Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 725: 725

Han Weilong was worried, and his eyes were wide open. "Comrade police, you can't talk nonsense about this. I just chat with my friends normally. How can it become a message to the suspect. You can't put a hat on me

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Bao Xing sneered, "Oh, your mouth is still very hard."

"Comrade police, I'm telling the truth."

Han Bin's words changed, "who is that old money?"

"Just a friend."

"Where did you meet? "

Han Weilong hesitated for a moment," I met him online. "

"Do you know his name?"

"I don't know."

"Have you met him in person?"


"Invite him to your house without even seeing anyone? Are you not afraid that he is a bad man? "

"Captain Han, you policemen deal with bad people every day. Everyone looks like bad people, but we are different. I feel like I've got a lot of good people around me and I don't have so much thought. "

Han Bin laughed, "listen to what you mean, but our thinking is not normal."

"No, I dare not say that."

"What's the purpose of his coming to your house?"


"What are you playing with?"

"Go around the house and recognize the door. You'll be familiar with it when you come and go."

Han Bin changed his pen. "It's true that there is a contact process from a stranger to a friend, but the problem is that you were on the night shift at the funeral home that night, and you weren't at home at all. Even if Lao Qian goes to your home, he still can't see you. He may not even be able to enter the door. "

"What's more, the content of the conversation between you two is not reasonable at all."

"Captain Han, people are not the same, and the way of chatting is also different. Some people like to drink coffee, others like to eat garlic. Is that right?"

Han Bin said, "don't avoid the heavy and take the light. You were not at home at that time. What did the old money do at your home?"

Han Weilong was stunned. "Yes, I'm not at home, but my wife is at home."

Jiang Yanggang drank a mouthful of water, and almost spewed out, "brother, you have a big heart. Let a stranger you have never met go home, and let your wife receive you. You are not afraid of anything."

Han Weilong does not think, "police comrade, I still say that, there are so many bad people in the world. Besides, they are all friends."

Bao Xing said curiously, "how does your wife get along with your friends? What do they talk about?"

Han Weilong spread his hand, "I don't know, because my friend didn't go later."

Han Bin asked, "have you ever contacted me after that?"

"No, I deleted that software later, and I couldn't get in touch with it."

"Why delete that chat software?"

"I don't have enough memory in my mobile phone, so I wanted to delete some software. As a result, I deleted that software by mistake. Later, I couldn't remember the account and password of the software, so I didn't log in again, and Lao Qian didn't contact me."

"What a coincidence."

Han Weilong nodded, "it's a coincidence."

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"So you don't know the identity of the old man."

"Yes, I haven't met him, and I don't know his name."

Han Bin opened a piece of information, "you don't know, I can tell you. That "old money" is just an account name. His surname is not Qian. His name is Li zhantong

When Han Bin and others arrested Han Weilong, Wang Xiao had found the identity information of Lao Qian, but he had not found the whereabouts of the other party.

"Is the name familiar to you?"

Han Weilong stammered, "no I'm not familiar with it. "

"Now that you know, do you want to meet him?"

"Meet?" Han Weilong was a little flustered. "How can we meet? Is it You've got him

"Yes, he's in the interrogation room next door. If he was honest, he might have come out by now. What's more, we've even caught you, the principal criminal. He can't even carry it. "

"Principal offender? Who is the principal offender? How can I be the principal offender? "

Han Bin pulled out his ear, "since it's a gang, there must be an organizer, and the organizer is naturally the principal offender. When we came in, Li zhantong had already confessed you, saying that you were the main culprit of the theft, and he was just a driver, and he didn't even touch the body. "

"According to the law, your charges and sentence are much heavier than his. He may be released after a period of time, but you Tut Tut, but I've got some. "

"Captain Han, how can you believe what he said? I'm an employee of the funeral home. How can I be the main culprit of the theft? He's just framing me."

Han Bin knocked on the information on the table, "people have given you up, and there are chat messages as evidence, you are not the principal offender, who is the principal offender? This case has to be taken care of. "

After hearing Han Bin's meaningful words, Han Weilong shivered, "Comrade police, I'm not the main culprit. Besides, what can chat information prove? It's just nonsense."Han Bin snorted, "you are still sophistry, your chat is basically in the delivery of information, Li zhantong also helped us translate."

"The meaning of that sentence is that I am playing mahjong with three night watchmen. You can come and steal the body, but don't make too much noise to disturb them. I'll keep an eye on it for you

"Li zhantong's explanation is more convincing than your nonsense."

Han Weilong lowered his head and scratched his hair. "Captain Han, I'm wronged. That grandson is framing me."

"Bang!" As soon as Bao Xing patted the table, he said, "don't talk nonsense. Where is the body hidden?"

"I don't know. How can I know where the body is?"

"You are the mastermind. You planned this theft. Who knows?" Bao Xing tone more severe, "said, what is the purpose of your stealing the body?"

Han Weilong knocked on the interrogation chair, "how can I become the mastermind? I'm more unjust than Dou e."

"Dong Dong..." Just then, there was a knock on the door.

