Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 676: 676

after work.

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Han Bin goes to his parents' home for dinner. What he eats is secondary. The key is to report peace to his father.

Han Bin did not expect to see himself, he is difficult to completely rest assured.

Han Bin accompanied his parents to dinner, while his mother was washing the dishes in the kitchen, chatting with his father about the case.

Han Weidong has worked in Qindao public security system for most of his life, and has many acquaintances in the Municipal Bureau. He knows a little about this case, but because of confidentiality, he doesn't know much about it.

However, the suspect has been caught and his son has not been injured, so he is relieved.

Rao is like this. He still takes advantage of his tea drinking and tells Han Bin to be careful in the future. Although investigation is important, his health is the capital of revolution and safety is the first.

Han Bin promised, he is not the kind of desperate person to solve the case.

After dinner, Han Bin went home to have a rest.

Today, Wang Ting also went back to his parents' home. The room was a little lonely.

Han Bin talked with Wang Ting about wechat, and went to bed after listening to the novel.

The next morning.

"Ding Ling Ling..." There was a ringing of the cell phone.

When Han Bin looks at his mobile phone, it's Li Hui.

Han Bin pressed the answer button, "Hello, group leader Li, where are you cool?"

"We came back last night. We wanted to call you, but we were afraid to disturb your rest. How's the case going?"

"The suspect has been caught and the victim has been rescued."

Li Hui smashed his mouth and said, "tut Tut, it's powerful. It's worthy of our leader Han. He solved the case before I came back."

"It's good for you to say that you've gone out and come back after investigating the case."

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Li Hui said with a bitter smile, "big brother, I'm also helpless. I'm in a dilemma. If I don't go, I'm afraid of my wife. When I went, I was thinking about the case again, and I didn't play at all. "

"Besides, I didn't expect to solve the case so soon. I didn't get a chance to show myself."

Han Bin yawned, "OK, stop pulling. It's time for me to get up and go to work. If you really feel in debt, please give us a good rub another day. "

Li Huixin swore, "it's OK. It's necessary."

Han Bin said with a smile, "but first say good, can't always eat kidney, change a taste."

Li Hui "..."

After getting up, Han Bin didn't go downstairs to his parents' house for dinner. Although the food made by his mother was delicious, it was good to change the taste occasionally.

There is a pancake stand near the Municipal Bureau. It tastes good. Two eggs, a ham, a fried dough stick and a cup of soybean milk are added to the pancake. Breakfast is basically enough.

When he arrived at the Municipal Bureau, Han Bin held a short meeting to prepare for the trial of fan Xianyi.

Yesterday's trial failed to pry open his mouth, today Hanbin to do more full preparation.

At the beginning of the meeting, Bao Xingxian talked about yesterday's trial and distributed the trial records to the public.

After waiting for everybody to see, Han Bin glanced, "what do you think?"

Wang Xiao put down the information, "this boy is now a dead pig, not afraid of boiling water, want to let him put down, not easy."

Bao Xing said with a smile, "that's right. If it was easy, the group leader and I would have abandoned him yesterday. "

Li Qin knocked on the information on the table," from the content of the transcript, fan Xianyi's attitude towards Wang Siyu is somewhat different from the previous two victims. "

Han Bin then said, "I also feel that fan Xianyi should be a bit sincere to Wang Siyu."

Huang Qianqian snorted, "like this kind of murderous devil, what's the truth. Wang Siyu is still shaking when he hears his name. It is estimated that he will leave a shadow all his life. "

On the contrary, Han Bin thinks that fan Xianyi's true feelings for Wang Siyu are not bad. On the contrary, they may help solve the case.

"Wang Xiao, you call Wang Siyu and invite her to the police station to take notes. Ask about the black dog paw print shoes, Mercedes Benz and other related clues. "

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"Sister Li, you should bring someone to examine Li yancui and ask about the source of dangerous goods. More importantly, you should ask fan Xianyi whether she has been stimulated or hurt before and whether she is hostile to women."

"I see."

"Pa pa." Han Bin slapped, "OK, the meeting will be here. Let's take action separately."

After arranging the task, Han Bin sits at the table drinking coffee. It's not easy to pry fan Xianyi's mouth open. It takes a lot of time and energy. Now Han Bin needs to keep his energy.

