Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 655: 655

After collecting DNA, Jiang Yang and Jin Shaoyong leave the rest room.

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After a while, Bao Xing came back with Li Dingshan.

Li Dingshan asked with a smile, "officer Han, it's all over."

"I've finished asking about Jin Shaoyong." Han Bin said, "Mr. Li, I also want to ask you a few questions."

"Officer Han, I admit that I have been careless, but this matter..."

Han Bin waved his hand and interrupted, "Mr. Li, you are a smart man. But the police are not idiots, blindly perfunctory will only increase the suspicion of the police

"I'll ask you again, do you know anything about it?"

Li Dingshan hesitated for a long time before sighing, "I I'll tell you the truth. I know some, but I don't know the specific operation. I don't even know the name of that account. "

"I'm the general manager. I'm in charge of everything. If I do everything myself, why do I need Jin Shaoyong?"

Han Bin thinks this answer is more pertinent. He routinely asks a few questions, which are similar to Jin Shaoyong's.

He wanted to check Li Dingshan's number one software, but Li did not download it.

After finishing the record, Li Dingshan hesitated and said, "officer Han, I want to talk to you in private

Han nodded, he is not inhuman, this is a personal society, there is no need to do too much.

He said to Jiang Yang and Bao Xing, "go and take notes for Zhang Xiaoxin."

Two people out of the lounge, Li Dingshan took out a box of cigarettes, handed a Han Bin.

Now is chatting, not work, Han Bin this time did not refuse, took the cigarette.

Li Dingshan breathed a sigh of relief and said, "officer Han, if something happens to the program," let's generate electricity together ", will it be stopped?"

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Leng suangmei herbal tea company is the sponsor of the program. Once the program is stopped, it will definitely affect the company. According to the sponsorship contract signed before, Leng suangmei herbal tea company can claim compensation, so they can make some preparations in advance.

Han Bin perfunctory way, "at present, the police did not intervene in the recording of the program group, as for the future how, I do not know."

Li Dingshan said with concern, "officer Han, will our company be involved in the next investigation?"

Han Bin replied, "as long as your testimony and transcripts are not false, you don't have to worry about this."

"You can rest assured that there is no false element."

Han Bin warned, "this case is quite special. I hope you don't disclose it."

"I understand. I don't say it myself. I will also tell Jin Shaoyong and Zhang Xiaoxin not to talk nonsense. "

Li Dingshan is a businessman. After asking a few questions, he began to have a relationship with Han Bin. He invited Han Bin to have dinner with him in the evening. However, Han Bin politely declined.

Han Bin is here to investigate, and only to investigate.

Li Dingshan is a successful person and has a certain social relationship. If there is no need, Han Bin will not offend him, but he will not get too close to each other.

This degree, he can still hold.

Half an hour later, Li Dingshan personally took Han Bin and the three to the elevator.

After getting on the bus, Han Bin came to take a record. He looked at it and asked, "does Zhang Xiaoxin have a problem?"

Jiang Yang replied, "I don't see any problem at the moment. Her and Jin Shaoyong's statements are basically consistent. "

Han Bin read the record, said, "at present, it seems that the cold sour plum herbal tea company is not suspected. However, Jin Shaoyong's alibi still needs to be checked. "

Bao Xing turned his head and asked, "team leader, are we going to Quancheng?"

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Han Bin thought for a while and said, "ask the local police to assist in the investigation, and first transfer out the monitoring of the hotel, so as not to dream too much at night."


Huayuan community, room 1201, Hanbin's home.

The sound of a range hood came from the kitchen.

A graceful figure is cooking in the kitchen.

"Creak..." A glottal sound, Han Bin opened the door and came in.

Wang Ting poked her head out of the kitchen, "come back, the meal is almost ready, ready to wash your hands and eat."

Hanbin heart a warm, "Tingting, do what delicious."

"You'll know in a moment." Wang Ting put down a word, turned back to the kitchen busy.

Han Bin washed, changed into a household clothes into the kitchen, see Wang Ting is cooking, from behind her waist, "miss me."

"Fortunately, I didn't even send a message when I went out for a day."

"Blame me, blame me. There are so many things today that I didn't take care of them."

Wang tingjiao angry, "OK, I know you are busy, put the chopsticks on, ready to eat."

Han Bin gave her a kiss on the cheek. "It's nice to have you around."


A few minutes later, the meal was on the table.A fried prawns, a fried vegetable heart, a sour soup beef, staple food is rice.

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Wang Ting took off her apron and sat down at the table. "I don't make much Chinese food, and I don't know if it's delicious."

Han Bin said with a smile, "smell on the incense, certainly delicious."

"Then you should eat more and not leave any more."

"It must be." Han Bin put a prawn in Wang Ting's bowl.

Wang Ting gave Han Bin a piece of fat beef and pickled cabbage, "how do you taste it? I bought pickled cabbage in the supermarket."

Han Bin took a bite, a thumb, "sauerkraut is delicious, transparent, appetizing. It's just a good match for fat cattle. "

Wang Ting also tasted a piece and nodded, "the taste is really good. It seems that I have a talent for cooking."

"How did you start to study Chinese food and want to open another restaurant?"

"Siji cuisine is going bankrupt. I don't have the energy to open a new store." Wang Ting sighed, a pair of beautiful eyes looked to Han Bin, "by the way, if I lost my job, would you dislike me?"

Han Bin said, "I wish you had lost your job. I'll make delicious food for you at home every day. I'll support you."

"I'm afraid you'll be bored in a few days just talking about it."

Han Bin grabs Wang Ting's little hand, "as long as I'm with you, I'll never be bothered."

Wang Ting mouth slightly up, to Han Bin clip a vegetable heart, "numb to death, hurry to eat you."

"Yes, the leader." Han Bin saluted and took a big bite.

Wang Ting's appetite is small, and she has something on her mind. She doesn't eat much.

Han Bin gave face and ate all three dishes.

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After dinner, he let Wang Ting sit on the sofa to have a rest and went to the kitchen to wash the dishes.

After packing up, Han Bin washed some grapes and sat down beside Wang Ting.

"I just had one. It's sweet. Try it." Han Bin picks up a grape and feeds it to Wang Ting.

Wang Ting tasted it and nodded, "it's delicious."

With Han Bin's observation, Wang Ting had something on her mind for a long time. She asked, "Tingting, the business of Siji restaurant has a great influence."

"Yes, Japanese food is indispensable for salmon. People are as scared as tigers now, and the number of restaurant guests is less than half. I'm not the only one. Many Japanese food stores are like this. Some of them are closed directly. "

"What do you want to do?"

"I'm also considering that if I can't, I'll change the restaurant to another cuisine, but I haven't thought about it yet. I'm very upset." Wang Ting sighed and changed to another dish. It's easy to say, but it's hard to do.

First of all, should the decoration style be changed? If it is to be changed, the store should be redecorated. This is a lot of money. If the decoration style is not changed, I am afraid it will not match with the new cuisine style.

What's more important is how to deal with the problem of the back chef. Now the Four Seasons restaurant is full of Japanese cooks, so we need to find someone else to replace it with other cuisines. I feel headache when I think about it.

"Yes, it's really hard to do business now." Han Bin embraces Wang Ting's shoulder and comforts her, "but don't worry too much. It's normal to make money and lose money in business. If you can't, you can transfer the shop."

Wang Ting ate a grape, may be a little sour, slightly frown, "why transfer?"

"Han Bin said," this is not to be able to reduce some rent. "

"But the shop is mine."

Han Bin

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