Han Bin turned to Jiang Yang and said, "go and have a look. Maybe Li zhantong's trial is over. We'll close the case here. "

"Kaka..." Jiang Yang moved his finger, "this case has been tossed for several days, and finally it can be concluded."

Han Weilong held the interrogation chair in both hands and leaned forward. "Captain Han, what's the case? I haven't said anything yet."

Han Bin took out his mobile phone, opened it and said carelessly, "you are not the only one who committed crimes by gangs. If you don't say it, your gangs will also say it. There are both human and material evidence, and someone comes forward to testify against you. It doesn't make much difference whether you say it or not. You can be judged as well. "

"They made it clear that they were framing me," Han exclaimed

"Bang!" Bao Xing slapped the table and yelled, "what are you yelling! Who framed you? With evidence and witnesses, your gang has made it clear. How can they frame you up? "

Han Weilong said, "they are working together to frame me. I'm not the mastermind at all. I'm the one who let the wind blow. They gave me the idea to steal the body. They paid me to be an insider and help me pass the news."

Han Bin put down his cell phone, "what's the use of saying this now? What have you done. They have evidence. What evidence do you have

"I also have evidence that Li zhantong gave me money. The principal gives money to the accomplice. Have you ever seen the accomplice give money to the principal

"Li zhantong never said anything about money. Don't open your mouth."

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"He really gave me money. Li zhantong transferred the money to my sister's wechat."

Han Bin wrote down in his notebook, "how much did he transfer?"

"Thirty thousand."

"When did it turn?"

"He turned twice, before and after the crime. You can find them all. "

"What's your sister's name?"

Han Weilong hesitated, "Han Weiyan."

"Contact information and home address?"

Han Weilong prayed, "Comrade police, what I said is true. Don't contact my family. I really don't want to implicate them."

Bao Xing glared at him, "now I know that I'm implicating my family. What did you do earlier?"

"I really know it's wrong. My sister has given me the money. Can I turn it over to the police?"

Han Bin said, "it's not about money. Since your sister is also involved in the case, we also need to ask her."

"Captain Han, what are you looking for? She didn't know anything, but she collected a sum of money for me. "

Bao Xing was a little impatient. "You don't need to teach the police how to investigate. Tell her contact information and address. We'll check with her."

Han Weilong hesitated for a while, knowing that he couldn't avoid this, he said Han Weiyan's contact information and address.

Han Bin continued, "what's your role in this theft?"

"I just help deliver the message. I didn't participate in the rest. I belong to the person who let the wind blow. I'm not familiar with the suspects of theft. They are the gang. That's why they work together to frame me as the mastermind. "

Han Bin wrote in his notebook, "how did you get in touch with them?"

"It was Li zhantong who found me. He bought me a drink and asked me if I was short of money. I said who is not short of money these days. Then, he asked me to keep an eye on it. There was a young female corpse in the funeral home. Let me tell him that it will benefit me then. " Han Weilong sighed,

"I was a little puzzled at that time. When I asked him what he was doing, he told me not to ask so many questions, and also said that it was necessary for me to pay for the benefits."

"After a period of time, Lu Yuee's body was sent to the funeral home. I took the opportunity to find Du Shun and went to the morgue to have a look. Meeting Li zhantong's requirements, I contacted Li zhantong."

"At this time, Li zhantong asked me to help steal the body. My first reaction was to refuse. After all, I eat this bowl of rice. If the funeral home finds out, my rice bowl will be ruined."Bao Xing asked, "why did you tell him before?"

"I didn't expect him to break the law. I thought he was an underground matchmaker. If they contacted their families directly, as long as they agreed, there would be no problem. If you help my friends, I can earn some wine money. That's not very good."

"Why did you promise him again later?"

Han Weilong sighed, "if you say that Li zhantong is really a character, he gave my sister 10000 Yuan directly, and said that he would give another 20000 yuan after it was completed, which is 30000 yuan at a time. I've worked hard for a year and I can't save the money. Can I not be moved? "

"Later I agreed in a muddle

"What's your relationship with Li zhantong and how did he find you?"

"Drinking together, we all have friends in common." Speaking of this, Han Weilong said with some emotion, "many people know that I work in the funeral home, will instinctively have some resistance, and even some people look down on me, so many years I am used to it."

"Li zhantong is different. After he knew about my work, he didn't alienate me. We two had a good chat. We had dinner together several times and became friends as soon as we came and went."

"Now think about it, he may have been thinking about it for a long time. Sure enough, he has nothing to do with his gallantry. He is either a traitor or a thief."

Han Bin asked, "why did Li zhantong steal the body?"

Han Weilong shook his head. "I don't know. I asked. He laughed and told me not to ask. He said it was for my good."

"As soon as I hear whether this tone is good or not, I don't dare to ask more. More is better than less."

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"How many people are there in your theft gang?"

Han Weilong said, "Captain Han, in fact, I'm not in a group with them. I'm just looking for someone to let the wind go."

Han Bin did not entangle this point, continued to ask, "in addition to Li zhantong, who else do you know in this theft gang?"

"I knew that Li zhantong was the only one who had no contact with other people. I only knew that three of them were involved in the theft."

"How do you get in touch with Li zhantong?"

