Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 632: 632

Zeng Ping was a bit surprised, "making money by making small videos!"

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Bao Xing said, "I have a friend who also works as we media. According to him, this website also has a certain relationship. If the website has promotion and subsidies, it really makes money."

"And a lot of them follow suit. When one material is hot, everyone will shoot something similar."

Mai Jun echoed, "I also met this situation. Before, leader Han asked me to search the account number of" site sister Xiaofang ", and I watched her video. Now that website has been pushing me similar videos, such as Xiao Li and Xiao Xiu, who are site documenters, and some of them are in a mess. "

Dai listened very carefully and concluded, "I've got the general situation."

"Judging from the current clues, there are two causes of Lu Jingfang's death. The first is impulsive crime, focusing on the investigation of people with violent criminal record on the construction site."

"The second is to take small videos, which may involve some interest disputes, and can also be used as a key investigation direction."

"Specifically, how to divide the work? Team leader Zeng and team leader Han, you two can discuss by yourself. If you have anything to do, you can go directly to the office to find me."

"Yes. "

Dai Minghan looked at the clock on the wall and said," that's it. Let's finish the meeting. "

Dai Minghan picked up his things and got up to leave.

Zeng Ping said, "Dai Ju, Li Hui called me and said that he wanted to invite the people in the bureau to have a light meal in the evening. Please do appreciate it."

Dai Minghan waved his hand, "I'm not going. I'm going. You should have a bad time."

"It's up to you to say that."

Han Bin also advised, "Dai Bureau, you also go together, there is no outsider, we are lively."

"You young people, let's go for fun. My old arms and legs can't stand the toss." Dai Minghan declined politely and left the conference room.

Walking to the door, Dai Minghan did not forget to remind, "drink less at night, don't affect the investigation tomorrow."



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Huangting hotel.

In a larger private room.

The bride, Zhou Weina, was sitting on the sofa with her mouth on her lips.

Li Huichen came over with a face and a glass of water in his hand. "Nana, you've been tired all day. Have some water."

"Hum." Zhou Weina turned her head to one side.

"What's the matter with Nana? Today is our wedding day. We should be happy."

Zhou Weina glared at Li Hui. "I'm happy. How did you promise me that no matter how busy you are, you'll take me on my honeymoon after marriage, and you'll choose where you want to go."

"Well, the wedding was finished at noon, and you changed your mind in the afternoon. What's the matter? You don't care when you cheat me. Two years later, I'll have to talk to you on my knees. "

"No, of course not. How can you think that? I don't care about you. It's an emergency case. As you can see, the people of our team went out on duty when they met their relatives. They didn't come back until they were half open. It's really an emergency task."

"I don't care. You promised me anyway. If you stand me up on the first day of marriage, you are a liar in my eyes. "

Li Hui sighed and sat beside Zhou Weina, drying the water in the cup.

He is also very helpless, he is promised Zhou Weina honeymoon, also did not want to lie, but now things suddenly changed.

Zhao Ying hasn't come back from training in Quancheng. If he doesn't return to the team, Zeng Ping doesn't even have a helper.

Li Hui sighed again, and his heart was also very tangled. Marriage is only once in a lifetime. He also wanted to spend his honeymoon with Zhou Weina, but work is also very important

"Ding Ling Ling..." Li Hui's cell phone rings. He takes out his cell phone and looks at it. It's Zeng Ping.

"Team Zeng."


"I'll meet you down here."


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"On the third floor, room 312."

"Good." Li Hui hung up his cell phone and looked at Zhou Weina. He could not help worrying, "Nana, Zeng team, they are all here. Look..."

Zhou Weina stood up, "Why are you still in a daze? Go and pick them up."

"Are you not angry?"

"I'm angry, but I'm angry with you. It has nothing to do with other people. If they can attend my wedding, they just give me face. I'm not so sensible."

On hearing this, Li Hui was relieved and said with a smile, "yes, you can punish me whatever you want when you get home at night."

"I can kneel on the abacus or washboard. "

Zhou Weina curled her lips and said," well, what's the age? You still have a washboard at home. This is to let me wash clothes by hand in the future. "

"No, I mean if you're not happy, we'll buy it on the way home. It's for my own use, and it's definitely not for you. Besides, you are not alone now. How can I let you do the laundry? "Zhou Weina rolled her eyes. "You're not human."

With a smile, Li Hui grabbed Zhou Weina's hand and went out of the private room.

As soon as they got to the elevator on the third floor, the elevator door opened, and Zeng Ping, Han Bin, Wei Zimo and others successively stepped down the elevator.

Li Hui cried, "team Zeng, Han Bin, Lao Wei You are all here

Han Bin said with a smile, "team leader Li's treat. How can we not come?"

With a smile on her face, Zhou Weina warmly invited, "everyone is standing. Let's go to the private room to talk."

