Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 710: 710

two o'clock in the afternoon.

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Han Bin is lying on the folding chair, chatting with Wang Ting on wechat.

"Creak..." When the glottis rings, Li Qin and Bao Xing come in.

Bao Xing yawned, "ah, the road is blocked. Today is not a good day. How come there are so many cars."

Wang Xiao said, "traffic jam is a good thing. It shows that the economy of Qindao is recovering. If everyone stays at home and doesn't come out, then something really happens."

Han Bin put away his mobile phone, "how's the check?"

Li Qin took a glass of water and sat down on his seat. "We went to Guangcheng international instrument company and met ye Hanji, general manager of the company. We made a record for him and asked about Wu Jianfei's situation in the company. "

"According to him, there was nothing unusual about Wu Jianfei in the company before his death. He also thought it was quite sudden and denied that Wu Jianfei's death was related to the company's business."

"At the same time, he also provided a clue. According to him, before Wu Jianfei died, he had a bad relationship with his wife Chen Shanmei. They quarreled for three days and even got divorced for a time."

Jiang Yang said, "this can only show that the couple's feelings are general, but also can't show that Wu Jianfei's death is related to his wife."

Bao Xing went on to say, "ye Hanji also provided a clue. Before Wu Jianfei died, he always suspected that there was someone outside his wife. Once when he was drunk, he even scolded his adulterer Yin, who would have retribution sooner or later."

Han Bin stood up and put the folding bed away. "Chen Shanmei came to the police station to take notes. You've all seen her before. What do you think of it?"

Bao Xing smiles, "now women know people and face, but they don't know each other. I have little contact with women, and I don't have much experience. I don't see it."

Huang Qianqian snorted, "you beat a group of people to death with this stick. If you think that women have bad intentions and are single all their lives."

Bao Xing quickly explained, "I don't mean that. Qianqian, you and Sister Li must be good women. I mean those unfamiliar women."

Li Qin said, "I think it's two things. First of all, we don't know whether Chen Shanmei really has an affair. If Chen Shanmei had an affair, it might not be related to Wu Jianfei's death. I have more contact with Chen Shanmei. I personally feel that she should not be such a person. "

"Of course, my feeling may not be accurate. I still have to speak with evidence."

Han Bin nodded, "Sister Li is right, regardless of the possibility, this is a clue. Sister Li, make another appointment with Chen Shanmei to make a supplementary record for her. "

"I understand."

Han Bin said, "of course, the focus of the investigation is still on the female corpse, to find out the identity of the female corpse as soon as possible, to find a breakthrough in the case." Han Bin looked at his watch and said, "that's all. Let's start working. By the way, if Sister Li and Bao Xing are sleepy, they can squint for a while. "

Li Qin said, "I forget it. I squinted in the car for a while. Bao Xing has been driving. Let him have a rest. "

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Han Bin out of the office to wash a face, people immediately a lot of spirit.

In the morning, he talked with Ma Jingbo for a while, and felt that the case Ma Jingbo said had certain similarities, so he applied to check the case file.

Han Bin went to the archives to explain the situation, the application has passed, he got the file very smoothly.

Back in the office, Han Bin began to carefully look at the files. He checked and recorded the suspect's motives, modus operandi and handling process one by one.

Since there are similarities in the cases, some of them can be used for reference.

While looking at it, Han Bin took notes and wrote down some important information.

"Creak..." A glottal ring, Huang Qianqian led a man and a woman came in.

The two men and women, in their fifties, supported each other. Their faces showed the look of their backs. As the woman walked, she choked.

Huang Qianqian said, "team Han, these two are Gao Aixia's parents. They are here to identify the corpse."

After that, Huang Qianqian turned to introduce Han Bin, "this is our team leader and the person in charge of the case."

Gao Aixia's mother grabbed Han Bin's arm. "Captain Han, who killed my daughter? You must take revenge on her."

Han Bin helped her to sit down and comforted her, "don't worry, it's our duty. We will find out the cause of your daughter's death. If he is really harmed, we will find out the murderer."