"It's usually telephone calls and normal communication, but it's not easy to be suspected."

"You're quite experienced. Are you still in touch?"

Han Weilong shook his head, "no, I know his work is not clean, and I don't want to make trouble for myself."

"Where does Li zhantong's family live?"

Han Weilong heard something wrong, "Captain Han, don't you have caught him?"

Han Bin said, "we haven't found the body yet. If you can help us find Lu Yuee's body, it's a meritorious service. You can give us a certain commutation policy."

"I really don't know. I'm not with them, but I provided them with some information that night. I don't know what they are going to do, let alone where the body is?"

"Where is Li zhantong's family? Have you been there? "

"Once, he invited me to drink. The yard is very big, just over there in the northern suburb of the Southern District of the city."

"Tell me the exact address?"

"Xihua village, on the north side of the village, next to a piece of land, has a big yard. I've been there just once

"Can you still find it?"

"No problem."

Han Bin didn't ask any more questions. Han Weilong thought Li zhantong had been arrested, so he explained so quickly. If he asked more questions, Han Weilong would be suspicious.

"Take a rest first, and then take us to Li zhantong's house. As long as you can find the woman's corpse, you'll make a great contribution."

Han Weilong asked, "did Li zhantong not account for the whereabouts of the body?"

Han Bin feels that Han Weilong should be suspicious, "he now insists that you are the mastermind, saying that he doesn't know where the body is hidden?"

"He lied. I didn't know." Han Weilong was anxious and worried. "Officer Han, if I take you to his house and find the body, you won't doubt that I'm the mastermind, will you?"

Han Bin said, "you also said that it was Han Weilong's family. What does it have to do with you?"

"Yes, you're absolutely right. I'll take you to his house now to expose this grandson."

"Take a break, and you'll be called when you leave." Han Bin finished, packed up and left the interrogation room.

Han Bin reported the situation to Ma Jingbo. After getting Ma Jingbo's permission, he went through the application procedures, and then escorted the suspect Han Weilong to Xihua village.


An hour later, Han Bin and others arrived at Xihua village.

In order to avoid frightening others, Han Bin did not bring too many people, only two cars.

In addition to a group of players, Han Bin also called he Yingsheng and Zhang shungu.

Two cars stopped in front of a house in the village. The window came down. Han Weilong looked out through the window and pointed his hands out. "Yes, that's the family. Last time I went there, Li zhantong was the only one."Han Bin walks out of the car alone and turns around the house. The door is locked from the outside. Han Bin stands at the door for a while and can't hear anything.

Han Bin waved, and the team members came down from the car one after another.

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"Sister Li, you go to the neighborhood and ask what's going on in this family."

"Yes." Li Qin answered and turned to a nearby family.

After a while, Li Qin came out from her neighbor's house, "Han team, according to the neighbor, this family moved to Quancheng earlier, and the house has been rented to other people."

"I showed them the photos of Li zhantong, and they confirmed that Li zhantong lived here. However, according to them, they haven't seen Li zhantong these days, and they don't know where he went."

Han Bin asked, "is there anyone else here besides Li zhantong?"

Li Qin replied, "my neighbor said that I had seen Li zhantong bring outsiders before, but I haven't seen anyone come in and out these days."

Han Bin nodded, "the information provided by this neighbor is very important. However, it does not rule out that the suspect is hiding at home and deliberately forges the illusion that no one is at home. We should be careful when we enter the yard."

"Yes." The public responded.

Then, Han Bin arranges people to divide into two groups to enter the courtyard, one group from the neighbor's roof to borrow, the other group from the wall to jump down.

Two groups of people have entered the yard, the yard is very big, only three rooms, it seems some years.

The doors were locked and there was no sign of anyone in the window.

Han Bin ordered, "pry the door open, search room by room, pay attention to safety."

Everyone began to act separately. One group of people pried the door to enter, another group of people guarded around, searching room by room.

"No one found, safe!"

For three consecutive reports of safety, three rooms were searched.

Han Bin shouts, "check to see if there are any suspicious items."

"Han team, some domestic garbage was found in the house at the west end."

"Several empty boxes of fans and heaters were found in the east room. But no fans or heaters were found

Han Bin frowned, now is a hot day, with fans can understand, with electric heater to do, and a buy or several, "other rooms have not seen the fan and electric heater."


"There's no room either."

Han Bin glanced at the yard. Although there was a pile of debris on the west side of the yard, he didn't see the electric heater and fan.

Did the suspect take these things away or hide them somewhere in the yard?

"Go over it again and see if there's any hiding place in the house and yard."

"Yes." The crowd began to split up.

There are people searching the house, knocking on the walls, looking under the bed, searching the roof.

Someone was looking in the yard, rummaging, stomping the floor, checking the toilet.

After a while, Bao Xing called, "team Han, a cellar has been found here."

Han Bin and others immediately walked in the past, whispered, "everyone be careful, the suspect may be hidden below."

Han Bin and others took out their weapons, ready to catch, Bao Xingmeng opened the cellar, a disgusting smell floated out.

Wang Xiao took a flashlight and took a picture inside. "Team Han, there is no one in the cellar, but I saw a coffin

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