Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 726: 726

Han Bin also took a flashlight in the cellar. In addition to the most eye-catching coffin, several fans, electric heaters and a pile of sand were found in the cellar.

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"Jiang Yang, you go down with me. The others are waiting outside."

"Team Han, I'll take the lead." Without the slightest hesitation, Jiang Yang packed up his equipment and prepared to go down to the cellar.

Han Bin stops him and gives him a mask.

Jiang Yang wears a mask and goes down the ladder to the cellar. After he goes down, Han Bin also goes down.

Bao Xing volunteered, "team Han, I'll go down, too."

Han Bin didn't answer immediately. He looked at the cellar carefully and found that it was quite spacious. Then he gestured to Bao Xing to let him down.

After they went down to the cellar, they searched in the cellar and finally gathered together beside the coffin.

Han Bin took out a pistol and warned, "you two put on gloves and open the lid of the coffin."

Bao Xing took a deep breath. Although he was ready when he came down, he was still a little nervous when it came to the end.

Han Bin stretched out his finger, counting to three, Jiang Yang and Bao Xing work together to open the coffin.

Originally, Han Bin was ready for the smell, but when the coffin lid was opened, he didn't smell too much putrescence.

Han Bin takes a flashlight and looks inside. At a glance, he sees a transparent vacuum bag with a mummy in it. His body has been dried, just like an Egyptian mummy.

Bao Xing put down the lid of the coffin and took a look in the coffin

Jiang Yang frowned, "it can't be the body stolen from the ancient tomb by the tomb robbers."

"This coffin is still new. It should not be an ancient corpse." Han Bin turned to the side of the fan, electric heater and sand, "it seems that the body will be artificially dried."

Bao Xing pointed to the fan and heater, "just use these things."

Han Bin took a picture in the coffin with a mobile phone, "go up, let the comrades of the technology department carry out the next step of investigation."

After Hanbin three people came up, Wang Xiao asked, "team Han, did you find Lu Yuee's body?"

"Lu Yuee's body was not found, but a male mummy was found."

Wang Xiao asked, "is there any other dead?"

"I don't know."

Li Qin interjected, "could it be Wu Jianfei's body?"

Han Bin thought, "the corpse has been dried, and its appearance has changed a lot. I'm not sure whether this mummy is Wu Jianfei. We'll have to wait for someone from the technology department to identify it. "

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Bao Xing took off his gloves and clapped his hands. "It's really abnormal that the body is put into a bag for vacuum. This is what the TM do. "

Jiang Yang snorted, "only people can do this kind of thing."

"Li zhantong is suspected of committing a major crime. Only when we find him can we find out the truth. Sister Li, you call Qianqian and ask her to apply for a wanted warrant. "

" yes. "

"Li zhantong is very cunning. I'm afraid it's not easy to find him." After Wang Xiao found out Li zhantong, he asked the technology department to help locate the mobile phone number. As a result, he found that Li zhantong's mobile phone had stopped working, and there was no way to find it.

After a while, the technology department also rushed to the scene, carried out a comprehensive search of the cellar, the mummy was also transported back to the City Public Security Bureau for further testing.

When Han Bin and others left the scene, it was already eight o'clock in the evening. Han Bin reported the situation to Ma Jingbo on the phone, and he did not return to the Municipal Bureau.

Today, Wang Ting is not here. Han Bin doesn't know what time he is busy, so he doesn't ask his parents to leave a meal. He doesn't bother to cook by himself, so he simply asks everyone to have a meal together.

Lao Niu's home cooking.

This restaurant is recommended by Zhang shungu. It's said that this restaurant has two characteristics: one is belly wrapped meat, and the other is stewed noodles.

The so-called tripe wrapped meat is to put mutton into the tripe and cook it, and then dip it in the seasoning to eat it. This dish is difficult to make. If it's not good, the smell of mutton is too heavy. If it's too much seasoning, it loses its original flavor. There are not many restaurants that can make this dish.

It's common to make stewed noodles, but there are not many delicious places to make them. This restaurant focuses on stewed noodles. The meat is good meat, and the noodles are rolled by hand. It's very strong, the materials are sufficient, and the price is more expensive than ordinary noodles. A bowl of noodles costs more than 20 yuan.

However, a cent, a cent of goods, eat really authentic.

After dinner, Han Bin went home.

At home, Han Bin no longer think about the case, turn on the TV, while watching TV, while chatting with Wang Ting.

