Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 709: 709

"Thank you." Chen Shanmei showed a grateful look, "after finding my husband's body, can you refuse to donate again? I want to cremate the body as soon as possible, which can be regarded as an account to my family."

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Han Bin has never been in touch with a similar situation before, "we are not very clear about this. You'd better communicate with relevant departments."

"As long as the Public Security Bureau doesn't care, I don't care about other departments. After finding my husband's body, I'll burn it immediately. If anyone dares to stop me, I'll fight with him."

Han Bin hesitated for a while, and finally did not speak, without the suffering of others, do not persuade others to be good.

"What company did your husband work for?"

"Guangcheng international instrument company."

Han Bin recorded in the book, "before he died, did he encounter any abnormality in his work?"

"He seldom talks about work, and I don't know."

Han Bin took out a picture and put it upside down in front of Chen Shanmei. "There's a picture. I hope you can help me identify it, but it's a bit scary. It's a picture of a female corpse. Can you see it in yourself?"

"Does this picture have anything to do with my husband?"

Han Bin replied, "yes, the person in the photo may have something to do with the theft of your husband's body."

Chen Shanmei took a deep breath, "I see."

Han Bin turns the photo over.

Chen Shanmei took a look and shrunk in horror. "This Is she a body donor, too? "

"The situation of this corpse is quite special. We don't know her identity yet. The reason why we asked you to help us identify her is to see if you or your husband had any contact with her before he died?"

Chen Shanmei looked carefully with courage, "is there any clearer picture? This one looks a little fuzzy. "

"No, this is the clearest picture we can find. It's about 70% or 80% similar to me. If you have met each other, you should have an impression."

Chen Shanmei turned her head to one side, "I don't know."

Han Bin put the photo away, "let's talk about it today. When we have news, I'll let officer Li inform you. If you think of any clues, you can also contact officer Li directly. "

Chen Shanmei stood up and frowned, "Captain Han, why did those people steal my husband's body?"

Han Bin shook his head, "it's not clear yet."

"Well, I'll go first." Chen Shanmei put on her bag, said hello to the crowd and left.

Li Qin took her out of the office.

Huang Qianqian took a cup of coffee and sighed, "it's not easy for the elder sister to die at a young age. Now there's a second injury. It's so disturbing. "

Li Qin came back and said, "there are a few people who are not bothered when they are alive. Just get used to it. "

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Huang Qianqian shrugged her shoulders. "I can't get used to it. I still want to be simple."

Han Bin ordered, "Sister Li, Bao Xing, you two go to the company where Wu Jianfei was living to investigate."

They cleaned up and left.

Han Bin opened the record, and then began to look at the old case file. I want to see if there have been similar cases before.

"Dong Dong..." Just then, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in, please."


The door opens from the outside, and mahevin of technology comes in.

Han Bin warm greetings, "mago is coming, please sit down."

Ma Xiwen handed the document to Han Bin, "we put the screenshot of the female body into the database and found a missing woman with similar appearance."

Han Bin took the document and opened it.

Name of the missing person, Gao Aixia

gender, female

date of birth, May 8, 1990

native place, Qindao City, Yuhua District,

time of disappearance, May 27, 2020

reporter, Gao Wenjun (relationship with the missing person, father and daughter), Xia Hongqi (relationship with the missing person, mother and daughter)

there is also a photo of Gao Aixia in the upper right corner.

Han Bin put down the information in his hand, "the clarity of the screenshot is not very high, how sure is it?"

Mahiwen estimated, "about 80% or 90%."

Han Bin nodded, with a not very clear screenshot for comparison, the accuracy has been very high.

"Margo, do you have any other tests?"

Ma Xiwen organized the language for a while. "We collected some antiseptic liquid from the pool. Originally, I wanted to try to see if we could extract DNA from the antiseptic liquid, but it didn't succeed."

"However, it was unexpectedly found that there were other ingredients in the antiseptic solution besides formalin. As for the specific substance, it has not been found out yet."

"Of course, you can also ask the medical school directly. If they can give us some hints, it will be easier for us to compare them directly."Han Bin thought, "well, I'll send you a mobile phone number later. The owner of the phone is the general manager of Qindao medical college. He should know more about the ingredients in that pool besides formalin."