The crowd arrived at the private room. There were two big round tables. This time, they were not divided into one group and two groups. They all sat together.

Zeng Ping sat beside Li Hui.

Li Hui couldn't help asking, "team Zeng, how's the case going?"

Zeng Ping joked, "there is no case on the wine table. I don't get the wine from the bridegroom and bride at noon. I have to have a good drink in the evening."

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Li Hui glanced at Zhou Weina and gritted his teeth. "Team Zeng, if the case is tough, I'll apply to return tomorrow."

Zhou Weina also looked over, but did not say anything.

Zeng Ping patted him on the shoulder, "no, you can have a down-to-earth honeymoon. Don't worry about the case."

"That's not good. Sister Zhao is not here, just you..."

"Don't worry." Zeng Ping interrupted him and pointed to Han Bin beside him. "I have discussed with Han Bin and asked him to come to the sub bureau to guide the investigation and set up a 6.26 joint task force to investigate the case together."

Li Hui was somewhat surprised, "really?"

"It's true, of course." Han Bin took the conversation, pointed to the side of Bao Xing, "this young man called Bao Xing, is the city Bureau of Criminal Investigation Brigade, will also participate in the 6.26 joint task force."

Bao Xing scratched his head, a little embarrassed, "leader Li, I'm here to eat today."

"Welcome. You're here to give me face. It's too late for me to be happy." Li Hui is really happy. With Han Bin and Zeng Ping's joint investigation, he has nothing to worry about. He can also have a down-to-earth honeymoon.

To say the least, if Han Bin and Zeng Ping can't solve the case together, it's useless even if he returns to the team.

The happiest is Zhou Weina. For a woman, honeymoon travel is once in her life. Who doesn't want to have a good memory.

She stood up and said, "team leader Zeng and team leader Han, I'd like to propose a toast to you."

Zeng Ping and Han Bin did not respond. Li Huimeng stood up and grabbed Zhou Weina's glass. "Don't, Nana, you can't drink now. I'll drink for you. I'll drink for you. "

No one asked Zhou Weina why she couldn't drink. All the people present were engaged in criminal investigation. They could guess more or less from the clues they had contacted before.

"My sister-in-law's toast. I'm sure I did. You almost mean it." Han Bin says in secret, if I didn't often invite you to eat cashew, it's really not certain that you can get married so soon.

In the past, Li Hui would certainly quarrel with Han Bin, but today's situation is different. He can continue his honeymoon trip only because of Han Bin. The other party has helped so much. Let alone say anything else, he has to show some attitude.

"Then you say how to drink, I listen to you." When it comes to drinking, Li Hui has never been afraid.

Han Bin said with a smile, "which round to get me to say, to say, is also team Zeng said."

Zeng Ping took over the conversation and said with a smile, "you are the bridegroom today. We don't bully you either. Let's have a fight first and activate the atmosphere."

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"All right." Li huichengzhu held his glass in both hands and said, "team Zeng, I'll start with you first. I'll give you a toast. I'll do it first..."


It took two hours to have a meal, and at nine o'clock in the evening, many people left.

But I didn't drink much wine. After all, I will continue to investigate tomorrow.

Li Hui is the groom who drinks the most, but he drinks a lot. Although he has a big tongue, his brain is still very clear.

Li Hui and Zhou Weina have been all the way to the door of the hotel to see everyone on board.

Han Bin and Li Hui live near each other, and they both drink wine, so they just take a car back.

On the way back, Li Hui handed Han Bin a cigarette, "binzi, thank you."

"Thank me for what?"

Li Hui reached out and patted Han Bin on the shoulder. "I know in my heart that you are willing to come to the sub bureau to guide the investigation. More than half of the reason is to help me. My brothers keep it in mind."

Han Bin said with a smile, "it's the proposal of Zeng team. He doesn't want to be complained by you for the rest of his life."

Zhou Weina is also very grateful to Han Bin, deliberately closer relationship, "by the way, why did not bring Wang Ting tonight, I also want to know her more."

"Today we are all colleagues in the Bureau, so we didn't ask her to come here. Next time, we'll spend more time together." Han Bin answered, showing a curious look, "by the way, where are you going to spend your honeymoon?"

"We originally planned to go to Erya, but later we thought that it was the same as our Qindao. If we want to go to the seaside, we can go on Saturday and Sunday. It's easier to eat seafood. Why go all the way to Erya?" Zhou Weina said, looking at Li Hui,"Later, after a discussion, we were ready to go to Menggu to see the prairie, learn to ride a horse, live in a yurt, taste horse milk wine, roast whole sheep, and feel the life of the grassland people."

"Hey, hey..."

Li Hui giggled and looked forward to it.

Maybe this is the so-called "women sing and men follow".

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