Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 718: 718

Huayuan community, room 1201.

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Han Bin leans on the sofa to rest, feeling a little depressed. Although Gao Aixia and his gang are arrested, there is no progress in the investigation of the female corpse case.

The investigation of the case was wrong, and a lot of time was wasted.

Wang Ting went to the back of the sofa and put her hands on Han Bin's shoulder. "Today is not very tired. I'll give you a massage."

Han Bin patted Wang Ting's right hand, "good."

Wang Ting began to help Han Bin massage shoulder, then neck, head, technique is not professional, but very gentle.

Han Bin said with a smile, "yes, it's much more comfortable than the massage chair."

Wang Ting concerned about the way, "see you are in a bad mood today, is not work smoothly?"

Han Bin nodded slightly, "it's really a little disturbing."

Wang Ting advised, "I know you attach great importance to your work, but you can never finish it. If you are tired out, it's still you who suffer."

Han Bin yawned, "you're right. I really put too much emphasis on my work. In the future, it will be right to combine work with rest. "

Han Bin reflected that he really put too much energy on his work and even affected his life.

That doesn't bode well.

In the past, there was an old man who also worked in the criminal investigation team, because he put most of his energy on his work and ignored his family, his wife and children. When he was middle-aged, he divorced his wife and was not close to his children, so he devoted himself to work all day.

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Later, because of excessive fatigue, physical problems, can no longer go out of the field, can only do some internal work.

The career is gone, the family is gone, and the spirit of the whole person is gone.

Han Bin doesn't want to be like the other party. After work, Han Bin still hopes to have some personal life.

Han Bin patted Wang Ting's hand, "Tingting, you sit here and tell me what are you busy with these two days?"

Wang Ting sat on the sofa and leaned her head on Han Bin's shoulder. "What can I do? Look at my mobile phone, listen to music, practice yoga, and then cook, waiting for you to come back."

Han Bin asked, "didn't you study your second career?"

"That's true." Wang Ting sat up straight and said, "I've read some materials on the Internet these two days, saying that the most promising industry in the future is medical and education, and I don't understand medical. As for education, I've been to a university. I think I can study it. "

"You want to work in education?"

"Don't I happen to have a store? The location is pretty good. The surrounding areas are all high-end residential areas. I think I can run a study class. "

Han Bin showed a curious look, "what kind of class?"

"Young children, as for the specific stage, I haven't figured out yet."

Han Bin shook his head, "it's not easy to deal with children."

"Now there's nothing easy. If it's really easy, you can't make money."

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"So you don't want to be in the catering industry at all?"

Wang Ting hesitated, "that's not true. I've been watching. The rest of the catering industry is a little bit better. Japanese food has been greatly impacted in China. I think the business will not be very good this year. "

"I'll have a good study during this period. It's good to have one more way."

Han Bin nodded, "you have to think about it. Don't worry. Take your time. Although the education industry has a good prospect, it also has great competition. It's not easy to start from scratch. We should plan to lose money. "

Wang Ting's pretty face showed a touch of cunning, "yes, so I've been studying recently. I'm going to work in a preschool education institution to see how they operate."

Han Bin reminds, "this idea is good, but it's better to find a shop far away from your bottom business, so that even if you are also engaged in the education industry in the future, you won't compete with the place where you worked before."

"Well, you think so."

"Ding Ling Ling..." At this time, Han Bin's mobile phone rings, and Guo Tianxu's mobile phone is displayed on the screen.


Guo Tianxu's voice came from the mobile phone, "Han Bin, how is the peripheral relationship of the female corpse checked?"

"Not so much." Han Bin sighed and simply said, "the woman we found is not dead. She pretends to be missing just to escape debt. For once and for all, the family members tried to cheat the police to get the death certificate. Fortunately, we were able to find out in time, otherwise the investigation direction of the case would have been misled by them. "

Guo Tianxu was a little bit surprised, "and such a thing?"

"Yes, it delayed the investigation time in vain and made the team members angry."

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Guo Tianxu exhorted, "well, anger can't solve the problem. Sort out your ideas and check again."

"Master, what's the matter with you?"

"I was just about to tell you. I inquired about it in Qindao Medical College, and there were other employees who had heard about the loss of the general teacher five years ago. However, these people only heard about it, and no one had any actual evidence. " Guo Tianxu pauses and goes on,"I asked the director of the previous teaching and Research Office, who was also responsible for managing the general teacher. His answer was very clear. There was no loss of the general teacher five years ago."

Han Bin thought, "that is to say, as before, many people have heard similar rumors, but the official attitude denies it."

"Not bad." Guo Tianxu answered and continued, "after all, it was five years ago. It's a long time in the past, and the school hasn't called the police. It's really not easy to deal with this matter."

There is a certain truth in the saying that the people do not promote officials.

After chatting for a while, Han Bin hung up his cell phone.

As Guo Tianxu said, it has been five years since this incident happened. Regardless of whether the general teacher really lost it, it is not easy to find out.

What's more, if it turns out that it has nothing to do with this case in the end, it's a waste of time.

Now the focus of the investigation is still on the source of the corpse.


The next morning.

After eating Wang Ting's love breakfast, Han Bin goes straight to the Public Security Bureau.

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If there is no new progress in the case, we can only go back to the previous clues.

Wu Jianfei's wife Chen Shanmei was invited to the police station again, and Li Qin and Bao Xing were responsible for taking notes for her.

When Han Bin is preparing to listen in, Ma Xiwen of the technology department walks into the office.

Hanbin know each other this point, it is likely that the detection has new progress, considering that Chen Shanmei is taking notes, Hanbin will he invited out of the office.

Han Bin handed him a cigarette, "brother Ma, someone in the room makes a record, so you can only have a cigarette outside."

Ma Xiwen took the cigarette and said, "it's the same everywhere. "

Han Bin took a puff of his cigarette and said," what's the good news? "

Ma Xiwen will hand a document to Han Bin, "from the photo database than out of a new suspected female corpse."

Han Bin took the document, subconsciously asked, "or from the missing persons database?"

Mahevin shrugged his shoulders. "No, to be exact, it should be a theft."

Han Bin some wonder, "this female corpse is the suspect of theft?"

Ma Xiwen shook his head. "Three months ago, the municipal funeral home lost a female corpse, which is very similar to the female corpse in the surveillance."

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