Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 717: 717

Municipal Criminal Investigation Brigade, office of the second squadron.

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After Han Bin and others returned to the market, Huang Qianqian had already bought breakfast.

Han Bin's breakfast is two rougamo and a tea egg, a bag of milk.

Han Bin has been hungry for a long time. After a few stutters, he feels at ease.

Bao Xing said vaguely, "this couple is really a jerk. We've been squatting all night."

"They're divorced," Huang asked

Bao Xing replied, "it's probably for debt evasion and fake divorce."

Li Qin sighed, "it's very hateful. It's not only a waste of time, but also interferes with the direction of the case investigation."

Huang Qianqian asked, "what about Gao Aixia? How do you convict her? "

Jiang Yang is also full of fire, "I think how to also have to give her a block law enforcement official, otherwise it is too irritating."

Wang Xiao wiped his mouth, "conviction also has to be based on, she has not contacted the police, if only admit to debt evasion, do not admit to report false police how to do?"

Han Bin thought, "it's Gao Aixia's parents who report to the police. Only by proving that they collude with each other, can Gao Aixia be convicted."

Huang Qianqian touched her chin, "will Gao Aixia's parents really not know that Gao Aixia is still alive? "

Han Bin shook his head," the possibility of not knowing is very small. "

Before taking notes for Gao Aixia's parents, Han Bin felt that they were not normal and seemed to have something to hide. Now it seems that they should have known for a long time that Gao Aixia's disappearance was false and debt evasion was true.

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Li Qin said, "we found a mobile phone in Gao Aixia. The mobile phone has a password. I think we can take it to unlock it. Maybe we can find something in it."

Han Bin nodded and said, "after dinner, everyone will act separately. First, let the technology department help unlock the mobile phone. Second, take Gao Aixia's parents to the police station for questioning."



Two o'clock in the afternoon.

City Criminal Investigation Brigade, third interrogation room.

Gao Aixia was taken to the interrogation room, with her shoulders collapsed and her eyebrows frowned. She looked sad.

Even Han Bin, Li Qin, Bao Xing three people into the interrogation room, she did not find.

"Bang!" Han Bin throws the information on the table, which makes Gao Aixia startled.

"Ah, you are here at last. I admit that I am Gao Aixia, comrade police. If you have any questions, just ask. I am willing to cooperate."

Hanbin some accident, "so quickly figured out?"

"Yes, I have. Make it clear earlier, and you can let me go earlier. I'll take care of it earlier. "

"What do you want to deal with?"

Gao Aixia showed a wry smile, "of course, it's my debt. If I go out late, it's estimated that the creditors will surround the door of your police station."

Bao Xing snorted, "don't just think about good things, and don't look at where it is. You can go out if you want to?"

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Gao Aixia retorted, "why can't I go out? What law have I broken? I just went out to hide debt for a few days? If it's against the law to evade debts, how many people will be caught. "

Li Qin solemnly said, "it's not against the law to evade debts, but you are suspected of reporting false police and obstructing law enforcement. We were originally investigating a very important case because you deliberately pretended to be the dead, which affected the investigation progress of the case. This one alone is enough for sentencing."

Gao Aixia worried, "police comrade, you can't talk nonsense. How can I pretend to be the dead on purpose? The dead can't speak. I never said that I was dead. I just went out to avoid debt. I don't know anything else. "

Han Bin flipped through his notebook, "you don't know about your parents' missing report?"

"I know."

"You gave them the idea?"

"No, I didn't know they reported missing. My husband told me later."

"Who's your husband?"

"Su Wentong."

"Aren't you two divorced?"

"Divorce can also remarry. Besides, it's just a name. Those young people who fall in love don't know each other for a few days? I can't say that just because I'm old. " Gao Aixia is eloquent.

"Is there any connection between you and your parents after May 27?"


"Was it your idea that your parents came to the police station to identify the body on purpose?"

