Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 685: 685

At this time, it was noon and the site investigation was completed.

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Han Bin takes people to eat something nearby, and then returns to Fanglong storage company again.

Han Bin analysis of the case is likely to be committed by acquaintances, but the scope of acquaintances is larger, including several surrounding villages.

The cash flow of a warehousing company is not big. Unlike banks and gold stores, the latter are two bright signs. As long as you see these two signs, everyone knows that people with money, whether local or foreign, are likely to commit crimes.

But Fanglong storage company is different. Most of the time, this company doesn't have much cash. It only has a lot of cash on the day of dividends, and it only has two hours to commit a crime. The robbers have a good grasp of the timing of the crime, which is very difficult for foreign robbers to do.

If the burglar can pry open the security door in a short time, the robber looks like an experienced veteran and may have a criminal record. This requires the assistance of the local police station. They are familiar with the situation nearby.

As for the fingerprints and cigarette butts found in the financial office, they may not necessarily be left by the robbers, but also by the staff.

In other words, no particularly valuable clues have been found so far.

"Captain Han." Wang Xiao comes over and interrupts Han Bin's thinking.

"The robbers were found in the surveillance."

"Point it out and let me see."

Wang Xiao moved a laptop computer to Han Bin's side and opened the video screenshot.

"This is the surveillance screen outside the finance room. There are three robbers, all wearing professional black hoods and white gloves. Two robbers with knives, one with pistols, the three of them quickly controlled the two security guards

"Then one of the robbers broke the surveillance camera with a long stick."

Wang Xiao also switched a monitoring screen, "this is the internal monitoring of the financial room. Two security guards have been knocked unconscious and dragged into the financial room. One of the robbers still has a crowbar in his hand. Before long, he knocked out the internal monitoring of the financial room."

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"I went over the two monitors and found a tattoo on one of the robbers' right arm." Wang Xiao operated the computer again to enlarge a picture.

Han Bin observed, and sure enough, he saw a tattoo on the right arm of a robber wearing a half sleeve. The tattoo looked like a dragon, but the shooting angle was not very good, and the sleeve covered part of it, so he could not see the specific pattern of the tattoo.

"Has anyone seen this tattoo?"

Everyone gathered around to check.

Bao Xing scratched his head and said, "I can't see clearly. I'd better give it to the technology department to see if I can find a clearer image."

Wang Xiao said, "I've finished watching these two videos. The main reason why I can't see the tattoo clearly is because the angle and the short shirt block it. I'm afraid it's not easy to deal with it."

Han Bin turned to look at Tang Jinping, "director Tang, you are familiar with the situation nearby. Do you have any impression of this tattoo?"

Tang Jinping felt his chin and thought, "most of those naughty little gangsters have tattoos. I have to go back to check this."

"I'll trouble you."

"It should be."

Wang Xiao switched the screen again and changed to the monitoring image at the door, "this golden cup car is the car of the storage company, and it is also used to transport cash. The car entered the company at 10.5. "

"At about ten o'clock, another white van came in with the license plate number of Lu b124dc. The white van left at 10:50 and stayed for 40 minutes, which is exactly the time of the crime. "

"I suspect that this is the suspected vehicle carrying the stolen money."

Han Bin nodded, "this clue you go to check."

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"Ding Ling Ling..." Just then, Tang Jinping's mobile phone rang.

Tang Jinping went to one side to answer the phone, and soon came back again, "team Han, the two injured security guards have come back."

Both men have seen the robbers and their testimony is important to the case.

Han Bin discusses with Tang Jinping and asks Tang Jinping and Jiang Yang to take notes for the club.

Han Bin and Bao Xing take notes for Zhang Jinhui, and then compare the two records.

Before long, the security guard named Zhang Jinhui was taken to the conference room.

Zhang Jinhui is not very old. He looks twenty-seven or twenty-eight years old. He has a bandage on his head. His face is a little yellow. He is weak when he walks. He looks a little weak.

"Comrades of the police, you are looking for me."

Han Bin made a please gesture, "sit down."

Zhang Jinhui sat on the chair with some formality, "Comrade police, did you catch those robbers?"

Han Bin smile, "which has so fast, we invite you to just want to know some of the situation at that time."

Zhang Jinhui sighed, "these three people are really vicious, one with a gun, two with a knife, we even dare not move, come up to my head, I fainted.""I've seen the surveillance at that time. It seems that your head didn't break when you were knocked unconscious, and you were knocked unconscious outside. Why did you bleed when you got inside?"

"Yes, I was knocked unconscious outside, and then I lost consciousness. When I woke up again, I was in the financial room. As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw three robbers. They found me knocked unconscious again."

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"After we were rescued by the company, I found that my head was bleeding, which scared me. I went to the hospital for several stitches, and now it still hurts."

Han Bin scratched on his notebook and continued to ask, "did you see what the robber looked like?"

"No, the robbers are wearing black hoods, just like in the movie. They only show their eyes and mouth and can't see clearly."

"If you think about it carefully, are there any characteristics of the robber's figure and clothes?"

"One of the robbers was wearing jeans, another was wearing black trousers, and one of them was wearing a brown black T-shirt." Speaking of this, Zhang Jinhui suddenly thought of something, "by the way, a robber has a tattoo on his right shoulder."

"What kind of tattoo."

"It's like a dragon tattooed on it."

"Be specific."

Zhang Jinhui lowered his head and pinched his temple. "I remember, it's a dragon with a sword."

"Can you draw it?"

"I only saw half of it. The robber was wearing a half sleeve, which just blocked part of it. I couldn't see the whole picture of the tattoo clearly, and I had a general impression that I knew what it was. I couldn't say whether I could draw it. "

" we have professional Sketchers. You can communicate with them at that time. "

"Yes, I'll try."

"Did you hear the robbers?"

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"We were so scared when we saw the gun. We were too nervous to remember."

"What kind of gun?"

"Black pistol?"

"Do you know what style it is?"

"I don't know about guns, and I can't tell."

"It's OK. I'll ask my colleagues to show you some pictures of guns later. You can help identify them."

"Well, I was staring at the gun. I remember that very well."

Han Bin continued to ask, "was there anything unusual before the robbers came?"

Zhang Jinhui thought, "we were called by manager Li, and accountant Lin was there at that time. He asked us to guard at the door. Manager Li left first, and then accountant Lin closed the door and left. We were guarding at the door. "

"I had a chat with the Jockey Club for a while. In a few minutes, I saw three robbers coming. The stairs are not far from the finance room. We didn't have much reaction time at that time. "

Han Bin asked, "did you know why I let you guard the financial room at that time?"

"I know, Fangjing village is going to pay dividends today, and the money we got is put in the finance room. Both the club and I have batons, but we are afraid of accidents. As a result..." Zhang Jinhui looked embarrassed and sighed,

"Comrade police, it's not the two of us who are timid, it's the other side who has guns and two machetes. We really..."

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