"Thank you, Captain Han. You are our benefactor." Said, Gao Aixia's mother will kneel down, Han Bin quickly helped each other.

Huang Qianqian also came to help, just put Gao Aixia's mother on the chair.

Han Bin saw Gao Aixia's mother a little excited, "Mrs. Gao, if you are not feeling well, you can go to the next lounge for a while. I'll make a note for Mr. Gao first."

Gao Aixia tone firm, "no, I'm ok, I want to stay here."

Han Bin is not in the whole, open to the mountain road, "well, let's start taking notes. What do you call them"My name is Gao Wenjun. I'm Gao Aixia's father." The man's voice is a little hoarse, his spirit is also a little low, and he looks haggard.

"My name is Xia Hongqi. I'm Gao Aixia's mother." The woman wiped her eyes, "Captain Han, where is my daughter? Can I see her?"

"Han Bin hesitated," we haven't found the body yet? "

"What? I didn't find it. How do you know it belongs to Aixia? " Gao Wenjun said.

Han Bin took out a picture and put it on the table. "We found it from the surveillance video. Here is a high-definition screenshot. You can identify whether the deceased is Gao Aixia. Before you look, I hope you two have a psychological preparation..."

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Before Han Bin could finish, Xia Hongqi snatched the photo and took a look at it. He was so scared that he threw the photo on the table and said, "Oh, how could this happen It's too... "

Han Bin added, "this is a picture of the dead body. If you're not ready, you'd better not look at it."

"Let me see." Gao Wenjun looked down and took a cold breath. "This The picture is a little blurry. Is there anything clearer? "

Han Bin shook his head. "Our technology department has done its best. This is the clearest picture."

Gao Wenjun looked carefully again, "like It's really like that. "

Xia Hongqi took the photo and looked at it carefully. "What is it like? This is Aixia. You father, how can you not recognize your daughter Wu Wu... "

Xia Hongqi cried, "my daughter, how can you die so miserably? Leave me and your father, let me live in the future."

"Why are you so cruel? Why did you leave us alone? Wuwu..."

Li Qin handed over a package of tissue, "aunt Xia, people can't come back to life after death, please be patient."

Xia Hongqi did not answer, still covered his face and cried.

Gao Wenjun put his arms around his wife and sobbed in a low voice.

After a while, the couple gradually calmed down.

When they are in a stable mood, Han Bin comes back with two glasses of water and puts them in front of them. "You are sure this is Gao Aixia."

"Sure, this is my daughter. How can I not know her?" Xia Hongqi said firmly and shook his head, "I can't think of I would rather die than see her like this again. "

Gao Wenjun hammered his chest: "how could my daughter be so miserable There is no chance to meet again. As soon as I think about it, I feel like... "

Hearing what they said, all the people present were relieved to confirm the identity of the victim before further investigation.

Han Bin organized a language, "when did Gao Aixia disappear?"

"I remember, I remember very well, this may 27th, and we've seen her since then."

"Can you be more precise, more specific?"

Gao Aixia recalled, "she left after lunch. It was less than two o'clock in the afternoon, and then there was no news."

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"Did she go alone or with others? How did she go?"

Gao Wenjun replied, "my daughter left alone. She said that a friend came to pick her up. She is not young, and we didn't think much about it. Who knows that something happened."

"Where does your family live? Where does Gao Aixia live? Did she say where to go with her friends? What are you doing? "

"Our family lives in Changdao district and Guangyi district. My daughter divorced and lives with us. She was a little irritable that day. I asked her where to go and she told me to leave it alone. When the child is old, he doesn't like to tell us anything. " Gao Wenjun sighed and continued,

"in the evening, she didn't come back and the phone couldn't get through, so we were in a bit of a hurry. Later, she sent a text message saying that she would not come back tonight and would stay at a friend's house. "

"Seeing her reply, we felt more secure. Plus she's a 30-year-old. Divorced again, we thought it might be to make a new boyfriend, so we didn't ask again. "

"The next day, I called my daughter again, the phone was still unanswered, and there was no reply to the text message, which made us even more worried. I made a phone call with my relatives and friends, but I didn't know where Aixia was. Later, we called the police

"Who knows, no one has been found. We We already have a bad feeling in our hearts. I didn't expect that... "

Gao Wenjun couldn't speak any more. He covered his face and choked.