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Gao Aixia did not hesitate, "no, I didn't know in advance. I heard from my husband yesterday. I didn't expect that they would admit me wrong. And I want to solemnly say that they don't pretend to admit it, but they love their daughter. It's not against the law

Han Bin picked up a mobile phone with a pink cover from his desk and said, "is this your mobile phone?"


"Is the cell phone card in it yours?"

Gao Aixia nodded slightly."Speak up."


"We checked the owner of this mobile phone number, which is the mobile phone number of your father's nephew, that is, your cousin. According to your cousin, this is what your father asked him on May 25, and this mobile phone number has been used by you all the time. Your father never mentioned this when he reported missing."

"In other words, your father knows very well that your disappearance is false and your debt evasion is true."

Han bingdun, continued, "in addition, we also found that you registered wechat with this mobile phone number, and have been in contact with your mother's wechat. You two will send voice messages every few days."

Gao Aixia clenched her fist and cried, "impossible."

"You are very careful. After every chat, you will delete the chat record, but the technology department has restored the chat content, including the discussion between you and your parents about pretending to recognize the body," Han said

"What's more, your parents were arrested at the police station this morning, and they have confessed. With the available evidence, we can directly convict you."

Gao Aixia's body trembled slightly, with a cry, "you can't do this, I'm just escaping from debt, I didn't want to commit a crime, you can't lock me up here, I don't want to go to jail."

Li Qin advised, "if you confess, you should be lenient and if you resist, you should be strict. As long as you have a good attitude towards pleading guilty, the police will provide you with a certain commutation policy. And if you are stubborn and stubborn, you will only get a heavier sentence. "

"Wuwu..." Gao Aixia cried, "I don't want to commit a crime. I just want to live a new life. Why is it so difficult..."

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Li Qin walked over to her and handed her some paper towels. "Your parents and your husband have all signed up. It's meaningless for you to carry on. You take the initiative to plead guilty and fight for commutation. Your family can get out of prison as soon as possible."

I don't know if Gao Aixia cried even more when she heard four neat words, "what can I do when I go out? How can I pay back when I owe so much money?"

Li Qin said seriously, "escape is not the way, even if you do not take the initiative to plead guilty, increase the sentence, go out to pay back the money."

Gao Aixia wiped her nose and tears, "pay back the money. If I can pay back the money, I won't divorce my husband, let alone play missing."

"Why did you spend all the money you borrowed?"

"I started to make a lot of money with my friends, and started to buy cars, bags and cosmetics. They are all international famous brands. Later, when I was trapped, I borrowed money from the people around me. In order to borrow money, I promised high interest and demolished the east wall to make up for the west wall. The more we borrow, the greater the deficit. Later I've lost my share. I can't afford to pay it back. " Gao Aixia said that she was more and more sad, and her tears kept pouring out.

"I did things by myself, took all the debts to myself, and divorced my husband. However, our two feelings are still there and we still live together. I can't pay my colleagues back and quit my job. Later, the creditors asked me for money, so I had to pretend to be missing to escape. "

"Han Bin asked," since you have pretended to be missing, why do you let your parents pretend to be dead? "

"There are so many smart people in the world. Most of my creditors don't believe in my disappearance. They often go to my parents' and my husband's houses to make trouble. I just want to solve it once and for all and make them believe that I'm really dead. As long as they get the death certificate, they will die and their debts will be written off. " Gao Aixia took a long breath, showing a look of longing, "in that way, I can have a new life."

"Do you admit that you instigated your parents to commit suicide?"

Gao Aixia hesitated for a while and nodded, "yes, I admit that I am the mastermind. My parents just listened to me. They have suffered many crimes with me. Please let the police treat my parents leniently. I am willing to bear the main responsibility."

Han Bin closed the notebook, "if you had this responsibility long ago, you would not have come to this step."

Gao Aixia's eyes were dull, and her voice said, "it's really tiring to live. I just want to take a shortcut to make my life easier. I didn't expect that But let oneself and family fall into abyss, high debt is like a bottomless pit, I really don't know how to face I can only escape. "

"Do you know how much impact this kind of behavior will have on the police investigation?"

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