Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 675: 675

The third interrogation room of the municipal Criminal Investigation Brigade.

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Fan Xianyi was handcuffed to the interrogation chair.

Han Bin and Bao Xing are in charge of the trial.

Han Bin put his information on the table, "should I call you Yang Xiao or fan Xianyi?"

Fan Xianyi smiles, "Yang Xiao is the name of my former classmate, I hate him very much."

What Han Bin is most afraid of is that the suspect does not speak, as long as he is willing to speak, it is a good phenomenon.

Han Bin pointed to the words on the back wall, "do you know how to read these words?"

Fan Xianyi glanced, "I'm a college student, and I know my words. Leniency for confession and strictness for resistance. "

"Since I know each other, I don't need to explain what it means."

"You don't need to explain. I don't like to hear an explanation." Fan Xianyi looks indifferent.

"Do you know Zhou Jingjing?"

Fan Xianyi shook his neck, "I can't remember."

"Then I'll remind you." Han Bin took a picture of Zhou Jingjing and put it on the interrogation chair. "This is her picture. Look carefully."

Fan Xianyi took a look. "Oh, it's this girl. I seem to have seen it on TV. What's the name of that program? Let's generate electricity together.". My mom loves it. "

"You also know her through this program and take her as the target of the crime," Han said

Fan Xianyi shrugged her shoulders, "you say so."

"Bang!" Bao Xing patted the table, "what do you mean we say is, what have you done yourself is not clear?"

Fan Xianyi glanced at Bao Xing and then turned her lips, as if to say who you are scaring.

Han Bin continued to ask, "how did you kill Zhou Jingjing?"

Fan Xianyi thought, "he was killed with a Nepal Army knife."

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Zhou Jingjing was strangled in the neck and suffocated to death. Fan Xianyi was talking nonsense. The way of killing was not right, and the testimony was meaningless.

Through a few questions, Han Bin has found out the other side's attitude, I'm afraid it's difficult for conventional inquiry to work.

Fan Xianyi even killed two people, kidnapped one, and made dangerous goods. Even if he pleads guilty, he will be sentenced to death.

It's not easy to get him to cooperate with the police interrogation.

Han Bin changed a question, "have you ever rented a house in Xiaofeng village? The landlord's name is Liu Xuezhi? "


"We found a pair of shoes with black dog paw pattern outside your rental house, aren't they yours?"

"You said it was outside, not in the house I rented. Why do you say it was mine?"

"First, there is a technology called DNA identification. Second, we have witnesses."

Fan Xianyi sighed, "that's it."

"Where did the shoes come from?"

"I bought it."

"Where did you get it?"

"From the stall."

"In which stall?"

"Ha ha." Fan Xianyi laughs, "brother, you've been to the stall. It's a huge area. How can I remember which stall it is?"

"Do you know that Zhou Jingjing once bought a pair of such shoes?"

"That's a coincidence. It seems that our aesthetic standards are in tune."

Have been pulled to the stall, and the liquidity of the stall is big, Hanbin also can't find someone to prove.

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Han Bin took a sip of tea and changed the topic, "do you know Lu Jingfang?"

Fan Xianyi shrugged her shoulders. "Yes, she was on the show" let's make electricity together ". She's a pretty girl, but she has some substance."

"Have you ever contacted her?"

"No, why do I contact her? I have no money and she doesn't like me."

"You drive a Mercedes without money?"

Fan Xianyi snorted.

"Where did you get the black Mercedes in your rented yard?" Han Bin has checked that there is no car under fan Xianyi's name.

"I don't know."

"What do you mean, I don't know if it's hard to make a car or it's falling from the sky?"

Fan Xianyi looked up at the ceiling, "once I was drunk and saw a car parked on the side of the road, so I drove back. Later, I drove blindly."

"Where did you pick up the car?"

"I said I was drunk. I can't remember."

Bao Xing scolded, "nonsense, do you believe in these lies?"

Fan Xianyi said seriously, "believe it, I believe it."

Han Bin is patient, "ask you again, have you contacted Lu Jingfang?"


"You lied. We checked your mobile phone. You once logged into Zhou Jingjing's head Tiao account, contacted Lu Jingfang with her head Tiao account, and asked her to come out to meet."

Fan Xianyi snorted, "now that you have found it, why do you ask me? Is that interesting? ""Bang bang!" Bao Xing patted the table, "fan Xianyi, correct your attitude, this is the police station, we are in the interrogation, understand?"

Fan Xianyi shrank back and said, "Yo, what do you want to do? Do you want to hit me? I'm so scared. "

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Bao Xingqi turned his head aside.

Han Bin leaned against the interrogation table, staring at each other, "since you don't want to talk about Zhou Jingjing and Lu Jingfang, let's talk about Wang Siyu."

Fan Xianyi looks slightly changed and lowers her head.

"What's your relationship with Wang Siyu?"

"She's my girlfriend."

"That's not what she said."

Fan Xianyi stares, "whether she admits it or not, it's all true."

Bao Xing sneered, "the fact is that you tied dangerous goods to her, which boyfriend will put that kind of thing on his girlfriend, you still have the face to say that she is your girlfriend."

"Everyone loves in different ways. My feelings for Siyu are true, but you can't understand it."

"I'm afraid not only we can't understand, but also Wang Siyu. Do you know what she calls you?"

Fan Xianyi asked subconsciously, "how to call it?"

"She said you were the devil."

Fan Xianyi clenched her fist and cried, "I'm not. I really love her. It's just that she doesn't understand. "

Han Bin said, "I don't think she will understand it in her life. Because you have no chance to see her again. "

Fan Xianyi sighed, "unfortunately, if we get along for a while, I believe He will understand that I really like her

"If you see her, is there anything else you want to say to her?"

"Yes, of course. I want to tell her that I mean it to her. I never wanted to hurt her. "

Han Bin said, "I can help you convey it."


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"Do I have to lie to you?"

"Why are you helping me? I don't believe you're so kind. "

Han Bin said, "our police are not unkind. As long as the suspect is willing to cooperate with the investigation, we will give some commutation policies as soon as possible. Your situation is quite special. If you don't care about commutation, we can help you in other ways as well. "

"At the end of the day, are you still investigating?"

Han Bin said, "of course, it's our duty."

Fan Xianyi hesitated for a while, "is she OK now?"

"Wang Siyu has returned to his family, but his mood is still a little unstable."

Fan Xianyi wring her hands together, sighed, "I don't want to talk, send me out."

Bao Xing said with a straight face, "what do you mean you don't want to talk? This is the interrogation room. We are interrogating you, understand?"

Fan Xianyi glanced at Bao Xing and said nothing.

After a while, fan Xianyi still did not respond.

Han Bin got up and said, "OK, you can think about it."

Later, Han Bin packed up and went out of the interrogation room.

Ma Jingbo also came out from the observation room beside him, "hum, this boy really refused to recruit."

When Ma Jingbo was arrested, he felt that fan Xianyi didn't cooperate with him. In addition, his accusation was heavy. It was not easy for him to open his mouth.

Han Bin nodded, "he should be very clear about his charges, know commutation is useless."

Ma Jingbo looked at his watch and said, "today is the day. What are you going to do tomorrow? "

Han Bin thought, "I want to see fan Xianyi's mother. There must be a process from an ordinary person to a murderer. Understanding this process may break his guard."

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