Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 656: 656

The next morning, after Han Bin got up, Wang Ting was still sleeping.

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In order not to affect her rest, Han Bin didn't cook at home. He went to his parents for a meal and then went to work directly.

For the Four Seasons restaurant, Han Bin did not say more, also need not worry too much.

The shop of Siji restaurant is located in the center of the city. It has a good location. It doesn't worry about rent at all. Even if you can't open a restaurant, you can rent it out. Just collecting rent can cover the salary of an office worker.

Forget it, it's all tears.

Han Bin to the city Bureau, a push open the door of the office, Bao Xing ran over, "team leader, something happened."

"What's the matter?"

"The murder of Zhou Jingjing and Lu Jingfang was reported by new media."

"New media?"

"It's mainly the local anchors of the number one software in Qindao who are releasing relevant news. They not only know that Lu Jingfang and Zhou Jingjing were killed, but also know that both of them have participated in the "let's generate electricity together" program. In addition to other people's forwarding, this is the local news of Tiao. "

"Find out and let me see."

Han Bin is a little tired. Who leaked the news?

In recent days, Bao Xing has been paying close attention to the program "let's generate electricity together" and the first Tiao software, so he can find it for the first time.

Package star point open software, find a related video.

Han Bin opened it and saw that he was an anchor named little brother gang of Qindao. The video he sent lasted about seven minutes and the title was "let's make electricity together. The female guest of the program was killed!"

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Han Bin starts looking at the video.

At the beginning, there was a greasy man with his right index finger and middle finger close to the right side of his head, and he said, "dear tiaoyou, I'm little brother gang of Qindao. You can also call me brother gang. I like to eat meat from a jar best."

"Ha ha, I'm kidding."

"Don't talk too much. Let's get down to business today. We have a blind date show in Qindao called" let's make electricity together ". I don't know if you've seen it."

"I often watch it, but it's semi compulsive. What do you mean? It's my mother who controls the remote control in our family. My mother likes to watch it, so I watch it with her. At first I refused, but later It's delicious. "

"The program is really good. You can have a look if you are interested. But what I want to say today is not this. It's that the program is dead. There are two beautiful female guests, one is Zhou Jingjing and the other is Lu Jingfang. They are very characteristic and beautiful. I still have an impression. I don't know if you have seen them."

"Anyway, I think it's a pity that someone killed me when I was so young, so beautiful, or so cruel. It's not as good as Qin. "

"As for how the two girls died and who killed them, brother Gangzi is still under investigation, waiting for follow-up..."

"Well, let's talk about what we'll eat today." Gangzi took out a big bag from the table and shook it in front of the camera. "Big elbow, ha ha ha."

"There's nothing more comfortable than a little wine for the whole elbow tonight."

"old fellow who love it, give a double click, plus a wave of attention..."

After watching this video, Han Bin looks a little bit ugly, peat waiting for follow-up, also want to serial TV series how.

When you click on a video, Toutiao will push a large number of Related videos. Han Bin continues to watch. He is also a local anchor in Qindao, Jiaozhou xiaopea, a female anchor with two braids.

As for the content of the video, it is similar to that of little brother Gung of Qindao.

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Han Bin opened several related videos in a row, and the content was almost the same. They all mentioned "let's generate electricity together." they all mentioned that Lu Jingfang and Zhou Jingjing were killed, but the specific process of committing the crime and the place of death were not clear.

Rao is so, Han Bin also has some big head.

The influence of the water tower female corpse case is very bad. If people associate the water tower female corpse case with the female guests of "let's generate electricity together", it will certainly become a deceitful news.

The common people may be able to listen to something new and become a conversation after dinner, but for the police, it's definitely Alexander.

Han Bin must do something, can't let this kind of video serial, otherwise, the case and the police force will have no small impact.

Han Bin is a vigorous and resolute person. He directly reports to Ma Jingbo. When Ma Jingbo learns about the situation, he also thinks that this matter can be big or small. It's ok if nothing happens. If something happens, it's not a small matter.

Ma Jingbo paced and walked around the room for two times. He said, "the case has not been investigated clearly. This kind of video that reveals the situation of the case must not be distributed randomly. Go and study how to deal with it."

"I see."

"Go ahead, I'll report to the captain." After that, they went out of the office together, one to the East and the other to the West.

Back in the office, Bao Xing couldn't help asking, "team leader, what does the horse team say?"

Han Bin replied, "this kind of video may affect the investigation of the case, and it must be dealt with."Bao Xing said with a smile, "team leader, can I count as meritorious service?"

"You did a good job this time. You reacted quickly." Han Bin patted him on the shoulder and said to the crowd, "come here, let's have a little meeting to study this."

"We should all know the situation. The video that divulges the content of the case must not be distributed indiscriminately. The problem now is that it's not one person who publishes the information. How can we ban it?"

Bao Xing said, "they all have accounts in Tiao software. It's not difficult to find out their contact information, or call them directly to the police station."

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Han Bin thought for a moment and shook his head. "This method is too inefficient. It's not an anchor who publishes the news. There are many accounts to forward it."

Wang Xiao suggested, "or directly contact Toutiao company and ask them to coordinate."

Huang Qianqian asked, "is it illegal for them to release information about the case?"

Han Bin pinched his forehead, "it depends on the specific situation of the case and the relevant content released, so it can't be generalized. The problem now is that we don't have time to argue with them, and we can't do it all. I quite agree with Wang Xiao's proposal. "

"In this way, you can check whether Tiao company has a branch in Qindao. If so, let's go."

"Ding Ling Ling "Han Bin's mobile phone rings. It's Ding Xifeng.

"Hello, captain."

"Come to my office." Ding Xifeng finished and hung up his cell phone directly.

Han Bin ordered, "you continue to check, I'll go out."


Office of the leader of the municipal Criminal Investigation Brigade.

Ding Xifeng and Ma Jingbo are talking on the sofa.

"Dong Dong." There was a knock on the door outside.

"Come in."

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Han Bin pushed the door and came in, "team leader, horse team."

"Sit down." Ding Xifeng pointed to the opposite position, continued, "the situation, the horse team has told me."

"Your team did a good job and found the problem in time."

Ding Xifeng attached great importance to this matter. When he learned of the situation, he immediately reported it to the Bureau leaders, who also attached great importance to it.

The case of the corpse of a woman in a water tower has had a bad impact. If the media incites it again, it is easy to have a Qun incident, which is absolutely not allowed.

In the eyes of ordinary people, it's just a video. What's the big deal.

But this is a big thing.

If you stand in different positions, you will see different things and care about different things.

In a word, the top management of the Municipal Bureau attached no less importance to this matter than a homicide case.

Ding Xifeng said solemnly, "this matter must be dealt with as soon as possible. They must not be allowed to dig out the details of the water tower female corpse case, otherwise It may bring some uncontrollable factors. "

"Captain, I understand, but..." Han Bin considered for a while and said, "it's not easy to operate."

To put it bluntly, the current situation is that the accusation is small and the harm is great.

Moreover, they are all new media anchors and public figures. If the police have no reasonable reason to intervene, it is likely to be another piece of news.

A small group of netizens are not very friendly to the police.

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