Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 617: 617

Because of Li Dongzhi's health, the trial did not last long.

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Li Dongzhi, as one of the two escaped prisoners, is willing to confess.

Li Dongzhi promised to come forward to correct Shi Da. For him, he can fight for commutation of sentence, which is no different from a fatal blow to Shi Da.

Two people out of the hospital is more than 12 o'clock at noon, on the way to find a good restaurant, ready to eat first and then back to the Bureau.

The area of the restaurant is not large, only 100 square meters, and the dishes are relatively simple, such as sliced noodles, sauced bones and cold dishes.

They ordered a large portion of sauced bone, a portion of rice salad, and two large bowls of sliced noodles.

It would be nice to have another bottle of iced beer at this time.

It's a pity that I can't drink during work. It's a little pity.

Ma Jingbo picked up a piece of sauce bone and bit it. It tasted good. He couldn't stop at all. After eating a piece, he wiped his hands and said, "it's good. The place is right."

Han Bin chewed a mouthful of incense, including paste not clear road, "I was in the online search, good reputation, just the way."

"It's right for Li Dongzhi. Let's try to win Shi Da today. This case will be solved." Ma Jingbo glanced around and said in a low voice, "this case is closely watched up and down. If we close the case earlier, we can all breathe a sigh of relief."

"OK, when I get back to the Bureau, I'll visit Shida to see if he's cured." Han Bin answered, then seemed to think of something, and said,

"although Li Dongzhi knew that Shi Da was the person to meet him, he had no direct contact with him, let alone met Shi Da. It's Li Hongshan, Li Dongzhi's father, who has been in contact with Shi Da. "

"Before, Li Hongshan refused to explain it because he wanted to give his son the chance to do meritorious service and reduce his sentence. Now Li Dongzhi has confessed. There is no need for Li Hongshan to carry on. "

Ma Jingbo took a mouthful of noodle soup and asked, "do you plan to interrogate Li Hongshan first and then Shi Da?"

Han Bin waved his hand, "Li Hongshan is not a big problem. I think it's OK to let Li Qin go. Li Qin has been talking with each other well before. I believe no one is more suitable than her."

"Look at the arrangement." Ma Jingbo put down a word and continued to lower his head and gnaw at the big bone.

"Ding Ling Ling..."

At this time, Han Bin's mobile phone rings. He takes out his mobile phone and has a look. What is displayed on the screen is Li Hui's number.

"Team, you eat first. I'll take a call."

"Go ahead."

Han Bin out of the restaurant, pressed the answer button, said with a smile, "leader Li, what can I do for you?"

"Team leader Han, what are you busy with recently? I haven't seen anyone for such a long time."

"What else can we do? Investigation."

"You're not investigating Zhu Weichao's prison break, are you?"

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Han Bin did not answer positively, "there are so many people in the Municipal Bureau, someone has to check."

"I didn't expect that there was another case that could embarrass our leader Han."

"It's no use talking about it. Tell me what you want."

"Good thing."

"What good can you do for me?"

Li Hui, with a smile and a little complacency in his tone, said, "is it a good thing to invite you to have a wedding wine?"

"Stop talking nonsense and get down to business. I'm eating here. "

"Binzi, I mean it. I'm getting married."


"More real than real gold?"


"At the end of June."

"I'm in such a hurry. I haven't heard from you before. You two have known each other for less than a year. Why are you in such a hurry to get married?"

"It's hard to say about feelings. It feels right. Two people are happy together. When they are old enough to get married, there's nothing to be hesitant about."

"Yes, you are ahead of me."

"It must be." Li Hui said, "OK, that's it. You have dinner first. I'll send you a wechat invitation later, with the specific time and address on it."

"And the wedding photos?"

"It's just taken two days ago. I think it's coming out soon. At first, I wanted to ask you to be the best man, but after careful consideration, I still let it go. You are busier than me. If you stand me up at a critical time, where can I find someone to fill up the number

"I'm not sure about the best man, but I'll help you when I have time."

"I know you are busy, even if you don't come to help, it's OK. I can understand, but you must come to the wedding on the wedding day."

Han Bin tone determined, "certainly."

