Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 608: 608

Han Bin showed the police certificate, "we are from the Criminal Investigation Brigade of Qindao city."

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Guo Xiaoshan was stunned for a while before he responded, "Comrade police, what can I do for you?"

Bao Xing reminds, "ah, boss Guo, don't stop your baked gluten. I'm still waiting to eat it."

"Ah." Guo Xiaoshan should say, where is the mind to bake gluten, but practice makes perfect, even if the mind is not here, baking gluten can still be done.

Han Bin continued to ask, "do you know Lin Qiuyun?"

Guo Xiaoshan snorted, "I don't want to know you."

"Do you know that Lin Qiuyun was killed?" Han Bin asked.

Guo Xiaoshan said with a smile, "you know, that day I made a table of vegetables and opened a bottle of Maotai. I had a good celebration and I was happier than the Chinese New Year."

Guo Xiaoshan handed over the baked gluten and said, "six strings, with pepper, I'll bake it for you."

Bao Xing took over and asked, "how much is the boss?"

"Comrades of the police, it's a shame to mention money. Take it as if I invited you."

Bao Xing said, "don't mention, how much money, how much money, you don't charge, I won't eat."

"Nine dollars is fine." Guo Xiaoshan said.

Han Bin glanced around, "Guo Xiaoshan, can you change a clean place, I want to ask you a few questions."

Guo Xiaoshan hesitated for a moment, took off his apron, "OK, you can come in with me."

"Xiao Liu, watch it. I'll talk to my friends about something."

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"All right." The woman next to me answered.

Guoxiaoshan invited Hanbin three people into the shop, "the place is not big, three casually sit."

Han Bin opened his chair and sat down. Before he opened his mouth to ask, Bao Xing handed over a string of baked gluten, "team leader, you have a taste. It's delicious."

Han Bin took the roast gluten, smelled very fragrant, bit a taste is good, three or five to eat into the belly.

Han Bin took a tissue to wipe his mouth, a thumb, "boss Guo, good craftsmanship."

"Thank you for your praise. I feel comfortable at that." Guo Xiaoshan took a cup of water and said, "what can I do for you?"

Han Bin asked, "what's the contradiction between you and Lin Qiuyun?"

Guo Xiaoshan lowered his head, "since you come to me, you should know what happened between us."

"We also listen to what other people say. I want to prove it to you. It's better for you to say it yourself than we say it by hearsay, and it's fairer for you." Han Bin said.

Guo Xiaoshan touched his nose. "That's true. You may not be able to hear my good words from others, otherwise you won't come to me."

Han Bin said, "Mr. Guo, I hope you don't have any conflict. We come here to serve the people and ensure the safety of our people's lives and property."

"Officer Han, speaking of this, I don't understand. Lin Qiuyun died long ago, and I heard that the murderer has been caught. What's the use of coming to me now?"

Han Bin said, "the case of Lin Qiuyun is a little complicated. I'll introduce it to you later. Now let's talk about the grudge with Lin Qiuyun first. "

Guo Xiaoshan held his forehead, "although I don't know why you came to me, I have nothing to do with Lin Qiuyun's death."

Han Bin said, "then you don't need to hide it."

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Guo Xiaoshan looked at Han Bin for a while and nodded, "OK, I said."

"It's been a long time. It's not a glorious thing. I've made some mistakes, and I don't like to talk about it."

Guo Xiaoshan sighed, revealing the color of memory, "in those days, Lin Qiuyun came to my store for dinner, and the ingredients might not be very fresh. After eating, she was upset. She was pregnant and the baby was gone

"Since then, she's been working with me. She's suing me, making trouble and publicizing everywhere. She's just taking revenge on me In the end, several of my stores were turned yellow, and then I thought I'd quit. "

"As long as I quit, it's no use for her to sue and make trouble again. If she doesn't have Yu, she'll just do it." Guo Xiaoshan showed a complicated look and rubbed his hands. "I'll close those stores. I'm afraid of you. I'll change my career. OK."

Han Bin recorded it and asked, "I heard you found their house?"

"Yes, it wasn't Lin Qiuyun who made trouble at that time, but Lin Qiuyun was the leader, and she was also a food maker. She was familiar with the industry and was very difficult to deal with. I wanted to have a private talk with her first."

