Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 630: 630

If the suspect, unless there is evidence, otherwise Han Bin will not easily believe.

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Take Ma xuepo as an example. No one can guarantee that he will avoid the heavy and take the light.

Han Bin asked, "when was the last time you stole?"

"Three days ago, I think."

"What truck did you use to transport the steel?"

"A pickup truck."

"Brand, color and license plate number of the car?" The clearer the question, the easier the verification.

Ma xuepo thought about it and replied, "Daling car, silver gray, Lu b384can."

For this theft case, Han Bin is not very interested, early finish is to hand over to the police station.

What he cares about is whether Ma xuepo is related to Lu Jingfang's death. His previous inquiry is also to prove whether the other party is lying.

At this moment, Han Bin asked the real concern, "between 9:30 last night and 1:00 in the morning, where were you?"

This is not only a routine inquiry, but also a trial to Ma xuepo.

"Last night, I drank two bottles of beer. At first, I lay in bed and looked at my mobile phone. Later, I couldn't sleep. It was hot in the dormitory. I came out around ten o'clock and went back to the dormitory to sleep. I didn't go out again."

Han Bin smiles, "you can really find time to stroll."

This means that Ma xuepo has not only no alibi, but has even been near the scene.

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The suspicion that he is the murderer has risen further.

"Do you know where Lu Jingfang was killed?"

Ma xuepo hesitated and nodded, "I know. I listen to people

"Were you there last night?"

Ma xuepo shook his hands, "no, I have never been there."

"How can you prove that you haven't been there? "

" I How can I prove it this evening Ma xuepo thought about it and thought it was wrong, "police comrades, now we are not paying attention to no doubt crime, that is to say, it should be you who prove that I have been to prove that I am guilty, rather than I should prove that I have not been to."

"No doubt crime is considered from the whole case. If you don't have an alibi now, it's not good for you. If you really want a hard top, do not cooperate with the police investigation, let the police investigate by themselves, we will only treat you as a suspect, and it will not do you any good. I think you should know the difference. "

"But I really can't prove it. The land is there, and there is no monitoring. How can I prove that I haven't been there?" Ma xuepo sighed and looked helpless.

Han Bin changed a way of saying, "when you were walking around last night, did you see anyone or something unusual?"

"As long as you think it has something to do with Lu Jingfang, you can say it."

"I've seen a lot of people. Many of the workers didn't sleep. There are still card players downstairs. As for the abnormal situation..." Ma xuepo recalled for a moment, "I remember that I saw a Mercedes Benz near the construction site yesterday. At that time, I was still a little puzzled. How could there be a Mercedes Benz in the evening? Was it the boss?"

"But if you think about it, it has nothing to do with me, so I'll go."

"What color is that Mercedes Benz, and what's the license plate number?"

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"The car was black. It was night. I couldn't see the license plate number clearly, let alone remember it."

"What's the exact time that Mercedes Benz came to and left the construction site?"

"I didn't look at my watch at that time. I only knew that when the Mercedes Benz came, it was about ten o'clock. I didn't know what time it was. I went straight back to my dormitory at that time."

Han Bin wrote down in his notebook that it was abnormal for a Mercedes Benz to come to the construction site at night, not to mention that he had been to the scene of the crime during the time of the crime.

"Comrade police, please let me go. I'm really wronged. The reason why I ran away at that time was that the theft of steel bars was found. At that time, I was very nervous. I just wanted to run. That's why you misunderstood me. "

Ma xuepo once again stretched out three fingers, "I can swear to God that I didn't kill Lu Jingfang."

Han Bin opened the previous record and said, "did you steal Lu Jingfang's underwear?"

"Wronged to death, this is a matter of abnormal ability, how can I do it?"

Han Bin continued, "you saw Lu Jingfang's video, too. She said that she suspected that you had stolen the underwear. There are so many workers on the construction site. Why doesn't she doubt anyone but you? "

"This..." Ma xuepo cried and said, "I'm an extrovert and like to make friends. So I often talk to Lu Jingfang. Maybe she misunderstood me. "

Han Bin asked, "you this so-called misunderstanding, do you think after the court, the judge will adopt?"

Ma xuepo was worried, "but what I said is true."

"Evidence is a thousand things to say. Whether you commit a crime or not, you still have to tell evidence, and you don't have an alibi. If you can't get practical evidence, it's hard to convince people."Ma xuepo patted his forehead hard, "I have already told you the crime of stealing steel? What more evidence do you want? "

See the other side seems really not clear what to say, Han Bin changed a topic, "to your understanding of Lu Jingfang, who do you think killed Lu Jingfang?"

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Ma xuepo shook his head. "I don't know."

Han Bin looked at him and said nothing.

Perhaps Han Bin's gaze made Ma xuepo feel a little pressure, "that Lu Jingfang is not only beautiful, but also dressed up. In our eyes, she is no different from fairies. In particular, after taking a bath, her body is fragrant, either chest leakage or leg exposure. When the old men on the construction site look at it, they can't see straight. "

"There are many good people in the daytime. At night, if she wanders around the construction site, she may be watched by a man who has drunk. Anything may happen at that time."

"Do you think Lu Jingfang might have been killed by the workers on the construction site?"

Ma xuepo hesitated for a moment and nodded, "yes, I guess so."

"Do you have any specific suspects? "

MA xuepo laughs," wolves are ferocious, and some are not ferocious, but regardless of their nature, they still need to eat meat when they are hungry. "

Han Bin asked, "your metaphor is very interesting. What kind of wolf do you belong to?"

Ma xuepo showed a helpless color, "I belong to not eating meat, but also fell a dog eat shit."

Han Bin also tentatively asked a few words, but did not ask for more information.

The trial came to an end for the time being.

Han Bin, Bao Xing, Tian Li three people out of the interrogation room.

In the interrogation room, Tian Li is responsible for recording and does not ask questions, but that does not mean she has no problems.

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"Team leader, the construction site is a melting pot with strong inclusiveness. Some people have not even signed a contract. I think people with criminal record like Ma xuepo are probably not an exception. Should we check the criminal record of violent crimes on the construction site? "

"Good proposal." Han Bin praised a, Tian Li's this idea coincides with him.

At this time, Du Qi, Zhao Ming, sun Xiaopeng and Mai Jun came face to face.

Zhao Ming opened the door and said, "brother bin, let's go to the meeting room for a meeting."

Han Bin immediately turned to the direction of the conference room.

"Brother bin, did Ma xuepo recruit?"


"He admitted that he killed Lu Jingfang? Then this case has been solved. "

"He did not admit to killing Lu Jingfang, but admitted another case."

"What case?"


Ducky guessed, "this Ma xuepo will not be attacking the west, deliberately diverting our attention."

Han Bin said, "I also have this kind of speculation. In order to avoid delaying our investigation and progress, I decided to hand over the theft case to the local police station."

There is a matter of importance. Compared with murder, the nature of theft is more important.

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