"That's OK. Go ahead and talk to us later." Li Hui yawned and complained, "I've been so busy these days, working and getting married."

"I really want to do nothing and have a good rest."

Hang up the phone, Han Bin still feel some incredible, this call is too sudden, let him feel some untrue.……

LPG dormitory community.

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Two o'clock in the afternoon.

Li Qin and Wang Xiao come to Li Hongshan's home. There are always policemen around his home. Li Hongshan is very honest these days and has never been out.

"Dong Dong..." Li Qin knocked on the door.

"Creak..." When the door opened, Li Dongmei stood at the door with an unexpected look on her face, "Li Officer Li, why are you here

"As for your father, I want to see him."

"My father is in the house. Come in with me." Li Dongmei entered the door of the house, as if to remind her father, and cried, "Dad, officer Li has come to see you."

A moment later, Li Hongshan slowly came out of the bedroom and saw Li Qin and Wang Xiaoke standing in the living room. "Officer Li, and this comrade, please sit down."

"Dongmei, pour a cup of tea for the two police officers."

"Officer Li, sit down first. I'll boil some water." Li Dongmei said hello and then went into the kitchen.

Li Qin sat on the sofa opposite Li Hongshan, looked at each other and said with a smile, "uncle, I think you look much better than before."

"Well, if it's not good, how can I drop it? Every day is a day."

Li Qin said, "don't say that. Now the medical conditions are good. There are many people who live more than 100 years old. You are still young."

Li Hongshan is also a suspect involved in the case. Li Qin should not be so polite to him, but Li Hongshan is different from ordinary prisoners. First, he is old; second, he is sick.

It's also very difficult for the police to deal with this kind of situation. They really need to be too serious. Li Qin also has to bear the responsibility for her health.

"Why do you live so long? It's boring." Li Hongshan shook his head and asked, "officer Li, what are you doing here today?"

"I came here today to tell you good news. Your son Li Dongzhi's condition has stabilized, and he has actively cooperated with the police investigation, and has won the chance to commute his sentence. "

Li Hongshan was stunned for a moment, showing a touch of joy, "really?"

"Of course it's true. Can I cheat you on such a thing?"

"Where is the winter solstice? I want to see him?"

"He's still in the hospital. It's not convenient to see you now."

"Officer Li, thank you for telling me the good news. When I heard that he was ok, I felt at ease."

Wang Xiao said solemnly, "Li Hongshan, we come here today for two purposes. One is to tell you about Li Hongshan, and the other is that we hope you can take the initiative to account for your crimes and strive for meritorious service and commutation."

Wang Xiao's role is to sing black face. There are some things that Li Qin can't say, he said.

Li Qin also advised, "yes, sir, Li Dongzhi has already explained it. You don't have to worry any more. You can also tell the police about your situation, and I will help you fight for an opportunity to do meritorious service and reduce your sentence. "

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Li Hongshan didn't speak at once. He looked at Wang Xiao and Li Qin, with a tangled look on his face.

Li Dongmei came out and said, "Dad, since my brother has recruited me, you can also tell me that police officer Li has come. What else do you have to hesitate about?"

Li Dongmei put down two water cups and said politely, "officer Li, and this comrade, please have tea."

"Thank you." Li Qin took a sip of the cup and said, "Uncle Li, if you have any hesitation, please tell me."

"Officer Li, tell me the truth. Did the winter solstice really tell me?" Li Hongshan has lived most of his life and has experienced many things. He is not a fool.

He didn't fully believe Li Qin's words. He worried that Li Qin was cheating him and that his son hadn't confessed yet. If he did it first, he would betray his son. If he didn't live, it would also damage the chance for his son to do meritorious service and reduce his sentence.

Li Qin saw the other party's idea and said, "uncle, I have already swore by my police badge that there is not a lie in what I just said."

For this oath, Li Hongshan still did not believe it very much, and asked, "what did Li Dongzhi tell you? Can you tell me about it

Li Qin thought it over for a while. If she didn't say anything, Li Hongshan might not completely believe it and would not willingly cooperate with the police.

In the end, Li Qin still felt that Xing disclosed a little.

