Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 616: 616

During the conversation, the car drove to the fifth hospital of Qindao city. Han Bin also came to this hospital for the first time. He didn't know that this hospital was also responsible for the treatment of felons.

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On the ninth floor, Han Bin puts on his shoe cover and protective clothing and enters the ward. He sees Li Dongzhi lying on the bed.

Well, wrapped like a mummy, if not led by Ma Jingbo, Han Bin can't recognize each other.

After the two entered the ward, Li Dongzhi just glanced at it, and there was no movement.

It was as if Han Bin and his wife had nothing to do with him.

Ma Jingbo sat on the chair beside the hospital bed and looked at Li Dongzhi, "Li Dongzhi, how was your rest last night?"

Li Dongzhi didn't lift his eyelids, as if he didn't hear it.

Ma Jingbo ha ha a smile, to the side of Han Bin way, "look, this proud little appearance."

Han Bin responded with a smile, "I heard that many men are men on the surface, but in fact, there is a little princess in their heart. I didn't believe it before, but today it is. "

"Bah!" Although Li Dongzhi only returned one word, he clearly expressed his emotions.

However, when I said this word, I used too much force, pulled the wound and bared my teeth in pain. "Ah, ah..."

"Li Dongzhi, you should be very clear about the purpose of my coming here today. If time is limited, I won't tell you. I just want to tell you one thing. Shida was arrested."

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"You..." Li Dongzhi slowly turned his head and sighed, "since you police have caught him, why come to me? He and Zhu Weichao planned the escape. He should know better than I do."

Ma Jingbo said solemnly, "he is him, you are you. Our police are not unreasonable people, and we are willing to give you a chance to reform, make contributions and reduce your sentence."

"Thank you." Li Dongzhi's tone is not sincere, but ironic.

Ma Jingbo ignored each other's attitude and continued to persuade him, "Shida has been arrested. No matter what he gave you or promised you, it's no longer count. You don't have to carry it for him, and actively cooperate with the police to fight for the chance of meritorious service and commutation. That's what you should do now. "

"Does it make sense?" Li Dongzhi snorted. He didn't know whether he was answering Ma Jingbo or telling himself.

"This question is too big for me to answer. You can think about it yourself. But before you think about it clearly, you must at least have a choice. If you have a bad attitude towards confession, the court will not accept your confession. You are very likely to be sentenced to death for escaping from prison because of riots. At that time, you will not even have a choice. "

"What if I've already thought about it?"

"It's not that I look down on you, but that most people can't figure out the meaning of their lives. If you really think clearly, you won't come to this step."

"What about you, comrade police, do you understand?"

Ma Jingbo was silent for a moment, and seemed to be asked by the other party. After a while, he replied, "just because I don't understand, I have to work harder to live."

"Ha ha..." Li Dongzhi laughed, "don't give me chicken soup, it's boring."

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"Then you should spend the rest of your life thinking about what's interesting. Even if you are in prison, your mind is uncontrolled and free, and you have more free time than people outside. Maybe you can figure out the meaning of living."

"I'm not sincere. After saying so much, you just want to persuade me to cooperate with the police and fight for the chance to do meritorious service and reduce my sentence. "

Ma Jing said," the purpose of my advice is not important. The important thing is to do it according to my method, which is good for you and me. "

Li Dongzhi hesitated for a while, but didn't seem to make up his mind. He changed the topic, "how did you find Shi Da?"

Han Bin replied, "Shi Da is far more cunning and cruel than you think. His real purpose of helping Zhu Weichao escape from prison is to kill him. At the same time, the person who helped Zhu Weichao escape was also killed by Shi Da. And as long as you kill someone, you'll leave evidence and find him sooner or later. "

"Now that you have found the evidence, what else do you want from me?"

"It's very simple. All you have to do is narrate the course of the case. Don't lie to the police, otherwise, the reliability of your testimony will be suspected."

"As long as I say it, you won't bother me again."

Han Bin said, "we still have a lot of cases to investigate. We are very busy."

Li Dongzhi sighed and said slowly, "you have not caught the wrong person. Shi Da is the one who helped Zhu Weichao escape. I haven't met him, but I know about him. He is the boss of Shian food company. I heard that his business is still very big. "

Han Bin asked while the iron was hot, "is it Zhu Weichao who asked you to contact Shi Da?"

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"Yes, I'm a lively person. I can say that my days in prison are like years. I don't complain less. I was heard by Zhu Weichao several times. Later, he took the initiative to approach me and said something similar. After a long time of contact, they also understood each other's ideas. Later, he had a showdown with me and wanted to escape. ""At first I was surprised and scared, but more excited. I want to go out. I don't want to be in prison for a moment. Even if the chance of success is not big, I want to fight. I don't want to spend my best years in prison. "

"After that, Zhu Weichao told me about the prison break plan. He hoped that when I visited my relatives, I would ask them to help me contact Shi Da and escape from prison with Shi Da's help."

"I know my father very well. I've never done anything bad in my life. At first I thought he would refuse, but he agreed. He found Shida through the clues I provided, and he has been helping us deliver the news. You all know what happened later

Han Bin asked, "why doesn't Zhu Weichao use his relatives to deliver the message, but ask your father to help deliver the message?"

"He said that he mentioned it to his family, but they didn't agree, so they invited me to join. As for whether it's true or not, I don't know."

"What else did he tell you about Shida?"

"I took the initiative to ask him if Shi Da was reliable. He said no problem. He also said that when he killed Lin Qiuyun, he was instructed by Shi Da, but he didn't disclose his loyalty. He also said that brothers take care of each other. If Shi Da doesn't show loyalty, don't blame him. "

"He also said with a smile that he and Shida would meet sooner or later, either outside or inside the prison."

"Did Zhu Weichao say how much money Shi Da paid him?"

"It's like half a million."

"Where is the money hidden?"

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Li Dongzhi sneered, "he is not stupid, how can he tell me."

"Did he mention why Shi Da killed Lin Qiuyun?"


Ma Jingbo interposed and asked, "when I asked before, why didn't you give up Shida?"

"Shida once told my father that if the escape fails, I hope we don't give him up. He will compensate us and give my father 33.1 million yuan for his pension."

"My father is old, and I have never been filial piety in my life. I just want to give him a pension before he dies, so that I can live a more comfortable life in the rest of my life."

"Who knows, this dog day's work is not careful, unexpectedly also was caught by you, harmed Lao Tzu this life not to be filial son."

Ma Jingbo is a little speechless, and Li Dongzhi's filial piety is too wonderful.

Han Bin shook his head and sighed, "Li Dongzhi, I've been in touch with your father. I can guess his mind. What he cares about is you. If you help him earn money in this way. "

"Let's not say whether he can get the money, even if he gets it, he won't spend it."

"Your so-called filial piety is just to help yourself and bring more harm to your father. This is not true filial piety."

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