Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 629: 629

Yuhua sub Bureau interrogation room.

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Ma xuepo didn't stay in the detention room for a long time, so he was referred to the interrogation room.

He sat in the interrogation chair, looking a little restless.

Ma xuepo twisted his wrist from time to time, or looked around. He always felt that someone was peeping at him.

"Creak..." With a dull sound, the door of the interrogation room suddenly opened.

Two men and a woman walked into the interrogation room, the leader was Han Bin, the other two were Bao Xing and Tian Li.

Han Bin, with information in his left hand and a bottle of mineral water in his right hand, is ready to fight for a long time.

Ma xuepo asked qualitatively, "comrades of the police, when do you really want to guard?"

Han Bin will put the information on the table, don't think, "this just with which, steadfast stay.". You'll get used to it after a while

"Don't be kidding. This place can get used to it. I'd rather screw the steel bar under the sun."

"There's no way. Who let you do it?"

"What did I do? I didn't do anything."

Han Bin seems to believe the general, "really?"

"I didn't do it."

Han Bin leaned back on the chair, "OK, let's have a chat. If we understand, maybe we'll let you go."

"It's not a place to chat, either. If you let me go, let's go out and have a chat. I'll treat you to drink and eat pork."

Han Bin smiles but says nothing.

Bao Xing patted the table and said, "don't push your nose on your face. You can go out if you want. I tell you, if you don't understand, you'll never want to go out in your life. "

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Ma xuepo body trembles, "this is not just good, I and Lu Jingfang's death is really not related."

This words Han Bin all some listen to annoy, directly ignore, "how do you know Lu Jingfang?"? What's the relationship between you two? "

"We all work on the construction site. We're half of our colleagues. When we meet, I'm just a small bag foreman, and people don't like me. It doesn't matter."

Han Bin looked at the information, coldly said, "you have a criminal record of theft, have been in prison."

"I That's what happened before. I made a mistake, but I've changed it. I work hard on the construction site. Although it's hard, I'm really down-to-earth in my heart. I've never made a mess again. "

Han Bin ignored him and continued to ask, "Lu Jingfang has the habit of taking videos, do you know?"

"I know that sometimes she takes a selfie stick and takes pictures while walking. I asked her what she was doing, and she said," take pictures and play. "

Han Bin went to the interrogation chair, took out his mobile phone and put it in front of Ma xuepo, "have a look."

The main character in the video is Lu Jingfang. She stands in front of the camera and complains, "Oh, I hate it. I lost my underwear again. This time it's a pink one. This is the third one I've lost this month. I'm really angry. "

"All the people living in the construction site are old men. I always feel that they look at me strangely. I don't know how long I can work here. Forget it, I'll get the salary of this month first. It's always right."

"There is a man named Ma Si who is very annoying at the construction site. He follows me around every day and calls me sister Xiaofang all day. In fact, I am not familiar with him at all. Today, after I took a bath, he followed me all the way back. I was a little scared

Lu Jingfang's voice became smaller. "Let me tell you a secret. I suspect that the man who stole my underwear is probably Ma Si. I feel sick when I think about it. How can there be such a person?"

"Well, I almost called the police today. But I was persuaded by my neighbor's elder sister. In her words, they were all living on the construction site. I didn't have any evidence. When the police came, they couldn't do anything about him. I can't see my head down, but I can't do it on the construction site. "

"Don't worry about the grievances. You have to bite your own teeth and swallow it. Not to mention him, it's time to cook. I was too busy at noon, so I ate a few mouthfuls of bread and made something good in the evening to reward myself... "

After the video, Han Bin took back his mobile phone, "Ma xuepo, Ma Si, listen to how people evaluate you."

Ma xuepo showed an aggrieved look, "I'm wronged. She's lying. I didn't steal underwear at all. How can I do such a thing?"

Han Bin takes out a wet towel from the table and wipes his mobile phone. "A dead person will never deliberately frame you. When the video goes to court, you will have a lot of fun."

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"Police comrades, please believe me, even if my Ma Si is no longer a thing, I dare not do such a wretched thing. I am really not such a person."

"Lu Jingfang thinks you are such a person. That's enough. It's no use telling me."

Ma xuepo yelled, "useful, you can return me a innocence, this woman has no evidence at all, she is bloody."

"You think she's framing you?"

"Yes, she's framing me."

"Why? With so many workers on the construction site, why did he frame you up? "

"I I don't know. Maybe I have more contact with her. ""You don't know. I'll analyze it for you." Han Bin unscrewed the mineral water bottle, took a sip of water and moistened his throat.