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"That's it. You're busy. I'll go first." Ma Xiwen put down a word, put his hands in his pocket and walked away.

Han Bin knocked the document with his hand, "Qianqian, contact the parents of the missing person and let them come to the police station to identify them."

"Yes." Huang Qianqian should a, take the document to one side busy.

Han Bin looks at his watch and gets up to go to Ma Jingbo's office.

See Hanbin come in, Ma Jingbo handed him a cigarette, "you come just in time, yesterday's case investigation how? Have you identified the female body? "

Han Bin replied, "the technology department compared the photos of the female corpse with the missing persons database and found a person with high similarity in appearance. I have asked Huang Qianqian to inform her family members to recognize the corpse."

Ma Jingbo smoked a cigarette, "do you have a clue about this case?"

Han Bin shook his head slightly, "No. In the morning, I made a note for the wife of the male general teacher, who also failed to provide any valuable clues. At present, it is impossible to determine the purpose of the suspect. "

Ma Jingbo warned, "by the way, I heard that the school is about to start. This case should be kept confidential and not affect students' normal study and life."

Han Bin vomited a cigarette, "this aspect of the school or do well, in addition to some relevant personnel, the school teachers do not know this."

"Is there any connection between male teachers and female corpses?"

Han Bin shrugged his shoulders, "in addition to knowing that two bodies have been put into the same antiseptic pool, no other connection has been found."

Ma Jingbo took two deep breaths, then put out the cigarette end. "A few years ago, I investigated a case, which is similar to this case. Do you want to hear it or not? Maybe there is something in common."

Han Bin sat up straight, "yes, of course, you said."

Ma Jingbo recalled for a moment, "it was a case of female disappearance. At the beginning, the police station was responsible for the investigation. They found some clues and thought that the female might have an accident, so they handed it over to the criminal investigation team of the sub Bureau."

"I was not transferred to the Municipal Bureau at that time, and I also participated in the investigation of this case. The female victim disappeared at night. According to our conjecture, she was probably asked out by an acquaintance."

"We divided the investigation into two directions at that time, one is to find the trace of the victim, and the other is to investigate the relationship around the victim."

"The community where the female victim lives is not monitored. It's just like the evaporation of the human world. We haven't found her trace. But in the investigation of her ex boyfriend, we found that there was something wrong with his alibi. "

"Through in-depth investigation, we found that the boyfriend of the female victim did not agree to break up. Before her disappearance, she was still pestering the female victim. The emotional entanglement between the two people was very deep. The boyfriend of the female victim even threatened her with suicide to get back together."

"After that, we investigated the whereabouts of the former boyfriend of the female victim in detail, and found that he rented a house not long ago, which was not close to his company because of its location."

"We applied to search the rental room and found the body of the female victim in it. At that time, I remember very clearly that the female victim was naked and soaked in the bath full of liquid. The toilet smelled of antiseptic liquid and almost didn't choke people to death."

"The treatment of the victim's body in that case is very similar to that in this case."

Han Bin asked subconsciously, "what about the murderer?"

"It's been shot."

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"Why did he do this to the body?"

Ma Jingbo lit another cigarette and leaned on the sofa to take a puff. "Everything in the world has to have a degree. Once it's over, it's not a good thing."

"The murderer of that case loves the victim too much. That kind of love has reached an unforgettable level. Without the female victim, the murderer feels that the world is meaningless."

"When the female victim broke up, the murderer was hit hard. He couldn't accept it. He still loved the female victim. No, to be exact, he should love her very much."

"As I said before, everything has to be measured."

Han Bin took over the words, "so the murderer killed the female victim by AI shenghen, and saved her body."

Ma Jingbo touched his chin. "It can't be said that love begets hate. At the time of interrogation, he never said a word of hate. As long as he mentioned the female victim, he had a kind of heartfelt happiness. His eyes were like light. I think he still loved the female victim and didn't have hate."

"In his words, he hopes to let the female victim come back to him in this way, and the two people will never separate."

"In the end, I asked him, and I didn't regret it."

"He answered in the affirmative, without regret."

