Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 631: 631

Yuhua Branch, conference room of Criminal Investigation Brigade.

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Zeng Ping took people to the conference room first, and was communicating with Wei Zimo in a low voice.

Han Bin said, "team Zeng."

"Come on, let's sit down first. Dai Ju will come to the meeting later."

When it comes to Dai Minghan, Han Bin hasn't seen him for some time.

Han Bin subconsciously said, "Yuhua Branch criminal investigation team leader position is still empty?"

Zeng Ping came over and said in a low voice, "team Zheng was not the vice captain at first. The branch asked him to go to Quancheng for training. Originally, he wanted to do it. Who knows he was left there."

"Where can I find the right person for a while and a half, and wait."

Dai Minghan walked into the conference room and threw his notepad on the table. "What are you two whispering about there?"

Han Bin got up and saluted, "Dai Ju."

Dai Minghan waved his hand, "sit down. You haven't seen me for a few days, but you are polite to me."

"I'm not polite to you. I respect you from the bottom of my heart." Han Bin patted his chest.

"That's good. I didn't treat you as an outsider. If I can't handle the case well, I'll see how I deal with you." Dai Minghan's tone is severe, but it's just a talk. Han Bin has been transferred to the City Criminal Investigation Brigade, and he has long been out of his charge.

Just like Zheng Kaixuan, Dai Minghan originally wanted to train him to take over the post of leader of the Criminal Investigation Brigade of Yuhua sub Bureau. As a result, the leaders of the provincial department took a fancy to him. He was reluctant to let go of important people.

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Dai Minghan unscrewed his tea cup and took a sip of water

"Cough..." Zeng Ping coughed softly. "We all know the basic information. I'll talk about the progress of the investigation directly. If you have any ideas, you can add."

"First of all, let me talk about the monitoring situation. There are also monitoring on the construction site, including import, export, command room, financial room and logistics warehouse."

"I also turned around and found that in addition to the import and export, there are other places to go in and out of the construction site, that is to say, monitoring may not necessarily be able to capture the figure of the suspect."

"In addition to the monitoring of the construction site itself, we also collected some monitoring around the construction site, just because the time is short and we haven't had time to compare them."

Ma Jingbo opened his notes and continued, "shoe source, we have sent someone to check it, but because of the short time, we have no clue yet."

"Mobile communication is the responsibility of Wei Zimo. Zimo, please tell me the situation."

Wei Zimo straightened up, cleared his throat and said, "we checked the communication records of the deceased Lu Jingfang and made a list of her recent calls. Her last call was made at more than 4 p.m. by the express company, and no abnormal contact has been found yet. "

"I've applied with the communication company to make Lu Jingfang's contact person's real name, so maybe I can find some clues."

"That's what's going on."

After hearing this, Dai Minghan knocked his left hand with a carbon pen in his right hand. "I add that in today's network information society, there are many ways of communication between people. When it comes to contact information, we should not only think of mobile phone communication, but also some chat software and e-mail, which may be used as contact tools by suspects."

"You are young people. You should know better than me in this aspect. Let's broaden our thinking. What we do in criminal investigation is to find a valuable clue from a myriad of clues."

"If you find it, it's not far from solving the case. If your field of vision is too narrow, that clue is no longer in it, and the hard work of investigation is useless. "

Han Bin said, "what Dai Bureau said is that with the development of society, crime patterns are diverse, which is also a challenge for the police. We have to learn more and see more and make continuous progress."

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Zeng Ping tauts his mouth, grins and says in secret that the boy is flattering again, which makes people feel comfortable. No wonder he can be transferred to the Municipal Bureau.

Huahua sedan chair people carry people, Dai Minghan nodded, "Han Bin has this kind of consciousness, in this aspect is also good, in the future you should learn more from him, common progress."

"Dai Ju, don't praise me. I learned from you and team Zeng." Han Bin answered with a smile, and the conversation changed, "we have made some progress in the investigation over there. I'll report it to you."

"Du Qi and Mai Jun find out the situation of Lu Jingfang's family and inform Lu Jingfang's biological mother. However, her parents have divorced and have not contacted Lu Jingfang's biological father for the time being."

"As for the footprints, the suspect should have worn a pair of shoes with protruding dog's paws. When the shoes touch the ground, they will first press the protruding dog's paws. If you don't look carefully, you really think it's the footprints left by the dog."

"Because the sole doesn't touch the ground and doesn't leave too many footprints, I can only analyze the dent of three dog paw marks. It's a new research for me and needs more time to analyze."

"And because of the small contact area, even if it is analyzed, there may be some errors."

