Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 684: 684

Han Bin said subconsciously, "who has the final say in the company?"

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Li Shiwei deliberated, "I am mainly responsible for the operation. However, the nature of our company is a collective economic company. The villagers use land to take shares, and they hold more shares. If the company really wants to make any major decisions, I also want to discuss with the village committee. "

Han Bin roughly understood that Fang Jinshan, as the village head, has a certain say in the company.

"What's the name of the security guard who stands guard in the financial office?"

Li Shiwei replied, "one is the Jockey Club, the other is Zhang Jinhui. They are all old employees of the company, at least for two or three years. "

"We'll find them later. We need to know something."

Li Shiwei was embarrassed. "They are both injured. Now they are in the hospital."

"Is it serious?"

Li Shiwei frowned. "One of his heads was broken and shed a lot of blood."

"Then see a doctor first, and after that. In addition, find Lin Zhengyi, the accountant of your company. "

"No problem. I'll call it for you." With that, Li Shiwei left.

Han Bin and others on the second floor, turn left, the second door is the financial room, financial room on the door of a surveillance camera has been smashed.

The corridor was covered with hardened ground, and no obvious footprints could be seen.

The financial room is equipped with a blue security door. There are signs of being pried near the door lock. The lock has been broken.

Jiang Yang hit it, hit it mouth, "dare to pry the door in broad daylight, bold enough."

Director Tang said, "when I looked at the scene, I also felt that the suspects were too arrogant. How much noise they had to pry the door in broad daylight. Later, Li Shiwei told me that most of the warehousing companies are stevedores, and there are not many people in the office building. That day, I went to the brigade to have dinner. There was no one in the building at all, just two security guards guarding outside the financial room. "

"What's more, the robbers were armed, and the staff didn't dare to take care of them when they saw them."

Han Bin nodded, walked into the financial room and looked at it. The financial room is about 20 square meters. On the left side, there are two work together, behind which are a glass cabinet and a safe.

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On the right side is a sofa with a coffee table and an iron cabinet. The door of the cabinet has been opened and there is a padlock on the ground. It looks like it was knocked off.

Han Bin looked around, and a monitor was installed on the top of the financial room, which had been destroyed.

Han Bin in the room carefully looked at some, in addition to the sofa next to a pool of blood, did not leave a particularly obvious trace.

Then, Han Bin with people out of the financial room, the scene to the technical section.

"Wang Xiao, you take people to check the surveillance. Maybe you can get some clues before the camera is destroyed."


"In addition, check the surveillance in the yard. More than 3 million is not a small number. The suspect can't move away. There must be transportation." Han Bin exhorted.

"I know." Wang Xiao answered and called Jiang Yang to leave.

Before long, Li Shiwei led a man in his thirties to come over and said, "Captain Han, this is accountant Lin."

Lin Zhengyi cried, "Hello, Captain Han, my name is Lin Zhengyi."

Han Bin looked at each other and said to Li Shiwei, "manager Li, do you have a meeting room in your company? We need to use it temporarily."

"Yes, there is a large conference room on the third floor." With that, Li Shiwei took them to the third floor.

After the arrangement, Han Bin let Li Shiwei go first. In addition to the police, Lin Zhengyi was the only one in the meeting room.

Lin Zhengyi squeezed out a smile, "Captain Han, what can I do for you?"

"Sit down, you don't have to be nervous, just make a note for you."

Lin Zhengyi sat at the conference table, "Oh, please ask."

"How long have you been with this company?"

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"It's more than three years. I used to work as an accountant in a factory, and then I came to Fanglong storage company."

"Who else works in the accounting office besides you?"

Lin Zhengyi replied, "and the cashier of the company. She's from Fangjing village. She didn't come to work today. She went to eat in the brigade."

"Does your company hold this kind of cash dividend every year?"

"I didn't know before, but I've been paying cash dividends for more than two years."

"Have you ever taken money with you before?"


"Is this withdrawal different from before? For example, have you been followed? "

"I don't know. I'm nervous with so much money around me. I just stare at the money and don't look at other places. By the way, the police of the police station also withdraw money with us. "

"Who was the last one to leave the finance office after the withdrawal?"

"I don't know."

"Before you left, were the monitoring and the iron cabinet damaged?"

"No"Which bank did you draw money from?"

"Luzhou bank, 208 intercity road."

"Who knows about your withdrawal?"

Lin Zhengyi showed a wry smile, "it's more than that. Village head Fang has already told the villagers that we are going to pay dividends today. Anyone who has a heart can guess that we are going to withdraw money."

"Where were you at the time of the crime? Did you see the robbers?"

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"I went to the village committee to have dinner."

Bao Xing interjected, "isn't it the banquet held by the brigade?"

Lin Zhengyi smiles, "you see, it's urban people. Some rural people are not used to calling village committees. They are all called brigades. In fact, it's a place."

"Is Li Shiwei over there, too?"

"Yes, he is, too."

Han Bin thought about it and asked, "during this time, are there any strangers staying near the finance room?"

"I didn't notice."

"Where is the cashier in your company?"

"I came to the company immediately after the accident. I don't know where she is now."

"Do you have any contact information?"

"Yes, her name is Deng Xiaoli, and her mobile number is 1557263xx."

"Accountant Lin, don't leave the company for the time being. The financial office is still in the process of investigation, and we may find out more about it from you. "

"I know."

Han Bin closed the notebook, "OK, thank you for your help."

"It should be. It's very disturbing when this happens." Lin Zhengyi scratched her hair, then stood up, "Captain Han, if it's OK, I'll go first."

Bao Xing took out a business card, "accountant Lin, you can call me if you think of any clues."

"All right." Lin Zhengyi took the card and walked out of the conference room.

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At this time, only Han Bin, Li Qin, Bao Xing and Tang Liping were left in the room.

"Director Tang, you know more about the situation nearby. What do you think of this case?"

Tang Liping hesitated for a moment. "Generally speaking, in this kind of robbery, the suspect either comes to the spot or has an insider before committing the crime. But the situation at Fong lung warehouse is a bit complicated. "

"Fanglong company's cash dividend has been on TV, and it's done once a year. Several villages around know it, and not a few are envious."

"The dividend issue was announced in advance. There are many people and many people. It is estimated that it has been spread for a long time. The scope is too wide and too ostentatious. Everyone knows that you are paying a dividend today. Everyone knows that you have a large amount of cash and who you don't want to rob."

"To put it in a bad way, it's nothing to look for." How can Tang Liping not be bothered by such a big case in his jurisdiction.

Tang Liping made some sense, but when he thought about it, he didn't put forward any useful suggestions.

Han Bin asked, "where is Fangjin mountain in Fangjing village?"

"When the villagers of the seventh group of Fangjing village learned that the dividend had been robbed, they all fried the pot one by one. Village head Fang appeased the villagers in the village committee. That's enough for his headache. "

"When the situation over there is stable, you ask him to come. I'd like to ask him a few questions."

"All right, I'll watch."

"Dong Dong..." Just then, the door of the conference room rang, and mahiwen from the technology department came in.

In his thirties, mahiwan, with a thick eyeglass frame, is already balding, which makes him look older.

"Captain Han, the scene has been investigated."

"Did you find anything?"

"Debris and bloodstains from the camera have been collected. In addition, the financial office also found some fingerprints, ready to take them back for comparison. Some cigarette butts have been found on the ground, so we need to take them back for identification. "

Han Bin nodded, "it's hard for you."

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