"This case left a deep impression on me, first, because of the way the body was preserved, and second, because of the murderer's feelings towards the victim. He loves her a little too much, but it's easy to hurt. ""Of course, whether this kind of dangerous love can be regarded as love or not depends on different opinions."

Han Bin listened very carefully, roughly understood Ma Jingbo's meaning, "you mean, the murderer of this case, is also likely to be born from love hate."

Han Bin still thinks that it's more appropriate to use love to hate. If killing people in this way is still love, then this kind of love is too terrible.

Ma Jingbo said, "I just want to provide you with a reasonable motive. You can use it for reference. At least, I can't think of any other reason for the moment. "

Han Bin pondered for a moment, "if, as you said, the purpose of the suspect in this case is also to save the female body, then why steal the male body?"

Ma Jingbo flicked the ash, "I guess there are two possibilities. One is that it's hard to deal with the corpse left in the school. Another, he wants to use the male gross teacher to do experiments to see if he can successfully preserve the body

Han Bin said thoughtfully, "this point can be explained, but why the suspect must carry the female corpse to the school, as if it is safer to find a remote place outside to fight corruption."

"It doesn't have to be. Safety depends on which aspect. It's not necessarily safer outside than in school." Ma Jing Bolton continued, "take the case in that year, a bath pool was filled with antiseptic liquid, and the smell was so strong that the neighbors could smell it. If we have another day or two in the evening, maybe our neighbors will take the initiative to respond to this situation. "

"Besides the case of Qindao Medical College, I think it's dangerous to transport the body to the school, but in fact, Qindao medical college is really a good place to hide the body. Students and teachers did not start school, the school has been closed, almost no one to go. There is also a ready-made antiseptic solution. It's easier to operate. "

"Besides, the two bodies were successfully transported out, leaving no valuable clues. That's a good place for the suspect to choose. "

Han Bin smile, "you say so, really is such a thing."

Ma Jingbo said, "OK, I just want to provide you with a reference. Don't disturb your own thinking. We should investigate according to the existing evidence."

Han Bin said solemnly, "team horse, it's better to listen to you than to read for ten years."

At least for now, the motive proposed by Ma Jingbo is tenable.

Ma Jingbo waved his hand and said with a smile, "OK, you don't want to wear a hat for me. What should you do? What should you do?"

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"If you're busy, I'll go." Han Bin gets up and leaves Ma Jingbo's office.

No matter what, the priority now is to find out the identity of the female corpse. Only in this way can we carry out the next investigation.


Guangcheng international instrument company.

Li Qin and Bao Xing find ye Hanji, general manager of the company.

Ye Hanji is in his fifties. He is tall and has dark skin. He has a beer belly. He laughs at people and has a gold tooth.

"Two comrades, what can I do for you in our company?"

"We are here today to investigate a criminal case. We want to know something about your company."

Ye Han Ji Leng for a moment, "what case?"

"Do you know Wu Jianfei?"

"Wu Jianfei." Ye Hanji muttered, "Oh, how can I mention him. Knowing is knowing, but He didn't last year. "

"What is your relationship with Wu Jianfei?"

"It's just the relationship between colleagues. He has been in our company for several years, and his performance has been good. Unfortunately, there are no younger people. If you work for two years, you may become a department manager. "

Bao Xing said, "do you know how Wu Jianfei died?"

"He died of illness. It has nothing to do with our company. It has nothing to do with our company. "

Li Qin asked, "but as far as we know, your company is in the sales industry and often drinks. Is his death related to excessive drinking?"

"You see what that says." Ye Hanji sighed, "there's no one who doesn't drink in business now. Let alone we do sales, it's the same in other industries. Do you want to climb up and not win people over?"

"Look at my stomach. I drink too. If I don't drink, I can sit where I am now."

"Before Wu Jianfei died, was there anything unusual in the company?"

"How long has it been? I can't remember that." Ye Hanji waved his hand and looked curious. "Comrade police, he has been dead for so long. Why are you still investigating this matter? Is there anything wrong with his death?"

Bao Xing did not answer the rhetorical question, "what do you think?"

Ye Hanji touched his nose, "this It's hard to say

"It's hard to say. You know what to say."

Ye Hanji hesitated for a moment, "have you talked to Wu Jianfei's wife?"

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