become someone else's, which will make them even more aggrieved.

For the lock master's careful thinking, Han Bin and others naturally do not understand.

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As soon as the door opened, Zhu Jiaxu took the lead to rush in.

Zhu Jiaxu's ability to become the leader of Qindao Criminal Investigation Brigade naturally has his advantages. At least he dares to fight.





The team members searching the room issued a series of commands.

This is an old-fashioned small two houses, which is estimated to have a construction area of 60-70 square meters. However, the shared area of this kind of house is small, so some people prefer this old-fashioned small two houses.

No sign of Niu Xin was found in the room.

Han Bin stood in the living room, glancing around. After confirming the safety, he put the pistol away.

Zhu Jiaxu was disappointed, "a false alarm."

Han Bin laughed, "it's better than shooting with the suspect."

Zhu Jiaxu said, "I can't wait. It's better to take down the suspect directly than to investigate like a headless fly."

Han Bin dials Ma Jingbo's mobile phone and reports the situation to him.

Zhu Jiaxu contacted the technology department and asked them to send someone to investigate the scene.

After the report, Han Bin has nothing to do and starts to check the scene carefully.

The first time to search a house is only to find out the danger and clear clues. Only a second, third and even fourth time to inspect the scene will be conducted to avoid missing important clues.

In order to avoid destroying the evidence, most of the police officers went outside, leaving only a few police officers from the City Criminal Investigation Brigade in the house.

Han Bin put on a good shoe cover and gloves, began to carefully look at the room.

Han Bin's most intuitive feeling is that the room is very clean, clean some abnormal, or a long time does not live, or has been cleaned.

From the dust on the table, the first is unlikely.

The room is more like it's been cleaned.

Han Bin contacted the owner of the house through the local police station.

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Heard that his house had an accident, the landlord rushed over.

As soon as I entered the door, I gasped and cried, "Comrade police, this house belongs to me. What's the matter?"

Han Bin looked at each other, is a 40 year old middle-aged man, wearing a half frame glasses, "you are very fast."

"Yes, I live near here. The two houses are not far apart."

"What's your name?"

"Song Zhi."

"Take out your ID card, house copy and lease contract."

"I have them all." Song Zhi takes out the document from the bag and hands it to Han Bin.

Han Bin checked his ID card first, compared it with himself, then checked the room book, checked the unit building and room number.

Finally, Han Bin looked at the lease contract.It's Niu Xin who rents the house. He also uses Niu Xin's ID card and his signature is written by Niu Xin.

Han Bin pointed to the photo on his ID card, "is it the house he rented?"


Han Bin asked, "is there anyone else with you? "

Song Zhi thought about it and shook his head," no, he's alone. "

"It's just this lease contract, there's no other community information." Han Bin said.

Song Zhi took over the lease contract and turned it over. "No, I've been renting like this all the time. I specially asked my friends who worked as an intermediary. It's legal."

Han Bin snorted, "do you know how old Niu Xin is this year?"

Song Zhi some wonder, "how old, I don't care how old he is, what does this root rent house have to do."

Han Bin poked at the copy of his ID card with his finger, "see it clearly and then answer."

Song Zhiwang pointed to Han Bin and muttered, "date of birth, 2003..."

"It's dog days. The boy is not mature yet."

Bao Xing said with a straight face, "without the filing information of the community and the company of your parents, do you rent the house to minors?"

"I, I That kid is five big three thick, taller than me, I don't know he's under age, I'm really wronged to death Song Zhi cried with a sad face, "I knew it would cause trouble. I would not rent it to him if I killed him."

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"Comrades of the police, what did that boy do to make you so excited. My house has not been affected

Han Bin ignored him and ordered Jiang Yang and Bao Xing to take notes for him.

However, the evidence provided by Song Zhi, the landlord, proves one thing. This is probably another crime scene.

Because Niu Xin used his ID card to handle the lease contract, even if he had cleaned up all his fingerprints and DNA, the police knew that he had been here.

If Niu Xin is responsible for cleaning up the scene, his purpose of cleaning up the scene should not only cover up his whereabouts, but also can't cover up with the lease contract.

Then he cleaned up the scene, probably because he did other illegal and criminal things here, so he cleaned up the scene.

The second assumption is that if Niu Xin did not clean up the house, it was someone else's house.

According to the existing evidence, Han Bin bold guess, that person is likely to be behind the scenes.

Well, Niu Xin is likely to have had a lot of bad luck, and this is probably the scene of the crime.

According to the above conjecture, this is the scene of the crime.

It is difficult for the criminal investigation team to find the evidence of crime from the cleaned scene.

There is a specialty in the technical field. This kind of work depends on the technical department.


Ten minutes later, the technical team arrived at the scene.

This time, Ma Xiwen, from the technology department, was responsible for investigating the scene.

Mahiwan looks in his thirties, with a thick eyeglass frame and a little bald, which makes him look older.

"Old horse, why are you so slow? You're here now." Zhu Jiaxu complained.

"I'd like to come early. I've got to hand over a lot of work." As Ma said, he put on his gloves. "Please leave the scene first."

Although the word "please" was used, it was clear that he was in a hurry.

Han Bin directly took people downstairs, took out a box of cigarettes to the public points, lit a cigarette, Bata Bata of smoking up.

He would rather have a cigarette here than stay upstairs.

"Han Bin, what do you think is the situation now?" Zhu Jiaxu also came.

Han Bin threw him a cigarette, "wait, I believe there will be a discovery in the technology department."

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Zhu Jiaxu lit a cigarette, not to smoke, "you think this is a crime scene."

Han Bin vomited a cigarette ring, stretched a stretch, "the possibility is very big."

"Day, this case is really tortuous enough." Zhu Jiaxu smoked two mouthfuls of cigarettes, showing a thoughtful look.

"Wuwu..." At this time, a car drove into the community.

Han Bin glanced at him, familiar.

It is estimated that Ma Jingbo has arrived.

Sure enough, the car stopped nearby, Ma Jingbo came out from the driver, stunned for a moment, "sister, I just finished, I rushed to rush, you two are quite leisurely."

Han Bin smiles and hands Ma Jingbo a cigarette. "People from the technology department are on it, and we'll make trouble when we stay there."

Ma Jingbo took the cigarette, but did not care to smoke, "what's the situation?"

Han Bin shrugged, "I know the situation, are reported to you in the mobile phone, now waiting for the technology department to survey the scene."

"Horse team, where have you been? You haven't seen anyone for a long time. It's not in line with your style." Zhu Jiaxu said.

Ma Jingbo lit a cigarette and said slowly, "what can I do, either to investigate a case or to have a meeting? I can come early."

Zhu Jiaxu said with a smile, "what's the meeting? What's the instruction on it? Do you want to give us a raise or welfare?"Ma Jingbo snorted, "after the dream at night, in broad daylight don't always talk nonsense."

Zhu Jiaxu smiles.

In the conversation room, a man came out of the stairs. It was mahiwen from the technology department.

"Here you are, caravan."

Ma Jingbo put out the cigarette end and went up to ask, "Xiwen, have you found anything?"

Mahiwen nodded, "yes."

"What discovery?"

Ma Xiwen sold a pass, "you are an old criminal detective, follow me up to have a look, I don't need to say more to understand."

"Let's go." Ma Jingbo answered and took Han Bin and others upstairs.

When Han Bin stepped into the room again, he smelled a strong smell of liquid medicine, which was a bit similar to the smell of disinfectant, but it smelled different carefully.

The living room is dark. The curtains have been closed. The floor and tea table emit blue and purple fluorescence

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