"yesterday evening, when you saw Lu Jingfang coming back from a bath, you inevitably had some thoughts. And after a little more wine, I want to have some fun. "

"Lu Jingfang ignored you at all. In a fit of anger, you went outside Lu Jingfang's dormitory and stole her underwear."

"When Lu Jingfang found out, she chased her out and asked you to return your underwear to her. She also said that she would tell the leaders of the construction site about it. You were afraid."

"When you get angry, you kill Lu Jingfang as soon as you don't do it twice."

"This afternoon, after you saw the police, you were scared out of your wits. You knew that the east window incident happened, so you just ran away..."

"I didn't!" Ma xuepo interrupted Han Bin's words, "you are not analysis at all, you are planting dirty (not wrong word)"

Han Bin went to Ma xuepo and put his hands on his shoulders, as if to exert pressure on him. "You have a criminal record, and Lu Jingfang's video, you are very suspicious. There are so many people on the construction site, maybe someone will just see you. Once someone is willing to testify... "

, "old iron, your accusation is stable, and the days of your second half of life are also coming. No matter what the fuel, salt, vinegar, and tea are, there is no need to worry old fellow." The state is in charge. "

"I don't want to stay in jail, I don't want to I really haven't done it. "

Bao Xing then said, "team leader, what you said just now is really wishful thinking. He is guilty of homicide, but he doesn't admit it. Maybe he will be sentenced to death directly. What's the rest of your life? "

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"If he is like this, he can basically talk about days in the future. It's estimated that it's almost enough to go through a hundred Arabic numerals

Bao Xing's words scared Ma xuepo, "I didn't kill anyone. Why should I be sentenced to death? You can't do that. You can't put everything on me."

Ma xuepo has seen many films and TV plays. He knows that there are good people and bad people in every industry.

Just like in ancient wars, the soldiers are red eyed, and there are many things to be done.

In case of his bad luck, he was sentenced to death, where to reason.

Han Bin, with a straight face, said solemnly, "I don't like to hear your words. What do we want to do to you? We are talking about evidence. If you don't have a guilty conscience, what are you going to do

"I didn't run for murder."

"What's that for?"

"I..." Ma xuepo hesitated, but he didn't say it after all.

Han Bin glanced at his watch and said impatiently, "if you don't say it, I'll take it as your default. We have basically determined the direction of the investigation. We'll do it first today, and it's estimated that it will be almost the same tomorrow."

"It's almost there. I haven't said anything yet." Ma xuepo reached out to stop him, but he was stretched by the handcuffs on his wrist.

"Bang!" As soon as Bao Xing patted the table, he yelled, "what's wrong, let you say you don't say. Now that the trial is over, you have to say, "play with us."

Ma xuepo explained, "no, no, I said, I said everything."

Han Bin leaning on the table, is still a pair of impatient appearance, "give you the last chance."

Ma xuepo took a deep breath, as if determined, "I I made a mistake to run, but it has nothing to do with Lu Jingfang, and I didn't kill her. "

"Then what's wrong with you."

"I Sometimes I can't sleep at night, so I go out for a walk, and then I find that many building materials are randomly placed on the construction site, neither locked nor watched, so I I picked up the building materials. "

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Han Bin laughed, "it's the first time I've heard someone say something so fresh about stealing."

"Yes, I know I'm wrong and shouldn't take things from the construction site, but I I just can't help it, and I'm short of money. I want to change some money. "

"What did you steal from the construction site? Tell the truth, but we will investigate. If you dare to lie, you will only make yourself one more accusation."

"I know. I dare not lie. I'll tell you." Ma xuepo thought about it and said, "most of what we steal are steel. Although it's heavy, it's easy to sell. It's hard currency. We don't worry about sellers."

"You're quite experienced. It seems you've done it a lot."

"Not much, not much, just two or three times."

"What is two or three times, two or three? I warn you, perjury is also against the law

"Yes Four times. "

"That's great." Han Bin snorted, "who is involved? How to transport the steel away. "

"Besides me, there are three other people, Lao Wang, Xiao Gao and Gu Laosan."

Bao Xing took a pen and knocked on the table, "say the full name."

"Wang Jiesheng, Gao Xiang, Gu Junsheng, Wang Jiesheng is old. He is in charge of driving, Gao Xiang and Gu Junsheng and I are in charge of carrying. After the steel is sold, we will pay for it. ""In fact, I am also a victim. Wang Jie gave birth to this idea. He is the principal criminal. I'm just an errand man."

"who was the steel sold to?"

"The buyer was contacted by Wang Jiesheng. I heard that they were from a village. Wang Jiesheng also said that the price offered by the other party was higher and more reliable."

"In fact, I know in my heart that this old product must have benefited, but I didn't have a reliable buyer, so I didn't care with him."

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