People should understand the combination of work and rest, so that work efficiency can be high.

In the morning, Han Bin goes to his parents' home for breakfast. Recently, Wang Huifang is addicted to health preservation. In the morning, he usually eats coarse cereals, either whole wheat bread or corn flour cakes. Han Bin hasn't eaten cakes for some time, and he still feels delicious once in a while.

During the meal, Han Bin asked about his uncle Wang Qingsheng. He learned that Wang Qingsheng was still setting up a stall in antique street. However, unlike before, setting up a stall is only a sideline business. His main business is to be an anchor. Setting up a stall is just to provide shooting materials.As soon as Han Bin saw the mummy, he would think of ancient tombs, antiques, and naturally Wang Qingsheng.

If you have time, Han Bin is going to antique street.

After dinner, Han Bin rushed to the City Public Security Bureau.

Han Bin did not return to the office, but went directly to the technology department.

Ma Xiwen is not in the technology department. He went back to sleep after he handed over the shift with his colleagues.

However, the test report of the mummy has come out.

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Han Bin returns to the office with the test report.

"Sit down, everyone. Let's have a meeting."

Huang Qianqian came over with a cup of coffee. "Han team, I'm just going to report to you. I've contacted Lu Yuee's boyfriend Ye Xinlong. He will come here this morning to take notes."

Han Bin nodded, indicating that he knew, and then threw the test report on the table, "have a look, the test report of the mummy has come out. According to the extracted DNA samples, this person is Wu Jianfei, the lost gross teacher of Qindao medical college."

Li Qin said with emotion, "ah, this Wu Jianfei's body donation was intended to contribute to the medical community, which can also be regarded as a charity for the benefit of all mankind. Now it has been turned into a mummy. How hateful these people are!"

Bao Xing subconsciously said, "if you look at it like this, the suspect just stole the body and didn't kill people. Should we investigate the case ourselves or hand it over to our colleagues in the police station?"

Wang Xiao said with a smile, "although this case is not a homicide case, it's more weird than a homicide case. Which police station dares to take over? Go ahead and find out. In fact, I'm curious. What's the purpose of the suspect? "

Jiang Yangdao said, "I have a guess that the suspect will not be the body of Wu Jianfei as a test object, the ultimate goal is to make Lu Yuee's body dry."

Bao Xing spread his hand, "and then? Why did he turn Lu Yuee's body into a mummy? "

Huang Qianqian brain hole big open, "can be because love Lu Yuee too much, want to make her a mummy, so you can always accompany in their side."

Han Bin shakes his head and laughs, "Qianqian, I can't see your taste is so heavy. You can't tell your cousin that. "

Huang Qianqian vomited tongue, "Han team, you also have the time to be afraid."

"I'm afraid it doesn't matter. Look at Bao Xing."

Bao Xing sneered, "this idea It's not very good

Huang Qianqian curls her lips, showing that it's none of your business.

Han Bin will talk back to the main topic, "test report also read, talk about your ideas."

Wang Xiao said, "I think the key to this case is to find Lu Yuee."

"Where to find it?"

Wang Xiao replied, "Li zhantong, he must have played an important role in this case. Moreover, I checked Li zhantong's file and found that he had a criminal record of theft, and more than once."

"Habitual thief."

"I think so."

Han Bin thought for a moment, "in fact, when I went to Qindao medical college to investigate the case, I thought that the general teacher was probably stolen. From the case of the funeral home, this conjecture is tenable. Medical schools are likely to have paid insiders, too. "

Li Qin frowned and said, "but now the problem is that we don't know when the teacher was stolen, and the school staff are also complicated. It's much more difficult to find out the inside of the school than the funeral home."

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Han Bin nodded, "I will talk to master Guo of Baohua police station and ask him to go to Qindao medical college to investigate."

"Another body of Wu Jianfei has been found. Please inform her wife to come and identify the body as soon as possible."

Huang Qianqian way, "Han team, have become mummies, still let her see the body?"

"Look at her personal will."

"Wang Xiao, Li Jie and Jiang Yang, there are three tasks to be assigned today. You can see for yourself."

"Of course, as long as people who know something about antiques know these aspects, I'll tell you some tips. I really don't want to tell them to ordinary people. They are absolutely easy to use and only professional people can understand them."

At this time, Wang Qingsheng saw a familiar figure, really said Han Bin, Han Bin will arrive.