Dai Minghan joked, "you've done a good job. If you didn't assist in the investigation, maybe we still thought the suspect was riding a dog.""Ha ha..." The crowd began to laugh.

Han Bin shook his head and laughed, then said, "I took people to visit the construction site, to understand Lu Jingfang's normal work and life."

"Lu Jingfang is young and beautiful. She usually wears fashionable clothes. She doesn't match the environment of the construction site."

"Second, she should also be engaged in sidelines, shooting small videos of daily life and work, playing them on some websites, and making money by clicking and rewarding."

Zeng Ping subconsciously said, "that is to say, Lu Jingfang's second career is anchor."

"Yes." Han Bin answered, thought about it carefully, and added, "in fact, after investigation, I feel that the job of site documenter is more like her sideline. The purpose is to get the shooting material. "

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Dai Minghan frowned and didn't have much contact with things on the Internet. He asked, "according to your meaning, she got a job as a site documenter just to shoot videos."

"I feel so."

Dai Minghan asked, "is there any connection between the two? How does the job of this site documenter help her as an anchor? "

Han Bin organized the language and said, "there are many kinds of anchors now, some live, some video upload, and more of both. The threshold is relatively low. As long as you register your account with your ID card, you can upload it directly to the website, and the competition is becoming more and more fierce. "

"The content of the video is very important. It must be attractive so that people can click on it and have the idea to watch it."

"Novel material is the key. The construction site is the place where the masters stay. A beautiful woman on the construction site will make people feel fresh and contrast. Only in this way can people have the idea of seeing, click, reward and make money."

Zeng Ping understood Han Bin's meaning and concluded, "we all know that the construction site is hard. A beautiful woman staying at the construction site will make people feel pity and care for her. She will also pay attention to her and become her fans."

"I may even think that if she works in this kind of environment, maybe the conditions at home are relatively poor. If I can help her, maybe I can catch up with her as a wife."

Han Bin joked, "team Zeng, your analysis is more profound than mine."

Zeng Ping said, "in fact, this is the same reason as fraud. Some female fraud suspects will use their beauty to attract some victims. In order to cheat the victims, they will pretend to be pitiful. One is to make men have compassion, and the other is to make men feel that they have the chance to catch up with her. Only in this way can they be willing to pay."

"Just from money to click, the former is illegal, the latter is not illegal, but the use of the same way."

"If a woman is superior, rich, fashionable and not easy to get close to, and the whole is like a fairy, although men also like it, most men with ordinary conditions will feel that they have a gap with her, and they can't catch up with this kind of beauty. On the contrary, they won't pay attention to it deliberately."

Zeng Ping's analysis is very thorough, and all the people present listen very carefully.

After Zeng Ping finished, Han Bincai continued to report, "in the investigation project, a man named Ma xuepo came into our sight. Ma xuepo's nickname was Ma Si. He often harassed Lu Jingfang verbally. Lu Jingfang also complained about him in the video, and even thought that Ma xuepo had stolen her underwear."

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"We wanted to make a record with Ma xuepo, but we didn't think about it. The boy heard that we were policemen and ran away. We took him back to the Bureau for surprise interrogation. Instead of admitting that he had something to do with Lu Jingfang's death, he confessed that he had collaborated with others to steal steel. "

Zeng Ping continued, "as long as the amount of money involved in the theft case is not high, the sentence will not last long. Will this boy avoid the heavy and take the light?"

Han Bin said, "I have also considered this. He has no alibi and needs further investigation. What's more, he also reflected a situation. He was wandering around the construction site at about 10 p.m. and once saw a Mercedes Benz. "

"The appearance of Mercedes Benz at that time and place is somewhat abnormal."

Zeng Ping asked, "did Ma xuepo say the license plate number of Mercedes Benz?"

Han Bin replied, "he didn't see clearly. He just said the Mercedes Benz was black."

Zeng Ping pointed to a group of members, "pay attention to the black Mercedes Benz when checking the monitoring."


Han Bin hopes to Dai Minghan, "Dai Bureau, I suggest that the theft case should be handed over to the local police station. At the same time, the police station should check whether there are workers with violent criminal record."

"Well, I will communicate with the police station." For Dai Minghan, this is just a matter of one sentence.

Dai Minghan glanced at the crowd, "what else is the progress of the investigation?"

Han Bin thought for a moment and added, "another point I want to make clear is that Lu Jingfang makes a lot of money when shooting videos. She can earn two or three thousand yuan by shooting a video with high click through volume. According to this, her monthly income is tens of thousands of yuan."

"If there are interests, there will be disputes. I think it can be used as an investigation direction."

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