"I'm not the one who took notes for Li Dongzhi, but I've also heard about some cases. Li Dongzhi admitted that he contacted someone outside the prison through you, and that person was the one who helped Zhu Weichao escape."

"What's the name of the man outside the prison you said?"


"What else did you say?"

"At the beginning, Li Dongzhi didn't want to give an account. Later, after the persuasion of our police, he told us the situation. Shi Da once promised that if Li Dongzhi didn't succeed in escaping from prison, he would not disclose himself. At the same time, as compensation, it will give you 300000 pension money. "

"Li Dongzhi wanted to be filial, so he didn't want to recruit at the beginning. Later, we told him that what you really want is not money, but the chance for him to fight for meritorious service and commutation.""After hearing this, Li Dongzhi was moved and felt that you might not care about the 300000 pension. He agreed to cooperate with the police, and the police will also provide some commutation policies. "

"Thank you, thank you." Hearing Li Qin say 300000 pension, Li Hongshan completely believed it, because he didn't tell anyone except his son.

"Uncle Li, you believe it now. I didn't cheat you."

"I believe it. I'm willing to cooperate with the police. I'm sorry to have caused you so much trouble."

"Never mind. It's not too late for you to explain."

"Tell me, I say..." Speaking of this, Li Hongshan was stunned for a moment and said awkwardly, "officer Li, I don't know where to start, or you'd better ask."

"How do you usually get in touch with Shida?"

Li Hongshan recalled carefully and said, "we met once. It's very early. We should have met last year. Later, he gave me a mobile phone and asked me to call him with this mobile card in the future. "

"What's the number of that cell phone card?"

"I don't know about this. I only use the mobile phone card when I contact Shida. Moreover, I don't know much about it. I haven't read the number of that mobile phone."

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Li Qin asked, "where is the mobile phone?"

Li Hongshan spread his hand, "no, I've got rid of it."

"How did you deal with it?"

"I broke the card, threw it in the toilet and washed it away."

Li Qin frowned, "where did you meet Shi Da?"

"It was in the Red Star Square. He asked me to wear a white hat. We met and talked a little. He gave me a mobile phone card and left."

"If you were asked to see Shida now, would you recognize him?"

Li Hongshan said without hesitation, "I can. I'm not confused at all."

Li Qin put a mark on the book, "if you can testify against Li Dongzhi, would you like to? "

" I'd like to, I know what I did wrong before, and I'm willing to help the police, which can be regarded as making up for my previous mistakes. "

Li Qin takes a deep breath, and finally persuades Li Hongshan to cooperate. This time, it's not in vain.

After a long time, Li Hongshan bit his teeth and said, "officer Li, I want to ask you a favor."

"You said

Li Hongshan seriously flashed a ray of light, "I want to see my son, even if only once."

Li Qin sighed and looked embarrassed. "I'm afraid it's not easy to do. First, I think you, Li Dongzhi, are still in the hospital. Another, Li Dongzhi had Qin Ke who escaped from prison, and you helped him deliver the news. "

"So, it's not easy to visit Li Dongzhi from inside. Especially since you have been on the blacklist, it's almost impossible for you to visit Li Dongzhi again. After all, there are one and two. No one can guarantee whether you will help each other escape for the second time."

Li Hongshan sighed, "officer Li, I know you are in a dilemma, but I still want to ask you to think of a way. After this incident, I can swear to God that I will never help him escape."

Li Qin said earnestly, "Uncle Li, the police force has its rules. I hope you can understand them."

Li Hongshan showed a touch of bitterness and sighed, "I understand, but I still can't accept it. I just want to see him and see him for the last time, so that even if I die, I have no regrets. "

"I also want to help you, but I can't cheat you. The possibility that the prison will allow you to visit is zero. It is estimated that you have been blacklisted now."

Li Hongshan sighed, and his whole body fell down, as if he had grown old for several years.

Li Dongmei, who was standing next to him, said, "officer Li, if I can't visit him, can I visit him, and then pass on my brother's situation to him, so that he can feel at ease and don't have to think about it every day."

Li Qin thought about it, but in view of Li Dongzhi's criminal record and current situation, it's not easy for Li Dongmei to visit prison

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