Wang Qingsheng pointed to his mobile phone and motioned to Han Bin to wait for a while.

Han Bin nodded and pointed to the teahouse.

Wang Qingsheng will let Han Bin go first, and he will arrive soon.

Han Bin and Bao Xing go to the second floor of the teahouse.

Bao Xing looked down, just to see Wang Qingsheng's stall, "Han team, this is your uncle. He's quite big."

Han Bin smiles. It's the first time someone has used the word "burly" to describe Wang Qingsheng.

"He's much thinner than he used to be. He was fatter than he is now." Han Bin also had some accidents when he saw his uncle. He was thinner than before, at least 20 jin less.

Han Bin is still happy to see his uncle thinner, which is good for his health.

Han Bin drinks tea and looks at the pedestrians downstairs. He likes the leisurely feeling. He can also come out to touch salted fish when there is no case in the future."Creak..." A glottis ring, a fat figure came in.


Wang Qingsheng carrying two boxes, with baby like gently put on the wall, "binzi, how do you have time to come, this little brother is your friend?"

"Hello Uncle Wang. My name is Bao Xing. I'm a colleague of Captain Han."

"It's Comrade Bao Xing. Hello."

"You can call me Xiao Bao."

"Uncle, I've come to you to inquire about something." Han Bin picked up the teapot and poured a cup of tea for Wang Qingsheng.

Wang Qingsheng drank and wiped the sweat on his head with a paper towel, "it's better to cool down in this air-conditioned room. Let's talk. What's the matter?"

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"Yesterday, we found a male mummy in our investigation. I want you to help us have a look."

"Mummies?" Wang Qingsheng Leng for a moment, asked, "is it a tomb robbery?"

"We don't know. You'd better see for yourself." Han Bin takes out his mobile phone and finds out the photo taken yesterday.

Wang Qingsheng took it up and looked at it. "The coffin must be new. Why are the mummies still packed in vacuum bags? It can't be ancient corpses. Ancient corpses can't stand such abuse. Your picture is a little fuzzy. Is there anything clear? "

"Yes. I have it. " Bao Xing opened the bag, took out several photos from it and put them on the table.

Wang Qingsheng picked up the photo and looked at it carefully. "This mummy should not be an ancient corpse, there is no sign of excavation, and there are jewelry and clothes on the ancient corpse. It can't be so bare."

"Uncle, you are right. This corpse is not an ancient corpse, and the suspect has only been dead for a few months."

Wang Qingsheng threw the photo on the table, "how about you test me?"

"How can I? I'm here to consult you and learn from you. We've been investigating this case for some time, and two corpses have been stolen, but we don't know the purpose of the suspect. Based on your years of antique experience, can this kind of mummy be sold for money?"

Wang Qingsheng took a sip of tea and ate two pistachios. "It depends on what you say, three points on the goods and seven points on the packaging. As long as you pack well and have a good record, it's OK to make a little money. "

"So there are people who collect mummies?"

"Yes. Some people like the ancient mummies, just like the mummies, which are clearly priced in foreign collection circles. We have a long history in China. Some people want to collect ancient Chinese corpses, especially in the Han and Song dynasties. If there are more precious funerary objects, they may sell at a sky high price. "

Listening to you is better than reading for ten years.

Han Bin suddenly thought of a possibility, "uncle, can this mummy pass off as an ancient corpse?"

Wang Qingsheng laughs, "it's OK to cheat laymen and earn a little money, but it's impossible to sell at a high price."

"What if the customer looks wrong?"

Wang Qingsheng shook his head. "There are many kinds of customers in the antique business. One of them is to pick up a leak and buy a genuine product at a price far lower than the market price. It depends on his own eyesight. If you lose sight of it, you'll be washed away. "

"In this case, it's not allowed to ask someone to identify it. If you can really guarantee that it's genuine, why can people sell it to you at a price lower than the market price? Why can't they sell it to the auction house?"

"But some real collectors are not the same. They just go for the real products, not bad for money. The price is up to you. I just want the real product. I'll find a professional appraiser to help me identify it before I buy it. "

"Han Bin asked," that appraiser will not look away or be bribed

"Yes, everyone can't see clearly." After a pause, Wang Qingsheng continued, "but other collectors are not stupid. Who would spend millions or tens of millions on a fake. Generally, a C-14 identification will be made before purchase, but it can't be forged. "

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