Xia Hongqi yelled, "police comrades, you must avenge my daughter and catch his killer. I will repay you in my next life. "

Han Bin advised, "Ms. Xia, we are police. It's our duty to protect the people. You don't have to."

"Comrade police, you don't know that there is only one daughter in our family. My daughter has been very obedient and strong since she was a child. She has always been our pride and the spiritual support of our old couple. Now that she's gone, it's meaningless for us to live. "On hearing this, Li Qin showed a worried look, "Auntie, you must not think so. You must take care of yourself. Gao Aixia is alive in the sky. I certainly don't want to see you so sad. "

Han Bin also advised, "yes, Ms. Xia, we have just taken over the case, and we don't know much about it. We need your help to solve the case. If you fall ill, who will take revenge for your daughter and catch her killer."

Xia Hongqi raised his head, clenched his fist and muttered to himself, "yes, I want to catch the murderer and avenge my daughter."

"Ask, comrade police. I will tell you as long as I know."

Han Bin breathed a sigh of relief and finally got back to the point.

Han Bin also took out the photos of Wu Jianfei's corpse, "I have another photo. I want to ask you to identify it, but this photo is also a corpse. I hope you can have a psychological preparation."

Xia Hongqi took a deep breath, "no problem, as long as I can catch my daughter's killer, I'm not afraid."

Gao Wenjun echoed, "me too. As long as it helps to solve the case, I'm not afraid."

Han Bin turned the photo to the front and handed it to them.

Gao Wenjun first took the photos to see, and Xia Hongqi came to see.

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They looked at it seriously and didn't speak for a long time.

After a while, Han Bin said, "you two, do you know the people in the picture?"

Xia Hongqi patted his forehead. "I look familiar, but I can't remember for a while."

"You're looking at it." Han Bin suggested that if the two sentences can be linked, it is likely to find a breakthrough point in the case.

Gao Wenjun took the photo and looked away. "I'm familiar with it. What's the name of this man?"

"This man's surname is Wu Jianfei."

Gao Wenjun and his wife thought carefully, looked at each other and shook their heads.

Gao Wenjun said, "it looks familiar, but I can't remember who it is."

Han Bin took out his mobile phone, "Mr. Gao, I'll add your wechat later and send you a photo. You can ask Gao Aixia's relatives and friends to help identify it."

"Good." Gao Wenjun agreed happily, "what does this man do? What does it have to do with my family, Aixia? "

Han Bin explained, "this person may also be one of the victims. If we find the relationship between her and your daughter, maybe we can find the murderer by following the rattan."

Xia Hongqi patted her chest and said, "OK, don't worry. We'll take care of this."

Han Bin opened his notebook and continued to ask, "is there anything unusual in the period before Gao Aixia disappeared?"

Xia Hongqi swayed back and forth, "the others are nothing, just a little grumpy. At that time, I thought she was not sensible, she was so grown-up and willful. Now I think she may have really met something. Blame me... "

"If I had cared more about her at that time, maybe she would not have died."

Li Qin comforted, "there is no if in the world, and it's not your fault. If a person deliberately wants to kill Gao Aixia, you can't stop him. "

Han Bin asked, "why did Gao Aixia divorce at the beginning?"

"Aixia is a strong person in our family, but her husband is a lazy and lazy person. How many times did the two quarrel over this matter, but they didn't cross the barrier in the end. " Xia Hongqi sighed, "today's young people are spoiled. They can't stand any grievances. They don't take their feelings seriously. They say divorce means divorce."

"Divorce was a great event in our time. Today's young people don't take divorce for granted. "

Han Bin then asked, "do you have any suspects about Gao Aixia's murder?"

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