After a short rest, Han Bin went to Ma Jingbo's office to report the situation to him and discuss the next trial plan.

Near noon, the technology department sent the most important clue, fan Xianyi's DNA test report.

After comparison, fan Xianyi's DNA was completely consistent with the DNA found in the victims of the 626 joint project.

With this evidence, the next trial will be much easier.

……At two o'clock in the afternoon, fan Xianyi was brought into the interrogation room again.

He was interrogated by three people, Han Bin, Li Qin and Bao Xing.

Han Bin comes to the point, "fan Xianyi, how are you thinking about it?"

Fan Xianyi asked, "are you going to solve the case by trading with the suspect now?"

Han Bin replied, "our police are people-oriented. As long as the suspects are willing to cooperate with the investigation, they will give some convenience within the scope of the policy. To say the least, as long as you commit a crime, you will leave evidence. Even if you don't admit it, the police can still convict you. "

"Then tell me, how can I be offended?"

"Now I ask you, not you ask me." Han Bin opened his notebook, "between 9:30 p.m. and 1:30 a.m. on June 25, where are you?"

"I don't remember."

"I'll remind you, have you ever been to the construction site of Everbright real estate company in Yuhua District?"


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"Have you met Lu Jingfang?"

"I haven't seen it."

"Are you sure?"


"Then tell me, why does Lu Jingfang have your DNA in her body?"

Fan Xianyi was silent. After a long time, she said, "it can only prove that I had snapped with her, but it can't prove that I killed her."

Han Bin found out yesterday's record, "what about Zhou Jingjing? Yesterday you admitted killing her

"I'm talking nonsense."

"Why nonsense?"

"You must say that I killed Zhou Jingjing. I'm so angry that I'm talking nonsense."

"Have you met Zhou Jingjing?"

Fan Xianyi thought, "No."

"We also found your DNA in peritectic bodies."

"No way, she's all dead..." Fan Xianyi stopped halfway.

Han Bin then said, "do you want to say that her body was thrown into the water tower, why can DNA be detected?"

Fan Xianyi lowered her head and said, "anyway, I haven't killed anyone. If you have any evidence, you'll convict me of offending."

"Fan Xianyi, I hope you can take a correct attitude. It's in your best interest to cooperate with the police."

Fan Xianyi sneered, "what's good for? Let me plead guilty to murder and shoot me earlier. "

From Han Bin's experience, fan Xianyi's attitude is hard to communicate. He takes a look at Li Qin.

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Li Qin nodded and went to the interrogation table, "fan Xianyi, do you know Zhang Ranran?"

Fan Xianyi glared at her and didn't speak.

Li Qin took out a picture, "see clearly, recognize?"

"It's none of your business."

"You haven't seen each other for a long time." Li Qin took a picture of fan Xianyi with her mobile phone and said, "I don't know what kind of thoughts she will have when she sees what you look like now. You two are childhood sweethearts and have such a good relationship. She should be very sad."

"Fart, she won't be sad, delete my picture."

"That won't do." Li Qin shook her mobile phone. "I'm going to make a video call with her and ask her a few questions. Your photos should be used as evidence for her to identify."

Fan Xianyi gritted her teeth and said, "my business has nothing to do with her."

"Since it doesn't matter, why are you so excited? I heard that you grew up together. She should know you very well. I just routinely ask about some cases. "

Fan Xianyi asked loudly, "she has gone to America. We haven't seen each other for many years. Why do you ask her?"

Bao Xing said, "don't meet doesn't mean no contact, you can use the head Tiao, how convenient, can private letter, but also video, how good."

Fan Xianyi scolded, "I bought a watch last year!"

Bao Xing said with a sneer, "when I follow Zhang Ranran's video, I must ask her if I know about your murder."

"You can't do this. Don't tell her about me, a bunch of assholes."

"We are bastards. What are you and what are the two innocent women you killed?" Bao Xing patted the table and scolded, "for Zhou Jingjing, Lu Jingfang and Wang Siyu, you are the real devil."

Han Bin patted Bao Xing on the shoulder, indicating that he should not be so excited, "fan Xianyi, since you don't want to move, then do it first. We'll ask some of the people involved in the case, maybe we can find something new. "

Fan Xianyi stares at Han Bin, where can't hear his implication, takes a deep breath, "don't contact Zhang Ranran, I'll call."

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