"The woman didn't agree. She said that the baby in her stomach was priceless and could not be bought back for much money. He also accused me of being a black hearted businessman, giving poor quality food to guests, and suing me for bankruptcy. " Guo Xiaoshan gritted his teeth,

"to tell you the truth, I was really angry at that time. This woman wanted to force me to death."

Han Bin asked, "have you ever thought of taking revenge on her?"

"Yes, of course." Guo Xiaoshan lit a cigarette and took a puff. "I asked someone to check the background of this woman. He works in a food company. I remember his name is She is in charge of the food factory"I spent a lot of money and asked someone about it. The food factory is not clean, and the ingredients used are not as fresh as those in my shop. Most of them are leftovers, even dead pigs and sick chickens. Anyway, you can't eat them. If you say they are dirty, they are really dirty."

"I met Lin Qiuyun again with the information I found, and warned her not to harass me, otherwise I would send out the information I found, so that she, the director of the food factory, could not do it. "

" as a result, the woman still disagreed and even felt that I was threatening her. We had a big fight. He said that I was the murderer who killed her children. This time, I couldn't help fighting back. "

"I said it was retribution. The director of her food factory produced some inferior products and sold them to others. Others would get sick if they ate them. This is God's revenge on her. She killed her own baby."

"I remember it very well. Hearing this, she became hysterical and almost tried to fight with me. As soon as I saw this posture, I scolded her and left quickly. "

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"She was really insane at that time."

Han Bin touched his chin and looked thoughtful.

One side of Jiang Yang continued to ask, "have you ever thought of employing people to kill Lin Qiuyun?"

Guo Xiaoshan replied, "I'm almost bankrupt. The capital chain is broken. How can I afford to hire a killer?"

Han Bin returned to his senses, "where were you between 10:00 p.m. and 2:00 a.m. on June 7?"

Guo Xiaoshan said casually, "at home."

Han Bin turned the pen, "remember so clearly?"

Guo Xiaoshan explained, "I go out to do business every day. I close the stall at ten o'clock every night. I go home to clean up, wash and sleep. I'm tired every day. Even if it's two or one line, I don't have any entertainment for small businesses. "

"Who can prove it to you?"

"My wife." Guo Xiaoshan took a sip of tea and closed the lid. "If you don't believe me, you can go to the subway entrance of Changhe street to find her. There's also a Guoji bakery gluten shop over there. She usually stares at it."

"How do you remember to switch to baking gluten?"

Guo Xiaoshan showed a wry smile. "At that time, I couldn't help it. The restaurants closed down. I also wanted to open a new restaurant and change its name, but I was afraid that the woman would make trouble. What's more, after working for so many years, I'm tired. I just want to set up a stall. "

"The capital is small, and I can't lose much money. Moreover, I don't have much money on hand. I'm afraid of losing money when investing in restaurants."

"It turns out that I chose the right one this time. Even if I didn't change my career in those years, I would go bankrupt in catering this year."

"I opened this gluten baking shop. It's small in size, cheap in rent and less labor. It's much less risky than opening a restaurant." Guo Xiaoshan seems to have opened his mouth and said, "don't underestimate the net profit of my store in a month."

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Guo Xiaoshan stretched out two fingers and shook them, "plus my wife, we can earn four or five hundred thousand a year. Although it's not as profitable as opening a chain restaurant, I'm quite satisfied now. "

Han Bin is not interested in his business, so he says, "do you know a man named Zhu Weichao?"

"Zhu Weichao." Guo Xiaoshan muttered, "it sounds familiar."

Guo Xiaoshan thought, "Oh, that's the man who escaped from prison. I've seen his wanted notice on my mobile phone, but I haven't seen him, otherwise I would have called for a reward."

Han Bin continued to ask, "do you know Niu Xin?"

"I don't know."

"Have you ever been to Jiayuan community?"

Guo Xiaoshan touched his nose. "I've never heard of it."

"Where were you between 8 p.m. and 3 a.m. on June 9th?"

"At home."

"Where is your home?"

"Fangtongyuan community, not far away, two blocks away." Guo Xiaoshan said.

Han Bin turned to look at the side of Jiang Yang, "notes are down?"

"Write it down." Jiang Yang answered and handed over a record.

Han Bin glanced at it and handed it to Guo Xiaoshan, "sign it."

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