Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 609: 609

Guo Xiaoshan doubts a way, "sign what character?"

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"If you don't sign, how can we prove that we have made a record for you?" Han Bin asked.

Guo Xiaoshan half believe half doubt, "still use so."

Han Bin gave him a pen, "just routine, sign it."

Guo Xiaoshan took up the pen with his right hand and signed his name.

Most people's right hand is more flexible. They write with their right hand instead of their left.

Some people are left-handed and are better at writing with their left hand.

If Guo Xiaoshan writes with his left hand, he must be left-handed. Normal people can't write with their left hand.

Of course, even if Guo Xiaoshan wrote with his right hand, he could not completely rule out the suspicion.

Some people even left-handed, in order to be like ordinary people, will also write with the right hand.

Of course, at least to a certain extent, it reduced his suspicion.

Guo Xiaoshan handed over the pen. "Officer Han, I have finished the record now. Can I ask you a few questions?"

Han Bin took a look at the words he wrote. It's not bad. It shouldn't be cramming. "You ask."

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"Lin Qiuyun has been dead for more than two years, and the case has been solved. What are you doing here?"

Han Bin answered, "do you remember Zhu Weichao I mentioned to you just now?"

"Remember, prison break, what happened."

"He is the murderer of Lin Qiuyun." Han Bin thought it over and continued, "Zhu Weichao robbed and killed Lin Qiuyun when he entered the house. Originally, the case was closed, but after he escaped from prison, we found something new."

"Zhu Weichao is likely to be employed, and he has a mastermind behind the scenes."

Guo Xiaoshan suddenly realized, pointed to himself, "so you suspect that I hired someone to kill Lin Qiuyun?"

"No doubt, just want to know more." Han Bin said.

"Well, you've got the wrong person. I can't do it if I want to kill someone. And I really don't know Zhu Weichao. "

"Han Bin asked," then with your understanding of her, who else would hate her to the bone and do such things as hire murder. "

"Well, I just met her a few times." Guo Xiaoshan shook his head. "When it comes to understanding, you should ask his husband."

Han Bin smiles, "we have asked her husband, so we are here."

"Well, when I didn't say anything." Guo Xiaoshan quickly changed his words, "although I don't see many things with Lin Qiuyun, when it comes to understanding, there are still some. Just because she hates me, she seldom hides her emotions in front of me."

"This woman Maybe it's because of the abortion. The mood is extreme, especially hard. "

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"Take the abortion as an example. You had a meal in my shop, but there are many factors leading to abortion, which are also related to personal health. You can't put all the responsibility on me. At that time, she would bite me like a hungry wolf. She just wanted to break me down. "

"That's how she yelled at my stores."

"It's easy for her mental state to get into trouble. Maybe she'll offend someone. There are always cruel people. Not everyone is as kind as I am. "

"Of course, I can also be called a counsellor."

Suddenly, Han Bin thought of a question, "don't you have their company's black material? I didn't want to use it. "

Guo Xiaoshan was stunned and stroked his hair, "that I don't know what to say

Han Bin said, "according to the facts."

"Yes, I got the black materials of dead pigs and sick chickens used by Shian food company, and I also wanted to use these materials to save my restaurant, but I negotiated with Lin Qiuyun that she didn't want to eat it at all and still wanted to kill me."

"I thought later, just because you don't care doesn't mean your boss doesn't care. I took that information and found the boss of Shian food company. "

"My idea at that time was very simple. Let the boss of Shian food company take charge of this crazy woman. As long as she doesn't come to my restaurant to make trouble, I can run it."

"At that time, their boss agreed very well. He understood me one by one and would persuade Lin Qiuyun. As soon as I heard that this man would come, and it didn't seem to be perfunctory to me, I chose to believe him first. "

"He held me when I was ready to go. I begged me to give him the information. I was a little confused at that time, so I told him that the information was collected by someone who paid for it and could not be given to him. "

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"At that time, he took out a sum of money and insisted on buying my information. At that time, I didn't want to sell it. After all, it wasn't settled, but he pestered me. "

"He also told me that he would help me solve the problem. I hope I have some sincerity. His so-called sincerity is to let me sell him the information. "

"I still don't want to sell it, but I don't want to offend him. I'm counting on him to help me persuade that crazy woman. I've offered him a high price and I want him to give up. "

"As a result, he agreed without any intention of bargaining, and I was confused at that time. I'll give him the information about what I can do. ""As a result, the old man didn't mean what he said. Lin Qiuyun still made me go bankrupt all the time."

"I was angry at that time. I went to him again. He said that he couldn't manage Lin Qiuyun. I asked him to dismiss Lin Qiuyun. He said that Lin Qiuyun is a mad dog now, and he doesn't dare to provoke each other."

"Later, as you all know, the restaurant closed down after all. I've sold the information to the boss of Shian food company. It's just a muddle headed account, and it's over. "

With that, Guo Xiaoshan couldn't help sighing.

Han Bin verified, "what's the name of the boss of Shian food company?"

"I think his surname is quite rare, Shi What's the big name

Han Bin confirmed, "is it Shi Da?"

"Yes, that's Shida." Guo Xiaoshan nodded, "it's said that his company is doing well now, and the scale is getting bigger and bigger."

"I'll tell you, thanks to the death of that woman, if she doesn't die, something may happen one day. His factory can't be this big. "

Han Bin asked, "do you mean that Shian food factory is still using inferior ingredients?"

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Guo Xiaoshan said, "sure, several food factories are clean now. Last month, he bought a ham from Shi'an food company when he went to my restaurant to drink. I used to work in the catering industry, and I have some experience in food. I know the taste is wrong when I eat it. You can see that the color of the meat is not serious. It's like a lump in my face when I bite it. I just took a piece of it and never touched the plate of ham again. "

"Thank you for your cooperation. Let's talk about it first today." Han Bin stands up.

"Comrades of the police, you will come here if you want to eat baked gluten. No matter what else you promise, my baked gluten is good." Guo Xiaoshan showed a complicated look. "When I think of what happened in those years, I didn't do much. It also taught me a lesson. In the future, when I do food business, I must use good materials."

"It doesn't matter if you earn less. You can do it yourself, customers can eat it and sleep at night."

"That's right. I wish you a prosperous business."

Guo Xiaoshan confidently said, "my shop is doing well. It's Saturday. If it's a normal school day and the students go to the door, you can't get in."

"This is my business card. If you think of any new clue, you can call me." Han Bin put down a business card, turned and left Guoji bakery gluten shop.

After everyone got on the bus, Jiang Yang looked at Guo Xiaoshan at the door of the shop through the window. "Group leader, Guo Xiaoshan actually knew Shi Da. It's really unexpected."

Han Bin touched his chin. He didn't expect that the two people would know each other. He said, "Jiang Yang, please contact Li Qin and check Guo Xiaoshan's alibi with her."

"Chief, what about you?"

"We're going to see Shida."

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